How many calories a bar burns in 1 minute or more, the benefits of exercise
Those who want to lose weight and make the figure more prominent are interested in the question of how many calories the bar burns. This is a universal workout that will enhance vitality and muscle tone, ...
Hourglass ⏳: proportions, how to dress, exercise and diet to keep fit
It is this version of the female figure that is considered to be ideal. Fashion designers all over the world are on it. The well-known parameters 90-60-90 just represent ...
How many calories are burned when walking per hour and per km, how to increase consumption ...
Walking is a sport that is accessible to everyone. It can also be chosen for weight loss. How many calories are burned when walking is described below.
The benefits of walking
One of the most...
10 exercises for the hands so that the skin does not hang
Skin tone directly depends on the elasticity of muscle fibers. It is useful for women to learn how to perform exercises for the hands so that the skin does not hang.
Causes of sagging skin on the hands ...
How many calories a person spends per day: calorie expenditure at rest and at ...
Extra pounds - this is not the energy spent entering the body with food. The main expense is the work of the heart, liver and lungs, so even ...
Soy protein isolate: what is it, benefits and harms, how to take for weight loss and ...
Sports nutrition, including soy protein isolate, has become an integral part of training aimed at losing weight or building muscle. In order not to harm the body, you need ...
How to remove fat from the abdomen: exercises, 5 effective methods at home, nutrition features
Many people are interested in how to remove fat from the abdomen using affordable, surely simple, but effective methods. To make the waist thin, you need to establish a healthy diet and ...
How to remove the stomach and sides at home: the most effective exercises and diet for ...
The problem of excess weight concerns not only the appearance. Overweight people are more often sick, less hardy, are at risk for type 2 diabetes. To solve a problem...
Belly dance for beginners: how to learn to dance Belly Dance at home
A mysterious, bewitching belly dance always attracts the attention of spectators. The guria dancer leads them to an unknown country of unearthly beauty and heavenly pleasures. Every woman dreams ...
How many calories are burned while running, how to increase energy consumption on a run
Everyone who wants to bring their body into shape, thinks about starting jogging. How many calories are burned while running? Unfortunately, not so much, but we ...
Vacuum of the abdomen: how to do the exercise correctly - a technique for beginners, benefits, contraindications, photos ...
People strive to get a perfect figure with a chiseled waist and elastic press, without exhausting themselves with long trainings in the gym. However, the efforts made do not always save ...
How to remove a stomach in a short time: features of a diet, 10 effective exercises and 3 more ...
Many people are faced with the problem of body fat in various parts of the body: on the waist, hips, chin, stomach, etc. Most women and many ...
Testosterone Enanthate: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, side effects, anabolic steroid analogues
Steroids have firmly established themselves in bodybuilding as an effective tool for gaining muscle mass. The use of these drugs allows athletes to achieve excellent performance as soon as possible. One...
Yoga for two: easy and difficult poses for beginners and advanced, the benefits of pair yoga, ...
With the increasing popularity of yoga, new areas of this practice are developing. One of them is yoga for two. The essence of such activities is to achieve spiritual enlightenment ...
Sahaja Yoga: about the leader of the spiritual movement, description and essence of yoga practice
For several thousand years now, people in the East have devoted most of their lives to the study of yoga and other spiritual practices. Nowadays, there are many new ...
Yoga in hammocks (aeroyoga, anti-gravity): benefits and contraindications, types of activities
Yoga is considered the best choice for people who want to put their body and mind in order. If classical hatha yoga seems too boring, you can pay attention to ...
Yantra Yoga - Tibetan Yoga Movement: History and Description of Practice
Yantra Yoga is one of the oldest Tibetan practices based on Buddhist traditions. It refers to the second section of the Dzogchen teaching called Longde (section of Spaces). This direction ...
Yoga for the back and spine: a home set of exercises for beginners, contraindications
The health of the spine - the main "pillar" that provides the muscles and the normal state of the departments of the human body, must be under constant and steady control. This is especially true for ...
