Ivan-tea during pregnancy: is it possible to drink in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the benefits and ...
Is it possible for pregnant women at an early and late date, how to brew and drink it correctly, the benefits of fireweed, possible contraindications.
How to treat cough during pregnancy in the 1st trimester at home: folk remedies, medical ...
Expectant mothers, of course, are aware of the need to be careful about their health during pregnancy. But the insidious cold or SARS are able to "sneak up" unnoticed and bring ...
Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy in the late and early stages: instructions for use, composition, analogues
Pregnancy is a special period when the digestive system of the expectant mother is affected by hormones. As a result of their exposure, many women will learn what constipation is. For elimination...
Eufillin during pregnancy: what is prescribed, instructions for the use of tablets and solution, composition, analogues
To carry a child, a woman's body expends a large amount of strength and resources. This can trigger an exacerbation of chronic diseases and create a critical situation. In this case...
Almagel (Almagel) during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters: types, instructions for use, ...
Women who have a baby often experience stomach problems. Using Almagel during pregnancy helps to safely get rid of discomfort. This medication is suitable for use on ...
Ovulation tests: how to do and evaluate the result, types and review of the best tests
Ovulation tests are very popular among women who want to get pregnant. Using them is very simple, the result is known in 3-5 minutes. But it is important to observe ...
Cystitis during pregnancy in the early and late stages: symptoms, how and how to treat inflammation ...
Cystitis during pregnancy not only gives tangible discomfort to the expectant mother, but under certain circumstances is dangerous for the developing fetus. About how to recognize, cure ...
Evitest: types, instructions for using home pregnancy and ovulation tests
Pregnancy tests are convenient to use, therefore, with a delay in menstruation, many women resort to their use. Manufacturers offer a huge selection of similar products, but Evitest ...
Pregnancy anemia: degrees, effects on the baby, symptoms and treatment
With noncritical hemoglobin, anemia during pregnancy is considered almost a physiological state. But quite often, it can provoke undesirable health effects and ...
Delay of 5 days, the test is negative: can there be a pregnancy, the norm and signs of pathology
Sometimes the menstrual cycle fails. If the delay is 5 days and the test is negative - what does this mean? There may be several reasons for this.
Could it be ...
Tachycardia during pregnancy in the late and early stages: symptoms and treatment, what is the pathology dangerous
Tachycardia during pregnancy can be a physiological phenomenon or a sign of some kind of pathology of the cardiovascular system. You should not immediately panic, if suddenly the doctor discovered in the future ...
What can pregnant women cough in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, a review of drugs
Pregnant women are more susceptible to various diseases, as their immunity is weakened. During this period, it is important to be extremely careful about your health. But...
Suppositories from thrush during pregnancy: which are possible in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, a review ...
Only 2 out of 10 women do not experience a disease such as candidiasis during pregnancy. This is a fungal infection that occurs for many reasons, and feel shy ...
How to treat cough during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters
Not many ladies can boast that during bearing a child they did not feel at least a slight discomfort associated with a cold. You can catch the virus as if ...
Does the test show an ectopic pregnancy, symptoms and diagnosis of pathology
A wide variety of tests helps to determine conception at the beginning of gestation. Sometimes this process proceeds pathologically, therefore it is important to know whether the test shows an ectopic pregnancy.
How to use a pregnancy test, which test to choose
Products that allow you to check for the presence or absence of pregnancy at home are very popular among women. This is due to their attractive price, high sensitivity ...
How long does a cesarean section last? How does the operation go and how long does it take?
The most common type of surgical intervention in gynecology is the artificial delivery of labor (cesarean section). They perform obstetric surgery when natural childbirth is impossible or dangerous for the fetus ...
Pimafucin suppositories during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters: instructions for use, composition, ...
Many women in the situation suffer from thrush. Pimafucin suppositories during pregnancy in such situations are the drug of choice. On safety, contraindications and administration options at different ...
Can a pregnancy test be wrong with a positive and negative result in the early stages
Today, in order to confirm or deny the probability of a successful conception, it is enough to visit the nearest pharmacy and buy a special pregnancy test there. Despite,...
