Stuffed Champignons - 6 Recipes
In the cold season, the soul always requires unusual goodies. In this case, it is not necessary to go to a restaurant. It is enough to know how to cook that ...
Red Bean Lobio - A Classic Recipe and 8 Delicious Cooking Options
If you knead red beans and generously season with delicious spices, you get a Georgian dish - lobio. Each Georgian region has its own variant of cooking this ...
How and how much to cook pasta?
Surely every housewife knows how to cook pasta. Here are just a few of the chefs think that this simple process has its secrets. To pasta ...
Pumpkin casserole - 7 delicious cooking recipes
Pumpkin casserole is an interesting dish. And even if you are not a fan of pumpkin, still at least once try to cook it.
Pumpkin casserole is the most ...
How to cook lagman at home? 7 delicious lagman recipes
Despite the unusual name, in fact, the lagman is just a noodle soup. Let's look at how to cook a lagman and what variations are there ...
Cabbage cutlets - 8 recipes
Cabbage cutlets - a very healthy, delicate and tasty dish. It can be served as a side dish or used as the main meal.
It is prepared very simply, all the ingredients ...
Oven pork with potatoes - 10 recipes
Pork and potatoes in the oven can be not only a hearty dinner, but also the main dish of the festive table. Below are several options for cooking food.
Pork with ...
Zucchini fritters - 8 recipes
Previously, zucchini fritters were exclusively seasonal dishes. Indeed, during storage, such vegetables quickly become stiff and lose their taste. But today, fresh little young ...
Olivier salad - 5 recipes for preparing a winter New Year's salad!
Tasty and simple salad "Olivier" knows and loves every Russian. Recently, housewives are increasingly making up their minds to experiment and trying to change the usual "sausage" ...
Cabbage pie - 8 quick and tasty recipes
Delicious homemade cakes are a great way not only to please loved ones, but also the opportunity to save a budget. To the list of the most delicious and inexpensive options ...
Dumplings dumplings - 6 delicious cooking recipes
There are so many options for dumplings. They are cooked with potatoes, cottage cheese, various berries and even fish. But lazy dumplings, in ...
Uzbek pilaf - 6 recipes how to cook a real Uzbek pilaf
Uzbek pilaf is not just a name, but a real food national brand - such as Provencal cabbage, Siberian dumplings, Lobio Gurian and so on ....
Cauliflower in the oven - 6 cooking recipes
Cauliflower itself does not have a bright taste, but if it is properly cooked using additional ingredients, this recipe may become a favorite.
Dough “like fluff” on kefir - 7 recipes for pies and pies
Finding downtime and an understandable recipe for a truly “down” test can be difficult. If you have already managed to find such an option, it must be saved in order to indulge in the future ...
Shortbread Cookies - Simple 12 Cooking Recipes
Home baked goods have always been rated higher than purchased products. One of these delicacies that is popular at tea drinking is homemade shortbread cookies. Preparation of the test is incredibly simple, more ...
Instant sauerkraut –12 recipes at home
When the cold comes, you always want to serve something tasty and satisfying to the table. This is especially true of traditional Russian dishes, which include quick sauerkraut ...
Dough for pies with dry yeast - 7 recipes
To regularly please your home with successful “downy” pastries, it’s enough to thoroughly learn how to prepare the dough for pies with dry yeast. In reserve with every mistress ...
Navy pasta - 7 recipes
Hearty pasta in a naval way fall into the list of simple recipes in a hurry. Such a dish can be cooked in minutes and at the same time feed a large family ...
Brushwood - 8 recipes for making crisp brushwood
Crispy sweet brushwood - a dessert from childhood. This dish turns out budget, but it is amazingly tasty. The best brushwood recipes are compiled further.
Classic crispy brushwood
Ingredients: 760 g ...
Potato stew with meat - 7 recipes
The taste of stewed potatoes with meat has been familiar to many gourmets since childhood. This is a simple recipe that helps the hostess when you need to heartily feed a large family. Cook...
How to cook chicken hearts deliciously? 9 recipes
Chicken hearts are a type of offal, which is very popular in the preparation of various dishes. What can be cooked from chicken hearts? They are stewed, fried, boiled, used for ...
Royal cheesecake with cottage cheese - 5 delicious cooking recipes
We are all, to some extent, sweet tooth: someone is bigger and someone is smaller. But not everyone knows that sweets can also be useful. For example,...
How to make pancakes - delicious and proven recipes!
Pancakes are the most versatile dish. They can be made sweet and thin - served for breakfast, or lush with meat or cabbage - offered for ...
10 pancake recipes. How to make delicious pancakes: in milk or kefir, thick or thin
Even if you know how to cook this dish well, our article will be useful to you. Today we will tell you more than one recipe for pancakes. We will offer many interesting ...
Samsa dough - 9 recipes for making dough
Samsa is an original oriental “pie”, the filling of which usually includes only meat or its combination with vegetables and legumes.Such a dish is often offered to their ...
