Diclofenac and alcohol: compatibility, is it possible to drink alcohol using NSAIDs

The compatibility of Diclofenac and alcohol is very important to prevent side effects and complications from the drug. Alcohol-containing fluids can not only reduce the effectiveness of treatment, but also ...

Amitriptyline tablets: instructions for use, composition, dosage, antidepressant analogues

Depression is a terrible disease that “eats” the human spirit and turns life into a dumb gray movie. For a long time this disease has become scientifically confirmed mental ...

Piracetam: what helps, instructions for use, composition, analogues of a nootropic drug

Piracetam is a nootropic medicine that improves metabolic processes, blood circulation and brain function. Consider what helps Piracetam and what is its effect ...

Candles Movalis: composition, instructions for use, analogues of NSAIDs

Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and pathologies of an inflammatory nature often accompany pain, an increase in body temperature. And an effective drug is required that can eliminate unpleasant symptoms. With such ...

Mildronate tablets: instructions for use, what they help from, composition, analogues of a metabolic agent

Mildronate tablets restore metabolic processes. Against the background of their intake, oxygen saturation of tissues improves, toxic substances are eliminated. The medication is prescribed for increased physical exertion, in ...

Piracetam - what is it prescribed for? Instructions for use of the nootropic drug in tablets and injections, ...

Piracetam is a nootropic drug used by neurologists and psychiatrists. From our article you will find out what Piracetam is, what it is prescribed for, a list of possible side effects ...

Ointment Phloxal: instructions for use of an eye ointment with antibiotic, composition, analogues

Phloxal ointment is an antibacterial drug that belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones. It is used in the treatment and prevention of inflammatory eye diseases that have arisen as a result of an ...

"Ibuklin Junior": instructions for use for children, the composition of tablets, analogues

With the development of a viral infection in children, the occurrence of a fever or various pains, Ibuklin Junior is an indispensable and fast-acting remedy. But it is not always harmless ...

Cytoflavin: instructions for use, for which it is prescribed for adults

Cytoflavin is a medication that improves the circulation of the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system. Usually it is prescribed for the recovery of patients in the post-stroke, post-infarction periods. Release forms and composition

Miramistin for children: instructions for use, composition, antiseptic analogues

A popular remedy quickly relieves inflammation in uncomplicated diseases of the skin and ENT organs. Miramistin liquid for children is most often used in diluted form. The drug is safe for ...

Glycine overdose in adults and children: symptoms, consequences, first aid, instructions for use of tablets

Glycine is the simplest amino acid obtained by artificial means. Playing a large role in the function of the central nervous system, it is widely used in neurological practice. The drug is not ...

Lomilan: instructions for use of tablets and syrup for children and adults, active substance, analogues

“Lomilan” is a popular drug belonging to the group of antihistamines. The principle of action is based on the mechanism of competitive inhibition of H1-histamine receptors. According to the instructions for use, Lomilan removes ...

Paracetamol from temperature: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, release form, dosage, ...

The tool has a pronounced antipyretic effect, it helps well from a fever in a child. Adults can drink “Paracetamol" from the temperature in combination with other substances or take ...

Smecta - before or after meals, how to take the drug for children and adults

Digestion, heartburn, diarrhea - everyone faces similar problems, and it is impossible to insure against them. It is very important that at hand in these cases always ...

Antibiotic Azithromycin: which group of antibiotics belongs to, instructions for use, release form, dosage, analogues

It is impossible to imagine modern medicine without antimicrobials. The antibiotic Azithromycin is one of the most popular drugs used to treat a variety of infectious diseases in patients ...

Injections Cycloferon: instructions for use for children and adults, analogues of an antiviral drug

The pharmaceutical agent Cycloferon refers to effective immunostimulants that help patients - usually as part of complex therapy - fight serious diseases. Instructions for the use of injections ...

Metformin tablets: instructions for use, composition, analogues of a hypoglycemic drug

Metformin tablets are considered the first drug for the prevention of complications of diabetes mellitus, as well as vascular diseases. Today, this remedy is considered the most popular, ...

Suprastinex: instructions for use of drops and tablets for children and adults, active ingredient, analogues

Suprastinex is an innovative antihistamine that has a quick effect and effectively eliminates unpleasant allergy symptoms. But, before using this drug for therapeutic purposes, ...

Detralex tablets: instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues

Detralex is a French-made drug that has a venotonic and angioprotective effect. It is prescribed for the treatment of patients with hemorrhoids and venous insufficiency. In our article, you ...

Spray Nazonex: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues

The drug relieves itching in the nose, saves from congestion and profuse runny nose, makes it possible to breathe freely. This is how Nazonex spray is described by people suffering from hay fever ...

How to take folic acid: indications for use during pregnancy and for the prevention of hypovitaminosis, dosage

The fame of the "vitamin for pregnant women" has long been strengthened behind this substance. It is he who is appointed to expectant mothers to ensure the necessary growth and development of the child in the womb. But...

Fluconazole: what helps, instructions for use for children and adults, composition, release form, ...

The names of the drug groups often suggest which diseases they are used for. You can find out what Fluconazole is from the inscription on the package: “Antifungal agent”. An effective drug is prescribed ...

Diprospan: instructions for use, from which the drug helps

"Diprospan" refers to a group of hormonal drugs, the spectrum of exposure of which is based on the work of the substance betamethasone. Designed to relieve inflammation and swelling, eliminates allergic reactions, is effective ...

Amitriptyline: side effects and contraindications, instructions for the use of antidepressant

Amitriptyline is a popular drug in psychiatry. It combines the antidepressant, hypnotic and anti-anxiety effects recommended by the World Health Organization. But, in addition to the therapeutic effect, it is fixed ...