Monural during pregnancy: instructions for use, composition, analogues of uroantiseptic
The appointment of "Monural" during pregnancy is not always associated with a serious illness. The drug can be taken as a preventive measure. After all, an accidental infection can pass from the mother ...
Drotaverin during pregnancy in the early and late stages: what is prescribed for, instructions for use
Take "Drotaverine" during pregnancy is prescribed to every third woman. It is harmless to the child and the future mother, but it helps to get rid of discomfort and remove dangerous ...
Viferon suppositories during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters: instructions for use, composition, ...
Doctors often prescribe Viferon suppositories during pregnancy. What are the indications for their use, is it possible to use them during gestation, and when it is better to replace them with analog ones ...
Thrush during pregnancy: symptoms, treatment in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, than candidiasis is dangerous ...
Thrush during pregnancy is a common phenomenon. This harmless, at first glance, the disease can cause significant discomfort to the expectant mother, complicate childbirth and even harm the baby ....
Postpartum Depression: Symptoms and Signs, Treatment and Prevention
As soon as the joyful minutes of the meeting from the maternity hospital fade away, the newly minted mothers begin routine, filled with baby crying, daily cleaning and other “amenities” of everyday life. Emotional ...
The level of hCG by days from conception (table): hormone rate during pregnancy, causes of deviation
Determining the hCG level by days from conception allows you to detect pregnancy pathologies in time or make sure the fetus is developing normally. The analysis is carried out by most private and public ...
The level of hCG by week of pregnancy: a table of indicators, the norm of hCG, a breakdown of the analysis
Modern medicine allows you to accurately determine the presence of a developing fetus. A study of the blood composition for the “pregnant hormone” provides an opportunity to calculate the level of hCG by weeks of pregnancy, diagnose hidden ...
How to restore breast after feeding a baby - 8 ways
In the postpartum period, when the mother stops breastfeeding, the glandular tissue is replaced by fatty tissue in the mammary gland, which affects the shape of the breast. Prolactin, supporting ...
Is it possible to get pregnant with endometriosis: the forms and degrees of endometriosis, the chances of getting pregnant and having a baby
Endometriosis is an unpleasant disease that is widespread in gynecology. It manifests itself in different ways: for someone it is intense, and for some with barely noticeable symptoms. But every woman faced ...
Frautest: all types of tests, instructions for use, analogues for diagnosis at home
Pregnancy test “Frautest” is known for its optimal ratio of price and quality. There are several varieties of this product that have a similar principle of action, but different features and ...
Ovulation test: instructions for use, how to use and evaluate the result, an overview of the best ...
When planning pregnancy, it is very important to know the time that is right for conception. The ovulation test helps in this, the instructions for the use of which we will consider in ...
How to conceive twins in a natural way: factors that increase the likelihood of multiple pregnancy
Pregnancy is a welcome condition for many women around the world. But individual families dream not only about the birth of a child, but also about specific babies ...
Pyelonephritis during pregnancy causes, symptoms, consequences for the baby, diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory kidney disease ...
Infectious lesions of the kidneys can cause severe inflammatory processes that provoke the development of complications. Pyelonephritis is especially dangerous during pregnancy, since the additional load on the organs in combination ...
Will the test show an ectopic pregnancy: when to test and how to interpret the result, signs of an ectopic pregnancy ...
A traditional way to diagnose early pregnancy is a pharmacy test. With its help, you can get a reliable result with a certain degree of error. But it will show ...
When the test shows pregnancy: how many days after conception there will be an accurate result, types of tests
Many women are familiar with the exciting moment of waiting for the coveted strips on a miracle invention called the “pregnancy test”. In a few minutes, all life flashes before my eyes ... Despite ...
Natural childbirth: pros and cons, stages, preparation, pain relief during childbirth, absolute and relative contraindications
According to medical statistics, every fifth woman in the world gives birth using cesarean section. The same indicator in the 80s. The 20th century was only ...
No-Shpa during pregnancy in the early and late stages: indications, instructions for use of tablets and ...