Beef liver - 11 recipes
Dishes from beef liver are simple in execution and have excellent taste. And also beef liver, the recipes for which are very diverse, is very ...
Oven rustic potato - 7 cooking recipes
A very unusual tasty side dish is a rustic potato. A vegetable prepared according to such a recipe always turns out to be spicy with a bright taste. How to cook potatoes in a rustic way in the oven ...
Canned Bean Salad - 9 Recipes
To diversify the usual diet with an interesting and not quite ordinary dish, prepare a salad with canned beans. The main ingredient of the treat is a huge amount of ...
How and how much to cook potatoes?
In the uniform, baked, fried, boiled, how and how much to properly boil potatoes, so that it retains its useful composition and acquires an excellent taste. Now it’s hard to imagine ...
How to cook cauliflower tasty? 10 recipes
Previously, how to cook delicious cauliflower was known only to rich cooks. Dense cream inflorescences were a real delicacy, the taste of which is simple ...
7 recipe chebureks with delicious toppings and crispy dough
Properly cooked cheburek, which includes high-quality meat, is a very tasty dish that attracts with its appetizing and aroma. Experienced housewives know that any recipe ...
Vegetable stew with zucchini - 11 recipes
Delicate juicy vegetable stew with zucchini is a great way to diversify your diet with healthy vegetables. If desired, such a dish can be easily turned into a nutritious, full-fledged ...
How to cook meatballs? 10 recipes for delicious meatballs
Small round cutlets are familiar to everyone firsthand. They are fried, baked and steamed. Before you cook meatballs, you should know that for a dish you can use ...
Cabbage pie - 8 quick recipes for the lazy
Cabbage pie is a good option for a delicious, inexpensive lunch. It is both a dessert and a main course. Sauerkraut and fresh cabbage are suitable for cooking. With the filling you can ...
Shortcake with cherry - 7 recipes
Shortcake with cherry - a real summer treat for all ages. We offer several options for its preparation.
Grated cherry pie for shortcrust pastry: margarine / butter -...
Sponge cake on lemonade - 7 recipes in the oven, slow cooker
It would seem, what kind of pastries on lemonade? But it turns out that if you make a biscuit on lemonade, then it will surely turn out and will not fall.
Classic sponge cake on lemonade ...
Mustard-honey sauce - 7 recipes for making sauce
Spicy mustard-honey sauce can be called universal. Depending on the additional additives, it goes well with meat, poultry and fish. Make the taste of such a sauce more ...
Apple Jam - 10 Simple Recipes
This is a healthy and tasty fruit, thanks to which you can cook many dishes. Today we will teach you how to cook delicious apple jam. Not only matched ...
Beef liver cutlets - 8 recipes
A very good option for serving healthy beef liver to the table is cutlets. Various additives in the form of cereals, vegetables and dairy products will make them even ...
How to cook Caesar salad - 12 recipes at home
This appetizer was invented by Caesar Cardini at the beginning of the last century. Each cook brings something of his own to the dish, but the basis remains unchanged. The following describes ...
Millet porridge with milk in a slow cooker - 7 recipes
Millet porridge in a multicooker with milk is an ideal breakfast option. It is tasty, nutritious, healthy, and its preparation does not take much time. It would seem boring ...
Classic Greek salad recipe and 6 cooking options
Greek salad is an ideal way to cook raw vegetables in a delicious and original way. The main secret of this dish is that it is prepared immediately before serving: ...
Whip Cookies - 9 Cooking Recipes
Many people like delicious cookies. In the departments of stores presented a huge assortment of this goodies. But home-made baked goods always come out much tastier, more natural and healthier ....
Microwave sponge cake - 6 quick recipes in 3-5 minutes
Many owners use their microwave ovens exclusively for heating food, not even knowing that not only the main dishes, but the biscuit in the microwave is excellent ....
Scrambled eggs in a slow cooker - 8 recipes
Smart Casserole is a universal device that allows you to easily and quickly cook a huge number of dishes. It copes with the simplest treats like fried eggs. Getting ready ...
Chicken liver fritters - 6 recipes
Boiled or fried liver is a healthy dish. True, not all gourmets love this offal in this form. But for sure all homeworkers will have to ...
Baked zucchini stuffed with minced meat - 7 recipes
If you want to please the family and guests not only with a tasty, but also with a beautiful dish, you should cook the zucchini baked in the oven, stuffed with minced meat. Such a treat looks ...
Glaze for cookies - 7 recipes at home
There are processes in the preparation of each dessert that can be omitted (the delicacy will not suffer much from this), but if you are not too lazy, then eaters will get not only ...
Millet porridge with pumpkin in milk - 5 recipes
Just a couple of centuries ago, millet belonged to the main dishes of Slavic cuisine. Today, the recipe for millet porridge with pumpkin in milk is used to prepare tasty and ...
Barley soup - 7 recipes: mushroom, pickle, chicken
The best way to use pearl barley is a soup that is hearty, aromatic and mouth-watering. The most common option is a pickle, but no less tasty soup with ...
