How many calories do women and men need to consume per day: the daily calorie intake for losing weight ...
Having figured out how many calories you need to consume per day, any slimmer will be able to compose a competent right menu for himself. As a result, extra kilos will not accumulate and ...
High Protein Products: High Protein Plant and Animal Table
High protein foods are a must. You can choose healthy and tasty food, taking into account your abilities and desires.
The value of protein for ...
How many calories a person needs per day: the norm of daily intake and calorie expenditure in women ...
To successfully defeat overweight, you need to competently approach the issue of nutrition. The main task is to get as much energy with food as the body needs. That number ...
Glycemic index: what is it, a table of products with high and low GI
In some cases, when compiling a diet, it becomes necessary to take into account the glycemic index of foods used in food. This parameter is characterized by carbohydrate food - the indicator is directly related ...
Mirimanova’s diet “Minus 60”: daily menu, basic principles, table of allowed and forbidden ...
For many women, losing weight is associated with excruciating starvation and torturing themselves in the gym. However, there are programs that help you lose weight without negativity. One of those ...
Diet for men to lose weight: products, menu effective male diet for burning fat
Representatives of a strong half of humanity are also often overweight and tend to lose weight. However, the diet for men for weight loss is different from the female options.
Principles ...
Hypolipidemic diet: nutrition rules and recipes, indications, diet options for maintaining and reducing weight
A lipid-lowering diet is suitable for those who monitor their health and do not want to gain excess weight. This is an opportunity to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially ...
Diet for pyelonephritis: table number 7, a menu of a medical diet for kidney diseases in women, ...
A diet for pyelonephritis is one of the most important conditions for fighting the disease. The correct diet, called "Table No. 7", allows you to quickly relieve inflammation, ...
Diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis: 5 table therapeutic diet, sample menu, recipes
A diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis is an important component of therapy. Without proper nutrition, it is impossible to cure these diseases. And if, despite the restrictions, eat forbidden foods ...
10 Ducane recipes for attack and rotation
The technique, developed by the French nutritionist Pierre Ducane, has a huge number of followers around the world. This is not even a diet in the usual sense of the word, but carefully worked out ...
Diet "7 petals": a menu for every day, the basic rules, allowed and prohibited products, exit ...
The menu for every day in the 7-petal diet is surprising and pleasing. After all, you can eat tasty, use a variety of foods and at the same time lose weight.
Features and rules ...
Alkaline diet: weekly menu, list of alkalizing foods, indications and contraindications
Alkaline diet is only gaining popularity in our country. For some, this is an effective method of weight loss, for others - a way to improve their health. About this...
Model diet: menu for 3 and 7 days, results, basic rules and contraindications, exit ...
Model diet is designed to bring your weight back to normal for a limited period of time. Because of this, she is quite strict, and therefore observe ...
Diet of Polina Gagarina: menu for the week, principle and basic rules
The famous singer has the largest fan club in Russia. Fans with great attention follow not only creativity, but also its life. When after ...
Paleo-diet (paleo-diet), autoimmune nutritional protocol: what is and is not, recipes, benefits and ...
The paleo diet brings people back to nutrition destined for nature itself. Our genes remember healthy food - one that would allow us to remain slim, not to get sick ...
BEACH diet: detailed description, menu in grams, the principle of protein-carbohydrate alternation, pros and cons, diet results
BEACH diet is an ideal way to lose a few extra pounds for people with weak willpower. Most of the recommended diet for weight loss provides for limiting intake ...
Atkins diet: menu for 14 days, a table of allowed and prohibited products, a detailed description of the stages ...
The Atkins diet has been popular for over 50 years. It is used by both Hollywood stars and ordinary women who dream of a slim figure. From this article you will learn ...
Diet for nursing mothers: good nutrition by month, a table of products that are prohibited during breastfeeding
After the birth of a baby, much changes in a woman’s life. In particular, change is about nutrition. A diet for nursing mothers is the key to the normal development of crumbs and lack of ...
Maggi's egg diet for weight loss: a menu for 2 and 4 weeks in the table, allowed ...
Maggie's egg diet got its name from its creator Margaret (abbreviated as Maggie) Thatcher. It was in her old notebook that records about the system were discovered ...
Diet for constipation: table number 3 medical diet according to Pevzner, a menu for children and ...
A diet for constipation can significantly improve a person’s condition and establish a normal digestion process. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations made.
