Julienne in a slow cooker - 7 recipes

A julienne in a slow cooker would probably surprise all French cooks. After all, the taste of the finished dish is in no way inferior to the traditional method of its preparation, but time ...

Pumpkin in a slow cooker slices - 7 cooking recipes

Cooking a pumpkin in a slow cooker is a pleasure, because it is not only tasty, but also useful. Such a vegetable is rich in fiber and other nutrients in which ...

How to cook jelly - 10 recipes

The first recipes of jelly appeared a thousand years ago, when in Russia oat milk was sour for cooking this delicious dish. True, in liquid form it ...

Chinese style sweet and sour chicken - 8 recipes

What outlandish poultry meat dishes were invented in the Celestial Empire to impress the world with amazing tastes! We will reveal all the secrets of this culinary intrigue so that the magic chicken ...

How to salt herring - 10 recipes at home

Many housewives sooner or later think about the question: how to salt herring? There are a sufficient number of diverse recipes that have been tested by time and by thousands of satisfied salt lovers ...

Cheese cakes - 8 recipes in a pan and oven

Scones are perhaps the first flour products that people learned to cook many centuries ago. During this time, a huge number of different recipes were invented ....

Oven chicken roll - 8 recipes in foil and sleeve

The chicken roll in the oven in foil looks very impressive on the table. At the same time, it turns out to be incredibly tasty, and the process of its preparation does not take much ...

Salad Garnet Chicken Bracelet - 8 Step-by-Step Recipes

Salad “Pomegranate bracelet” with chicken stands out among other equally appetizing and satisfying appetizers with its sophisticated look, which is so important when laying a festive table. The original ...

Lamb shulum - 6 delicious recipes for cooking at home and at the stake

It is difficult to say which cuisine the lamb shulum belongs to, because such a dish has been prepared for more than one century. One considers him Uzbek, the other insists that ...

Cake cakes - 9 simple and tasty recipes

Young housewives are often afraid to start making cake cakes on their own. We will reveal the subtleties of the technological process, thanks to which the uncertainty in our own abilities and any ...

Khichiny - 9 recipes for a traditional Balkarian dish

Flat cakes are used instead of bread or used as an independent snack. An oven is not required for cooking. Scones are baked in a pan without oil. The recipe for hystina ...

Salad Sail - 9 recipes

When setting the festive table, the choice of snacks is often difficult, since most of them are already boring, and some do not have a presentable appearance. Get out of the predicament ...

Orange marmalade - 9 home-made recipes

Bright orange slices with a slight sourness can be purchased at the store, but orange marmalade prepared at home will be much tastier and healthier. In the recipes ...

Home-made meatballs - 7 step-by-step recipes on how to cook tasty and juicy home-made meatballs

Home-made cutlets - a seemingly simple everyday dish. True, many housewives complain that the cutlets they get are rubber, tough or just ...

Pancakes with caviar - 6 recipes on how to cook and serve beautifully

If you think what to serve on the holiday table so that the dish is both tasty and looks beautiful on the table, make pancakes with caviar. The snack turns out ...

13 homemade cake recipes

Everyone occasionally wants to please themselves with a delicious home-made cake and impress guests with the best dessert. Of course, it's easier to go to the store and buy a finished treat. We offer ...

Basmati Rice: what is it, useful properties, 5 delicious recipes

Grains have a pleasant aroma reminiscent of nuts and popcorn. Basmati rice has incredible benefits and has an original taste. Thanks to such qualities he was nicknamed - the king ...

Oven Chicken Drumstick - 9 Delicious Recipes

Chicken is very popular in our country. This product belongs to the budget and provides great opportunities for creating culinary masterpieces. Even regular chicken drumstick ...

Tortilla - 7 delicious recipes with different fillings

Not many people know that tortilla is not only a Mexican national dish, but also Spanish. In Mexico, tortillas are served instead of bread and used to ...

Meat pie - 16 recipes how to cook in the oven or in a slow cooker

Very popular in many families is meat pie. In various forms, it can be found among culinary experts around the world. We offer the most delicious cooking variations. Classic butcher ...

How to cook trout - 12 delicious recipes

Noble red fish is almost impossible to cook tasteless. Especially if you add it with suitable spices. After reading the recipes below, you will no longer be wondering ...

Custard without oil - 7 recipes

To make the custard more luxuriant and at the same time have a fairly smooth texture, butter is sometimes added to it. True, in this case it increases significantly ...

What to cook quickly and tasty - 18 recipes

What to cook quickly and tasty? This sacramental question excites even experienced housewives. Let's start with the main thing - the right recipe, which will not only save our ...

Apple filling for pies - 7 recipes how to cook a delicious filling

Many people love pies, but having cooked them on their own they are disappointed in taste. In order for the baking to be aromatic and tasty, you must properly prepare the apple filling for the pies. Following ...

Candy Cake - 8 Original and Beautiful Recipes

A cake made of sweets is a real chocolate bomb that will strike you right away with its taste and design. This treat does not require special storage conditions, like cakes ...

Kefir pie - 12 quick and tasty recipes

The use of kefir helps in an uniquely short time to prepare delicious pastries. In a kefir pie, the recipe suggests putting almost any food present in the refrigerator. Manifold...