How to cook cheesecakes? 11 simple recipes for curd cheesecakes
It will be useful for each housewife to know how to cook cheesecakes. After all, this dish is a real lifesaver. It can be served for breakfast, lunch or even dinner ...
Kefir dough for pie - 6 recipes
To prepare a successful dough on kefir for a pie, the chef does not have to stand for long hours in the kitchen. Today, many simple and very clear recipes are known ...
Cottage cheese pancakes - 10 simple recipes
A delicate thin crisp of a beautiful caramel color, under which lies a delicate cottage cheese that simply melts in the tongue and gives the taste buds a lot of pleasure. Is not...
Manna Pudding - 6 Recipes
Delicate soft semolina pudding is a great treat for children and adults. Having prepared it, you can please home memories from childhood. After all, such a treat is often ...
How to cook semolina porridge in milk - 6 recipes
There are many ways to cook semolina porridge in milk - on the stove, in the microwave or in a slow cooker. No matter how the dish is cooked, ...
How to make donuts - 9 delicious recipes
Delicate, soft, juicy, mouth-watering donuts are created to be the main decoration at the tea party. You can make them yourself with cream, chocolate, icing or sugar ...
Salad with pickled champignons - 8 delicious recipes
Even the most delicious salads on the festive table sooner or later bother. Then it's time for culinary experiments. It’s worth starting with pickled salads ...
Cream for biscuit cake - 11 delicious recipes
A delicious cream for biscuit cake is the main component of a festive dessert. Even perfect cakes can easily be spoiled by unsuccessful impregnation. The best recipes for biscuit treats ...
Salad "Pomegranate Bracelet" - 8 recipes for cooking
Appetizing salad “Pomegranate Bracelet” is famous not only for its original taste, but also for its attractive appearance. Such an appetizer will become a real decoration of the table. A must for salad ...
Lagman - 8 recipes for home cooking: beef, pork, lamb, chicken
Lagman is a delicious oriental dish that combines everything you need for a good dinner: meat, lots of vegetables and original noodles. The food is self-sufficient, it is ...
Dry apple jam in the oven - 4 recipes
Who would have thought that Kiev confectioners were the biggest supplier of candied fruit (called dry jam at that time) to the court of Tsarina Catherine II. After...
Pea Chicken Soup - 7 Recipes
This version of the first dish is famous at the same time for its fullness, delicate taste and low cost. And cooking pea soup with chicken is very simple. This will require ...
Corn porridge - 8 delicious recipes for cooking
Corn porridge has earned its place in the diet due to low calorie content and gluten-free. The latter property even allows the use of cereals as the first food. With the right ...
Mannik - a classic recipe and 10 cooking options
This simple baking option will be a great addition to fragrant hot tea. The classic manna recipe is especially popular. But besides him, you can find other interesting ...
How to cook borsch? 8 delicious recipes
How to imagine a dinner without rich, juicy, fragrant borsch? It combines only the most wholesome and delicious foods.
We will tell you how to cook borsch.
Classic borscht ...
Lavash Lasagna with minced meat - 5 recipes
Fragrant, hearty Italian dish - lasagna - can be made with your own hands at home. In this case, you can knead a special dough or act much easier - replace it ...
How to ferment cabbage for the winter in a bucket? 6 sourdough recipes
Before you learn how to ferment cabbage for the winter in a bucket, you should understand what is the use of a vegetable in this form? Cabbage is rich in fiber and ...
Greek Salad - 6 delicious home-made recipes
Appetizing “Greek” salad impresses with a riot of bright colors. It is tasty, healthy and, no less important, low-calorie. There are several options for such a snack.
The classic recipe for Greek ...
Fast pizza in the oven in 10 minutes - 8 recipes
Fragrant fast pizza in the oven turns out no worse than the creations of famous pizzerias. You just need to choose the right option for the test and toppings. More convenient...
Honey cake in a slow cooker - 4 simple and tasty recipes
Hostesses of multicookers were able to appreciate how easily these modern assistants cope with baking biscuit cakes. They always turn out magnificent, soft and gentle ....
7 recipes for beetroot soup with beets - we cook deliciously and quickly!
It would seem, who did not try such a tasty and satisfying dish as borsch? Surely there are no such people. Many novice housewives face the fact, asking ...
Mimosa salad with pink salmon - 6 delicious cooking recipes
This popular bright salad is prepared not only with the usual saury, but also on the basis of other canned goods. For example, with red fish in oil. You can diversify ...
How to cook semolina porridge in milk without lumps - 4 delicious recipes
Many housewives are interested in the question of how to cook semolina porridge with milk without lumps, so that small and big gourmets like it. Actually do it ...
Vinaigrette - 8 salad recipes
This vitamin healthy vegetable salad is especially important to include in your menu in winter and during the off-season. Vinaigrette recipes today you can find a variety of ....
Salad with crab sticks - 12 delicious salad recipes
For a couple of decades, snacks based on crab sticks have been very popular among housewives. They appear at everyday dinners, holiday events, and picnics. Cook ...
