Dreamed of a cat or a kitten - why? Dream cat about cats
When a cat dreamed, you need to figure out what this sign is for, because cats, who are considered to be pretty cute animals in reality, are often a harbinger of trouble in a dream.
Dream interpretation: interpretation ...
Dreamed of sex - why? Dream Interpretation about sex
If a man or woman has had sex, such a plot can be interpreted in different ways. For example, it even matters who dominated the process. If sleeping, then in ...
Dreamed of a dead man - what is it for? Dream book about the dead
After the dead man has dreamed, most people seek the meaning of vision, since many have a sense of anxiety and rebellion. Any dreams with death are considered a warning ...
What is the dream of a falling plane? Dream Interpretation: plane crash
The fall of the liner in a dream always causes feelings of excitement, and only a few know what the falling plane is dreaming of, while many dream books interpret it as ...
Why do ducks dream? Dream interpretation about ducks
Few people know why ducks dream, because such visions have both good and bad meaning in interpretation. To make a reliable interpretation of a dream, it is necessary ...
Why is a black spider dreaming? Dream book about spiders
Interpretations of what the black spider dreams of are mostly negative. But the meaning of sleep also depends on its details, details. The more of them ...
What is onion dreaming for? Dream interpretation about onions and green onions
People who believe in the interpretation of sleep cannot always decide what a bow is for, because many dream books can interpret such a dream in different ways. Usually this ...
I dreamed that I gave birth to a girl - what is it for? Dream Interpretation: childbirth and childbirth girls
Everything that we experience in life, that we had to see and hear about, can come back to us in dreams. If a woman dreamed that she had given birth ...
What do the dead relatives dream about? Dream Interpretation about Dead Relatives
Reluctantly, people understand exactly the question: what are the relatives of the dead dreaming about. Such dreams frighten, upset, once again remind of bereavement. In fact ...
Mushrooms in a dream why dream? Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams about mushrooms
Mushrooms are a very controversial symbol. The interpretation of dreams with them can have radically different meanings, depending on the smallest details. Why do mushrooms dream ...
What does a live fish dream of? Dream interpretation about fish
Since ancient times, people have treated dreams as signs of fate. And although science interprets dreams as processing information received by the brain in a day, many before ...
What is squirrel dreaming about? Dream interpretation about a squirrel
Many are interested in what the squirrel dreams about, because dreams with her participation can promise two signs at once. On the one hand, a protein in a dream is a symbol ...
Dream Interpretation Cake: what is the dream of the cake for?
Many dream books interpret the cake as gratitude and appreciation, because for centuries it has been considered a symbol of joy and celebration. But, if you saw this dessert in a dream ...
Why dream of cutting hair? Dream Interpretation: haircut
Hair cutting in a dream is a very controversial plot, correctly interpreted which alone is not easy. Therefore, you should seek help from professional dream books. They will tell you ...
A woman dreamed about a fish - a dream book about fish
Fish is an extremely ancient sacred image, symbolizing wealth and fertility. If a woman dreamed of a fish, this can have a considerable number of meanings, depending on the details of the dream.
Had a dream ...
What is raspberry dreaming of? Dream interpretation about raspberries
Many people do not pay attention to the interpretation of their dreams, because they do not believe in predictions. And most of them don’t even know what they’re dreaming of ...
Why do women dream about pancakes? Dream interpretation pancakes and crepes
To understand and try to understand what pancakes dream of, it is worth it only if their appearance in a dream did not become a banal consequence of the hunger of the sleeping ....
What does a red cat dream about for a woman - a dream book about a cat
Representatives of the cat family - since ancient times, pets loved by humans. However, a dream with them can portend a variety of events - auspicious and unhappy. Understand to ...
What does a child dream about - a dream book about a girl
Children are an undeniable happiness in the life of most people, and dreams with them most often give positive emotions. But in order to understand why a child-girl is dreaming ...
What are roses for, a dream book about roses
Flowers in a dream have a great symbolic meaning, which is covered in detail on the pages of classical and modern dream books. Many are eager to find out why roses should appear, hoping ...
What cucumbers dream of - a dream book about cucumbers
Each dream is considered a clue that can predict the future. But sometimes in a dream you can see a rather strange picture. For example, most people do not even guess to ...
Why is sex a dream? Dream Interpretation about sex
Erotic dreams often have a special, important subtext. Therefore, such visions should be interpreted correctly. When figuring out why sex is dreaming, you need to consider with whom, how ...
