Ketorolac: instructions for use, analogues, which helps

Ketorolac is a highly effective, non-narcotic drug with significant analgesic effect, and related to non-hormonal drugs with anti-inflammatory activity. Additionally reduces heat and prevents ...

Ibuprofen: indications for use in adults and children, release form

Ibuprofen is a fairly popular medicine, which is distributed throughout the world. This is one of the best analgesics that stop inflammatory processes. It remains to find out what the indications for the use of Ibuprofen are. Forms ...

Movalis: analogues are cheaper - in injections and in tablets

In the fight against pain caused by the inflammatory process, people are looking for effective analgesics. Movalis is considered one of the most effective and affordable drugs in the fight against ...

Nimesulide: instructions for use, what is prescribed?

You cannot tolerate acute pain: you must immediately take measures to eliminate it. Many as an "ambulance" resort to the drug "Nimesulide." How does it affect ...

Nurofen: instructions for use of syrup, tablets, suppositories and gel

Fever is a harbinger of many diseases. Getting to the treatment of pathology, it is necessary to bring down the fever and remove pain symptoms that can worsen the patient's condition. The drug "Nurofen" quickly ...

"Troxevasin": instructions for use, analogues, how to apply ointment, tablets, gel

If a state of health requires strengthening vessels in any part of the body, medications from the venotonic category are used. Troxevasin can also be attributed to them. Release form and composition A drug...

Lizobakt: instructions for use for children and adults, analogues

With ENT diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature, the use of local antiseptics is recommended. These drugs are designed to combat pathogenic microflora and maintain immunity. One such medicine is ...

Cialis: instructions for use, analogues to increase potency

Disorders of sexual function occur in men of any age. This condition is characterized by an absent or weakened erection, as well as premature ejaculation. To treat such disorders, ...

Aspirin: instructions for use

Aspirin is a non-steroidal drug with a wide spectrum of effects. It is used not only for pain or fever, but also for diseases of the cardiovascular system. However...

Hepatitis C: symptoms and treatment, how is it transmitted?

This disease is called the "silent killer" for the lack of characteristic signs and a high risk of complications. Chronic hepatitis C is most difficult to treat. Modern therapy, thanks to antiviral ...

Clotrimazole ointment: instructions for use for women and men, analogues

The tool is intended for external treatment of fungus. In the instructions for clotrimazole ointment, you can find a complete list of microbes sensitive to the drug. The medicine destroys the cells of the fungus or ...

Grenadine Syrup (Grenadine): composition, taste, how to cook at home. 5 cocktail recipes with ...

Thick and sweet grenadine syrup is added to alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. It not only adds sweetness to the drink, but also makes its color more saturated ...

Treatment of knee arthrosis: drugs, exercises, folk remedies, diet

Periodically aching pain in the knee joint while walking can signal the presence of such an unpleasant disease as arthrosis. The disease develops due to the destruction of cartilage, ...

Milgamma injections: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, the composition of vitamins, analogues

Very often, neurological ailments are accompanied by intolerable pains, from which, it seems, there is no deliverance. Nevertheless, for such situations there is a quick and easy way out - injections ...

Injections Mexidol: instructions for use, what is prescribed, analogues

Mexidol injections can help in various situations related to problems of the nervous system, and not only. The list of indications for use is quite wide, but the decision to ...

Atarax: instructions for use, for which tablets, analogues are prescribed

Increased anxiety, nervous tension - conditions that complicate professional activities, family life, rest. Atarax helps to cope with unreasonable fears and nervousness. Mild sedative, anxiolytic ...

Flebodia 600 or Detralex - which is better for varicose veins? Comparison of drugs: composition, price, indications ...

To find out what is best with varicose veins Flebodia 600 or Detralex, it is easier by comparing the characteristics. Compare the features of the composition, indications, cost of drugs. Find out whether it is possible to reduce ...

Ascorutin: instructions for use, indications, why and how to take, analogues

Ascorutin contains vitamins necessary for full human life. Thanks to them, the medicine serves to prevent various diseases, and is also included in the course ...

Paracetamol: composition, instructions for use, release form for children and adults

An agent with antipyretic properties should always be in the medicine cabinet, especially during seasonal colds. Doctors recommend the use of pharmaceuticals with paracetamol in the composition. What is it like ...

Folic acid (vitamin B9): instructions for use, for which women and men need it, how ...

Folic acid, folacin, or vitamin B9 is a compound that is produced by the human body, and it is also present in some foods. For the first time this enzyme was ...

Glycine: how to take tablets for adults and children, which means buccally, indications and instructions for ...

Depression, stress, problems with memory and concentration, insomnia and increased aggressiveness - these are the "charms" of a modern, saturated rhythm of life. If the body is not able ...

Ranitidine - what helps? Indications and instructions for use of tablets, analogues

The tool helps to eliminate the causes, symptoms and consequences of gastrointestinal diseases that occur against a background of changes in the secretion of gastric acid. Most patients need to know how the medicine works, ...

Amoxicillin tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, analogues

Some diseases can be eliminated only with the use of special medications - antibiotics. These are means that can destroy pathogenic microorganisms in a short time, which ...

Dicyclylene: instructions for use of oral contraceptive, composition, analogues of the drug

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of contraceptives, one of which is Dicyclylene. It not only protects a woman from an unwanted pregnancy, but also helps ...