Salad "Olivier" - a classic recipe with sausage and 8 cooking options
This appetizer is the most popular among Russian hostesses. Such a dish is prepared both for everyday dinner and for the festive table. And for the New Year's Eve ...
Pumpkin dishes - 20 recipes fast and tasty!
This bright juicy "sunny" vegetable combines many advantages. It is surprisingly tasty, healthy and cheap fruit. Therefore, it should definitely be included in your ...
How to cook buckwheat in water - 5 recipes
Knowing how to cook buckwheat correctly based on ordinary drinking water, the hostess will be able to quickly prepare a delicious budget breakfast or side dish. The main thing is to observe the exact proportions of cereals ...
Potato casserole with minced meat in the oven - 10 recipes
In many countries, albeit under different names, a potato casserole with minced meat in the oven is often prepared. This once aristocratic dish came from French cuisine, ...
Buckwheat pancakes - 6 recipes for making buckwheat pancakes
Buckwheat pancakes are especially useful. This dish is made from buckwheat flour, which means it is less harmful to the figure. It is allowed to include in your diet even in ...
How to cook pilaf? 8 recipes for delicious and crumbly pilaf
Pilaf is not just a dish. This is a philosophy that every nation has its own. Therefore, with all common ingredients, Uzbek pilaf differs from Tajik, ...
Julienne with mushrooms and chicken - 8 recipes
Mushroom and chicken julienne is a popular appetizer, owed its name to the French. However, its composition is a purely Russian invention. Fragrant, delicious mushroom julienne ...
Chamomile Salad - 7 delicious recipes
At the festive feast, and sometimes on weekdays, snacks and salads are prepared. These dishes add to the daily menu. One of the simple and ...
Hungarian goulash - 6 recipes
Hungarian goulash is a great option for a hearty, tasty, fragrant dish that diversifies your usual lunch. We offer several options on how to cook beef goulash in Hungarian, ...
Chicken wings in honey mustard sauce - 6 recipes
This part of the meat is not very popular, but if at least once to cook the wings in honey mustard sauce, then this dish can become one of the ...
8 recipes for bread in a slow cooker, simple and tasty
Many housewives who do not have a bread machine in their kitchen arsenal do not even suspect that bread can be prepared using a slow cooker. After all, this miracle of technology is capable of practically ...
Pork liver paste - 8 recipes at home
Pork liver paste - a dish for all occasions. It can be prepared both in the classic version, and with the addition of other components that will add ...
Chicken breast pastroma at home
Purchased pastrami always falls into the category of delicacies. Therefore, such a product is not cheap. To save money and treat your family with a natural snack without preservatives, you can cook yourself ...
How to cook pickle? 9 recipes for making soup
Soups are considered good nutrition for humans. The classic recipe for this hearty and delicious dish involves the use of meat broth and barley. However, there are many ways ...
Yeast dough for whitewash - 7 delicious recipes
Pies with a hole and juicy stuffing from minced meat, fried in oil, conquered a lot of hearts and stomachs, but not many housewives, it turns out, delicious ...
Pickle in the slow cooker - 5 recipes with barley and rice
A pickle in a slow cooker is a wonderful recipe for quickly cooking this thick rich soup, which is especially good to eat in the cold season. But besides the usual ...
Beshbarmak - 6 recipes for tasty cooking
Beshbarmak has long turned from a traditional dish of Turkic peoples into a beloved international version of delicious and rich dishes for the holidays and for everyday dinners. In this ...
How to cook turkey fillet - 12 delicious breast recipes
Mistresses are increasingly cooking turkey, due to the fact that in many large stores you can easily buy this bird. If you are considering how to cook turkey fillet, ...
Cottage cheese casserole - 9 recipes
This is a healthy and easy treat. Now you will learn some new recipes. After all, cottage cheese casserole can have many variations of cooking.
Recipe as in kindergartenIngredients: ...
Jellied pie with onion and egg - 7 recipes
Jellied pies can be called one of the easiest baking options. They always come out successful even with novice housewives. How to quickly and easily cook delicious ...
Cookies on beer - 7 simple and delicious recipes
Love to try and cook unusual sweets? Then try a simple beer cookie recipe! It can be made not only sweet, but also used as ...
How to cook potato pancakes? 9 delicious recipes
Potato pancakes are called potato pancakes. This dish is considered Belarusian, but it is loved and prepared in many countries. Depending on the country in which the dish is prepared, ...
Rice porridge in a slow cooker in milk - 8 recipes
Such tasty and healthy dishes are often prepared for children. But they are very moody, and do not eat everything, so you need to try hard so that they ...
Cornmeal - 8 recipes for dishes from flour, the benefits and harms and differences from ...
Cornmeal has been known for its benefits since ancient times. Nowadays, most housewives underestimate its nutritional qualities and are rarely used for cooking. Of...
Semolina porridge - 7 recipes how to cook in milk
This is a healthy dish, but not everyone gets it without lumps. Now we will tell you how to cook delicious semolina porridge, a recipe for milk. Let's talk about ...