The essence of the diet "Table No. 3" for constipation
The main thing...
Cabbage diet for weight loss: a menu for 7 and 3 days, options, pros and cons, ...
For lovers of this popular vegetable, this way of losing weight will be only a joy.The cabbage diet in spring is especially relevant when you need to put your weight in order, ...
Vitamin D for adults: symptoms of shortage and overdose, indications how to take, the best vitamin preparations ...
Usually, parents give vitamin D drugs to their babies as a prophylactic for rickets. However, this substance is necessary for men and women in any ...
Curd diet for weight loss: a menu for 3 and 7 days, options, exit the diet
A cottage cheese diet is not for everyone. This is the best option for lovers of this product. Those who do not like cottage cheese will find it very difficult for ...
A non-slag diet for cleansing the body and before a colonoscopy: what you can eat, a menu of 3 ...
A necessary step in the preparation of intestinal organs before colonoscopy, ultrasound and abdominal tomography is a slag-free diet. Without it, a diagnostic study will not give the desired result. Therefore...
Diet for diseases of the pancreas: menu, table of allowed and prohibited products, recipes for dietary dishes
In the case of pathologies of the digestive system, one should not eat everything in a row, otherwise the situation will worsen. A diet for pancreatic disease accelerates recovery and spares internal organs. Therefore...
Ketone diet: menus, indications and contraindications, the basic principle of a high fat diet
Ketone diet is a rather interesting way to reduce weight, which was originally used in the treatment of children with epilepsy. Having lost relevance in the field of neurology, the keto-diet has gained popularity ...
Diet by blood group 3 positive: table of allowed and prohibited products, menu
A fairly large part of the world's population has a third blood group. She appeared in a later period when people started raising livestock and started ...
Diet for cirrhosis: menus, recipes, basic rules
Against the background of absolute health, any restrictions in food seem superfluous and inappropriate. But if a serious malfunction occurs in the body, it is important not to forget about healthy ...
Buckwheat diet with kefir - the benefits of cereals, diet principles and a detailed menu, effect ...
In pursuit of a slim figure, many resort to a variety of methods, often quite dangerous, up to starvation. But as always, everything ingenious is simple. Normal ...
Fruit diet for weight loss: options, menus for 3, 7 and 14 days, pluses and ...
A fruit diet is a great opportunity to quickly get back into shape without starving yourself. This nutrition program promotes not only weight loss, ...
Diet for intestinal dysbiosis in adults and children: menus, basic rules, allowed and prohibited ...
Modern doctors are heatedly debating the question of whether dysbiosis is a disease or condition of the body, as well as regarding the causes of its occurrence. But in ...
Diet for liver diseases: what you can and cannot eat, menus and dishes
Diet is an important recovery factor for the liver. At this time, refuse heavy, toxin-rich food.
Symptoms and causes of liver disease Should consider how much work ...
Diet for kidney stones: medical tables No. 6, 7 and 14, permitted and ...
Diet with kidney stones does not belong to too strict types of nutrition. Each "table" is characterized by its own characteristics, which take into account the differences in the chemical composition of stones ....
Diet after removal of appendicitis in adults and children: a menu by day, the basic rules of nutrition ...
Diet after the removal of appendicitis is a prerequisite for a full rehabilitation. Carefully monitoring the diet, listening to the reaction of the body even to the allowed foods, you can successfully establish ...
Diet for exacerbation of gastritis: what you can eat, the basic rules, menu of the therapeutic diet table No. ...
Diet with exacerbation of gastritis is aimed at reducing the load on the stomach.If you apply therapeutic nutrition at the first symptoms of the disease, this will help the body recover faster.
The main ...
Metabolic diet: detailed description, diet phases, daily menu
The metabolic diet today is widespread. Its action is not only based on food restrictions, but also on the restoration of hormonal balance in the body. Therefore...
Ducane cheese cakes - 6 recipes
Many years ago, the French physician Pierre Ducant developed a special diet for people who want to lose weight. His nutritional complex is based on protein foods, as well as a ban ...
Diet for cholelithiasis: what products can and cannot be, 5-table medical diet menu
Compliance with the diet for cholelithiasis is the main condition for a full, life that is not overshadowed by poor health. It is necessary to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet even during the period of remission. BUT...