Chips salad - 10 recipes

A lot of people like crispy chips. They can be used as a treat or used as an ingredient for snacks. Therefore, cooks in different countries of the world came up with interesting ...

Festive dishes - 19 recipes for delicious and beautiful dishes on the festive table

Festive dishes occupy a separate position in cooking, not only related to the complexity of compiling the menu, but also with the selection of the necessary products, time for preparing delicious ...

Salads on the festive table - 15 of the most delicious recipes

If you approach cooking with imagination and cook them with love, then an ordinary snack will turn into a work of culinary art. Even the usual, familiar in ...

Caesar Salad classic recipe and 8 cooking variations at home

The most popular dishes include the famous Caesar salad created in the last century. The classic recipe for its preparation has changed over time. Today, more than a hundred are known ...

Papaya Fruit - 7 Exotic Fruit Recipes

In tropical countries, papaya is widely used. Residents have long been aware of its healing and palatability. In our country, the fruits are just beginning to be popular, and ...

Pancakes with apples - 7 recipes

When the incredible aroma of freshly prepared pancakes with apples is floating in the air, the household immediately rushes to the smell of a delicious dish and look forward to an opportunity to try ...

Mannik on kefir with apples - 7 step-by-step recipes for a delicious and magnificent mannik

Not everyone can feed with semolina. Many forever excluded it from their diet. But nobody can refuse a pie based on cereals. We offer ...

Stuffing for whites - 7 recipes on how to cook juicy and tasty stuffing

Minced meat for whites can be prepared in different ways and only if you do it right with the addition of the right products, it will become incredibly tasty, tender and juicy. Juicy minced meat ...

Carrot sponge cake - 7 simple recipes for a magnificent and tasty sponge cake

Carrot sponge cake is an example of a healthy, tasty and fast-cooking dessert. It can be instantly prepared for tea for sudden guests or just to please your household. Classical...

Shrimp pasta - 7 recipes

Shrimp pasta is a very simple, but at the same time elegant and delicate dish. You can cook it in half an hour, but the taste of pasta doesn’t ...

Stuffing for manti - 8 recipes how to make juicy stuffing for tasty manti

A favorite dish of Asian peoples is manti. They are prepared with a variety of fillings. But to make them tasty, you need to properly prepare the minced meat for manti. The classic recipe ...

Hops sunlien - what kind of seasoning is this? Where, in what dishes are Suneli hops added ...

Hops sunlien - what kind of seasoning is this? This spice is strongly associated with Caucasian cuisine, which has gained popularity all over the world. Suneli hops - not a spicy herb, ...

Lentils - how to cook? 9 simple and delicious recipes

Even in the most “dense” times, people knew very well how to cook lentils and why they should certainly be included in their diet. Today we...

How to cook jelly - 11 recipes for homemade jelly

In the old days oatmeal jelly was called "Russian Balsam", which has become in traditional cuisine the basic basis for obtaining jelly-like dishes. Today the recipe for this dish is almost forgotten, but ...

Lentil Dishes - 9 Simple and Delicious Recipes

If you’re tired of the usual dishes and want to try something new, tasty and healthy, then see the lentil recipes. The most important thing is to cook it correctly. Lentils on ...

Cauliflower for the winter - 7 delicious recipes for winter preparations

Harvesting sauerkraut for the winter is a popular way to stock up on winter in the summer. But just as tasty, and often more ...

Sun-dried tomatoes: how to cook at home. 8 recipes for sun-dried tomatoes

Sun-drenched, juicy, bright, healthy and generally irreplaceable product on our table is a tomato. With it you can cook not just salad, but spicy ...

Apple Mousse - 7 recipes

In the harvest year, the housewives do not know how to use apples. We offer you to cook apple mousse, which will especially appeal to all sweet tooth. An abundance of recipes will allow you to cook every day ...

Halloween Dishes - 9 Holiday Recipes

Halloween is not only creepy costumes and the children's “Candy or Life!”. A full party necessarily involves "terrible treats." The holiday will be remembered for a long time, if the dishes on ...

Cake in a slow cooker - 12 recipes

It may seem strange to someone that you can bake a cake in a slow cooker. But in reality, thanks to such an electrical appliance, you can cook the most varied and delicious ...

Lamb - 15 of the most delicious recipes

Meat has been accompanying human life since antiquity. Food was heated with stones, baked at the stake, smoked with smoke. Modern meat cooking is replete with a variety of ways to get delicious food. Presented ...

Marmalade at home - 8 recipes

Home-made marmalade is the best treat for babies. It is prepared from natural healthy products. The composition of such a dessert does not ...

Cheese rolls - 7 recipes

Now it is impossible to establish who came up with the idea of ​​combining the dough and cheese, but that is how cheese buns appeared. Now almost every national cuisine can ...

How to cook brown rice - 5 recipes, how to cook brown rice properly and tasty

There are many varieties of rice. In our country, only some varieties are used. But in Asian countries they know a lot about grain and prepare many dishes on ...