Compress with dimexide: instructions for use of the concentrate for solution preparation

"Dimexide" is a popular pharmaceutical product used externally to reduce pain and stop the processes caused by inflammation. The solution also has pronounced antibacterial qualities. Compress with ...

Dexamethasone, eye drops: instructions for use, for which it is prescribed for adults and children, analogues

Ophthalmic drug - a corticosteroid substance, similar in action to hormones. Best of all, Dexamethasone eye drops help with inflammation of the membranes of the eye, allergic conjunctivitis. The drug is often prescribed ...

Dexamethasone: instructions for use, for what purpose, release forms, analogues

Dexamethasone is a hormonal drug, and is used in various branches of medicine. It belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids and in its chemical formula is close to the hormone ...

Treatment of pneumonia in adults and children: symptoms, diagnosis, possible complications, drugs and duration of treatment

Pneumonia (Pneumonia), which is also called pneumonia, is a disease of an infectious nature, proceeding against a background of pronounced symptoms. Pathogenic microorganisms localized in the organ, has ...

Erespal syrup: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues

Colds are perhaps the most common among the population. During the year, they can overtake repeatedly, accompanied by various symptoms and complications, therefore, with treatment, do not delay ...

Diclofenac: analogues are better and safer - list, release forms

There is a bias against strong painkillers. Many patients are also concerned about the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Diclofenac. Diclofenac analogs of selective action are considered relatively safe ...

Nimesil: analogues are cheaper - in powder and tablets, the active substance of the drug

A strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic agent is in demand in rheumatic diseases, toothache, and colds. Most adults pay attention to the safety of this group of drugs. Encouraging ...

Dexamethasone tablets: instructions for use, for what purpose, analogues of the drug

Dexamethasone tablets can, in a sense, be called a panacea.It is valued for its low allergenicity and excellent anti-inflammatory properties, it is used in the treatment of a huge number of diseases practically ...

Alpizarin: instructions for use of ointment and tablets, composition, analogues

Alpizarin is an active low-toxic antiviral medication of plant origin, which has the additional ability to suppress the vital activity of bacteria, fungi, inhibit their growth, relieve the inflammatory process and strengthen local ...

Mildronate - what is it prescribed for? Instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues

Mildronate or meldonium is an artificially synthesized substance. In its properties and effects on the body, it is similar to ordinary vitamins. Mildronate is involved in intracellular metabolism, ...

Midokalm: instructions for use, release form, indications and contraindications, active substance, analogues

Midokalm is classified as a direct muscle relaxant. For the most part, this medication is used in neurological practice and is recognized to be effective in more than 30 countries ...

Pancreatin tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, analogues

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a wide range of products that help improve digestive activity. But not all of them are affordable and suitable for each person ....

Miramistin for the throat: instructions for use of the solution and spray, antiseptic analogues

Our world is full of all kinds of bacteria, germs and viruses that cause various diseases in the human body. Scientists of the Soviet Union in the 70s of the last century succeeded ...

Kanefron tablets: instructions for use, composition, analogues of the drug

If there is a need to restore the healthy functioning of the urinary system, but do not want to clog the body with synthetic medicines, the best option is Kanefron tablets. They are made of medicinal ...

Piracetam: instructions for use, analogues of the drug in tablets and injections

Piracetam is an effective medicine and the main representative of the group of neurometabolic stimulants (nootropics), designed to improve higher mental functions. With high therapeutic efficacy it is used in therapy ...

Enterosgel analogues: cheaper Russian and foreign drugs, similar in application

Intestinal sorbents are taken orally in case of poisoning with food, drugs, alcohol, poisons. Enterosgel, analogues of the drug, doctors also prescribe for allergic and parasitic diseases. Enterosorbents help ...

Medication for pancreatitis: medications for the treatment of acute and chronic pancreatic inflammation

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas. It arises due to the fact that the enzymes necessary to ensure digestive processes are not produced in sufficient quantities. With such a disease ...

Duphaston: what is prescribed for pregnancy planning, instructions for use, composition, analogues

Hormones regulate the work of the whole organism, and female reproductive function depends directly on them. Duphaston is a hormonal drug containing an analogue of progesterone, the most important hormone that provides ...

How to treat osteochondrosis at home, which doctor to contact, medication

Diseases of the spine and joints are affected by office workers and workers whose work is associated with physical activity. They all turn to doctors of various specialties to find out ...

Treatment of insomnia: causes, treatment with folk remedies and drugs

Sleep disorders are one of the most painful symptoms of neurosis and other similar disorders. If such a phenomenon occurred only one or several nights, then ...

Mexidol: for what tablets and injections are prescribed, instructions for use, analogues of the drug

"Mexidol" refers to medicines that can be resorted to in various situations associated with deviations in the functioning of the nervous system. The drug has a wide list of indications, ...

How to take Nimesil: instructions for use, powder composition, analogues

Fever and acute pain require immediate intervention and effective medications. To quickly remove unpleasant symptoms, often used strong medications, which include "Nimesil." Of...

How to treat gout: symptoms of the disease, folk remedies and drug treatment, which doctor to contact

Mention of gout is found in ancient medical treatises. Hippocrates, describing this disease of joints in his scientific works, called it "a trap for legs." By...

Omez: what is it prescribed for? Instructions for use, analogues of the drug

Medicines that help get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract are appearing more and more every year. Reluctant to try new means, buy Omez (a certified medication ...

Polysorb: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues

In order to quickly remove dangerous toxins from the body that have got there for various reasons, it is necessary to take effective sorbents. Preparations of this group in a large assortment are presented in ...