Diet for obesity: menu of the treatment table No. 8 according to Pevzner to normalize metabolism ...
Obesity is a problem of our time. People have the opportunity to eat everything, in any quantity, while semi-finished foods are especially popular today! If obesity is not related ...
Chocolate diet for weight loss: a menu for 7 and 3 days, the basic rules, the way out ...
The Chocolate Diet is a nutritional program that sweets will especially enjoy. What could be better than enjoying your favorite chocolate and losing weight so fast?
The main ...
A carbohydrate-free diet for losing weight and drying your body: a table of products, menus, pros and cons, a way out ...
A carbohydrate-free diet is popular with active people. The term “drying” is often misleading. Many people think that a diet is based on reducing fluid intake. This is not true.
Diet for duodenal ulcer: menu of the therapeutic diet table No. 1A, a list of allowed and ...
Many people, after diagnosing their gastrointestinal diseases, think that now they will no longer be able to eat deliciously. In fact, even a diet for ulcers ...
Diet for hepatitis C: what can and cannot be eaten with viral hepatitis, menu ...
A diet for hepatitis C along with taking medication prescribed by your doctor is an important part of treatment. It is not very strict, but it must be observed constantly.
Diet Kovalkova: detailed description, steps, menus, allowed and prohibited products
Among the many unhealthy weight loss systems, the Kovalkov diet stands out. It is focused not on eliminating a cosmetic problem, but on a long-term result, improving the overall ...
ATS diet: transcript, menu of medical tables according to Pevzner
The medical nutrition system developed by the learned nutritionist M. I. Pevzner in Soviet times does not lose its significance today. Every ATS diet or ...
Diet by blood type: basic principles, author of a diet, allowed and prohibited products for 1, ...
Blood type diet is a new direction in the field of nutrition, quite popular among various sectors of society. It was created thanks to many years of research by scientists and nutritionists ...
Diet after removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy: menu, table of allowed and prohibited products, dietary ...
Most patients believe that the diet after removal of the gallbladder and laparoscopy is very limited, scarce and complex. However, in fact, you can eat quite tasty ...
Diet "Roller coaster": the menu for the week and 21 days, the basic rules of the diet of Martin Katana
The Roller Coaster diet, like a ride of the same name, provokes cyclical stressful situations. If you radically change a person’s diet, after a few days the body is used to a certain daily rate ...
Salt-free diet: a menu for 14 and 7 days, the pros and cons, than replacing salt
Salt-free diet is a very effective program for losing weight, which is even indicated for some chronic diseases.
What is the essence of a salt-free diet
The daily intake of salt for ...
The diet of Margarita the Queen for weight loss: the principle of diet, a menu for every day
Margarita Koroleva’s diet is known for the fact that with her help many artists and singers were able to get rid of unsightly excess weight and acquire an attractive slim figure.
The main ...
French diet for weight loss: a menu for 7, 10 and 14 days
The French diet is one of the most fashionable and effective ways to lose weight. The duration of the approaches is 7, 10 and 14 days, depending on the desired result ....
Chemical diet for weight loss: a menu for 1, 2 and 4 weeks, diet options
The name “chemical diet” has nothing to do with chemistry and harmful synthetic substances. The technique of losing weight is based on the use of environmentally friendly natural ...
Diet on kefir and apples for weight loss: a menu for 3, 7 and 9 days
The diet on kefir and apples is one of those that are classified as rather strict, since the diet will have to be limited to only two products. At the same...
Diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides: quick and effective diet options for men and ...
Sweet tooth or physically passive people are well aware of the problem of excess weight in the waist and sides. At the same time, tightening the figure is much more difficult than “blurring” in ...
Milk diet for weight loss: a menu for 7 and 3 days, options, exit the diet
Recently, much has been said about the dangers of milk and its negative effects on the body. But lovers of a milk diet claim that this particular product helps ...
Montignac Diet: weekly menu, diet phases, basic rules
The main association with the word “diet” is restriction and hunger. Losing weight people should deny themselves sweet, starchy and other harmful products, which are constantly ...
Diet by blood group 2 is positive: a table of products and menus for weight loss according to the system ...
Most of the people in the pursuit of happiness and a long life are looking for ways to restore and maintain their health. In part, this contributes to normal body weight and ...
Diet for drying the body: a menu for women and men
Diet drying is one of the most popular ways to burn fat without losing muscle mass. It helps to normalize weight, make the silhouette more toned, and muscles –...