Sour cream-filled apple pie - 6 delicious recipes

When a delicious apple pie with sour cream filling is served at a party for dessert, such a dessert causes, if not surprise, then sincere tenderness. People have become ...

Bounty Cake - 6 Step-by-Step Recipes

We recommend all fans of the popular coconut bar to make a real bounty cake. Such a dessert literally melts in your mouth, and its delicate cream and the enchanting aroma of an exotic ...

Cake dairy girl with ice cream - 7 step-by-step recipes

The original cake recipe appeared in Germany, its main highlight is delicious creamy cakes covered with whipped cream. The cake got a funny name from the popular brand of condensed milk ...

Lamb stew - 8 recipes in a slow cooker, in a cauldron and in the oven

In our country, pork or beef is most often used for meat dishes, but lamb is somehow bypassed, considering it tough and not very ...

How to cook pies with cabbage in the oven and in a pan - 10 very tasty ...

Gone are the days when the ability to deftly handle the test evoked envy and admiration. With the advent of the opportunity to buy any finished product, the image of homemade food began ...

Greek salad with feta cheese: a classic recipe and 6 more cooking methods

The classic recipe for Greek salad with feta cheese is one of the few variations of the appetizer from the recent past, when there was a total shortage of products. Traditionally, the dish is prepared from ...

Shortbread Cookies with Jam and Chips - 7 Recipes

Shortbread cookies with jam and crumbs are cooked instantly.For half an hour you can "conjure" a wonderful dessert to please your family or surprise guests. Taste familiar from childhood ...

Salmon Milk - 8 recipes in the oven, pan and slow cooker

Often, many healthy foods are left without proper attention. These products include fish milk. But such parts of the fish are extremely healthy and tasty, ...

Pancakes with cabbage - 7 step by step recipes

A win-win option to tasty and satisfying feed your family or guests - these, of course, are pancakes. Great sweet desserts or original snacks come out of them. Today...

Hydrangea Kyushu: variety description, planting, propagation and care

Hydusia kiushu is the embodiment of grace and airiness. She looks great in any style decision of landscape design, striking with her, like lace, panicle inflorescences. This one ...

Salad with seaweed and crab sticks - 7 delicious recipes

Any variation of salad with seaweed and crab sticks is kneaded as easily and quickly as possible. Most of its ingredients do not require boiling, frying or any other ...

Eggplant sauté - 7 recipes for making a delicious vegetable sauté

Few people know that blue ones contain a large number of macrocells from the periodic table. They also include fiber and pectin, which are excellent ...

Big Tasty: calorie content and composition, 3 home-made recipes

No matter how much they tell us about the dangers of fast foods, the McDonald's restaurant chain continues to serve its guests and treat them to high-calorie, but delicious food. One of...

Kefir cakes - 8 recipes on how to cook lush and delicious cakes in a pan ...

In every kitchen in the world you can find recipes for fried or baked flat cakes. They can be salty, rich, sweet, rye. They are prepared with different fillers or ...

Cream for sour cream and sugar cake - 8 recipes

Cream for cake made of sour cream and sugar is the easiest and surest recipe for making sweet desserts. In addition to the classical method of its preparation, there is ...

Sausage in puff pastry - 7 easy step by step recipes

The quality of the products from which fast food is prepared often remains a mystery to the buyer, so as not to frighten customers. To turn a street snack into a tasty dish, it will not hurt ...

Pasta sauce - 8 recipes

Spaghetti without additives is not very interesting. But they are an excellent basis for various gas stations. Pasta sauce is a true masterpiece of culinary art, with ...

Mexican cuisine: features and traditions, recipes for the most popular dishes

Mexican cuisine is characterized by originality, originality and uniqueness of dishes. It combines the incongruous - sweet and savory, and get delicious dishes that are considered the pinnacle of culinary art. Mexican ...

How to melt chocolate - 6 right ways

Not everyone knows how to melt chocolate. But this ingredient is used in many desserts. We will talk about popular methods of this culinary process in today's article. Which ...

Rice Dishes - 12 Delicious Cooking Recipes

Many national cuisines have rice dishes, which have become not only the hallmark of the country, but also popular brands beyond its borders. In Russian cuisine ...

How to fry fish in a pan - 7 delicious recipes

If you don’t know how to fry the fish in a pan to make it tasty, be sure to check out the recipes below. They will help to get a delicious dish ...

Chicken rolls - 10 recipes

If you beat the chicken slightly, distribute the filling on it, and then roll it and fry it, you can get a dish no worse than that of a European chef ...

How to make a cake - 10 delicious recipes

Cake is not just a sweet product, but a real masterpiece of culinary art.This decoration of the festive table, and a great gift for any celebration. Such...

Jerky - 6 recipes at home

Cured meat is a great snack for a festive table. It crashes long enough, so take 2-3 weeks before the holidays to start cooking. How...

Buns with cottage cheese - 8 recipes for making lush and tasty buns

When we hear about buns with cottage cheese, we immediately remember the cheesecakes beloved from childhood. Today there are different cooking options for this delicious pastry. So, cottage cheese ...

Minced meatballs - 8 recipes for making delicious meatballs

Chops were originally called chops, which were prepared, as a rule, from tenderloin (i.e. meat without bones). Later, as the main ingredient for their preparation ...