Borsch - 10 recipes for cooking
Borsch, the recipe of which is unique in every family, is the first dish with a large number of diverse, vitamin-rich vegetables. The dish is popular not only in ...
Croutons - 8 recipes
For many, breakfast consists of coffee / tea and sandwiches. An alternative to such a meal can be croutons, the recipe for which will take almost the same time as sandwiches, but ...
Honey cake with custard - 6 recipes for making a cake
Honey cake is one of the well-known, very delicious desserts. The honey cake with custard has a delicate texture. It can be prepared at home to ...
Liver sausage at home - 7 cooking recipes
Liver sausage at home is much tastier than a store sausage. At the same time, households know for sure that natural products were used in the preparation, without harmful additives and ...
Beef jellied meat - 8 recipes
Especially nutritious, aromatic and rich always beef jelly is obtained. For its preparation, even economical soup sets are used, which allows you to make the dish budget. The main thing,...
Biscuit Cookies - 9 Recipes
Biscuit cookies are a delicious, delicate and soft dessert. Such a delicacy can be made of any shape, color or size. Cookies will look great on a festive or ...
Uzbek dough for manti - classic recipe and options
Manty is popularly called large dumplings. Dishes are really similar to each other, but differ in size. Manty is not only 3-4 times bigger than dumplings, but also ...
Manty dough - 9 proven dough recipes
This Central Asian dish is a very large dumplings. They are 3-4 times more than the usual semi-finished products. To make the dish really tasty, first of all you need ...
How to make ice cream at home?
Ice cream is the most desired treat in the summer season. It is not only tasty, but also refreshing. It is also often used as an additional component of summer ...
Chinese meat - 8 recipes
The meat in Chinese, like almost all the national food of this country, is a rather spicy dish. But then you can cook it during the diet.
Chinese-style meat with ...
Caesar Salad with Chicken - 10 homemade recipes
Caesar salad is a very popular, delicious and delicious appetizer. Mistresses have long moved away from the traditional recipe, and add various products to her taste to her ....
Puff pastry apple pie - 8 charlotte recipes
Apple pie is made not only on biscuit dough: delicious and crunchy apple pie is made from puff pastry, yeast-free or yeast made by yourself ...
Braised beef in a slow cooker - 5 delicious cooking recipes
This tasty and nutritious meat goes well with many side dishes, and an electric pan makes your job easier. We’ll show you how to cook beef stew in a slow cooker.
Beef stewed with ...
Rhubarb pie - 9 delicious recipes
It is recommended to collect rhubarb on a pie in the month of June. Its sour thick stems will be an excellent filling for any baking - including ...
Chicken with apples in the oven - 6 delicious baking recipes
Chicken with apples in the oven is a simple dish, but, despite the ease of preparation, it looks very festive. Take advantage of a selection of the best recipes and original delicious food ...
Beef liver pate - 8 recipes for liver pate
Despite the difficult name, making beef liver paste is not difficult. In addition, there are several cooking options.
Classic beef liver pate
The recipe that is ...
Oven pork ribs with potatoes - 8 recipes
The combination of roasted potatoes in spices and juicy meat ribs is ideal for an ordinary family dinner or for a festive table. The main thing is not to regret ...
Meatballs in a creamy sauce - 9 recipes
You can cook meatballs in a creamy sauce in different ways, using greens, cereals and other products. Initially, this satisfying and beloved dish was prepared by Turkic peoples ...
Chicken breast in sour cream sauce - 6 recipes in a pan, with mushrooms, in the oven ...
Cooking chicken breasts so that they become tender is not easy. To do this, you need to choose the right fill that will soften the bird's fibers. The best solution is to cook chicken ...
Grilled chicken in the oven - 11 recipes
It is difficult to be sure of the freshness and taste of grilled chicken from a fast food cafe. If you want to treat such a dish home, it is better to cook it yourself. Houses...
Zucchini fritters - 11 recipes
Any dishes from zucchini always turn out to be not only tasty, but also healthy, as well as budget ones. Especially if you grow such a vegetable in your summer cottage ....
Donuts - 7 home-made recipes
Donuts - a recipe for a familiar and beloved treat from childhood. Is that why, along with “whites”, “pies”, “pasties” the name “donuts” appeared? Yes - calorie, yes ...
How to cook goulash? 11 recipes from pork, beef or chicken
This is a great addition to many dishes. Today we will tell you in detail how to cook goulash. The presented recipes will involve three types of meat.
Classic chicken goulash ...
Schisandra pie - 10 baking recipes
For those who do not like too sweet desserts, you can make lemongrass pie. It is perfect for a modest tea party and for a wide celebration. Him...
Pie with cottage cheese and apples - 7 recipes for charlotte with cottage cheese
Charlotte is perhaps the easiest dessert option, subject to even a beginner in cooking and baking in particular. Pie with cottage cheese and apples is no less simple than ...