English diet - 21 days: a detailed menu and recipes
There is a nutrition system that provides for the alternation of plant and protein sources. This is an English diet for 21 days. During this period of time, you can get rid of several kilograms without ...
Diet by Elena Malysheva for weight loss: menu for every day, for a week, 10 days, recipes
TV presenter and doctor of medical sciences Elena Vasilievna is sure: to lose weight you need to eat, and not exhaust yourself with hunger. It is only required to select the right products. On...
Water diet - a way to lose weight for the lazy: a menu for 3, 7 and 10 days
One name "water diet" creates the impression that a person after it will become not only thin, but also exhausted. In fact, this is not so ....
Pevzner diets: a list of medical diet tables, indications
Proper nutrition is important to maintain well-being, the balanced functioning of all systems, which is often underestimated. But it is also necessary to enhance the effect of the treatment of various diseases ....
Diet "5 tablespoons" (200 grams): menu for the week, diet rules
A diet of 5 tablespoons is very popular among people who dream of losing weight. The system is approved by experts and really proves effective subject to strict ...
Atomic diet for weight loss: a menu for 7 days and a month, a list of allowed products
The atomic diet accelerates metabolism without drugs, reduces weight without the excruciating feeling of hunger and for a long time returns its former harmony. Learn more about it from this article.
The main ...
Kefir and buckwheat diet: menu for 3, 7 and 14 days, the pros and cons of the diet
Kefir and buckwheat diet is quite popular among those who want to lose weight. In a short time, you can lose up to 12 kg. In today's article we’ll talk about all the nuances of the diet, consider ...
Diet Valley: the principle of diet, a menu for 7 and 14 days
The sensational "star" diet of the Valley is really very effective, but only if you strictly follow all its rules. Once going through this weight loss program to the end ...
Vegetable diet for weight loss: options, menus for 7 and 14 days
Vegetable diet is one of the safest and most convenient methods of losing weight. With proper diet planning, the body will not lack in basic nutrient ...
Useful habits that help you quickly and easily lose weight
Every girl dreams of a perfect figure. And if you think that when you throw off the extra 20-30 kilograms, you will consider your body chic, you ...
Diet for weight gain: options, high-calorie menus for weight loss
Excessive thinness can be as repulsive as overweight. Therefore, a diet for weight gain is also very popular.
Description of diet for weight gain
The disadvantage ...
Chemical diet for 4 weeks: menu for weight loss, a table of allowed products
Do you think losing a month to 30 kilograms is unrealistic? This is quite possible if you adhere to a chemical diet for 4 weeks. Its author is a brilliant professor Osama ...
Oat diet for weight loss: a menu for 7 and 3 days, the benefits of a diet, contraindications
How to lose weight, without starving, so that later you do not have to drink vitamins and restore health, without feeling a loss of strength and mood, and also, to ...
Diet for the lazy (minus 12 kg per month): the principle of diet, a menu for every day
On the net, the diet for the lazy is gaining more and more popularity. The peculiar name is explained by the fact that it does not require strict restrictions and is perfect for those who ...
ABC diet for weight loss: hard, light, super light, the benefits and harms
This weight loss technique is known as the Traffic Light. She's pretty tough, but very effective. There are several variations of the ABC diet - from the strictest to more ...
Orange diet for weight loss: options, menu, benefits and harms, contraindications
The orange diet is considered quite tough due to the small number of calories, but it is very effective. Allows you to throw from 4 to 6 kilograms per week.
The main ...
Grapefruit diet: options, menus for 7 and 3 days, the pros and cons of the diet
Grapefruit diet is considered one of the most popular and fastest mono-diets. Grapefruit contains a unique substance that helps to lose weight without much effort. But you need to understand ...
Apple diet for weight loss: a menu for 3 and 7 days, the pros and cons, exit ...
Apple diet gives excellent, guaranteed results, but only subject to strict adherence to all its rules. Learn more about this.
The essence and features of the apple diet
Apples –...
Diet for cystitis: a menu for adults and children with inflammation of the bladder
Cystitis is an inflammatory disease in which the walls of the bladder become inflamed as a result of exposure to pathogenic bacteria. This may be due to a decrease in immunity in the background ...