Salad "Men's Dreams" - 9 step by step recipes

Salad “Men's Dreams” with tender beef is familiar to many housewives and is loved for its simplicity of execution, exquisite taste and love of the stronger sex for an appetizing snack. To ...

How to cook homemade noodles correctly - 8 delicious recipes

Shop shelves today abound with a huge assortment of products for every taste. It is enough to visit a nearby supermarket, buy ready-made semi-finished products and not spend too much time on constant ...

“Herring under a fur coat” roll - 7 step-by-step salad recipes

“Herring under a fur coat” roll is an original form of a well-known and beloved salad. Thanks to the excellent compatibility of herring with various products, you can experiment and complement the classic ...

Bolognese - classic recipe and 6 cooking options

Bolognese is a delicious Italian meat sauce that is usually served with pasta. We will show the classic recipe for Bolognese and talk about other options for its preparation ...

How to cook whites in a pan and in the oven? 9 delicious recipes

If you want something hearty and tasty for lunch - make whites. They are much better at satisfying hunger than regular meat pies. We will tell ...

Lemongrass - what is it and what does it smell like?

There are plants that amaze with the variety of their application. Some herbs are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology. The name of one of these representatives is lemongrass ...

Pumpkin Cake - 8 Best Recipes

Pumpkin is grown everywhere and revered for its versatility. This is not just a healthy melon crop - cereals are cooked from it and delicious desserts are made. If anyone ...

Cocoa Nesquik: composition, calorie content, how to cook. 3 delicious recipes

Cocoa Nesquik has been hugely popular with children and adults for decades. Composition and calorie content The composition of cocoa Nesquik includes cocoa powder. This is the basis ...

Napoleon cake - 7 recipes for delicate and delicious homemade cakes

Based on the famous French dessert, you can cook a Napoleon cake. To prepare such a treat, it will not take much time, because the recipe uses the already prepared ...

How to cook Hercules porridge - 8 recipes

Nutritionists have long convinced the public of the benefits of oatmeal, and cereals or instant cereals cooked from them have become a healthy habit throughout the world. Technology...

Steamed fish in a slow cooker - 7 recipes

Steamed fish in a slow cooker is an ideal dish that comes out tender, tasty, low-calorie and very useful. It will be a wonderful dinner if you cook it with ...

Chinese noodles - 8 recipes how to cook at home

In China, they love to cook not only rice, but also a product called Chinese noodles. It is rarely served in its pure form, but only together ...

Marshmallow mastic - 5 recipes on how to make mastic for the cake at home

In the design of confectionery products such a sweet material as mastic is widely used, which allows you to create breathtaking sweet masterpieces.Preparing a sweet paste based on gelatin, honey, condensed ...

How to make chips at home - 9 recipes

How many of you do not like to crunch delicious, fragrant chips? This snack is popular all over the world. However, there is one thing, but, in the product are substances that ...

Dietary salads - 9 delicious recipes for weight loss

Dietary salads are not just a tasty and healthy dish, but also a great way to lose weight without any special restrictions. There are many...

Sauerkraut with cranberries - 9 recipes for delicious, crispy sauerkraut homemade

Sauerkraut itself is very tasty. If you add cranberries to it, it will be much more useful! A meal is not complete without cabbage pickles, this ...

Tiramisu Cake: classic recipe and 8 variations

The history of the origin of the world-famous Italian dessert is shrouded in secrets and myths. True, many confectioners believe that all mythology is needed only to ...

Turtle Salad with Chicken and Walnuts - 7 step by step recipes for delicious and ...

A dish for a festive table should be made not only tasty, but also beautiful. It is interesting to decorate any treat, but special attention should be paid to decoration ...

Tender salad - 10 recipes

How many pleasant emotions arise at the mere mention of these exquisite, expertly decorated, snack foods. With all the variety of numerous recipes with the same name, you can not ...

Cauliflower soup with chicken - 8 best recipes

Hot aromatic cauliflower soup with chicken - a healthy and satisfying first course. It can be introduced into the diet of even the smallest gourmets ...

Egg Dishes - 10 Delicious Cooking Recipes

Egg dishes are tasty, nutritious and varied. Eggs are cooked as an independent dish, used as an element for the first, second, dessert, as well as for baking and ...

Chicken and tomato salad - 9 delicious recipes

In preparation for the holiday, the main thing is quick cooking. We offer delicious and healthy chicken and tomato salad recipes that will help you save time ...

The most delicious salads - 13 recipes for the holiday table and for every day

The most delicious salads are the main “combat unit” in the arsenal of cold appetizers for any housewife. You just need to choose the right dish and cook it correctly. The most ...

Cookies with M & M’s (MMdems) - 7 recipes

Not all children love milk, but it’s hard to find a child who does not like M & M’s bright chocolates. So there is a way to make the evening ...

Cake semolina cream - 8 best recipes

If you are planning a holiday, then it's time to make a delicious cake. But what if everyone is tired of the family dessert? We offer to make cream from semolina ...