Why does a lion dream of a woman? Dream book about a lion
The lion is the king of beasts. To see a lion in their dreams is a favorable sign, since a predator is associated with power and authority. Depending on ...
Why dream of the death of a loved one? Dream Interpretation death
A dream in which people die always worries a person. But the most frustrating visions in which loved ones died. In order not to worry about too much, you need ...
What is the dream of the web for? Dream Interpretation Web
Spiders are cunning and intelligent insects. Their appearance even in a dream can bode anything: from good to trouble. Visions symbolize changes in sexual life, ...
What is the dream of the cake for? Dream interpretation cake
Dreams with mouth-watering cakes and other desserts are often dreamed by those sleeping who went to bed hungry. In this case, the interpretation of the plot is not required. With others ...
Why is the puppy dreaming? Dream Interpretation Puppies
The dog has long been considered a friend of man and the most faithful animal.
Especially tender are the little puppies who love to play and generally have a good-natured character. Therefore, many ...
Dreamed of a bear - interpretation of dream books
A bear is one of the strongest and most powerful animals that can cause damage to a person and even take his life. Therefore, many dreamers who dreamed ...
What is the dream of a wedding ring? Dream Interpretation Engagement Ring
Wedding rings are often acted upon by unmarried girls who dream of getting married faster. Many of them don’t even know what a wedding ring is about, whereas ...
What is the dream of a little boy? Dream book about a boy
More often dreams in which the baby appears, dream interpretation is interpreted positively. The exact meaning of the dream will depend on the condition and appearance of the child, as well as on the relationship ...
Why do women dream of pigeons? Dream interpretation of pigeons
The dove is a good symbol, which means peace, peace, success in heart and family affairs. But in dreams, under certain conditions, he may find himself ...
Why do women dream watches? Dream Interpretation Wrist Watch
Dreams tell you what to do in a given situation, warn and help you find answers to important questions. Many people will be interested to know why ...
Why do chickens dream? Dream interpretation chicken
Often people attach deep meaning to dreams, trying to unravel the essence of the dream, and what it portends. For example, many are interested in why animals dream, and in particular, to ...
What is the dream of a dead father? Dream Interpretation Dead Father
The deceased loved ones for many years continue to live in our memory and often appear in dreams. People say that the dead dream of a change in weather, and ...
What is the dream of the house for? Dream Interpretation House
It is not easy to immediately correctly determine what the house is dreaming of. This is an ambiguous dream that requires a detailed and detailed interpretation. It is important in which plot the house appeared, to whom it ...
Dreamed of a dog - interpretation of dream books
It is not surprising if someone dreamed of a dog: we encounter them more often than, for example, with pigs or amphibians. But often dreams are not just a reflection ...
What is the clock about? Dream Interpretation Clock
Time is a powerful symbol open to versatile interpretation. Despite this, it is easy to understand what the watch is dreaming of by paying attention to the details of the dream.
Dream Interpretation: to ...
What is the dream of killing a man, a dog, a cat? Dream interpretation killing
Killing is always shocking perception of people. It is not only about what happens in reality, but also in a dream. That is why, after waking up, the question interests ...
Why do birds dream? Dream interpretation of a bird
Trying to figure out what the birds are dreaming about, you need to consider all the details of the dream that you managed to remember in the morning. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the mood of the ...
Why does a hedgehog dream about a woman? Dream Interpretation Hedgehog
Hedgehog is a character of sleep, which usually does not cause negativity in sleeping people. But under certain conditions, it may turn out to be a bad harbinger. Understand to ...
Why dream of washing floors? Dream interpretation of my floors
Dreams with mopping are usually interpreted positively in those cases when the cleaning process itself does not cause any negative emotions in the sleeper. Favorable forerunners are ...
Why do chickens dream? Dream interpretation of chickens
Chickens in a dream are a symbol of tenderness and defenselessness. They have long been considered the harbingers of nascent life. Many people don’t know why chickens are dreaming, because ...
Why wasps dream? Dream Interpretation about wasps
Dreams often carry some deep meaning, although many consider them only a figment of the dreamer's imagination. Often some unpleasant sight leaves a memory of itself ...
What do the dead relatives dream about? Decoding on dream books!
Many relate to dreams with a share of obvious skepticism, and someone gives them a special, deep meaning. And so it has been for centuries. In particular, people are becoming ...