Sinupret: instructions for use of tablets and drops, composition, analogues of the drug for the treatment of sinusitis

The main problem of modern cold medicine is addiction, which causes any drug on a chemical basis. Sinupret is a herbal remedy recommended for inflammatory diseases of organs ...

Afobazole: analogues and substitutes, cheaper and more expensive, Russian and imported

Modern life is, above all, stress. Traffic jams and crowds in public transport, problems at work and fatigue in the family, domestic troubles –...

Chlorhexidine: use of an antiseptic, release form, active substance

Chlorhexidine is the most famous antiseptic that has been used in medicine for more than half a century. This tool is widely used due to its pronounced antimicrobial activity, the variety of dosage forms and ...

Chickenpox vaccination for children: how much it works when they do, what is the name of the vaccine

Modern medicine, alas, has not yet learned how to completely destroy the viruses inside the human body, only a vaccine is the only way to avoid a serious illness, reduce the risk of complications and ...

Vitamins for vitality and energy: which are better for women and men

The reason for lethargy, apathy is often a lack of sleep after a busy day and lack of reserves in the body for self-healing. Various vitamins for vitality and energy in ...

Panangin: instructions for use, indications, analogues

Panangin instructions for use refers to the medication group that affects metabolic processes. It contains potassium, magnesium, which help with various heart diseases ...

Glucose in tablets: instructions for use, dosage, indications and contraindications

The human body needs energy to nourish tissues and organs. Glucose and many other components are the main energy elements that are essential for high loads ....

Movalis tablets: instructions for use, from which they help, composition, analogues

According to statistics, almost half of the world's population has certain problems with joints or bone tissue. In some, they appear in acute forms, ...

Ethinyl estradiol: what is this hormone, its properties, preparations containing ethinyl estradiol

Ethinylestradiol (ethinylestradiol) is a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone estrogen. This tool is used as hormone replacement therapy with a lack of its own estrogen, and also ...

Acyclovir eye ointment: instructions for use, composition, antiviral drug analogues

Viral diseases always appear at the wrong time, and even worse when the mucous membranes, including the organs of vision, are the affected area. One solution is ...

Ingavirin children: instructions for use of capsules, composition, analogues of an antiviral drug

During the off-season, there is a high probability of weakening of the immune system and infection. To prevent colds, children are prescribed "Ingavirin Children's" - the most popular among similar drugs ...

Atrovent for inhalation: instructions for use, analogues

Atrovent is a medication through which spasms of the muscles responsible for the work of the respiratory tract are stopped. The m-cholinergic blocker is in the form of an inhalation solution. The drug should be taken in ...

Arthrosan tablets: instructions for use, composition, analogues

Arthrosan tablets are described in the instructions for use as a non-hormonal pharmacological agent designed to reduce inflammation in articular pathologies, accompanied by pain and fever. The composition of the medicinal ...

Cerebrum Compositum: instructions for the use of injections and tablets, analogues of the drug

Cerebrum Composite is a comprehensive homeopathic medicine used in the treatment of various diseases of the central nervous system. The product has a complex natural composition, but is well tolerated by the body, ...

Suppositories with propolis for hemorrhoids: how to do it yourself, a list and instructions for use ...

One of the most popular treatments for such a delicate disease as hemorrhoids is rectal suppositories. They are quite effective, easy to use and act directly on ...

Flemoxin Solutab 500 mg: instructions for use for adults and children, indications and contraindications, ...

Flemoxin Solutab 500 mg is one of the few antibacterial drugs that has a minimal set of contraindications and an effective anti-inflammatory algorithm. The appointment of a medication is allowed as an adult ...

Dexamethasone: side effects and contraindications, instructions for use, release form, GCS analogues

Dexamethasone is a hormonal drug that has been widely used in medicine. It is prescribed for the treatment of various diseases. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, decongestant, anti-allergic effects ....

Neurodiclovit: analogues of the drug, cheaper, with the same composition

Pain in the back and joints can knock out the usual rhythm of life for a long time, so everyone who suffers from osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis should have a good one in the medicine cabinet ...

Mexidol: analogues of the drug are cheaper - in ampoules and tablets, domestic and imported

Mexidol is the leading drug for the treatment of diseases affecting the central nervous system. However, for one reason or another, patients often seek substitutes that do not ...

Bisoprolol: instructions for use, for what purpose, analogues of the drug

Bisoprolol is one of the most popular drugs in the treatment of hypertension. The drug comprehensively affects the work of the cardiovascular system and quickly reduces high blood pressure, ...

Acyclovir Forte: instructions for use, composition, analogues of the antiviral drug

A person is constantly surrounded by viruses. This can be a common cold, flu, chickenpox, or common cold sores. All of these diseases caused by viruses, without proper treatment, represent ...

Smecta for vomiting in children and adults: composition, dosage, instructions for use of enterosorbent

Smecta powder is used for vomiting, nausea, and stool disturbance (diarrhea). Is the drug safe for children and pregnant women, what is the daily dosage, can side effects follow ...

Phenibut: side effects in adults and children, indications and contraindications, instructions for use of tablets, ...

With neurological problems, mental disorders, Phenibut is often prescribed. This is a nootropic medication that is recommended for children and adults with an asthenic state against a background of nervous, mental stress ....

Warfarin Nycomed: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues

Initially, warfarin was used as rat poison, but was soon recognized as an effective anticoagulant and was widely used in medicine. Today under the same brand name are produced ...

How to take Suprastin: instructions for use for adults and children, the composition of tablets, analogues

Allergy is truly a disease of our time, insidious in that it is impossible to get rid of it, you can only learn to live, avoiding allergens and muffling symptoms, if contact with ...

Actovegin in tablets: instructions for use, for which it is prescribed for adults and children, composition, analogues

Actovegin tablets refers to the group of antihypoxic drugs that contribute to the saturation of tissues with oxygen, glucose. A medication is used for vascular diseases caused by their narrowing. Composition and ...