Lazy Pies - 7 Simple Recipes

Probably everyone heard about lazy cabbage rolls or dumplings. But far from every housewife knows that you can easily cook lazy pies. The lion's share ...

Chips Pringles: all tastes, composition, calorie content. 5 recipes with Pringles Chips

On sale popular today Pringles chips first appeared in the 60s of the last century. Their story began with the United States. To date...

Cookies with mayonnaise - 7 recipes on how to cook crumbly homemade cookies that melt in your mouth

It is not always possible to purchase a delicious, and most importantly, a fresh treat in the store. But it’s easy to bake at home. We have collected the most affordable, basic options for making cookies with ...

Cocoa Chocolate Cream - 7 Recipes

Chocolate cocoa cream is a real treat. There are several options for preparing a delicious dessert and a layer for baking. Classic Chocolate Cocoa Cream If you decide ...

Salad with fries - 7 delicious recipes

If you are tired of the usual snacks that decorate the festive table from year to year, then it is worth preparing a new, tasty dish. We offer the best salad recipes with ...

Pearl barley pilaf - 7 delicious recipes

Replacing rice grains with pearl barley, you can diversify the taste of pilaf. Such a dish will become more useful and saturated with a large number of trace elements. We offer to diversify the menu by preparing ...

Stuffed Lavash - 7 recipes with different fillings

Stuffed pita bread is an unusually easy to prepare appetizer, but it is also very tasty and interesting. Such a dish will not only decorate the festive table, but ...

Uigur Lagman - 7 recipes

Uigur lagman is a dish unusual for our country, in which delicious noodles are seasoned with delicious gravy with vegetables and juicy meat. To make the dish ...

Cake made of diapers - 5 original options for how to make yourself

A diaper cake is a spectacular gift that not only looks great, but can also be very useful. This exclusive is easy to surprise the parents of the baby, ...

Tartlets with shrimps - 7 recipes for tasty and mouth-watering snacks

Thanks to tartlets, any salad turns into an amazing appetizer. You can cook with various fillings. A very good option - tartlets with shrimp. They will become a table decoration ...

Squid cutlets - 8 delicious recipes

Delicious meatballs are prepared not only from meat and poultry. Seafood can also be the basis of such a dish. Squid cutlets, when cooked properly, are soft ...

Potato with bacon - 7 recipes how to cook in the oven, in a pan and slow cooker

If you are thinking about cooking a quick and incredibly tasty dish, then we offer to cook potatoes with bacon. Thanks to greasy slices, potatoes are perfectly saturated and will become very ...

Buckwheat in a pot in the oven - 8 recipes

The traditional way of making porridge is buckwheat in a pot in the oven. Introducing the best recipes for preparing delicious dishes that will taste like old Russian dishes from ...

Liver Dishes - 15 Step-by-Step Recipes

Dishes from the liver are rejected by many due to seeming unpresentability. It is often believed that offal is food for the plebeian table. And in vain! In ancient times, the royal ...

Quick Pie - 8 simple and tasty whip up recipes

Making simple pies is an exciting experience! They are prepared from the most ordinary products, but at the same time every quick cake impresses with its taste and aroma. Our...

American Apple Pie - 8 Cooking Recipes

Wanted a delicious homemade baking, which does not have to spend a lot of time, make an American apple pie. This dessert does not require any special products, but a juicy ...

Italian pasta salad - 7 recipes

Italy is not only pasta and pizza, but also various delicious snacks. Culinary experts learned how to cook a delicious Italian pasta salad. We offer your ...

Condensed milk: how to cook at home and 6 baking recipes with condensed milk

Thanks to France and the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte, we enjoy the amazing taste of condensed milk. And all because the emperor announced a competition for the best method of preserving food. Him...

Lamb in the oven - 8 recipes for cooking delicious dishes

For true connoisseurs of original tastes, lamb dishes are ideal. As a rule, the most delicious meat is obtained that prepared on coals. But if not ...

Seafood pasta in creamy sauce - 7 recipes

Seafood pasta in creamy sauce is a real classic of Italian cuisine. Due to the abundance of seafood used, such a dish can not be called budget, but ...

Chips in the microwave - 8 recipes for making homemade chips

If you like to crunch on something tasty, then it is not necessary to run to the store for this. After all, you can make chips in the microwave! And from the most ...

Vinaigrette with fresh cabbage - 7 recipes

Since Soviet times, vinaigrette is considered one of the most popular salads in the countries of the former Union. Usually for its preparation, in addition to the main ingredients (beets, ...

Quick salads - 10 quick and easy whip recipes

To prepare a salad, you do not need to spend long hours in the kitchen. Use simple recipes, they will allow you to "build" delicious food in less than half an hour. For quick ...

How to cook rice - 11 delicious recipes

There is no secret how to cook rice. Apart from the fact that there are more than 8000 agricultural varieties of this culture, and they all have their ...

Cookies without butter - 8 simple and delicious recipes

Adding oil to dessert reduces the beneficial qualities of the product. Therefore, you can improve familiar recipes and cook cookies without butter. Oatmeal Cookies Without Butter Cookies are cooking fast. Inside ...