Why does a woman dream a parrot? Dream interpretation parrots
The dream in which this beautiful bird appears with bright plumage is often a harbinger of some significant event in the very near future. In this article, we ...
Why is the earth dreaming? Dream interpretation about the earth
Even in ancient times, people attached great importance to dreams, considering each vision as an omen of certain events. In world history you can find a lot ...
What does a woman owl dream about? Dream Owl
In ancient times, people endowed animals and birds with various magical abilities, and to see them in a dream and in reality was considered an omen of good or bad events. Therefore...
Why does a woman snake bite? Dream interpretation bitten by a snake
Understanding what a snake bite is dreaming of, it is difficult to find a positive interpretation for this in any dream book. Legends and tales, books and cinema have done a lot to reinforce ...
Why do corpses dream? Interpretation of a dream book about corpses
Someone thinks that dreams are just a figment of our imagination and subconsciousness, but many give them deep meaning. This is especially true of exciting dreams ....
Why dream of an accident? Dream interpretation accident
Agree, it is very unpleasant to see a vehicle crash in a dream, especially if it also brought sacrifices. But is this dream so dangerous? Let's figure it out ...
Why does a woman dream about a bull? Dream interpretation bull
A bull is a big animal, and it can be scary to see it even in life. Especially if the animal is not too friendly. But why the bull dream? ...
Why do women dream of frogs? Dream interpretation frog
Whatever animals you see in a dream. For example, why frogs dream - not too cute, but such harmless creatures, we learn together.
Dream Interpretation: why ...
Why does a little girl dream about a woman? Dream Interpretation about a Girl
The conventional interpretation of dreams about children comes down to the fact that this is a good sign that portends pleasant events. The answer to the question of why little is dreaming ...
What is shoes for? Dream interpretation shoes
The main semantic emphasis in your dream fell on shoes or shoes? Want to know what this predicts? Let's figure out what shoes dream about.
Dream Interpretation: why ...
Why is honey dreaming? Dream Interpretation Honey
If during sleep you saw this sweet treat, then it's time to find out why honey is dreaming. Pay attention to what exactly was ...
Why do women dream of flowers? Dream interpretation flowers
Many joyful and sad events in life are accompanied by flowers. A bouquet seen in a dream clearly portends a change in life. But what will they be, and ...
Why is the hospital dreaming? Dream Interpretation Hospital
Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to dreams. They were considered harbingers of various events - both good and bad. Interpret the same ...
Why do you have a kiss? Dream Interpretation Kisses
A kiss from a dream is a difficult symbol. It is very ambiguous and can portend both joyful and sad events. Understanding what a dream is about, you need ...
Why is the knife dreaming? Dream interpretation knife
Sharp knives in a dream most often turn out to be a symbol of violent passions, emotions. The exact meaning of the plot depends on its details. Understanding what the knife is dreaming of, you need ...
What is the dream of the ring for? Dream interpretation ring
The ring is an ancient symbol of the inextricable connection of man with the cosmos and the universe. They saw a jewelry in the form of a ring in a dream - it’s not just like that. Treat ...
Why does a pig dream about a woman? Pig Dream Book
It is unlikely that you often have to see pigs in a dream, unless you are the owner of a pig farm or keep a pet in the barn. Especially...
Why do women dream tomatoes? Dream interpretation tomatoes red, green - on a bed or salty
Such vegetables symbolize the position of a person in society, his material well-being. To understand what a woman dreams of tomatoes, various modern dream books will help. For example, the work of Miller or ...
What is the fox dreaming about? Dream Interpretation Fox
Interpreters usually associate the image of a red beast with deception, flattery and cunning.To determine exactly what the fox is dreaming of, you need to try to remember as much as possible ...
Why dream of a cemetery and graves
Dreams in which a cemetery appears usually cause a person to awaken in a cold sweat. So that such stories do not leave an unpleasant aftertaste and do not spoil ...
Why is death a dream? Dream Interpretation death
Dreams with death always upset those who sleep. In fact, not in all cases such a plot of night dreams promises a man or woman something negative ....
Why dream long hair? Dream Interpretation long hair
Understanding what long hair is dreaming of, the dreamer will find many options for positive interpretations and only a few negative ones. The exact meaning of sleep will depend on the plot details ....