Kefir pancakes - 10 recipes for delicious pancakes and crepes
Pancakes on a sour-milk drink are more appetizing and more magnificent than cooked products in milk. To pancakes on kefir were thin, the dough is diluted with plain or mineral water ....
Homemade sausages - 7 recipes
Homemade sausages made from various types of meat can be a real delicacy. Initially, this dish was invented in order to extend the shelf life of meat in long ...
Barbecue sauce - 11 home-made recipes
Deciding to cook meat on the street, it is important not only to marinate it correctly, but also to choose the right sauce for barbecue. It will depend on them ...
Khashlama - 8 recipes
Despite the fact that the Armenian cuisine is considered rather complicated, the recipe for khashlama will not seem difficult even for inexperienced chefs.
Armenian traditional lamb khashlama
Armenian khashlama is a popular ...
Chocolate sponge cake - 7 recipes
Fans of chocolate and chocolate baking will appreciate this selection, because it contains all kinds of ways to bake a chocolate biscuit: a classic recipe, boiled water, sour cream, kefir ...
Quail Egg Salad - 8 Recipes
A delicious salad with quail eggs is a fresh solution for a festive table. Such snacks are also useful. Especially if you choose the right ones for them ...
Smoked breast salad - 9 recipes
You think what appetizer to serve on the festive table - prepare a salad with chicken breast. It goes well with any products. Your guests will appreciate ...
Yeast dough - 12 recipes for making dough
Even experienced housewives do not always, it turns out to make the yeast dough tasty and airy. Therefore, we will teach you how to knead it correctly. And among the many recipes you ...
How to clean herring quickly and without bones - 5 ways
Often at the table, many refuse herring, despite its advantages and taste. The reason for this is the abundance of bones in the fish. But choosing for yourself ...
Soup with meatballs and noodles - 5 recipes
There are many interesting recipes for first courses. But sometimes I don’t want to cook anything complicated. In this case, you should cook the soup with meatballs and noodles ...
Barley in a slow cooker - 9 recipes
It is very easy to prepare barley in a slow cooker. This is a great option for a wholesome breakfast or hearty meal. Especially if you diversify the dish by adding vegetables or meat.
Barley porridge on ...
Mimosa salad - 8 recipes: classic with canned saury, pink salmon, sardine
Mimosa salad is one of the most popular holiday dishes in the Soviet years. But now he does not lose his popularity, especially on such family holidays, ...
How to cook beef tongue correctly - 3 cooking recipes
The tongue is not so often cooked due to ignorance of how to cook beef tongue. This part of the beef is a dense structure of muscle tissue. To make your tongue tasty ...
Squid Salad with Cucumber and Egg - 8 Recipe Options
Squid salad with cucumber and egg is perhaps the simplest and most delicious combination of products in the direction of simple seafood dishes. The recipe can be changed in its own way ...
7 mulled wine recipes - classic at home
On a cold winter evening, the fragrant home mulled wine will perfectly warm and give a feeling of comfort. For children, you can cook it non-alcoholic version. Repeat at home ...
Squid Salad - 13 recipes
The original not boring novelty on the festive table will be squid salad. Such an appetizer can be both light and quite satisfying. It all depends on the chosen ...
Herring under a fur coat - 6 recipes how to cook a salad
This salad is an invariable attribute of many holidays. Today we will tell you how to cook herring under a fur coat. And also, you will learn the history of the appearance of this dish ...
Broccoli puree soup - 10 recipes
Delicate broccoli puree soup is a great lunch option. This dish is very useful to eat regularly for both adults and children, because it contains a high content ...
Yorkshire Pudding - 4 recipes
Those housewives who cooked, or at least heard about pancake buns or American popovers, will be able to cook English Yorkshire pudding, since this is practically one ...
Cake sponge cake dough - 11 recipes for making biscuit
Biscuit dough is the classic and most common version of cake layers for cake and other desserts that we used to use. In fact, in cooking ...
How to cook a rabbit in a slow cooker - 7 delicious recipes
Rabbit meat is unusually tender, tasty and juicy. In fat content it is the same as chicken, but in satiety and softness it is superior to meat ...
Bagels from yeast dough - 7 recipes how to make
The house smells of comfort, if the aroma of fresh pastries soars in the kitchen. Such pastries, a symbol of home comfort, may well be bagels made from yeast dough. By them ...
Minced meat roll with egg in the oven - 7 recipes
Minced meat roll with egg in the oven is one of the best alternatives to purchased sausage. Main course, cold or hot appetizer, this dish will not let you down ...
Cold borsch - 6 recipes
The recipe for cold borsch is a salvation for those who even in the heat do not want to give up liquid food. In addition, the dish is rich in vitamins.
Loose buckwheat porridge - 6 delicious cooking recipes
Loose buckwheat porridge recipe can be appreciated by vegetarians and anyone who strictly monitors nutrition. You can cook porridge in a slow cooker or just pour boiling water in ...
Vegetable soup puree - 15 recipes
You can prepare a gentle, but nutritious vegetable soup puree from any vegetables, supplementing them with other ingredients. For cooking, use both broths and drinking water.