Sour cream sauce - 8 recipes

Sour cream sauce is a dressing that can be used with a wide variety of dishes, both vegetable and meat. In addition, if you cook from low-fat ...

Mozzarella cheese: how to cook at home. 6 recipes for mozzarella cheese

Based on this product, there are many varied dishes, but very often it is difficult to find good Mozzarella cheese in stores. So why not try cooking ...

Meringue in the oven at home: classic recipe and 7 options

Such a delicacy as meringue, the French called the "kiss." And indeed, airy, tender, snow-white, this cake is fraught with many surprises. Especially often surprises arise in ...

Smoked solyanka - 7 recipes

Smoked solyanka is a delicious and incredibly satisfying dish that will be an excellent dinner for the whole family. Let's look at how and from what we can make ...

Cake decorating - 10 ways to decorate a cake with your own hands at home

Cake decorating is a creative process that helps the confectioner to show his personality. There are many different ways in the arsenal of professional cake makers. Some of them require ...

Shrimp paste in cream sauce - 7 recipes

For the first time, the likeness of modern pasta was prepared in China. But in Italy it was brought by the world famous adventurer Marco Polo. But precisely with ...

Tea Teguanyin (Te Guanyin): properties, how to brew properly

The Chinese call Teguanyin tea the cure for 100 diseases. This is a unique coarse-grained semi-fermented oolong, which has gained worldwide fame thanks to its exclusive taste and aromatic ...

Pavlova Cake - 7 recipes for meringue cake, named after the ballerina Anna Pavlova

A tender meringue cake is associated with a celebration for everyone. The recipes for this delicate delicacy include a particularly refined version - Pavlov’s cake. Externally...

Baked milk - 6 options for making at home: in a slow cooker, in the oven, ...

Baked milk is a popular product that is used in the cooking of Russian people. Its plus is that it can be for a long time in the dark ...

Vegetable salad - 12 delicious recipes

In addition to the classic combination of cucumbers and tomatoes with sour cream, you can choose other, more complex and interesting basics of vegetable salad. For example, add seafood, fish, ...

Rassolnik: classic recipe and 6 cooking options

The pickle is a hot first course, the basis of which is salted cucumber broth. As additional ingredients, meat products, offal, cereals, and greens are used ...

How to cook jelly - 8 recipes

Previously, each housewife had her own signature recipe for how to cook jelly.This dish still remains one of the most desserts in Russia. It is much ...

Chinese Chicken - 7 Cooking Recipes

Recently, Slavic mistresses have increasingly resorted to recipes of Chinese cuisine. And one of the most popular dishes is Chinese chicken. However, this is ...

Salad "Brush" for weight loss - 6 recipes

Modern dietetics does not recommend using constant fasting for weight loss. Healthy weight loss is a balanced diet and the use of foods that will improve metabolism and relieve ...

Fresh-frozen mackerel soup - 7 recipes for cooking delicious fish soup

Mackerel is a medium-sized marine fish. Her meat contains a large amount of vitamins and more than 15% fat. There are no small bones in the carcass, which is significantly ...

Canned Mackerel Salad - 9 recipes

Many people like seafood and snacks prepared on their basis. Mackerel is able to endow dishes with a piquant taste. With the right ingredients, the result is an amazing taste ....

Cookies in milk - 8 simple recipes for delicious homemade cookies

Homemade cookies in milk - a recipe familiar from childhood. But the well-known classic version can be varied, add to it the ingredients to taste: honey, oatmeal, ...

Rye flour pancakes - 8 recipes

Many lovers of pancakes often have to deny themselves the pleasure of eating them, for fear of gaining weight. Such a dish really turns out to be very high-calorie, if you make it ...

Sugar rolls - 7 recipes for baking delicious homemade buns

Airy, soft and very fragrant buns with sugar - a wonderful dessert for tea, adored by all adults and children. Especially delicious is homemade cakes cooked ...

Sour eggplant - 8 best recipes

Many lovers of soaked apples and sour cabbage have not heard anything about pickled eggplant. We offer you to prepare a crispy delicacy on time, which will serve as a good snack. Sour eggplant -...

Cream for cupcakes - 8 recipes on how to make a delicious cream for toppings and decorations ...

For delicious muffins, a properly prepared base will not be enough. You need to take care of a gentle sweet cream to decorate them. Many good recipes are known. How to cook different ...

Cream for profiteroles - 8 recipes

Small custard products, profiteroles, are eaten with a variety of fillings, both sweet and savory. A classic filling option is a cream for profiteroles, which can ...

Pancakes on sour cream - 7 delicious recipes!

The creamy taste of pancakes on sour cream has been familiar to us since childhood. Their plus is that, depending on the recipe, they can be of different thicknesses: thin ...

How to cook chestnuts: 8 recipes, how to cook edible chestnuts at home

The taste qualities of chestnuts add up legends. Someone's taste resembles baked potatoes in combination with nuts, while others say that the most delicious nuts are ...

Boiled pork in the oven, in foil - 7 step-by-step cooking recipes

If soon you are planning some kind of celebration and you don’t know how to surprise the guests with an original dish, try to cook such meat that they ...