Antiarrhythmic drugs: classification, list of drugs for heart arrhythmia

Developed pharmacology represents an extensive line of antiarrhythmic drugs. But the species diversity of heart rhythm disturbances, the causes of their occurrence requires specific knowledge regarding the necessary means. Therefore, before ...

Arthrosan: instructions for the use of injections and tablets, composition, analogues

Medicines from the group of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are, one might say, one of the most popular drugs for symptomatic treatment, that is, prostaglandins. It happens...

Glucosamine: what is this substance, why does the body need it, drugs with glucosamine

Currently, most people over 50 suffer from joint diseases. A lot of traditional and non-traditional methods are used to improve their well-being. Substance...

Omez: instructions for use, what is prescribed, composition, analogues

Gastrointestinal diseases due to the high acidity of the digestive juice have been more and more common in recent years. In the treatment of such ailments, it is important not only to temporarily neutralize the irritating effect ...

Duphaston: instructions for use, what is prescribed, composition, side effects

Hormone therapy is often used in gynecology, and the pharmaceutical market has many hormone-containing drugs for the treatment of various diseases of the female genital area. Pretty big ...

How to take De-Nol: instructions for the use of anti-ulcer drug for treatment and prevention

De-nol is an antimicrobial action pill for stomach ulcers that prevents stomach inflammation and the occurrence of peptic ulcers. How to take De-nol, what it helps and ...

Calamine Lotion for chickenpox: instructions for use for the treatment of rashes with chickenpox, ...

Chickenpox is a common viral disease.During an ailment, the whole body is covered with papules, which give the patient an unpleasant sensation in the form of itching. In today's article in detail ...

Acyclovir tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, analogues of an antiviral drug

Any pharmacist will advise a patient with wounds on the lips to buy Acyclovir tablets, since this is the best medicine in the fight against the Herpes virus. How effective is this medication ...

How to take Polysorb: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, dosage, analogues

Polysorb is a safe highly effective pharmacological agent belonging to the group of multifunctional inorganic sorbents, among which is one of the leading drugs that absorb the maximum amount of toxic substances per unit ...

Sinupret: analogues are cheaper and Russian, in tablets and drops, instructions for use

Sinupret: analogues are cheaper and Russian, in tablets and drops, instructions for use In the cold season, almost every person has to face a runny nose, also known ...

Ranitidine: instructions for use of tablets, which helps, composition, analogues

Ranitidine is an active pharmacological tool designed to prevent and treat ulcerative processes in the digestive organs. And also it is successfully used as an additional medicine ...

External hemorrhoids: treatment, the most effective means and methods

Few talk about the unpleasant problems associated with using the toilet. Nevertheless, according to statistics, almost every third person knows firsthand about inflamed ...

The use of ointment Levomekol: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues

In your home medicine cabinet there is always a place for effective and affordable medicines, including Levomekol. External use of ointment "Levomekol" contributes to the speedy regeneration of damaged ...

De-Nol tablets: instructions for use, from which they help, composition, analogues

De-Nol tablets are anti-ulcer drugs. They proved the effectiveness against Helicobacter bacteria, have a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract from irritation ...

Antibiotic Amoxiclav: instructions for use, a group of antibiotics, release forms, dosage for children and adults, ...

Antibiotic Amoxiclav is a penicillin-containing drug used to treat pathologies that are caused by pathogens. An important condition is the sensitivity of bacteria to penicillins. The drug is available in ...

How to treat pancreatitis: symptoms and treatment of acute and chronic pancreatic inflammation

Malfunctions of the pancreas’s functionality are often accompanied by severe painful sensations and sufficiently complicate the usual course of the patient’s daily life. One of the most common diseases ...

Suprax: instructions for use for children and adults, the active substance, release forms, antibiotic analogues

Antibiotic Suprax belongs to cephalosporins. The medication is often used to combat many diseases that are caused by bacteria that are sensitive to its active component. The composition of the drug, ...

Pancreatin: what helps, instructions for the use of tablets for adults and children, composition, analogues

In case of digestive failure, insufficient functioning of the pancreas, Pancreatin is often prescribed, which can completely replace its work. The drug is a digestive enzyme, begins to act during ...

Amoxicillin analogs in tablets and suspensions, imported and Russian

Amoxicillin is an antibacterial drug that is effective against many bacteria.But sometimes it leads to the development of negative reactions from the body. Therefore, some patients ...

Polysorb for cleansing the body: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, dosage, analogues ...

Polysorb is a highly effective enterosorbent that allows you to quickly remove the symptoms of food, chemical or alcohol poisoning. And also this tool is used for preventive purposes, ...

Injections Mildronate: instructions for use, for which they are prescribed intramuscularly and intravenously, analogues

Mildronate, injections of which are prescribed for many patients, is a preparation of Latvian production. It is effective in the treatment of chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory and nervous systems, pathologies of organs ...

Piracetam tablets: instructions for use, composition, analogues of a nootropic drug

Piracetam tablets the application instruction relates to nootropic drugs that have a beneficial effect on the brain. As a result of treatment with this drug, cognitive ...

Treatment of osteoporosis in women and men: the most effective drugs and folk remedies, nutrition, prevention ...

Bone density decreases with age, as a result of hormonal imbalance and impaired calcium metabolism. If the fragility of the skeleton increases, fractures become more frequent, then treatment of osteoporosis with ...

Rosamet: instructions for use of the cream, which helps, composition, analogues

An antimicrobial agent is used externally for acne, for the treatment of rosacea, balanoposthitis. Rosamet has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Analogs containing metronidazole have the same effect. Structure...

Fluconazole tablets: instructions for use, composition, analogues of the antifungal drug

Many diseases are caused not only by viruses and numerous bacteria. Pathogens are often pathogenic fungi. When such pathologies develop, therapy is carried out using appropriate ...