Pills for motion sickness in transport: a list of drugs for children and adults

Motion sickness (kinetosis, motion sickness) is a fairly common problem that almost every third inhabitant of the planet faces. This is a very unpleasant condition, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness ...

Erespal: instructions for the use of syrup and tablets, the composition of the drug for cough, analogues

"Erespal" is a modern medicine for the treatment of many pathological processes that occur accompanied by cough in people of different age groups. It differs from other antitussive and ...

Eye drops Artelak Splash: instructions for use, composition, analogues

Those who spend a lot of time at the computer or are often forced to strain their eyes, need to look for ways to get rid of uncomfortable sensations. To normalize the functioning of the visual apparatus ...

Omeprazole: what is prescribed for, instructions for use, analogues of the drug, contraindications

"Omeprazole" is an effective tool that is used to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. It is actively prescribed by gastroenterologists in inflammatory processes that are associated with penetration into the body ...

Amoxiclav: instructions for use for adults and children, release forms, antibiotic composition, analogues

As statistics show, most common diseases are the result of a bacterial invasion of the body. The list of the most important drugs recommended by WHO for the treatment of bacterial infections, ...

Erespal tablets: instructions for use, composition, analogues of the drug

Coughing is one of the most unpleasant symptoms that accompany various diseases, ranging from the common cold and ending with complicated bronchial asthma and respiratory failure. Cure ...

Vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps: how it is tolerated, when done, the types of vaccine PDA, side effects ...

The causative agents of measles, mumps and rubella are viruses, which means that such diseases are extremely contagious. To protect the child from infections, vaccination is carried out. Consider how ...

Chlorhexidine: instructions for use, release form, indications, contraindications

Chlorhexidine solution is one of the most popular antiseptic drugs. The medicine appeared on the market more than 60 years ago, but today it is in great demand. TO...

Midokalm tablets: instructions for use, for which the drug, composition, analogues are prescribed

Muscle spasm is almost always accompanied by a pain syndrome that fetters movement. Effectively cope with the problem arose under the power of tablets "Midokalm". The drug belongs to the muscle relaxants of the central ...

Mexidol: instructions for use, for what purpose, release forms, analogues of the drug

Mexidol is an effective complex-action drug that is used for various purposes. It is prescribed to protect against free radical oxidation, eliminate seizures, and improve memory. That ...

Mildronate: instructions for use, what is prescribed, contraindications, composition, analogues

Mildronate is an artificially created vitamin-like substance similar to those synthesized by our body. It participates in chemical transformations within cells and compensates for the lack ...

Ibuprofen: instructions for use for children and adults, release forms, analogues

“Ibuprofen” is a popular drug distributed around the world that has anti-inflammatory properties and is used to lower fever and relieve pain. In medical practice, medicines ...

Kanefron analogs: cheap Russian and foreign substitutes for the drug in tablets and drops

"Kanefron" is a well-known drug used in urology in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system. Such a medicine works quickly and carefully, but is expensive. By...

Azithromycin: instructions for use for adults and children, release forms, analogues

A short course, effectiveness against a wide range of bacteria, low toxicity is a list of the benefits of the drug. Azithromycin is used to cure diseases of infectious etiology. Take this antibiotic three or ...

Miramistin spray: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, analogues

Miramistin Spray is a universal antiseptic that can be used in different situations. It is useful to always have such a tool in your home medicine cabinet. It is widely used ...

Diclofenac tablets: instructions for use, what helps, composition, dosage, analogues

When the pain covers with the head, you must urgently look for a tool that will help get rid of it. The presence of Diclofenac tablets in a home medicine cabinet will be a salvation in such ...

Glycine: instructions for use for adults and children, indications and contraindications

Residents of modern cities face various stressful situations every day. The frantic rhythm of life with constant rush, round-the-clock noise of the streets, a lot of information that falls on ...

Candles Diclofenac: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, analogues

Diclofenac in the form of suppositories is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug. It is used to eliminate pain of a different nature. Candles "Diclofenac" is the fastest ...

Miramistin: instructions for use for adults and children, release form, composition, analogues

Miramistin is a drug that belongs to the group of antiseptics. It is used to cleanse the surface of the skin from pathogenic microorganisms. This is a means of external action, inside it does not ...

Phenazepam: instructions for use, indications, side effects, analogues of the drug

Phenazepam is an artificially created chemical compound with a psychotropic effect. One of the most powerful drugs in the benzodiazepine series. It controls the transmission of a nerve impulse, activates mediators ...

Detralex: instructions for use, release form, composition and analogues of the drug

A low level of activity, malnutrition, age-related changes and a genetic predisposition create an extra load on the vascular system. To prevent stagnation of blood, veins need help ...

Artelak - eye drops: all types, instructions for use, composition, analogues

“Artelak” is a line of eye drops designed to solve the main problems of patients associated with the organs of vision. These are unique medicines that eliminate dryness and relieve discomfort. They...

Ingavirin 90: instructions for use for adults, composition, analogues of an antiviral drug

"Ingavirin 90" - a tool that doctors prescribe for symptoms of viral diseases, in particular, with flu or acute respiratory infections. This drug helps to quickly normalize the condition and ...

Enterofuril for children: instructions for use, composition, release form, analogues

"Enterofuril" - a tool that helps to normalize the patient's condition with digestive disorders. It is prescribed for both adults and children. The drug helps to eliminate diarrhea and related symptoms ...