Shrimp and tomato salad - 8 delicious recipes

Shrimp salads look exquisite, they are not only tasty, but also healthy. Shrimp and tomato salad prepared according to one of the recipes below ...

4 cheese pizza - a classic recipe and 5 more cooking options at home

“Cheese Pizza 4” is a recipe that any pizza connoisseur knows in which far corner of the planet he would not live. Everything is perfect in it, from ...

Buckwheat in the microwave - 8 recipes

Buckwheat in the microwave can be varied, tasty and healthy. With proper cooking, you can make a diet low-calorie dish.Usually advised to choose the core. This is whole grits ...

Pumpkin cutlets - 6 recipes for quick and tasty cooking

Pumpkin is popularly considered a storehouse of vitamins, the pulp of an orange vegetable is healthy and nutritious. It is used as the basis for the preparation of tender cutlets. If in a grated pumpkin ...

Quince jam - 8 of the most delicious recipes

Quince jam is prepared very simply, because quince contains pectin, which helps the gelling process. And the main difference between these jams from the rest is ...

Trout in the oven - 10 delicious baking recipes

Trout baked in the oven always turns out to be very tasty, tender, juicy. This noble fish will look great on everyday dining and on the festive table ....

Pumpkin stuffing for pies - 7 delicious recipes

Pumpkin filling for pies is not particularly popular, because more often housewives choose more familiar products as a filler for baking. And in vain! If processed ...

French Apple Pie - 7 Recipes

Apple pie "Tatin" is a real symbol of France and is among the ten best desserts in this country. Every tourist just wants to taste such a noble pie and ...

Quesadilla with chicken - 7 recipes for preparing Mexican dishes at home

Cheese quesadilla is a classic variation of a traditional Mexican dish. Previously, it was prepared only with a filling of islet cheese, which melted well when roasting cakes ....

Dishes in a slow cooker - 8 recipes

When you want to treat yourself to something tasty, recipes for the multicooker will help. In the “smart pan” you can cook many different dishes, bake pies, casseroles, muffins and bread ....

Cookies with cinnamon - 8 recipes for fragrant homemade cookies

Cookies with cinnamon are prepared very simply, but it turns out to be unusually tasty and aromatic. Baking is sure to appeal to all lovers of this spice. Shortbread Cookies with Cinnamon The recipe will allow the hostess ...

Carrot cake with sour cream - 7 delicious recipes

Carrot cake with sour cream is an incredibly tasty, fragrant dessert that is easy to make with your own hands. Classic carrot cake with sour cream A delicious cake is prepared from the following ...

Salad with crab sticks - 8 simple recipes for delicate and tasty salads

Crab sticks are often used in the manufacture of various cold dishes. This inexpensive product is distinguished by its bright taste and does not require preliminary preparation. Consider 8 recipes ...

Cauliflower with egg - 7 recipes in a pan, in the oven and in ...

Tasty and healthy vegetable - cauliflower. On its basis, many different dishes are prepared. When you add eggs to a vegetable, you can create unique culinary masterpieces, ...

Lazy yogurt on yogurt with minced meat - 5 step-by-step recipes

Lazy whites are made from semi-liquid dough, which in consistency resembles the basis for fritters. Any meat flavored with onions and various spices is used as a filling. Consider ...
Tofu cheese is especially well known to those who are familiar with oriental cuisine. But for most of our hostesses such a product is still obscure. Many believe that ...

Pie with pumpkin and cottage cheese - 7 delicious recipes

Want to get a healthy and tasty dish? Then be sure to try making a pie with pumpkin and cottage cheese, which comes out unusually fragrant and interesting. Classic pumpkin pie ...

Cheesecakes according to Ducan - 8 recipes how to cook in the oven, in a pan or in ...

Cheesecakes according to Dukan will help to quickly return to slender forms and enjoy food. The dish is easy for the stomach, tastes good, goes well with any ...

Madeleine cookies - 7 recipes for French biscuit cookies

Madeleine cookies are a cult French biscuit baked goods, which gained its popularity due to the simplicity of preparation and laconic, but very beautiful appearance.All that is required ...

Korean squid - 7 of the most delicious recipes

As you know, seafood is valuable to our health, because they have a lot of iodine and trace elements. Korean squids can also help our body, ...

Chicken Che - 6 home-made recipes

Chicken hee is especially appreciated by all fans of savory and savory appetizers. Koreans never cook it from pork, but only from beef or fish ....

Gingerbread Cake - 8 Recipes

Even an aspiring cook can make a cake from gingerbread. To do this, you do not need to measure the exact number of products and stand by the hot oven. Besides the main ingredient, ...

Azerbaijani pilaf - 7 recipes

Azerbaijani pilaf is a popular national dish. True, local housewives cook it most often on holidays. This dish is even outwardly different from that pilaf ...

Dough for dumplings in a bread machine - 9 recipes for making homemade dough

Modern housewives in the kitchen have a wonderful helper. The dough in the bread machine is always successful, well-kneaded and elastic. No more dirty dishes and ...

Pie with cabbage and mushrooms - 9 recipes

Mushrooms and cabbage are an excellent combination for cooking a wide variety of dishes. One of them is, for example, a pie with cabbage and mushrooms. He goes out ...