Antibiotic Suprax: which group of antibiotics belongs, instructions for use, release form for children ...

Suprax is a broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic. It has a fundamentally new principle of exposure to bacteria that are the causative agent of diseases (destroys the walls of their cells). Antibiotic Suprax ...

Levomekol for burns: instructions for use, composition, analogues of a regenerating ointment

It is impossible to insure yourself against burns: boiling water, steam, sun rays, chemicals - all this can cause thermal damage to the skin and tissues located deeper. Treat ...

How to take Omez, what is it prescribed for, instructions for use, composition, analogues

Omez is an effective medicine for treating stomach ulcers. The action of the drug is aimed at inhibiting the production of gastric acid, which contributes to the rapid relief of inflammatory ...

Chickenpox vaccination: how much it works when given to children and adults, the name of the vaccine

A chickenpox vaccine is a reliable way to protect yourself and your child from a common viral disease. In the United States and Europe, the vaccine has been used for several ...

How to breed ceftriaxone for intramuscular and intravenous administration, instructions for the use of antibiotics

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect in the process of antimicrobial treatment of a wide range of infectious pathologies, you need to know exactly how to breed ceftriaxone, a third-generation antibiotic drug ...

Ergoferon for children: instructions for use, analogues

Children are more susceptible to respiratory infections than adults. To alleviate the condition, lower body temperature and accelerate recovery, the child needs to be given a good remedy against viruses. Exactly...

"Vizanna": instructions for the use of tablets for endometriosis, composition, analogues

"Vizanna" is a pharmaceutical agent widely used by specialists in obstetrics and gynecology. The basis of the drug is dienogest, which is characterized by a strong gestagenic effect, which reduces the activity of estrogen. In our article ...

Vitamin D3: why is it needed for adults and children, in what products it contains, preparations ...

Lack of calciferols in childhood leads to rickets-like conditions, middle-aged people feel weakness and pain in the body, in old age leads to osteoporosis. "Solar"...

Amoxicillin 500 mg: instructions for use of tablets and capsules, antibiotic analogues

Amoxicillin 500 mg is one of the most important antibiotics of the modern world, it is highly effective and can fight the most dangerous pathogens of infections, such ...

Tick-borne encephalitis vaccination: vaccination schedule for children and adults, as they are called and how much ...

According to the law, tick-borne encephalitis vaccination should be given to all citizens of the Russian Federation living in areas with a high risk of disease. This article provides ...

How to rinse the throat with chlorhexidine for adults and children, how to breed a rinse, antiseptic analogues

Rinsing is an effective treatment for many diseases of the oral cavity and throat. Many are interested in how to gargle with chlorhexidine. The composition of the drug Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic that is very active ...

Viagra, tablets for men: action and instructions for use, analogues

Viagra - pills for men that were originally invented to treat heart failure. But over time, doctors discovered their positive effect in the urological field ....

Antibiotic Augmentin: instructions for use for children and adults, release form, composition, dosage, analogues

The widespread use of antiseptics has led to the emergence of aggressive strains of bacteria. The constant increase in resistance of pathogens to antibiotics is a worldwide problem. In search of a solution, scientists ...

Amitriptyline: indications for the use of an antidepressant, composition, analogues

Amitriptyline refers to drugs from the group of psychoanaleptics and antidepressants. This tool is widely used in psychiatric and psychotherapeutic practice. It allows you to remove the manifestations of depression, insomnia, ...

Reduxine light enhanced formula: instructions for use, how to take, analogues

The desire to acquire the figure of your dreams sometimes knows no bounds, and the most diverse methods aimed at reducing weight are used. The lack of a competent approach leads ...

Nolpase: instructions for use, analogues, for what purpose

The occurrence of heartburn is associated with an increase in the acidity of the digestive juice in the stomach. Popular antacids bring only temporary relief, relieving the symptoms of an unpleasant phenomenon. An effective modern remedy for ...

Acyclovir: instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues of an antiviral drug

Acyclovir is a modern antiviral medication, especially effective against herpes, chickenpox. The drug destroys the protein of the virus, stopping the disease, preventing further relapses. Description of the dosage form, ...

Heparin ointment: what helps, instructions for use, composition, analogues

What helps Heparin ointment is described in detail in the recommendations for use attached to each package of the medication. This medication has a mixed effect and is prescribed by experts ...

Viagra for women: how a male aphrodisiac acts on women, analogues, instructions for use

Such a drug as Viagra is considered to be the means No. 1 for improving male potency.However, not always the failure of the intimate life of the two partners is to blame exclusively strong ...

Phenazepam: side effects and contraindications, composition, instructions for the use of tranquilizer

Most modern tranquilizers meet a high level of quality and are extremely effective in neurotic and psychopathic conditions. “Phenazepam”, a side ...

Antibiotic Ciprofloxacin: which group of antibiotics belongs to, instructions for use, release forms, analogues

In 1983, the German pharmaceutical company Bayer introduced Ciprofloxacin, a synthetic antibiotic. The drug showed high activity against organisms that are immune to most ...

Metronidazole tablets: instructions for use, from which they help, composition, analogues

Metronidazole tablets are a reliable assistant in the fight against pathogenic microflora. The tool has antimicrobial activity against many microorganisms, which allows it to fight with a wide ...

Omez: analogues and substitutes of the drug in tablets and capsules, composition, instructions for use, for ...

A popular remedy belongs to the group of proton pump inhibitors, it is considered an effective cure for heartburn and stomach pain. The effect of Omez analogues is also to reduce ...

Diphenhydramine: instructions for use, trade name, which preparations include

The commercial name of this first generation antihistamine is better known. Few people know that diphenhydramine is the active substance of Diphenhydramine. A new wave of interest in the drug is caused by his ...