Bhakti Yoga: what is it, the purpose and essence of the practice of service and devotion to God
Bhakti-yoga is a unique yogic practice aimed not at the person himself, but at the service of the Supreme Person. The essence of the direction is the discovery of love for God and ...
Fitness yoga: what it is, a set of exercises for beginners, benefits for losing weight
If until recently all kinds of oriental practices seemed to the modern layman something incomprehensible and mysterious, today yoga classes are gaining more and more popularity. For those who ...
Hatha Yoga: what is it, exercises for beginners, the very first poses, benefits, contraindications for classes ...
Despite the antiquity of origin, yoga practices do not lose their relevance even in our century, spoiled by technological discoveries. One of the most famous and popular destinations, ...
Yoga nidra - what it is: a description of the practice of yogic sleep, the basic complex, video
A good healthy sleep is the key to the restoration of the body and nervous system. Yoga nidra –... will help to strengthen its benefits for the body and normalize the psycho-emotional state of a person.
Kundalini Yoga: what is it, basic concepts, exercises for beginners, what are the benefits and what ...
Yoga classes are one of the most effective ways to achieve harmony between the body and mind. There are several areas in yoga, pursuing various goals. Kundalini Yoga - ...
Twine exercises: the most effective exercises for stretching to longitudinal and transverse twine in ...
To sit on the twine is not so difficult as it is customary to think. But not many people know that such flexibility will not only help to impress others ...
Stretch for twine: a set of exercises for stretching to transverse and longitudinal twine for beginners
To sit on the twine is not an easy task. To do this trick, you need regular training aimed at preparing working muscle groups and ligaments. An important part of the complex ...
Creatine Monohydrate: How to Take in Powder and Capsules
Creatine Monohydrate is a reliable assistant during strength training. This sports supplement improves strength and stamina, helping you exercise harder and harder. Every athlete ...
Fitness bars: types, composition, calories, benefits and harms, BZHU
The very first fitness bars were invented by the doctor M. Benner as one of the elements of therapeutic nutrition at the beginning of the 20th century. Now they are at the peak of popularity ...
Psoriasis on the face: how to treat, causes and symptoms of the disease
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease of non-infectious etiology, which is manifested by a pronounced reaction of the skin in the form of inflammation, redness and peeling. During the disease, periods are noted ...
Gainer or protein - which is better for gaining muscle mass than they differ, contraindications
Most beginner athletes do not know which is better: gainer or protein. For normal muscle growth, both the first and second are necessary.
Basic conditions for growth ...
Creatine monohydrate: what is it used for, how to take it, the benefits and harms of a dietary supplement for sports ...
Creatine Monohydrate has a special place among sports supplements. To date, this drug is quite popular among athletes. It allows you to increase muscle mass, increases stamina ...
5 Tibetan pearls: Tibetan gymnastics, a set of exercises
"5 Tibetan pearls" tested by wise monks for millennia. And from the middle of the last century, the whole world has been trying to turn them into their daily habit, healing ...
Weight gainers: how to take, top weight gainers, the harm and benefits of a nutritional supplement
Every man, and even a woman, dreams of a beautiful body with relief muscles! Many are convinced that losing weight is much easier than losing weight, as they say ...
7 good reasons why many people are constantly tired
Do you come to work in a “broken” state and think that this is all because you slept less than half an hour today than usual? In fact ...
7 rules to help you achieve a flat stomach
Want to lose weight quickly, get a flat stomach and abs? This is far from an easy task. But achievable. There are some simple rules that you can achieve by observing ...
Gainer: what is it, how to take it correctly for weight gain
On the Internet, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle is firmly rooted. If earlier only brutal representatives of the stronger sex “pulled the iron”, today today everyone who follows his ...
Protein bars: the benefits and harms, how to eat for weight loss, an overview of the best protein bars
Protein bars were originally intended for athletes who needed to gain muscle mass.But over time, they began to use them as snacks, and sometimes replacing them ...