“No-Shpa” is the most famous antispasmodic, which helps with pains of various nature. The main active substance in it is drotaverine. The main course of action is the relaxation of smooth muscles ...
Troxevasin during pregnancy: instructions for the use of gel and capsules, composition, indications and contraindications, analogues ...
Hormonal imbalance, fetal growth in the womb are manifested by edema, varicose veins. Troxevasin is used during pregnancy to reduce negative changes in blood vessels, to avoid impairment of blood circulation. It is necessary ...
When a pregnancy test shows the exact result: how long will the most sensitive test determine ...
Regardless of whether the pregnancy is planned or undesirable, its presence should be found out as soon as possible. And pharmacy tests of different kinds help in this ...
When the breast begins to hurt during pregnancy: how long does the tenderness and engorgement of the mammary glands ...
Every woman, without exception, is worried and inadvertently suspects the worst when her chest begins to hurt during pregnancy. In fact, there is nothing to worry about ...
Is it possible to do a pregnancy test in the evening: when is it better to do a test, which affects ...
Often the girls are worried about the question: is it possible to do a pregnancy test in the evening or will the most accurate data be available only in the morning? Let us consider this process in detail in order to ...
Yoga for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters: benefits, limitations and contraindications, exercises ...
During pregnancy, the woman’s body undergoes cardinal changes that can cause significant discomfort to the expectant mother. Needless to say, what a heavy load ...
Amoxiclav during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters - is it possible: instructions for ...
The time of carrying a child in a person is quite long, and during this difficult period, the mother does not exclude the occurrence of various diseases. Some of them require treatment ...
Contractions: how to understand that they started at the first birth, types of contractions, sensations, the interval between ...
Childbearing is a sacred process that marks the birth of a new person. Many primiparous women, even carefully preparing for the meeting with the baby, are at a loss, fearing ...
Omez during pregnancy: whether or not early or late, than replacing the antiulcer ...
When carrying a child in the female body, there is a restructuring of almost all organs, there is discomfort in the stomach, accompanied by heartburn, heaviness, and colic. Reception "Omez" during pregnancy ...
Dexamethasone during pregnancy: what is prescribed, release form, instructions for use, composition, analogues
"Dexamethasone" is an artificially synthesized hormonal drug used in the treatment of inflammatory processes and allergic reactions, has an antitoxic effect and anti-shock effect, inhibits the immune system reactions ....
Omega mother (Omegamama): instructions for use, composition, analogues
Every expectant mother dreams of a healthy baby. Invaluable help in carrying a child will be provided by some drugs, often prescribed by gynecologists. Among them is Omega Mom.
Description of the form ...
Acyclovir during pregnancy: indications, instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues of the antiviral drug
Acyclovir is a modern antiviral drug that has been shown to be highly effective in the fight against the herpes virus (herpes). The active substance destructively affects the pathogen, does not ...
Folic acid when planning pregnancy: how to take men and women, dosage, duration of admission
Even before conception, it is worth thinking about replenishing the vitamin-mineral reserve, as this is the key to a successful pregnancy. There are vitamins that positively affect the reproductive function of men ...
Suprastin during pregnancy: is it possible to take, instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, analogues ...
Often, during the bearing of the child, the expectant mother has various allergy symptoms. To eliminate them, the doctor can prescribe anti-allergic drugs, the spectrum of which today ...
Curantyl during pregnancy: what is prescribed, how to take it when planning pregnancy and in the early ...
The drug has beneficial effects of various kinds on the human body, and in particular - expectant mothers. Doctors often prescribe Curantil during pregnancy to prevent many ...
Suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy: rectal suppositories for the treatment and prevention of the disease
Not all women have a smooth pregnancy. Almost every expectant mother is faced with health problems while bearing a child. Often during this period ...
Halva for breastfeeding - is it possible or not? The benefits and harms of halva for lactating ...
The birth of a baby and subsequent breastfeeding is a tremulous, but at the same time crucial period in a woman's life. At this time, on the diet of a new mother ...