Ingavirin 60 mg for children: instructions for use of capsules, analogues of an antiviral drug

Many parents have heard about Ingavirin 60 mg, a Russian drug. It has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. We find out in which cases children are prescribed medicine, and there is ...

Buccally - is it like taking pills? Description of the buccal route of administration of drugs

Few people know what it means to take medication buccally. This method of using the drugs is often indicated in the instructions, but they do not give detailed explanations. Description of buccal ...

Ursosan: instructions for use, analogues, how to take Ursosan tablets

According to the instructions for use, Ursosan refers to drugs that have a hepatoprotective effect. The drug protects hepatocytes, liver cells, from toxins, preventing their death, improves ...

Duspatalin: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, dosage, composition, analogues

Duspatalin, an active antispasmodic medication with high therapeutic effectiveness, relieves spasmodic attacks of pain in the digestive organs due to the relaxation of muscle fibers in the tissues of the intestines, stomach, ...

Suprax for children: instructions for use of the suspension and tablets, composition, antibiotic analogues

Acute and chronic bacterial infections can be successfully treated with cefixime. This antibiotic is part of the Suprax and Pantsef preparations. For children, instructions for use "Supraks" ...

Ascorbic acid with glucose: instructions for use, benefits and harms, how to take

Tasty vitamins familiar to us from childhood are ascorbic acid and glucose. Perhaps this is one of the most well-known and purchased dietary supplements. Why is she ...

Sinupret tablets: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues

Sinusitis is one of the common groups of ENT diseases. Ineffective treatment of these ailments can lead to the transition of the disease into a chronic form and frequent relapses. Sinupret tablets ...

Troxevasin tablets: instructions for use, what help, analogues

A medicine that increases the elasticity and tone of the walls of the veins is most in demand with heaviness in the legs, which is an invariable companion of varicose veins. You can use troxevasin tablets with other ...

Antigrippin: instruction for the use of effervescent tablets for adults and children

Antigrippin is a Dutch-made medication. It eliminates the characteristic symptoms of colds and infectious diseases. This is a fairly effective drug that can be used for ...

Ambroxol: instructions for use for children and adults, in syrup and tablets

Ambroxol is an antitussive, refers to mucolytics. It is usually prescribed in the presence of a thick, difficult to separate bronchial secretion. The medication has various forms of release that are used ...

Chloramphenicol: instructions for use in drops and tablets, analogues

Chloramphenicol refers to antibacterial agents that are effective in combating many diseases. The drug has proven effective in treating eye infections and is also used in pediatrics. It has...

Coenzyme Compositum: instructions for the use of injections, for which they are prescribed, composition, analogues

The modern pharmaceutical market is filled with various homeopathic medicines. Among them, the Coenzyme Compositum stands out, intended to normalize the body's metabolic processes. The composition of the drug The drug is available in the form of ...

Susamed suspension: instructions for use for children, composition, dosage, antibiotic analogues

"Sumamed" (suspension for children) is used for antibiotic therapy. Specialists prescribe the medication according to the instructions for use, but the dosages in each case differ, in ...

Paracetamol for headache: helps or not, is it possible to drink paracetamol with breastfeeding ...

The main function of Paracetamol is to relieve pain of various origins. In addition, the tool helps to cope with heat and inflammation. It is prescribed for both adults and children, ...

Glycine Bio: instructions for use for adults and children, the composition of tablets, analogues

Disruptions in the metabolic processes of the brain can cause disability and even lead to death. One of the sedative and antidepressant drugs that improve metabolic processes ...

Ointment Acyclovir: instructions for use, release form, dosage, analogues of an antiviral ointment

In the domestic pharmaceutical market, a herpes medicine based on the same name acyclovir appeared more than 25 years ago. Over the past time, dozens of analogues have been released ...

Omeprazole: analogues and substitutes, modern and without side effects

In the fight against peptic ulcer and gastritis, many patients are looking for an effective and affordable medicine. Omeprazole is just such a remedy. Due to its ability to inhibit secretion ...

Convalis: instructions for use, what helps, analogues of the drug

Konvalis is a potent gabapentin-based anticonvulsant pharmacological agent used to relieve local muscle cramps in patients from 12 years of age. And also it is used in ...

Amitriptyline: instructions for use, release form, dosage, antidepressant analogues

The modern rhythm leaves its mark. Not to mention the constant stresses, which, combined with chronic fatigue, lead to depression and other mental disorders ....

Noshpalgin: indications for use

Many drugs are used to relieve spasms and eliminate pain, but the universal remedy Noshpalgin can be distinguished. It helps quite effectively with headaches and ...

Amoxiclav tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, the composition of the antibiotic, analogues

For the treatment of painful processes of an infectious-inflammatory nature, antibiotics are needed. But when choosing a specific remedy, it is necessary to take into account many factors in order not to harm health. In this ...

Sumamed: analogues are cheaper and Russian, the active substance of the antibiotic

Sumamed is intended for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, and is also used for eye and epidermal lesions. This is one of the most popular drugs that are prescribed for ...

Loperamide: instructions for use, which helps, analogues

The result of poisoning often becomes severe diarrhea, which, in addition to unpleasant sensations, brings discomfort to the usual way of life. Most patients believe that the disorder will go away on its own ...

Kagocel: instructions for the use of tablets for children and adults, composition, analogues of an antiviral drug

With the advent of autumn, and even more so winter, the number of manifestations of the common cold, respiratory diseases and cases of flu increases. To avoid spending time in bed with ...

Loperamide: what helps, instructions for use, analogues

Briefly explain why Loperamide, in a few words. This is a medicine for diarrhea. The drug slows intestinal motility, helps to get rid of diarrhea. The drug is not recommended ...