Classic vegetable ...
Sponge roll - 8 easy and quick recipes
Sponge roll is baked from available products that are always in the kitchen. Variability of fillings is also a huge plus. You can cover the pastries with jam or any cream, ...
Multicooked Chicken Breast - 10 Recipes
The chicken breast in the slow cooker is juicy and tender. If you adhere to some cooking rules, the dish also goes diet. Below are some of the most interesting and ...
Meatballs in the kindergarten - 8 recipes with gravy
In kindergartens, meatballs are often given, which always have a delicate, soft texture and are necessarily accompanied by aromatic gravy. This unforgettable taste is remembered by everyone. And I really want to ...
Jellied pie with chicken - 6 recipes
This is a juicy and satisfying dish that can also be light, thanks to dietary meat. Now we will teach you how to cook a delicious jellied pie with ...
Beetroot soup - 13 soup recipes: hot and cold + for the winter in banks!
The dish, originally intended for feeding domestic servants in Russia, is beetroot soup, which is now a favorite dish in many families. He is a little less popular borscht, looks like ...
Chopped chicken breast cutlets - 7 recipes
Recipes of chopped chicken breast cutlets will allow everyone to cook a very satisfying, tasty and interesting dish that has not yet had time to get bored. In contrast...
14 homemade pizza recipes in the oven
Which of us does not like such a delicacy from Italian cuisine, like pizza? It is impossible to find a person who has never tried this delicacy. If...
Dill for the winter - 7 best recipes for harvesting
Keeping seasonal greens and vegetables is not only convenient, but also beneficial.Properly prepared products retain most of the healing properties, they will be more useful than greenhouse, sold ...
Pilaf in a slow cooker - 6 recipes
Today we will prove that this dish is not difficult to prepare. The main thing is to choose quality products. And right now we’ll teach you how to cook delicious pilaf with pork in ...
Mimosa salad with cheese - 8 delicious recipes
The most delicate salad “Mimosa” with cheese, despite the spring name, is usually prepared in the winter and often it even decorates the New Year's table. Its components are ordinary products, ...
Pancake dough - 8 delicious dough recipes
Previously, pancake dough was prepared before the spring holiday, and a brown cake symbolized the beginning of a new season, which should be warm, productive and successful. According to the surviving ...
Sponge cake without eggs - 8 recipes: on kefir, on sour cream
Baking a fluffy egg-free biscuit is quite simple using a variety of products. Baking without the seemingly main component turns out to be surprisingly light and airy. Sweet and soft ...
Buckwheat in a slow cooker - 7 garnish recipes, with meat or chicken
Buckwheat is one of the most popular among modern buyers. And this is not surprising, because it is inexpensive, and at the same time it allows you to cook tasty, healthy ...
Apple jam tart - 8 quick recipe recipes
It often happens that you want delicious homemade cakes, and time, as always, is limited. Make apple jam pie that your whole family will enjoy. Bake...
Meatballs in sour cream sauce - 8 delicious recipes
Delicious and tender meatballs in sour cream sauce will be a great dinner. They serve a dish, usually with mashed potatoes, boiled rice and pasta, fresh salad ...
Beef in a slow cooker - 12 recipes
Some housewives consider beef difficult to prepare meat and therefore forever excluded it from their diet. To change your mind about the product in question is worth ...
Recipe for anthill at home with condensed milk and 7 options
Any recipe for "Anthill" with condensed milk at home is always as simple as possible. Such a cake is prepared quickly and easily. According to some recipes, you can literally build it ...
Mimosa salad with rice - 7 recipes
We can say that the Mimosa salad with rice is a classic of the festive table on a par with Olivier. If his traditional version has had time to feed all home, you can ...
Kebab marinade - 11 delicious marinade recipes for pork, chicken, lamb
Properly prepared marinade for barbecue is an obligatory part of the dish, without which it will not turn out juicy, tasty, soft, aromatic. For every kind of meat there is ...
Cottage cheese in the oven - 7 delicious cheesecake recipes
Cottage cheese is a useful product that enriches the body with calcium. Adults take this with understanding, but try to feed the babies. If you cook the cottage cheese in the oven, ...
How to cook pea porridge in the water? 7 recipes for delicious porridge
It will be useful for each cook to know how to cook pea porridge in water. If you cook it without additives, you get a great lunch for the duration of the diet. BUT...
Fried eggs - 12 cooking recipes
Trying to determine the simplest and most delicious dish, surely everyone will name the fried eggs. It is really easy to prepare, and even very fast. If simple fried ...
Pumpkin Puree Soup 13 recipes
Bright sunny pumpkin soup will be a welcome guest on the dining table at any time of the year. In winter, it can be easily cooked on the basis of a frozen vegetable. Yet...
Rassolnik soup - 9 classic recipes with barley
Such an interesting soup seems surprising and strange to foreigners. Groats, pickles, fresh vegetables. And only a Russian person knows how tasty and appetizing it can be ...