Diclofenac injections: instructions for use, duration of treatment, analogues

Diclofenac is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug that has become the basis for various medicines - tablets, solutions, topical preparations. In the opinion of doctors, the most effective ...

Actovegin: instructions for use, for what purpose, release forms, composition and analogues of the drug

Actovegin is a drug designed to improve tissue trophism. Its active ingredients have a powerful antihypoxic effect. As a result, while taking the medication, there is ...

Ceftriaxone injections: instructions for use for children and adults, antibiotic analogues

Ceftriaxone is an antimicrobial drug. This is a potent medicine that is used strictly as directed by a doctor. Ceftriaxone injections are indicated for infectious diseases of a bacterial nature, accompanied by ...

Omeprazole (Omeprazole): instructions for use, for which purpose, analogues

"Omeprazole" is a tool designed to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is available in various forms, but always has a single mechanism of action. To the effect of the application ...

Actovegin in injections: instructions for use, for which injections are prescribed for adults and children, composition, ...

Injections "Actovegin" belong to the category of drugs of unproven effectiveness. They have been produced since 1996 and are mainly (up to 70%) distributed in Russia, as well as ...

Amoxicillin: instructions for use for adults and children, antibiotic release form, composition, analogues

The antibiotic Amoxicillin belongs to the group of penicillins and is highly active in relation to various pathogens. Semi-synthetic component according to the principle of action and properties, it has a lot in common ...

Phenibut: instructions for use of tablets for children and adults, composition, analogs, indications and contraindications

Neurological problems, mental disorders - one of the most common pathologies. Phenibut tablets belong to those drugs that are prescribed in such cases. As the instruction indicates ...

Detralex (Detralex): analogues are cheaper, the list

Angioprotectors are a group of drugs whose name literally means “vascular protectors”. The various analogues of Detralex - complete and group - are used for symptomatic treatment ...

Paracetamol: what helps, instructions for use for children and adults, release form

Elevated body temperature often becomes the precursor of a wide variety of diseases. Regardless of the cause of this phenomenon, if the thermometer has too high indicators, urgent measures must be taken ...

Diclofenac ointment: instructions for use, what helps, composition, analogues

Diclofenac is an effective anti-inflammatory drug that is appropriate in many situations. It is beneficial for joints and soft tissues.Diclofenac ointment is inexpensive, so it is used ...

Suppositories from hemorrhoids are inexpensive and effective: list, composition of drugs, indications, contraindications

Inexpensive and effective suppositories for hemorrhoids are quite available in pharmacies, they can always be used. However, it should be remembered that they are not used in heavily launched ...

Ceftriaxone: instructions for the use of antibiotics, analogues in injections and tablets

Serious diseases require powerful drug exposure. Ceftriaxone is able to provide it. This is a modern drug with a wide spectrum of action, which will help to cope with a whole list of pathologies. Forms ...

Glycine Forte: instructions for use for adults and children, the composition of the drug

The active substance in the composition of the drug helps to cope with fatigue and a decrease in mental performance. Nootropic agent "Glycine forte" is used for cerebrovascular accidents, which are accompanied by ...

Metronidazole: instructions for use, release form, analogues

Metronidazole is an active component of the group of drugs with antiprotozoal, antimicrobial properties. The substance is highly active against the simplest microorganisms and anaerobic bacteria. The drug "Metronidazole" is prescribed ...

Ibuprofen - what are these pills from? Instructions for use for adults and children, indications ...

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a group of drugs that are most often used to relieve inflammatory processes and pain. This article will look at one of ...

Mexidol tablets: instructions for use, composition, analogues

Mexidol tablets are considered a broad-acting drug and save from many diseases. They relieve alcohol poisoning, treat prolonged depression. They are also often prescribed ...

Artelak Balance and Artelak Balance Uno eye drops: instructions for use, composition, analogues

Modern life dictates its own rules: people spend more and more time behind monitor screens. This creates problems for the eyes - they dry, unpleasant sensations appear, ...

Injections Midokalm: instructions for use, what is prescribed, composition, analogues of the drug

Injections "Midokalm" is an injectable form of a drug that is designed to relieve spasm and reflex contractions of skeletal muscles and at the same time provide a local analgesic effect ....

Dexamethasone: what is it prescribed for, instructions for use, composition, release form, analogues

Dexamethasone is a hormonal drug that is considered in modern medicine as one of the vital pharmaceuticals belonging to the group of synthetic glucocorticosteroids. Dexamethasone ...

Fortrans: instructions for use, composition, analogues of the drug for bowel cleansing before colonoscopy

Means “Fortrans” effectively cleanses the intestinal tract before instrumental and radiological examinations of the rectum. His instructions contain indications of contraindications and side effects ....

Neuromultivitis: analogues in composition in tablets and injections for children and adults

Active metabolism in the cells of the nervous system is supported by B vitamins, called "neurotropic". Analogues of Neuromultivitis are drugs that contain thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6), ...

Plantex for newborns: instructions for use, for which they prescribe how to properly breed and give ...

After birth, the development of all organs of the baby continues, and the range of gastrointestinal tract capabilities is slightly expanded only by 4-6 months of life. Until this age and ...

Children's paracetamol: instructions for use, release form, dosage

Paracetamol has been known on the pharmacological market for more than 120 years, and practice has shown that it is one of the most inexpensive, effective and at the same time ...