Bifidumbacterin: instructions for use, analogues

Bifidumbacterin belongs to probiotics. As a result of its intake, intestinal microflora is normalized, dysbiosis, diarrhea, allergies and other pathologies that have arisen against the background of intestinal imbalance are eliminated. After...

"Milgamma": instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues of the drug in injections and tablets

There are many vitamin complexes in pharmaceuticals, but Milgamma is suitable for the neurological field, because it contains the most optimal set of microelements that make it possible to establish neural connections. Structure...

How to treat stomatitis in children and adults at home

Many diseases affecting the mucous membranes cause a lot of unpleasant, and sometimes life-threatening symptoms. One of these pathologies is stomatitis in various forms. How to treat ...

Treatment of psoriasis at home with folk remedies and medicines

This dermatosis occurs as a result of metabolic and autoimmune disorders in the body. The treatment of psoriasis is complicated by the chronic course of the inflammatory process, as well as relapses in violation of the diet ...

Dufalac: instructions for use for adults, children and during pregnancy, how to use and after how much ...

Treating constipation is a delicate issue that your friends and doctors are in no hurry to tell. There are drugs that can be used without a doctor’s prescription for occasional and ...

Dexamethasone injections: instructions for use, for which a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug is prescribed for adults and children

Dexamethasone injections, like tablets, belong to glucocorticosteroids, are used in various fields of medicine. The drug is administered intravenously and intramuscularly. Release form, composition of the preparation Steroidal anti-inflammatory ...

Amoxiclav 500 mg + 125 mg: instructions for use of tablets and injections, composition, dosage, analogues

Amoxiclav 500/125 belongs to the group of penicillin antibacterial agents used to combat many diseases caused by an infection of a bacterial nature. This is a complex medication consisting of ...

Smecta for children: instructions for use how to breed and give to the child, analogues

Smecta is a drug that is considered universal. Adults take it for a variety of digestive disorders, but its use in pediatrics is also appropriate. The medicine is right ...

Rosamet cream: instructions for use, composition, analogues of antibacterial cream

Acne and other imperfections of the skin inspire a lot of complexes relative to their own appearance. Often, adolescents face such problems during puberty, however ...

Bisoprolol: analogues and substitutes of antihypertensive drug

Effective analogues of Bisoprolol in Russia are represented by several dozen positions. They differ in the formula (more often - auxiliary components), dosage, manufacturer and pricing policy. Funds are for sale ...

Treatment of gout at home: signs of gout in men and women, treatment with folk remedies ...

Gout since the Middle Ages was considered a disease of the kings, since the painful symptoms of the disease developed as a result of gluttony and excessive consumption of alcohol. The patient subsequently violated the natural ...

Pancreatinum: instructions for use of tablets for adults and children, composition, analogues of the enzyme preparation

"Pancreatin" is an indispensable medicine for gastrointestinal pathologies associated with a lack of its own enzymes. It is prescribed for diseases of the pancreas, as well as for a number of other diseases ....

How to smear chickenpox and green colorless preparations for the treatment of rashes

Few of us have ever experienced a disease like chickenpox at least once in our lives. The peculiarity of the disease in papules, which can be observed on skin ...

Ciprofloxacin: instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, antibiotic analogues

Ciprofloxacin is a universal medicine with antibiotic effect. It is used in various fields of medicine with one goal - to destroy the pathogenic microflora inside the body and accelerate ...

Treatment of osteochondrosis: symptoms, diagnosis and methods of treatment of the disease

Treatment of osteochondrosis, depending on its type and stage, can be either conservative or surgical. The decision is made by the doctor based on the history and ...

Isoprinosine: instructions for use, analogues

Weakened immunity becomes the reason that viruses attack the body and bring unpleasant diseases. The antiviral medication Isoprinosine is able to improve protection against harmful infections. Of what...

How to treat stomatitis in children and adults at home

Despite the fact that not much is known about small ulcers and inflammations on the surface of the oral mucosa, even a person knows how to treat stomatitis ...

Actovegin: analogues of the drug in tablets, ampoules and in other forms of release

Actovegin is referred to as medicines that improve the body's absorption of oxygen. This is a kind of accelerator of cellular metabolic processes, so the medicine has found wide use for the treatment of various ...

Chlorhexidine bigluconate: instructions for use, disinfectant analogues

A universal antiseptic with a pronounced antimicrobial effect - this is how chlorhexidine bigluconate can be described. The chlorhexidine solution helps not only remove pathogenic microflora from certain areas ...

Ketorol: instructions for use, what helps, analogues

The drug became popular due to a strong analgesic, moderate anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. Ketorol helps with joint, headache, muscle pain. The tool is used in surgery, dentistry, orthopedics, ...

Heparin ointment: instructions for use, what helps, composition, analogues

With vascular diseases of the upper skin words, the doctor may prescribe heparin ointment. It is worth considering in more detail what specific diagnoses precede such an appointment, as well as find out ...

Vazobral: instructions for use, analogues of the drug

Vazobral is an Italian combined pharmaceutical product that effectively improves blood circulation in cerebral and peripheral vessels, and has a psychostimulating effect. The drug is characterized by increased safety, a small list ...

Ointment Levomekol: instructions for use, what helps, composition, analogues

Levomekol ointment is known for its wound healing and antimicrobial action. It is used in such fields of medicine as dermatology, dentistry, surgery and gynecology. Deserved attention due to the fast healing ...

Pantogam: instructions for use, for which purpose

Pantogam belongs to the group of nootropics. This drug contributes to the normalization of brain functions and blood supply to its tissues. Taking a medicinal composition can improve attention and memory, as well as ...

Clotrimazole candles: instructions for use, analogues

Today, manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry offer women a variety of formulations designed to treat thrush. However, it is suppositories recognized as the most effective, ...