Chicken breast in batter in a pan - 7 recipes
Properly prepared batter allows you to keep the bird juicy inside and at the same time creates an appetizing crisp on its surface. So hot is perfect for daily ...
Stuffed cabbage in a slow cooker - 7 recipes
This dish is very simple and quick to cook in a “smart pan”. Cabbage preparations with filling in it are tender and juicy. Further published the most ...
How to cook chicken liver - 10 delicious recipes
Chicken liver is present in the diet of almost any family, not only because of its nutritional value, but also due to its quick and easy cooking. Before as...
Pork and chicken kefir barbecue - 9 recipes
Kebab on kefir is always especially tender and juicy. The sour-milk marinade under discussion is suitable for different types of meat. It goes especially well with pork and ...
11 recipes for bread in the oven, bread machine, slow cooker - cook at home
In modern stores, there is a huge selection of bread for every taste. But, not one of them, either in taste or in aroma, can be compared with ...
Horseradish - 8 recipes from vodka at home
The tincture on the roots of horseradish gained particular popularity in the Petrine era. But to this day, she appears on holiday tables. Everyone can cook on their own ...
Duck Breast - 8 Cooking Recipes
Parts of duck carcasses are much less commonly used by cooks than chicken. Mistresses worry that with an unfamiliar bird, the dish will turn out to be too dry and too fresh. In fact...
Teriyaki Chicken - 8 Teriyaki Chicken Recipes
Chicken with spicy oriental sauce always turns out to be surprisingly tasty and literally melting in your mouth. The main feature of meat is a golden crust and a tender inner ...
How to cook rice porridge - 10 recipes for making delicious porridge
There are many ways to cook rice porridge in water, milk, with the addition of various products. Rice, besides being a very healthy cereal, rich ...
Vegetable stew - 13 recipes
Properly cooked vegetable stew is a universal treat. It can be eaten as a main dish and as a side dish. The main thing is not to regret spices and use ...
Bean soup in a slow cooker - 8 recipes
All foodies who don’t like bean soup, most likely, just didn’t eat a properly cooked dish. Today there are many amazing recipes for such a treat, which ...
How to cook fish cakes - 16 delicious and simple cooking recipes
Fish cutlets are less popular among cookery than meat cutlets. The difference is explained by the fact that it is very difficult to find successful recipes for the discussed dish. The following describes how to cook ...
Kefir pancakes - 11 proven and delicious recipes
It is unlikely that anyone at home will be able to refuse even thin thin pancakes with honey, sour cream or jam. This is a traditional Russian delicacy, which is prepared quickly and ...
Chicken in the sleeve in the oven - 7 delicious baking recipes
The chicken in the sleeve in the oven turns out to be unusually juicy and languid, and looks very impressive. But the hassle of the hostess requires the very minimum! Let’s tell you how ...
Semolina porridge - 6 recipes how to cook semolina tasty!
You can argue endlessly about the benefits and dangers of semolina, but from this cereal from this cereal will not become less beloved by children and adults. Her successful ...
Barbecue in the oven - 11 delicious recipes for cooking barbecue
Barbecue in the oven is a great alternative to a dish on an open fire in the winter, when we rarely go outdoors. Fragrant, melting pieces of poultry, pork, beef ...
Canned Squid Salad - 7 Simple and Delicious Recipes
Canned squid salad is a great option for a quick, festive and generally inexpensive recipe. Ready-made canned food is very convenient to use and mix with the most ...
Semi-meatballs, as in kindergarten - 6 recipes
Delicious semolina cakes are an excellent breakfast even for children who do not like porridge, and an original treat for adults. The secret to this dish is ...
Lviv cheesecake - super delicious recipes
We can say that the Lviv cheesecake is such a big curd cheese in chocolate. It is eaten for breakfast or as a dessert for tea. Getting ready ...
Wheat porridge in milk - 5 delicious recipes
Not all housewives know how to cook porridge from wheat grits. This is because such a product is not too common among modern culinary specialists. The most delicious and ...
Shortcake with apples - 7 charlotte recipes
Charlotte is a gentle, simple and popular dessert. Sandwich cake with apples turns out to be very tasty - a light sourness emphasizes the delicate taste of shortcrust pastry. This recipe ...
Jellied pork shank - 7 recipes how to cook
Traditionally, in the winter season it is customary to cook jelly. It is made from various types of meat or fish. Jellied pork shank is very popular - the dish turns out ...
Melon jam for the winter - 9 simple and tasty recipes
Melon jam in some countries is valued as highly as natural bee honey due to its taste and benefits hidden in its composition. Sure,...
Tiramisu - 6 recipes at home
It is not difficult to cook a very tender, simply melting tiramisu dessert in the mouth, the recipe of which every self-respecting Italian housewife knows. The main thing is to prepare all the ingredients ...
Pasta casserole - 10 delicious cooking recipes
In the diet of modern man, there are always pasta. They are used in first courses, as a side dish in combination with meat and vegetables, they are even used ...