Enterosgel: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues

Enterosorbent is used to remove excess gases, various toxins and microbes from the intestines that get there with food or water. The drug "Enterosgel" helps with poisoning, infections ...

Dry cough syrup for adults - a list of effective drugs

A dry cough is not only painful, it is also not productive, that is, it does not help to remove sputum from the body in order to reduce inflammation. The important task of any ...

Nimesil: instructions for use, composition, indications and contraindications, analogues of NSAIDs

When the bouts of pain become very strong and the person simply can’t stand it anymore, a drug is required that can act quickly and effectively. "Nimesil" answers in such a way ...

Glycine: what is it for, instructions for use for adults and children

To improve mental performance, normalize memory and resist stress, doctors recommend taking an affordable and safe remedy. The drug "Glycine": what is it for, of which ...

Diclofenac gel: instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues

The active ingredient of an external agent has important pharmacological properties from the point of view of patients and doctors. Gel "Diclofenac" after application to the skin over the focus of inflammation causes ...

Paracetamol: instructions for use, release form for adults and children

When the cold season begins, in every house, just in case, paracetamol should be in the medicine cabinet. This drug is able to quickly eliminate the symptoms of a cold and ...

Oat jelly: 7 cooking recipes, benefits, how to take a healing jelly

Jelly from oats is a long-known folk remedy for the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its consistency and the presence of useful substances, it has a beneficial effect ...

Ceftriaxone antibiotic in injections: which group of antibiotics does it belong to, for which it is prescribed for adults and ...

A number of antibacterial agents - cephalosporins, which include the antibiotic Ceftriaxone, were first discovered in 1948. Researchers have found that they are more resistant to ...

Kanefron: instructions for use, composition, release form, analogues

Kanefron H is a phytopreparation used in urology. The medication has a positive effect on the urinary system, but, despite the natural composition, it is unsafe, therefore, it requires strict observance ...

Calcium d3 Nycomed: instructions for use, composition, analogues

In the case of diagnosed calcium deficiency in the body, Calcium D3 Nycomed becomes the drug of choice for most patients. The original product is manufactured by a Norwegian pharmaceutical company registered under ...

Afobazole: instructions for use, composition, analogues, indications and contraindications

Such a drug falls into the group of tranquilizers, but it also has a very mild effect on the human body. It does not cause the patient to be addictive and does not provoke ...

Neuromultivitis: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, release form, analogues

Neuromultivitis is a medication that belongs to the type of multivitamin combined complexes.The drug contains three basic B vitamins in therapeutic dosages and is designed to ...

Children's cough syrup: a list of effective drugs for dry and wet cough for children

A protective reflex is necessary to clean the respiratory tract of foreign particles, microbes. One cough syrup for children protects the mucous membrane from irritation, another helps dissolve ...

Enterofuril: instructions for use for children and adults, release forms, analogues

The name "Enterofuril" received an intestinal antiseptic, which is most often used for diarrhea.The main feature of such a drug is its safety for the patient’s body and minimal ...

Actovegin tablets: instructions for use, what is prescribed, composition, analogues of the drug

If it is necessary to activate metabolic processes in tissues, in order to stimulate regeneration processes in the body and accelerate cell renewal, Actovegin tablets are prescribed to the patient. The drug is taken ...

Diclofenac: instructions for use, release forms, analogues

A popular and fast-acting drug to relieve unpleasant sensations of pain is Diclofenac. It is used by many people to relieve inflammatory processes. What are the forms of drug release ...

"Klenzit" and "Klenzit-S" from acne: how does the composition differ, instructions for use

The Klenzit and Klenzit-S preparations effectively fight acne and prevent the appearance of new rashes. Depending on the nature and severity of the disease, choose one of the means ...

Midokalm: what helps, instructions for use, analogues of the drug in injections and tablets

Osteochondrosis, arthrosis, vascular pathology, strokes - diseases that have become the "plague" of our time. These diseases are listed in the list of indications for taking Mydocalm with tolperisone. Important...

Syrup Efferalgan (Efferalgan) for children: instructions for the use of an antipyretic drug, composition, dosage

Efferalgan Syrup is an effective way to lower the temperature in the smallest patients. This medicine quickly alleviates the condition of the baby, and is not addictive ....

Panadol syrup - antipyretic drug for children and adults: instructions for use, composition

During the disease, it is necessary to take the medicine before going to the doctor to alleviate the symptoms. Panadol Syrup is one of the effective remedies available used as ...

Esomeprazole: instructions for use of the drug, analogues

"Esomeprazole" - an effective antiulcer drug, a proton pump inhibitor, is available without a prescription. The drug is used during complex therapy in the treatment of pathologies of the digestive tract. He has...

Syrup Novopassit (Novo-Passit): instructions for use, composition of a sedative

Syrup "Novopassit" is intended for use by both adults and children. It is a sedative that can cope with stress, psychological fatigue, insomnia (in mild forms), ...

Dr. Mom - cough syrup for children and pregnancy, instructions

Doctor Mom cough syrup is a fairly popular drug that has been sold for many years. Being quite effective, it also tastes good, which is especially ...

Fluconazole (Fluconazole): instructions for use, composition, release form

"Fluconazole" refers to a group of antifungal drugs. This highly effective drug at an affordable cost is often prescribed by doctors in the complex treatment of many diseases of the mycosis group. Given the high ...

Fortrans: analogues of a bowel cleanser

This drug is considered quite effective when it comes to bowel cleansing. However, it has some disadvantages. This leads to what you have to look for ...