Uroprofit: instructions for use, capsule composition, analogues

Few modern medicines are based on natural ingredients. Uroprofit is a tool whose composition is based on biologically active substances. It is the soft directional effect that allows you to get rid ...

How to treat psoriasis? Causes and symptoms of the disease, methods of treating psoriasis at home folk ...

Those who happen to experience a disease like psoriasis are familiar with all of its unpleasant symptoms. For good, only a specialist can recommend how to treat psoriasis, ...

Suprastin: instructions for use for children and adults, release forms, composition, analogues of the drug from ...

The highly effective drug Suprastin or Chloropyramine is prescribed to prevent, as well as eliminate the signs of allergies. The medicine has a quick effect and thereby reduces the unpleasant symptoms of the disease ....

"Acyclovir Akrikhin": instructions for use, composition of ointment and tablets, analogues

The medication will work efficiently, but for this you must follow the instructions, do not exceed the dosages indicated by the doctor, and also take into account that any remedy ...

Trimedat: instructions for use, composition of tablets, dosage for adults and children, analogues

An antispasmodic affects the intestines and, to a lesser extent, other gastrointestinal organs. "Trimedat" helps with dyspepsia, spastic colitis, flatulence. A feature of the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is ...

Ergoferon: instructions for use for children and adults, analogues

For the treatment of infections of various etiologies, patients are often prescribed Ergoferon. This is a powerful tool that provides recovery in the shortest possible time without harming the body. His welcome ...

Lactofiltrum: instructions for use, analogues, how to take for weight loss

Lactofiltrum is an enterosorbent that binds toxins and easily removes them from the body through the intestines. Now in pharmacies you can find a large number of such drugs. However...

Neuromultivitis: composition, instructions for use of the drug in tablets and injections, analogues

The composition of Neuromultivitis consists of B vitamins, which stimulate metabolic processes in the tissues of the nervous system and improve cellular regeneration. After treatment with this drug, an increase is observed ...

Ibuklin - what helps? Instructions for use, composition, dosage for adults and children, ...

"Ibuklin" - a complex medication consisting of non-steroidal drugs that relieve inflammation. Against the background of the treatment, the fever decreases, pain and fever are eliminated. In our article in detail ...

Ibuprofen tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition

Ibuprofen tablets are often prescribed to relieve pain and normalize body temperature. Their widespread use is explained by the therapeutic effect and effectiveness of the drug, which are fully understood, and ...

Cortexin: instructions for use for adults and children, injections and tablets

“Cortexin” is a nootropic drug classified as a protein bioregulator. This medication helps to normalize brain processes, protects tissues from toxins, eliminates seizures and ...

Levocarnitine (L-carnitine): instructions for use, indications and contraindications, form of release

Levocarnitine is not only a drug that has become popular among the masses due to its ability to accelerate metabolism, but also an important element of internal amino acid synthesis. He is different ...

Loratadine tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, analogues

Loratadine is one of the most commonly prescribed anti-allergic drugs. It is recognized by the international community and is included in the list of vital medical supplies. Due...

Drops Sinupret: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues

Acute rhinitis and sinusitis are most common in the cold season. With a running cold, runny nose, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and respiratory tract, Sinupret drops help well ...

Herbion: instructions for use against dry and wet cough

Preparations based on extracts from plants are considered safe and effective. KRKA Herbion syrups are often used in the complex treatment of colds accompanied by cough ....

Concor: instructions for use, analogues, what are they taking from?

Concor in the instructions for use is presented as a medicine of selective effect on 1-adrenergic receptors, designed to treat diseases accompanied by high blood pressure, complicated heart function ...

Phenotropil: instructions for use, analogues, what to replace

“Fenotropil” is an active medication from the class of stimulants of metabolic and energy processes in the neurons of the brain, designed to correct higher brain functions, improve memory and ...

Kagocel's analogues: cheaper and Russian, a list of antiviral drugs

Pathogenic viruses are the cause of many pathological conditions and diseases of children and adults. Viral particles are available for medication only until penetration or after ...

Cycloferon: instructions for use for adults and children, release form, composition, analogues of an antiviral drug

"Cycloferon" belongs to a number of antiviral, immunostimulating drugs that induce interferon. This is a domestic product that has proven effective in the fight against viruses and bacteria. Known in Russian ...

Smecta: instructions for use for adults and children, what helps and how to breed, ...

Antidiarrheal, sorption and antitoxic effects of the drug are due to the properties of diosmectite. The instructions for use "Smecta" contains the entire list of indications. It is indicated that the medicine is used as ...

Eye drops Levomycetin: instructions for use for adults and children

Pathogenic bacteria under favorable conditions begin active reproduction, causing many diseases. Bacterial infections can affect absolutely any system of the human body or an individual organ, and ...

Enterol: instructions for use for children and adults, which helps, how to take and ...

The medicine is taken for diarrhea, an imbalance of microflora and intestinal diseases. “Enterol” contains unicellular ascomycetes fungi displacing pathogenic microbes from the gastrointestinal tract. The biomaterial in the composition of the drug has an immunobiological ...

Arthrosan: instructions for use and composition of various forms of release: injections, tablets, ointment - analogues ...

"Arthrosan" is a complex-action medication prescribed by doctors for a variety of diseases and conditions associated with joint damage. The medicine has its own list of contraindications and ...

Nixar: instructions for the use of allergy pills, active ingredient, analogues

The Spanish drug Nixar in the instructions for use is presented as one of the powerful specific medicines among the 2nd generation anti-allergic drugs, which has a speed of action and a proven ...

Fermatron: instructions for use, analogues of the drug

Fermathron is recognized as one of the most effective drugs for treating various joint problems. This medicine is produced in the UK, and it is presented in ...

Linex Forte: instructions for use for adults and children, analogues

Digestion is an extremely unpleasant condition, not only causing a lot of inconvenience, but also often leading to life-threatening consequences. When dyspeptic disorders are caused by dysbiosis, ...