Ointment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy: list of drugs, instructions for use, contraindications
An uncomfortable and painful delicate problem, which is usually silent, hemorrhoids is now recognized as the most common disease that affects men and ...
Enterosgel during pregnancy: instructions for use in the early and late stages, composition, analogues of enterosorbent
Food poisoning, intoxications of various nature, skin diseases, allergic reactions - these problems can be solved by taking the enterosgel intestinal adsorbent. It incorporates harmful ...
Compatibility of blood groups during conception and transfusion
Pregnancy is a kind of stress for the female body, coupled with great responsibility. During this period, even the smallest factors can have an impact on development ...
Ibuprofen during pregnancy: is it possible in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester, instructions for use, contraindications, ...
Migraine, a cold with a fever, back pain are the ailments that many adults suffer from. It is important for women to know whether Ibuprofen can be taken with ...
Pancreatin during pregnancy: whether or not early or late, instructions for use ...
Nausea, commonplace indigestion, heaviness, and heartburn are far from a complete list of the unpleasant symptoms that accompany a woman while carrying a child. Many expectant mothers wonder ...
Glycine during pregnancy: can it be taken early and late, instructions for use, ...
The tool calms with increased anxiety and improves sleep. You can drink "Glycine" during pregnancy to reduce emotional stress and stress, to improve mood ....
Elevit Pronatal: composition of vitamins and minerals, instructions for use, analogues
Pregnancy is an exciting time in the life of any woman. Experiences about the condition itself are supplemented by anxieties for the health and development of the child. However, today the future mothers ...
Heparin ointment during pregnancy: can I use it, instructions for use, indications and contraindications
Heparin ointment during pregnancy is an indispensable tool, because it is during this period that the body is exposed to increased stress, in particular on blood vessels. Given the minimum ...
Chickenpox and pregnancy: what is the danger, consequences for the child, preventive measures
For a woman in a position, diseases caused by herpes viruses are extremely dangerous. Among them is chickenpox. Usually, preschool children are sick, but maybe ...
Early and late pregnancy insomnia: reasons for what to do with sleep disorders
Insomnia during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. Why sleep disorders occur during the period of expectation of the baby and how to deal with them, this article will describe in detail.
Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy - yes, but there are nuances!
Can I have sex during pregnancy? Or are future parents forbidden carnal joys? Leading doctors say - it is possible, but subject to a number of ...
Duphaston or Utrozhestan: what is better during pregnancy and planning, what is the difference, how to switch ...
The use of hormone therapy during pregnancy is sometimes a necessity. Therefore, when prescribing a medicine for a woman, a logical question arises: "Dufaston" or "Utrozhestan" - which is better? ...
Perinatal period: timing, duration, physiological processes, possible diseases
All human life is divided into certain periods, each of which has its own characteristics. One of the important segments of life is the perinatal period. At what temporary ...
Actovegin during pregnancy: what is prescribed, instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues
Why is “Actovegin” prescribed during pregnancy? Is its use fraught with any danger? Is there a real effect of the drug? Hope to find ...
How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy: suppositories, ointments and other means for the treatment and prevention ...
Expectant mothers often ask how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Unfortunately, a huge number of women awaiting the birth of a child suffer from this unpleasant problem. Uterus...
Can a virgin get pregnant? Chance of conception without penetration
Modern young people often get their first sexual experience in an unusual way. It can be petting or imitation of sexual intercourse, when for frictions a guy uses ...
Duphaston during pregnancy: instructions for use in planning and in early pregnancy
An attempt by a woman to become pregnant is unlikely to succeed if her body has insufficient levels of progesterone. Such hormonal disorders affect not only the possibility of conception, but ...
Can kvass be pregnant: recommendations in the first, second and third trimester
During pregnancy, a woman must be especially careful about the choice of dishes and drinks. It is important to build on not only taste preferences, but also their beneficial ...
Folic acid during pregnancy: dosage, how to take women and men when planning pregnancy
Most often they talk about the indispensability of folic acid during pregnancy, but the drug is useful for girls in other periods of life, as well as it is often required ...