Nimesil powder: instructions for use, composition, analogues

One of the means of choice for eliminating acute pain is Nimesil powder. This drug has a good short-term effect, but is dangerous for the potential occurrence of many side effects ...

What is hemorrhoids and how to treat it: symptoms and treatment of the disease in men and ...

Hemorrhoids are a very common pathology among the adult population. The disease is characterized by dilated vessels in the anus and the appearance of nodes in the intestine. This disease is serious ...

Ibuprofen - antipyretic syrup: composition, dosage, instructions for use for children and adults

Patients of different ages sometimes suffer from pain, heat and inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs quickly eliminate these symptoms. For example, take the drug "Ibuprofen" - a syrup or ...

Pantogam syrup for children: composition, dosage, instructions for using the nootropic drug

Pantogam syrup for children is a nootropic drug whose mechanism of action is aimed at stimulating the processes in the brain and restoring the functions of the nervous system. Reception ...

Ingavirin: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, dosage, analogues of an antiviral drug

Ingavirin is an antiviral drug that is prescribed to patients not only to fight a developing infection, but also as a prophylactic. Interestingly, the scientists succeeded ...

Ear hurts: how to treat at home

Ear pain is an unpleasant phenomenon that can deliver many troubled minutes. Growing, shooting or manifesting with pressure - regardless of the nature of the pain, such symptoms are unacceptable ...

Antipyretic Paracetamol syrup: dosage, instructions for use for children and adults

Among other heat-relieving agents, Paracetamol Syrup can be called one of the most effective. It contains a reduced dose of the active substance, and therefore it can be given ...

Erius allergy syrup: composition, dosage, instructions for use for children, adults

This tool helps to feel much better for patients suffering from allergic rhinitis, cold and other types of urticaria. The liquid form of release and the soft action of the drug ...

Paracetamol baby syrup: instructions for use, composition, dosage

An effective anti-inflammatory and antipyretic medicine for acute respiratory viral infections, sore throat, and otitis media in a child is Paracetamol - a children's syrup or suspension. The remedy is used for fever and pain ...

Plantain syrup for cough for children and adults: instructions for use

Natural ingredients, pleasant taste, liquid consistency - all these are the advantages of a herbal medicine. Psyllium syrup helps cure a cough that occurs as a symptom of a disease or ...

Echinacea for children syrup - instructions for use

Parents always care about the health of their babies. They try to protect the child from viruses and harmful bacteria in all available ways. To strengthen the immune system in medicine ...

Ear drops for stuffy ear after a cold or gray

Ear congestion is a common disease, but for some reason many people are embarrassed to admit it. Do not treat temporary deafness yourself with improvised means: such actions can only ...

Dry cough syrup for children: a list of inexpensive and effective remedies

Dry cough syrup for children is a popular remedy in the treatment of various diseases. But in modern pharmacies there is a great variety of them, so you can replace one ...

Sires - cough syrup: instructions for use for children and adults, dosage, composition

Cough, accompanying various diseases, greatly worsens well-being and can persist for a long time. Despite the fact that this is only a symptom, and not an independent disease, it ...

Nurofen children's syrup on temperature: instructions for use, composition, dosage

Pediatricians often prescribe Nurofen Children's Syrup for small patients. It quickly reduces the temperature, relieves pain and other signs of inflammatory processes. It will be useful for parents to learn from ...

Herbion syrups for dry and wet cough for children and adults: instructions for use, ...

Herbion syrup is considered a proven remedy for cough, dry and wet. In the first case, you will need a remedy with plantain extract, in the second - with primrose.The composition of the preparations includes ...

Cough Syrup for Kids - 21 effective cough treatment options

The treatment of young children requires great care and caution. It is important to remember - if within 2-3 days the condition of the child worsens, the temperature is high - without ...

Sinecode cough syrup for children - instructions for use

Synecode syrup helps people of all ages fight cough. It is suitable for the treatment of both children and adults. But with an independent appointment, he is capable of ...

Josette - cough syrup for children and adults: instructions for use, composition

Joset Syrup is prescribed for coughing to people of any age. The unique composition gently and safely acts on the bronchi, accelerating recovery. Before taking, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications ...

Linkas - cough syrup for children and adults: instructions for use, composition

Despite the huge amount of antitussive drugs offered by modern pharmaceuticals, dealing with excruciating coughing fits is sometimes difficult. In such cases, experienced doctors recommend paying ...

Zinc paste - for what, instructions for use

Zinc paste is a popular and affordable anti-inflammatory drug for external use. Its composition is very simple, and in the list of contraindications and side effects almost nothing ...

Pertussin - cough syrup: instructions for use for children and adults, the composition of the syrup

Pertussin Syrup has been used for many years to treat cough in adults and children. How to take the medicine that is part of the syrup, are there ...

Syrup Fluifort for children from cough: instructions for use, composition

Syrup Fluifort is specially designed for the treatment of children. Therefore, it has a pleasant smell and taste, and is also approved for use from an early age. He possesses ...

Omnitus cough syrup for children - instructions for use of the medicine

Treating cough is a long process that requires the right approach. For the treatment of unproductive cough in children, a special tool is needed, for example, Omnitus - a syrup of central action ....

Syrup Stodal for cough for children and adults: instructions for use and composition

Coughing is an unpleasant symptom of respiratory diseases that interferes with sleep and greatly affects the patient's quality of life. To alleviate the general condition, you need to choose the optimal medicinal ...