Diet for colitis: menu during exacerbation and in chronic bowel disease
The inflammatory process with colitis occurs in the mucous membrane of the colon. In order to give the digestive tract organs rest and time for a full recovery, you need to properly organize nutrition ....
Why you can’t lose weight, despite all the efforts: 15 real reasons
Nowadays, almost every second seeks to look more attractive for themselves or a partner. More than half of the world's population cares about their appearance, including ...
Drinking diet for weight loss: a menu for 3, 7, 14 and 30 days
Drinking diet is considered "lazy." It is losing weight without physical exertion. The first days are given hard, dizzy, weakness appears, apathy overcomes.But then everything changes: ...
Banana diet for weight loss: a menu for 3 and 7 days, options, pros and cons, ...
The banana diet is gaining more and more popularity. This tasty and effective method, which will be described in detail in the presented material, has already helped many people to become ...
Kefir diet for 7 days - instructions
Kefir diet for 7 days is an excellent tool that allows you to lose a few extra pounds. It is considered strict and ascetic, so before entering the diet is ...
Vegetarian diet for weight loss: options, a sample menu for the week
A balanced and well-chosen vegetarian diet can help you lose at least 3 kg per week. In addition to losing excess weight, many say that during ...
How to lose weight on buckwheat: buckwheat diet menu, pros and cons
Many are interested in how to lose weight on buckwheat. Buckwheat is a hearty and healthy meal, so such a short diet is unlikely to harm the body.
The essence of the buckwheat diet
Buckwheat Diet ...
Exit from a drinking diet: menu, diet, tips and tricks
Drinking diet is one of the most stringent and strict. Despite the words of doctors and nutritionists that such experiments always harm the body, women still ...
Diet for poisoning: a menu for adults and children for poisoning and during the recovery period
Probably everyone once had to survive the poisoning. The diet in this case is very different from normal. The diet for poisoning is designed to help the body, ...
Mono-diets for fast weight loss: the principle of action, the most effective mono-diets, benefits and harms
Every year the number of obese people is growing. Russia was no exception, where over the past year the proportion of men who are overweight has grown by ...
Dukan Diet “Attack”: 7-day menu, allowed and forbidden foods
Nutritionist Pierre Ducane has developed his own diet, which consists of several phases and allows you to not only lose weight, but also completely restructure to a new style ...
Carrot diet for weight loss: a menu for 3, 7 and 10 days, the pros and cons, ...
A cheap and fast carrot diet allows you to get rid of a couple of extra centimeters at the waist in just a few days. True, many losing weight call it too complicated ...
Lemon diet for weight loss: options, menu, benefits and harms, contraindications
The complicated "citrus" nutrition system allows you to quickly slim and get closer to the figure of your dreams. In just a couple of weeks, it can be used to get rid of, on average, ...
A sparing diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: product list, menu
A person who first encountered a pathology of the digestive system has to face a huge list of recommendations and prohibitions. It seems that all existing and familiar products are no longer available, ...
Diet Osama Hamdiy: menu for 4 and 2 weeks, the basic principles and rules of the chemical ...
The diet of Osama Hamdiy is considered effective for losing weight by several tens of kg without a destructive effect on the physiology and psychology of a person. This approach to nutrition is considered ...
Diet ballerinas for weight loss: the principle of diet, allowed and prohibited products
Ballerinas have incredible stamina and fortitude. One thought about what loads these fragile, graceful girls have to endure is amazing. However, to constantly be ...
Diet for hemorrhoids in women and men: what foods to consume
Hemorrhoids develop gradually and are considered one of the most delicate problems. The inflammatory process in the rectal region is accompanied by expansion and pathological changes in hemorrhoidal veins ...
Diet on cereals for weight loss: the pros and cons of diets, menus, options
What girls just do not go to have a chiseled figure, causing envy and admiration of others. Exhausting workouts, hunger, body wraps ... And this is far from complete ...
Nursing mom's diet for months: a table of products, what you can, what you can not, postpartum diet menu
The usual lifestyle of the family changes after the birth of the child. Along with pleasant cares, additional responsibilities and restrictions appear. The diet of a nursing mother is a necessary measure that ...
Diet table 9: foods, menus for diabetes and gestational diabetes
There are many methods regarding proper nutrition for endocrine diseases. Diet table 9 was compiled by the famous physician of the USSR M. Pevzner. Its task is to normalize the number of applicants ...