Elevit Pronatal: instructions for use, the composition of vitamins for pregnant women, analogues
The drug is specifically designed in Germany for expectant mothers - already expecting a baby or planning to become pregnant, as well as nursing women. Multivitamin Elevit Pronatal provides ...
Sex during pregnancy: is it possible to do what is useful and what is harmful, postures for ...
Many people try to avoid sex during pregnancy, because of the fear of accidentally harming the long-awaited baby or mom herself.But, according to experts in intimacy in ...
Miramistin during pregnancy: is it possible to use the drug in 1, 2 and 3 trimesters, instructions ...
A new generation of antiseptics quickly helps with the symptoms of many infectious diseases. Miramistin during pregnancy is used topically, externally as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. The solution is safe, in use ...
Kanefron during pregnancy: what are prescribed tablets and drops, instructions for use
Kanefron during pregnancy is a fairly common appointment, which is done by doctors observing expectant mothers. Often, women get scared: why drink the drug if there are folk diuretics ...
Paracetamol during pregnancy: is it possible to take on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, indications, dosage, ...
During pregnancy, the body's defenses are significantly weakened, and at this time the woman is more susceptible than ever to colds, viral and infectious attacks. But in the period ...
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: symptoms, how to treat, disease prevention
Pregnant women often face the issue under discussion. She greatly complicates the life of the future mother. It is very important to start treatment for hemorrhoids in time, during pregnancy, otherwise from a month ...
Conception calendar: how to calculate favorable days for conception
The conception of the baby’s conception is as old as the world, and although modern scientists have come up with a number of alternatives to the natural process of fertilization, the closest relationship between ...
Is it possible for pregnant women to ginger in early and late pregnancy?
Ginger is a spicy spice in the form of a dried spice that goes well with dishes and drinks. However, the use of fresh plant root is also considered relevant. A variety of properties ...
Mandarins during pregnancy: is it possible to eat, the benefits and possible harm of mandarins at different times ...
When a woman is expecting a baby, proper and nutritious nutrition becomes especially important for her. Sometimes you want to try tasty and juicy tangerines during pregnancy, but it arises ...
Pomegranate juice during pregnancy in the early and late stages: useful properties and possible ...
Pomegranate is at the forefront of other healthy fruits that grow on our planet. Its grains are a real storehouse of various useful substances, and the nectar of this ...
Can pregnant women drink coffee - the pros and cons
During pregnancy, a woman has to change not only her lifestyle, but also to revise her diet. Sometimes you have to give up your favorite foods. BUT...
Ginger during pregnancy: is it possible to tea in the early stages?
Ginger during pregnancy in most cases only benefits. This is an effective natural remedy for many ailments, so it is not necessary to include it in your diet ...
Persimmon during pregnancy: benefits and can I eat?
Every woman in an “interesting” position understands that she should now carefully select products for her daily diet. It happens that during pregnancy, the desire to chew something ...
How to get pregnant if it does not work out - 10 tips
In the life of most women, sooner or later, a period begins when she realizes that she is ready to become a mother. But, unfortunately, in connection with some ...
Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation on the 1st, 2-3 days?
Every woman, if she wants to give birth to a baby or, conversely, to avoid the unwanted conception at the moment, should have a clear idea of whether it is possible to become pregnant ...
How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy
Not all women manage to get pregnant quickly when they get married. And the test can not always show the fact of conception in the early stages. Absolute readings almost immediately ...
Can I get pregnant before menstruation?
If the female body functioned like a clock, then the answer to the question “can I get pregnant before menstruation?” Would be unequivocal, no. But no one is safe ...
How to get pregnant 100 percent the first time?
Every married couple dreams of becoming parents. And it seems that for this it’s worth just stopping being protected and energetically starting to have sex. However, nature has created a female body ...
Ketone bodies in urine - what does it mean for a woman during pregnancy?
Urinalysis during the period of gestation is often given - this is necessary to track changes in the body of a woman. If the analysis showed ketone bodies in ...
Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation, what is the chance and probability?
The female menstrual cycle is a complex chain of processes in the body, regulated by hormones. Normally, in the middle (usually 12-15 days from the start ...