Nurofen syrup for children - instructions for use

Nurofen Syrup is a product specifically designed for use in children. Thanks to the sweet taste, pleasant smell and liquid consistency, parents do not have problems ...

Ambroxol syrup - instructions for use for children

"An inexpensive mucolytic drug that has proven effectiveness and affordability." This is how parents and pediatricians describe Ambroxol syrup. This drug is a savior in attacks of childhood ...

Syrup Fluditec for cough for children and adults: instructions for use, composition

Fluditec Syrup is used to treat cough in children and adults. The components of the drug, especially the reception, contraindications and side effects, all this in our article. Syrup Fluditec ...

Drops in the nose with sinusitis - a list of the most effective

A stuffy nose significantly reduces the quality of human life. The lack of full breathing makes it difficult to sleep, work, and communicate. Using drops in the nose with sinusitis can be quickly restored ...

Treatment of the middle ear: symptoms and treatment of otitis media

The medical term otitis media is a generalization. So called infectious and inflammatory processes affecting the auditory organs. They are external, medium and internal, depending on localization ....

Lactulose syrup for children and adults - instructions for use

Lactulose syrup is a soft and safe medication for all age groups with a laxative effect.It contains as an active substance a liquid oligosaccharide and a prebiotic lactulose, ...

Prospan cough syrup for children - instructions for use

Syrup Prospan is a herbal remedy that belongs to the group of expectorant drugs. It can be used to treat dry and wet cough in children from the very ...

Pertussin syrup - instructions for use for children and adults

Pertussin Syrup is suitable for people of any age. This makes its use very convenient. The main thing is to observe the indications and contraindications in order to avoid undesirable consequences. Pertussin Syrup: ...

Derinat drops in the nose - instructions for use for children and adults

Drops in the nose Derinat are a drug from the group of immunomodulators. This group is necessary to restore the natural protective function at the cellular level and stimulate the restoration of damaged ...

Bepanten cream - instructions for use for adults and children

Bepanten cream along with the eponymous ointment is the most popular skin care product for irritated skin. It actively stimulates regeneration processes, promotes ...

Diffuse pancreatic changes - treatment

ICD-10 classifies diffuse changes in the pancreas as a symptom that accompanies the pathological processes that are observed in the activity or in diseases of this organ. This is the interpenetration of the sick and ...

Althea syrup: instructions for use for coughing for children

Cough accompanies a variety of diseases, especially often children encounter it. Cough medicines make you feel better and reduce the discomfort in the chest that occurs when ...

Bromhexine syrup for children - instructions for use

Despite the abundance of antitussive pharmaceutical developments, the choice of an effective and safe remedy for children is still a problem. The list of proven and truly effective means appears ...

Gedelix syrup for children - instructions for use

Gedelix Syrup is designed to treat cough in children and adults. It helps reduce the duration of the disease and makes you feel better. Convenient dosage form suitable for use ...

Pseudomonas aeruginosa - symptoms and treatment at home, how is the rod transmitted?

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an insidious microbe that can coexist peacefully with a person, not betraying itself for the time being. But as soon as he gets a chance, he ...

Linkas cough syrup for children - instructions for use

Linkas Cough Syrup is based on natural ingredients. It has a pleasant taste, which facilitates its use for children. The drug has a high level of safety ...

Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment at home

Everyone should know about the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis at home in order to avoid complications such as the growth of adenoids, tonsillitis, pneumonia or meningitis. Signs ...

Syrup rabbit, soothing for children - instructions for use

Syrup Hare - a mild sedative for children over three years old, which is taken as a dietary supplement and diluted in any liquid except dairy products ....

Otitis media: symptoms and treatment in adults at home

Otitis media of the middle ear is an acute infectious disease, manifested by specific symptoms. The disease must be treated, as it is dangerous for the development of complications. From the disease is not safe ...

Boric acid in the ear - instructions for use for adults and children

Boric acid in the ear is prescribed in the treatment of otitis media in adults and children. It quickly brings relief, warms and has an anti-inflammatory effect. But with some ...

Ambrobene syrup - instructions for use for children

Ambrobene syrup is created for the treatment of respiratory diseases.It is available in a convenient dosage form that is suitable for children. But the drug has both indications and ...

Teymurova paste - for what? Instructions for use with teimur paste

Sweating feet, hands or armpits - this problem often makes blush and shyly hide in society. In the fight against hyperhidrosis, Teymurova comes to the rescue ...

Cough syrups - inexpensive but effective for children and adults

Coughing is a common symptom of various diseases that people of all age groups face. For treatment, drugs are used in various forms, but, despite ...

Boil treatment - 7 ways to treat boil at home

Boil is an unpleasant phenomenon, which is accompanied by a purulent abscess on the skin. If it cannot be cured in time, pathology can affect deeply lying tissues, which can lead to ...

"Lazolvan" syrup for children - instructions for use for coughing

When coughing, children are often prescribed "Lazolvan" syrup. It is an effective and safe remedy that helps speed recovery. The drug has contraindications, therefore, before use, consultation is needed ...

Diuretics at home: tablets and folk

Excess fluid in the body can significantly worsen a person’s health. Edema and pastility appear due to a decrease in the rate of fluid elimination by the kidneys. To help in the fight ...

Treatment of sinusitis at home in adults: antibiotics and folk remedies

Runny nose - a condition familiar to everyone. Sometimes the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses joins it. In this case, it is necessary to treat sinusitis at home ...