Asparkam: instructions for use, indications, analogues

The tool restores the electrolyte balance, disrupted by the loss of potassium and magnesium, with diseases, sports, weight loss. Best of all, Asparkam copes with cardiac arrhythmias. Domestic drug is much ...

Metronidazole - what is it prescribed for? Instructions for use, release form, analogues of the drug

Metronidazole is a common drug with antiprotozoal and antibacterial properties. Its widespread use is explained by accessibility and a wide range of effects. But to figure out why ...

Reduxin instructions for use, weight loss analogues, side effects

The unique drug Reduxin impresses with its “skills”. It is able to specifically affect the human brain, reducing appetite. And, in addition, it increases energy consumption, which ...

No-Shpa: instructions for use, indications during pregnancy, which helps, is it possible for children, analogues

The medicine "No-shpa" is known to everyone. This is not surprising, since the remedy helps in a few minutes to relieve the pain provoked by spasm. The medication is inexpensive, but helps in ...

Analogs of Midokalm in tablets and ampoules

Muscle relaxant drugs help relieve pain and spasm in arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases caused by disorders in the bones and nerves. Analogs of Midokalm contain such ...

Cyprolet: instructions for use, from which an antibiotic, analogues

Tsiprolet is an effective antibiotic that helps to cope with various pathologies. It destroys the bacteria that provoke inflammation, and thereby leads to a quick recovery ....

Prednisolone: ​​instructions for use, what is prescribed, indications, analogues

"Prednisolone" is a universal medicine of hormonal origin, which helps in cases where other medicines are ineffective. It is prescribed to many patients with a wide variety of pathologies, ...

Ascoril: instructions for use for children and adults, analogues

An unpleasant symptom of seasonal colds is a cough. It can last a long time and bring a lot of trouble to the patient. An effective tool to combat this symptom is Ascoril ....

Cardiomagnyl: instructions for use, what is it for, analogues

The heart and blood vessels need protection, because the state of the whole organism depends on their health. Cardiomagnyl is a rather popular means of advertising due to advertising, which is often prescribed ...

"Aspirin Cardio": instructions for use, how to take, analogues

"Aspirin Cardio" is, in fact, acetylsalicylic acid, available in any home medicine cabinet.Very often this is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory - the first assistant for headaches and ...

Remantadine: instructions for use, analogues of the drug, which helps

Many modern pharmaceutical products for the prevention and treatment of colds and flu often have a relatively high cost. But there is a well-known drug, proven by no one ...

How to get rid of insomnia: the best medicines and folk remedies

Sleep disturbances are an unpleasant phenomenon that adversely affects human health. More serious than this pathology is only insomnia. How to get rid of insomnia for people of different sexes and ...

Metformin: instructions for use, how to take for weight loss, analogues

"Metformin" is a medication specially designed to moderate and safely reduce blood sugar levels, and at the same time used to reduce excess weight. One ...

Cycloferon tablets: instructions for use by adults and children, the antiviral drug regimen

The drug "Cycloferon" is a powerful remedy for viruses, which is used in the treatment of adults and small patients. For therapy to be successful, you must carefully observe ...

Amoxiclav: analogues are cheaper and Russian, the composition of the antibiotic (active ingredients)

The antibacterial drug is effective against common pathogens of angina and other infectious diseases. Structural analogues of Amoxiclav, like this antibiotic, belong to the generation of protected penicillins ....

Mukaltin: instructions for use by adults and children, how to take during pregnancy and HBV, with ...

The cough can be relieved by the inexpensive and natural preparation Mukaltin, the instructions for use of which are simple and understandable. Cough - a protective reaction of the body to the lungs ...

Effective antiviral drugs for children under 1 year, 1-3 and after 3 years

Kids are especially vulnerable to viral infections of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and skin. Modern antiviral drugs for children help prevent and treat acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, chickenpox, and herpes. Interferons ...

Enalapril: instructions for use, what helps?

Probably every person feels high blood pressure throughout his life. Someone recovers it on their own, but someone needs pharmaceuticals to do this ...

Ointment Levomekol: what helps, instructions for use

Many do not know why they are prescribing the remedy, and why the Levomekol ointment helps. This homogeneous mass of dense texture of snow-white or slightly yellowish color is excellent ...

Stomatitis in adults, treatment at home, medication and folk remedies

Treatment of stomatitis in adults should be carried out only under the supervision of a qualified doctor. Severe forms of the disease can provoke a lot of complications, including general intoxication of the body and damage ...

How to take Enterosgel for adults and children? Instructions for use, composition, analogues

Enterosgel belongs to the group of sorbing agents. It is used in the treatment of various kinds of intoxications and other conditions that develop due to the presence of harmful substances and pathogens ...

Clotrimazole: instructions for use of ointment, tablets, drop and spray

“Clotrimazole” is familiar to many as a pharmaceutical preparation in the form of ointments or creams with a strong antifungal effect, used externally. However, pharmacology offers a wide selection of remedies for this ...

Grandaxinum: instructions for use, for what purpose, analogues

Grandaxinum is a medication tranquilizing drug that reduces anxiety, suppresses fears and emotional and mental stress. Included in the group of anxiolytic drugs, or ataraxics (anti-anxiety drugs), II ...

Treatment of rosacea on the face: causes, symptoms, drugs and treatments for rosacea

Redness and pustules arising on the forehead, cheeks and chin due to the development of rosacea are the main culprits of the appearance of complexes relative to their own appearance. Similar defects, or how ...

Folic acid for men: benefits when planning a pregnancy, instructions for use

In addition to vitamin and mineral complexes, expectant mothers are prescribed folic acid. But this enzyme, also called vitamin B9, is also important at the planning stage ...