Monin Syrups (Monin): composition, assortment of French fruit syrups

Monin Syrup is an ingredient that will transform the taste of any cocktail, drink or even food. The manufacturer of this product is located in France, being the leading brand in ...

Chicken stew with vegetables - 8 recipes

Quite often, chicken stewed with vegetables appears on the tables of our compatriots. To prepare such a dish is quite simple, it turns out to be very tasty and, in the meantime, useful ....

Lavash khachapuri - 8 recipes how to cook in the oven, in a pan and slow cooker

A selection of original recipes will allow you to cook your favorite appetizer of pita bread. Those who do not like to bother with the dough will be interested that khachapuri from pita bread, surprisingly, ...

Chicken Breast Carpaccio - 7 recipes at home

About such a meat delicacy, like chicken breast carpaccio, they started talking in Italy in the second half of the last century. The idea belongs to the creator of the cult cocktail "Bellini" ...

French fries with minced meat - 7 recipes how to cook in the oven, in a slow cooker and ...

If you are looking for a recipe for a universal dish that will saturate the body and give pleasure to taste, we recommend preparing French fries with minced meat. French fries with minced meat in the oven For...

Cookies with condensed milk - 7 recipes for delicious homemade cookies

Cookies with condensed milk are a favorite dessert not only for children, but even more for adults, because such a tasty treat reminds them of childhood. Via...

Blue whiting cutlets - 7 delicious recipes

If pork and beef are already fed up, then fish dishes rich in healthy elements will become an excellent alternative to heavy food for the stomach. There are many similar original dishes, ...

Oven Bottle Chicken - 7 Cooking Recipes

A chicken on a bottle in the oven is the easiest way to cook it. Even the most inexperienced housewife can master such a method of roasting a bird. The main thing,...

How to make tea with ginger - 8 right recipes for a healthy drink

This drink has a wide range of effects, it can warm, relieve thirst, give a healing effect. But all these sides will be revealed only if you know how ...

Truffle Sweets - 7 Homemade Cooking Recipes

When the question arises of what would be tasty to feed the household, the housewives spend more time searching for an interesting recipe than preparing the dish itself. To ...

Milk noodles - 5 recipes how to cook in a slow cooker and on the stove

The recipe for milk noodles is known to almost everyone. This is a healthy dish that all mothers like to cook, but not all children love to eat it. Modern cooking can ...

Chocolate Mannik - 7 delicious recipes

Chocolate manna is an ideal option for a simple and very tasty dessert. Depending on the available starting components, it can be prepared in different ways. Chocolate Mannik ...

Tbilisi Salad - 8 delicious recipes

Tbilisi salad is rightfully considered one of the most unique Georgian cuisine salads. The combination of freshness of vegetables, satiety of fresh beef meat and spicy raisins of chili peppers ...

Braunschweig sausage - 2 home-made recipes

Braunschweig sausage is the most common of all uncooked smoked species. Specialists in cooking say that it occupies a leading place among other products. Smoking such a sausage ...

Solyanka with chicken - 7 recipes

The dish is prepared very quickly and always turns out incredibly tasty. Solyanka with chicken can be made in various variations. We offer the most successful options. Classical hodgepodge with cabbage ...

Dolma sauce - 7 of the most delicious recipes

Oriental dishes have long been included in our diet. One such frequent guest is dolma. She reminds us of Russian cabbage rolls, but instead of cabbage ...

Jelly from viburnum - 7 recipes for making tasty and healthy jelly

Jelly from viburnum is what you should definitely cook. After all, from berries you can make not only tasty, but also useful preparation for the winter ....

Sauerkraut pie - 8 recipes

Unsweetened pastries can become not only a hearty snack, but also a full breakfast or dinner. There are many options for such dishes with a variety of fillings that you can ...

Pie with cabbage and minced meat - 8 recipes on how to cook in the oven and slow cooker

There are many options for making homemade cakes for every taste. It is made from various types of dough: yeast, fresh or puff, and filled with meat, fish, vegetables, ...

Mackerel soup - 8 recipes for cooking delicious fish soup

In the diet of each person should be present daily soup. Everyone wants the dish to be tasty, fragrant and hearty. We offer the best recipes for mackerel soup. Soup from ...

Sanezhki with potatoes - 8 recipes, like grandma’s

Shangi-shanezhki, like my grandmother's - even from the words themselves it becomes delicious. Sannezhka with potatoes of adults is returned to childhood, children are given the opportunity to try, what is ...

Pilaf in the oven with chicken - 5 recipes how to cook

If you are tired of cooking pilaf in the usual way on the stove, cook it in the oven. The dish turns out to be just as rich and aromatic. And here, how to ...

Buckwheat with pork - 7 recipes, how to cook in a slow cooker, in the oven and ...

Buckwheat porridge is served only in our country, because foreigners do not understand its bitter taste. But in vain, because we know what delicious dishes can be prepared ...

Curd biscuit - 7 recipes

Delicate, juicy biscuit is obtained with the addition of cottage cheese. But how to bake a cottage cheese sponge cake so that the dough is completely baked, and the cottage cheese is not burnt? We offer 7 original ...