Magnesium sulfate: types, instructions for use, how to cleanse the intestines?

Some drugs are distinguished by the universality of exposure, which invariably affects the number of indications for their use. For example, magnesium sulfate, better known as magnesia, is listed ...

Ascoril syrup - cough instruction for children

Children's colds are often accompanied by a cough. For treatment, pediatricians prescribe Ascoril syrup to small patients. Is it safe to take the drug, how to do it right - these ...

Thrush suppositories - cheap and effective

Vaginal tablets and suppositories are intended for the treatment of genital candidiasis in women. Suppositories from thrush are cheap and effective drugs that quickly get rid of ...

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops for adults - list

Rhinitis is a complex of various symptoms familiar to each person, without exaggeration. Offered in a wide assortment of pharmacy vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, they solve the problem of a runny rhinitis very ...

Licorice syrup - instructions for use for children and adults

Syrup of licorice or licorice - one of the most ancient and unusual medicinal plants - a wonderful medicinal medicine, rich in beneficial properties and pleasant taste. With a deep ...

Tincture of Eleutherococcus - instructions for use

The instructions for the use of tincture of Eleutherococcus contain important information that includes important aspects of the use of the drug. Before taking the drug, you need to familiarize yourself with the methods of use, contraindications ...

Cracks in the heels - causes and treatment at home

Already getting ready for the beach season? Do not forget to take care of the beauty of your legs. After all, beautiful nails and pink feet, of course, are the subject of pride and sexuality of each ...

Herpes ointment on the lips: a list of cheap and effective ointments

Herpes ointment on the lips is designed to help weakened immunity cope with the manifestations of the virus faster. Drugs can vary in price, but expensive drugs are not always ...

How to gargle with angina for an adult and a child?

Angina is a disease characterized by local inflammation.Therefore, acting on the focus of infection can achieve rapid recovery results. In the article we will raise questions: how to gargle ...

Herbion for dry cough - instructions for use

In the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system in adults and young patients, the cough herbion holds an honorable place. It is an ideal choice for the whole family, because ...

How to treat bronchitis in adults? Effective medicines and methods

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchial mucosa. Most often, it develops against the background of respiratory infections, but may have other reasons. To understand how ...

The remedy for nail fungus on the feet - the most effective drugs and folk remedies

Changing the shape and color of the nail plate is one of the characteristic signs of mycotic lesions. To stop the development of the fungus and get rid of it forever is a difficult task ...

How to get rid of constipation at home and during pregnancy

According to the norms, the frequency of bowel movement should be at least 3 times a week. If this happens less often, we are talking about pathology - defecation delay, ...

Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment at home

Cervical osteochondrosis (SHOX) is a pathological change in the vertebrae that leads to ossification of the soft components. As a result of this, the depreciation effect disappears, hard bones rub against each other ...

Treatment of angina in adults at home - 5 ways

Acute tonsillitis is commonly called as tonsillitis in everyday life. This insidious disease is accompanied by an infectious lesion of the palatine tonsils and can cause a lot of dangerous complications. It is often recommended that patients ...

Pancreatic Inflammation: Symptoms and Treatment

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, the symptoms and treatment of which directly depend on the form of the disease. Pathology can be acute as well as chronic ....

Chickenpox in adults - symptoms and treatment

Despite the fact that chicken pox is considered to be an exclusively childhood disease, chickenpox in adults is a rare but possible phenomenon. The disease belongs to the category of infections, ...

Effective folk remedies for cough for children

In the arsenal of pharmaceutical expectorants there are many drugs with dubious effectiveness and unproven safety. Therefore, some mothers try to protect their children from such drugs ....

Hemorrhoids ointments - inexpensive and effective

Is it necessary to pay expensive when buying a quality hemorrhoid ointment? Inexpensive and effective drugs are in any pharmacy, you just need to know which one ...

Hemorrhoids Suppositories - Inexpensive and Effective

The main treatment prescribed by modern proctologists for hemorrhoids is conservative. It involves the use of various drugs without surgical intervention. An effective and popular form among patients is ...

Meldonium: effect on the human body, instructions for use

Meldonium is a medication that regulates metabolic processes at the level of energy functions of cells. The key effect of meldonium on the body is to increase the survival of tissue cells with many disorders ...

Hemorrhoid treatment at home quickly in women

It is usually difficult to tell loved ones about such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids. And I want to get rid of it on my own in a short time, so that there is no need ...

Fatty liver hepatosis - symptoms and treatment: drug and folk remedies

One of the most dangerous consequences of excess body fat is fatty liver hepatosis. Symptoms and treatment of the disease are closely interconnected, since the severity of the manifestations of the disease ...

Fluimucil antibiotic IT for inhalation - instructions for use

If a strong debilitating cough bothers the patient for a long time, the doctor may prescribe him antibacterial therapy in the form of inhalation. The main thing is to choose for this purpose ...

Expectorant medications are inexpensive but effective

Cough - a physiologically determined reaction of the body in response to irritation of the respiratory tract with mechanical particles, biological substances, or an excess of sputum. However, a cough may ...

Antibiotics for sore throat in an adult in tablets

Angina is an acute infectious disease that affects the tonsils. The disease is often found in both children and adult patients. To quickly cope with the disease, the doctor ...

Stomatitis in adults: causes and treatment at home

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by a bacterial, fungal or viral flora. The disease can occur in various forms, more often occurs in children or people, ...