Chinese diet for weight loss: the principle of diet, a menu for 14 and 7 days
It’s not enough to drive extra pounds. It is required to make sure that they no longer return to a slender body. The Chinese diet will help in this matter, since it ...
Japanese diet: menu for 14 and 7 days, the original version, diet recipes
The chic figures of most Japanese women can only be envied. And Asian ladies can keep themselves in amazing shape with a special nutrition system. Anyone can stick to it, ...
Kefir diet for 7 days, 3 days: menu for weight loss, allowed and prohibited products
The name of mono-diet immediately reveals the basis of its diet - it is low-fat kefir (1% -2%). This type of nutrition allows you to get rid of excess weight in the shortest possible time, with ...
Diet 1st table: menu of the diet according to Pevzner, what you can and cannot eat ...
Gastrointestinal diseases require not only certain medications, but also a diet. Patients with pathologies of the stomach and upper small intestines should choose a special ...
Keto diet - what is it? Description, a list of keto-diet products, a weekly menu for women and ...
It is unlikely that the keto diet will appeal to the sweet tooth. But lovers of nutritious food will surely like it. The basis of the unique system are protein products and lipids - they and ...
English diet: a detailed menu for 21 and 7 days, the principle of protein-vegetable diet
A special English diet was invented by British nutritionists. It was they who came up with such a simple and effective food system. You can eat in this way for a long time, achieving delicious ...
Drinking diet for 7 days: menu, basic principle, features, pros and cons, contraindications
Drinking a diet for 7 days is a simple and quick way to adjust weight without tiring workouts.
The basic principle of a drinking diet for a week
The main principle is to ...
Diet for psoriasis - Pegano and Fire: product tables of what you can and cannot ...
Diet for psoriasis plays a significant role in the treatment of the disease. Eating on the recommendations of specialists, it will be possible to cleanse the skin from psoriatic rashes and get rid of other painful ...
Japanese diet for 14 days, daily menu, food table
The results of those who have tried the Japanese diet are staggering. Slenderness of a geisha becomes understandable and affordable! The menu of the Japanese diet for 14 days is quite budgetary, but it really requires ...
Nutrition for pancreatitis: a list of products, a menu for chronic and acute pancreatic inflammation
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. This disease is painful for a person in both acute and chronic form. Constant pain, debilitating nausea, periodic vomiting ... Without ...
Proper nutrition for weight loss: menus and recipes for the day, week
Of great importance in the process of losing weight is proper nutrition, a well-composed, balanced menu and a complete rejection of certain products.
The basic principles of good nutrition for weight loss
Even regularly ...
Diet for gastric ulcer: menu, list of food products for gastric ulcer
Diet for gastric ulcer is an integral and strict condition for the patient. From its observance depends on how successful the treatment will be and the prevention of relapse. This article...
Detox diet for cleansing the body and losing weight: program and menu for 3, 7 and 10 ...
A unique detox diet allows everyone to not only say goodbye to extra pounds, but also to cleanse their body of pollution accumulating over years. The result is improving ...
Diet for pregnant women: to reduce weight, with gestational diabetes, salt-free diet for edema, ...
The usual course of a woman’s life changes dramatically at the moment when she finds out about her interesting situation. From this day on, she needs to take care not only ...
Diet for liver disease: allowed and prohibited foods
Diet for liver disease is a mandatory method of complex therapy. Doctors recommend adhering to dietary restrictions throughout the year in order to restore organ functions, and avoid ...
Low-carb diabetes diet: product table, weekly menu
Diabetes is a disease caused by metabolic disorders of a chronic nature. The topic of diabetes is widely raised by healthcare, however, unfortunately, even half of patients still do not know ...
Diet table 9: foods, menus for diabetes and gestational diabetes
There are many methods regarding proper nutrition for endocrine diseases. Diet table 9 was compiled by the famous physician of the USSR M. Pevzner. Its task is to normalize the number of applicants ...
Diet for heartburn: proper nutrition, foods for heartburn
The right choice of foods and drinks, sparing nutrition are the easiest ways to avoid burning behind the sternum. A patient who has a diet prescribed for heartburn by a doctor should adhere to ...
Diet for gastritis: food, menus for exacerbation and chronic stomach disease
Gastritis is a common disease that occurs in people of different ages. Forms of the disease depend on the causes: habits, constant medication, poor nutrition, heredity. Necessary ...
Rice diet for weight loss and cleansing the body of salts: a menu of 3, 5, 7 ...
Rice is called a natural filter, because This product is capable of adsorbing toxic substances. With its help, the body was purified in ancient China. Popular in our time ...
Diet "Ladder": description, menu for 5 days, how much you can lose weight with the help of a miracle diet
The name of the diet "Ladder" arose for a reason. Its author suggests in the process of losing weight to overcome several steps at once, which will lead to a noticeable weight loss. Recommended ...
Mediterranean diet: foods, menus for the week, diet principle
The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the options for a healthy wholesome diet. This system is characteristic of the Mediterranean, but recently (when seafood, vegetables, greens became available ...
Dukan Diet, 7 Day Menu Attack, Allowed Products
On the Ducan diet, attack is the most important step. It is with her that the whole process of weight loss begins. This is also the most difficult stage, at which ...
Oatmeal Diet - Fast and Effective: Weekly Menu
A popular oatmeal diet is an easy and affordable way to lose weight. Experts recommend adhering to such a nutrition system for no more than two weeks. BUT...
Ducan's diet: a menu for every day, a description of the stages, permitted products, contraindications
The Ducan diet is very popular all over the world, primarily due to its quick startling results. It refers to healthy eating systems. Lets lose weight ...
Nutrition for gastritis: a menu for high and low acidity of the stomach
Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, or gastritis, is the most frequently diagnosed disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which affects patients of all ages. For a full recovery from the disease is not enough ...
What can I eat after poisoning for an adult and a child
Probably everyone once had to survive the poisoning.This condition of the body is characterized by weakness, disturbances in the work of the digestive tract, vomiting, nausea and a general deterioration in well-being. Therefore, even when ...
7 principles of good nutrition: weight loss with health benefits
It is harmful to starve or sit on strict diets; you do not need to do this. If you follow the principles of proper nutrition, losing weight is not at all difficult. And most importantly - the extra ...
Diet for gout and high uric acid - Table No. 6: product table
The main goal of the diet under discussion is to reduce the amount of fats and proteins (namely animals) in the patient’s diet. And besides, salt. These changes reduce education ...
The right menu for every day and week
For the normal existence of a healthy person, a rational diet is necessary. Its main task is to ensure the intake of essential nutrients in the form of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, ...
Balanced diet: a weekly menu for weight loss
Many people, exhausting themselves with strict diets, are tired of adjusting their menu to a certain framework and depriving themselves of joy is tasty and varied. It is for them ...
2-week egg diet - detailed menu for every day of the week
The severe restrictions abound on most rapid weight loss diets are fraught with an excruciating feeling of hunger, accompanied by headaches, excessive nervousness and, as a consequence, decreased performance. Egg ...
What can I eat with poisoning?
Severe abdominal pain, vomiting - these symptoms are caused by pathogenic microbes, toxins and poisons that enter the digestive tract. And every time questions arise: what ...
Detox program at home - a detailed menu for the week
In order to avoid unwanted health problems and to maintain the body in good shape, it is periodically necessary to cleanse it.
Detox program at home, the menu of which consists ...
Moroznik Caucasian: use for weight loss, contraindications
Caucasian hellebore is a unique perennial plant that can be used for medicinal purposes, including for weight loss. It eliminates pain, accelerates the process ...
Separate meals, menus for the week, 21 and 90 days. Product compatibility table for separate ...
What to do if no diet has helped in the pursuit of an ideal body, and there is no time to visit the gym? The answer is simple - separate meals! ...
Carbohydrate-free diet - menu and table of products for weight loss
A carbohydrate-free diet is an effective and quick method of losing weight. It allows a person not to deny himself a good plentiful food, but at the same time relieves ...
Buckwheat diet for weight loss for 7 and 14 days
Buckwheat diet - easy to carry out, gives a good result, but at the same time very difficult for the body. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations of its implementation, ...
4 week egg diet - detailed menu
Egg diet for 4 weeks (in other words, the Maggi diet) is a weight loss program for those who want to get rid of unnecessary kilograms without fasting and constant ...
What kind of fruit can a nursing mother of a newborn - table
Unfortunately, many products are forbidden to be used by a nursing mother because of the high likelihood of an unwanted reaction in the child in the form of an allergy or digestive upset. However, despite ...
Egg diet for 7 days, 2 or 4 weeks - a detailed menu for each ...
Eggs are a healthy, nutritious and low-calorie product. For the digestion of proteins, the body requires a lot of energy, so their frequent use contributes to rapid weight loss. There are several ...
The menu of a nursing mother in the first month - a diet after birth
A nursing mother must adhere to a special diet in order to maintain her own health and the health of the child. The diet is recommended to be discussed with a nutritionist who will take into account the age of the woman, the presence of ...
Buckwheat and kefir diet for weight loss - a detailed menu for the week
The buckwheat and kefir diet is one of the most popular nutritional schemes that are used to reduce weight. Croup promotes rapid saturation, enriches the body ...
What can a nursing mother eat? Lactation Tips, Menus, and Diet
Has happiness appeared in your home? A tiny miracle needs you like no one else, and its small body is in your breast milk, especially for the first time in months ...
Kim Protasov's diet: a detailed description of the weekly menu for every day
If you want to lose weight, while not undermining your health and not gaining extra pounds back, then you should definitely read a detailed description of the diet ...
Maggi curd diet: menus and recipes
The popular Maggi curd diet allows you to quickly lose extra pounds and at the same time not harm your body. One of its most important advantages is satiety ....
Intestinal colonoscopy: preparation for the procedure, diet
Modern technologies have opened up new opportunities in the diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system, as they allow not only to determine, but also to visually assess the condition of the digestive tract from the inside. If...
Diet for high cholesterol in women
The human body produces so much cholesterol, which is enough for the normal functioning of all systems and organs. But with an improperly organized food system, the substance under discussion in ...
Detox: what is it? Diet and program at home
Recently, the word "detox" has been increasingly used in fashion magazines and on television. What is it and why do we need a special cleansing program ...
Hypocholesterol diet - 9 options
A cardiologist usually recommends such a diet to patients. A large amount of cholesterol in the blood negatively affects the general condition of a person, and also worsens the work of the heart, blood vessels, contributes ...
Gluten-free diet: weekly menu and grocery list
Today, a gluten-free diet is used for various purposes. She is prescribed by a doctor to some patients to prevent the development of complications of celiac disease, while others independently choose the discussed nutrition system, ...
Kremlin diet table full and menu
In pursuit of a slim figure, women are forced to abandon many of their favorite foods, since most diets are based on the restriction of certain types of food. But there is ...
6 petal diet - daily menu
The main part of his life, a doctor from Sweden A. Johansson devoted to the search for a solution to the problem of excess weight. As a result, she was created a diet of 6 petals with ...
Diet for pancreatic pancreatitis ¬– sample menu
Pancreatitis is a rather serious pathological process, often leading to the death of the patient. To avoid such a development of events, it is necessary to take seriously not only the treatment, but ...
Feeding a lactating mom in the first month
The first month after birth is the period of adaptation of the mother and baby to new conditions. The woman’s body is debugging the production of breast milk, the digestive system of the newborn baby adjusts ...
Protein diet for weight loss for a week and 14 days
Fighting overweight is not just a tribute to fashion, it is a way to maintain the health and youth of the body. It is believed that a protein diet for weight loss is ...
Moroznik Caucasian - use and contraindications for weight loss
Caucasian Frostweed is called a perennial plant, which is famous for its beneficial properties. In nature, this beautiful flower with a long stem can be found only in the Caucasus, which ...
Ducan Diet - Calculate Weight
Weight loss using various systems is a fashion trend that has embraced both women and men. With enviable constancy, new dietary regimes and rules are being developed. Here ...
Ducan's protein diet: menu for the week, stages
Alas, magnificent female forms were popular only in the Middle Ages. Today, ladies from Rembrandt's paintings no longer inspire anyone.Now bullying is considered the height of sexuality ...
Maggi Diet - 4 Weekly Daily Menu
A delicious and varied diet with which you can live your whole life exists. It will not only allow for four weeks to restore the harmony of the figure, but also will ...
Gastroscopy of the stomach - how to prepare for the examination of FGDS?
Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS, gastroscopy) is a method for diagnosing pathologies of the upper gastrointestinal tract using a gastroscope. The device is a hollow tube, inside of which is placed a fiber optic ...
Dietless colonoscopy diet - menu
Before colonoscopy, the colon must be completely cleaned, as this is a necessary condition for a successful process. Compliance with food recommendations is usually required for one to two days and ...