Why do women dream strawberries? Dream interpretation strawberry
One of the sweetest and most delicious berries often appears in dreams (especially often in women's dreams). She is a pleasant symbol associated with ...
What is the dream of cheating on a guy? Dream Interpretation
Seeing a betrayal of the second half in a dream is an unpleasant sight that can upset the dreamer. But far from always the plot turns out to be prophetic and promises repetition of events ...
What is the dream of dirt? Dream interpretation mud
Most dream books suggest that dirt in night dreams is a harbinger of misfortune. Especially if, in the story, a person was splattered with it from head to toe. Further...
Why is the airplane dreaming? Dream interpretation aircraft
After seeing the airplane in a dream, the first thing you need to remember is whether the sleeping person was flying in air transport and didn’t read the news about flights / air crashes ....
What is the tiger dreaming of? Dream interpretation tiger
It is not easy to figure out what the tiger dreams of. This is a very ambiguous symbol, which can turn out to be both a positive and a negative omen. Even the smallest ...
What is milk for? Dream interpretation milk
If a person went to bed hungry, then any food and drinks from sleep do not require special interpretation. You just need to have a hearty breakfast. In other cases...
What is the dream of hair for? Dream interpretation about hair
Hair appears in dreams as a sign for a person that he needs to rethink his concepts and views, as well as determine whether he is in the right direction ...
When and on what days do prophetic dreams occur? Why is this happening?
Every person needs to know when prophetic dreams come true. Such night visions become important signs for sleeping people, which help to avoid various problems, or hints like ...
Why dream of childbirth? Dream Interpretation
Dreams about childbirth can be seen by sleeping people of any gender and age. Such a plot is considered a harbinger of cardinal changes in life. Understanding what a childbirth is about, you’ll have to consider ...
Why do rabbits dream of a woman?
Rabbits symbolize life changes, and also promise sleeping harmony in family and sexual life. But the exact interpretation of the plots with these animals depends on the details ...
Why do dolphins dream a woman? Dream Interpretation Dolphins
Dolphins are very good harbingers from sleep. But under certain conditions, they may turn out to be a sleeping and important warning that will help her prevent trouble ...
Why do women dream in a dream - flies dream book
Flies are unpleasant guests of sleep. Usually after night dreams about them in the shower there is an unpleasant aftertaste. But such visions are not always negative precursors ....
Dreamed of a snake: why and what it means - snake's dream book
The snake is a symbol of wisdom, therefore, in a dream with her participation, you need to look for important clues. It is best to look into the dream book to correctly decrypt secret messages ...
What are bees dreaming of? Dream Bee
In general, bees are a good symbol. They promise a person profit and prosperity. A more detailed understanding of what bees dream of will help dream books.
Dream Interpretation: what do bees dream of? ...
What is the dream of rain? Dream interpretation rain
When figuring out why the rain is dreaming, one should take into account not only the details of the dream seen, but also one's mood in it.This often helps determine whether it is positive or ...
Why does a woman dream of a turtle? Dream interpretation turtle
It is difficult to unambiguously understand what the tortoise is dreaming of if the sleeping woman cannot remember the details of her night dream. Therefore, it is best to write plot details in a notebook ...
Why does a woman dream of grapes? Dream interpretation grapes
Grapes from sleep are a very controversial symbol. It may turn out to be a harbinger of a romantic adventure or big profits, or a strong fright or problems with ...
Why do ants dream in a woman’s dream? Dream interpretation ants
Ants that appeared in a dream, a very polysemous interesting symbol. Especially if the representative of the fair sex saw them in her night dreams. Understand what ants dream of ...
Why do you have a fight? Dream Interpretation
If on the eve of a person really managed to become a participant in a fight, then you should not try to find special meaning in such a plot. In a dream, negative ones are simply relived ...
Why does a woman dream of meat? Dream book about meat
Meat from sleep usually reflects a person’s internal state. Most often it appears in women's dreams. The following is a description of why meat is dreamed under various circumstances.
What is the dream of the coffin for? Dream interpretation about the coffin
Creepy dreams with coffins always scare sleeping people. It is interesting that dreams with such a plot often turn out to be positive forerunners. Understand what the coffin is dreaming of ...
What is cabbage dreaming for? Dream interpretation cabbage
Cabbage is a very difficult sign in dreams. Even the smallest detail of the plot with this vegetable can radically change the whole interpretation. Therefore, without the help of specialists, ...
Why is the cat dreaming? Dream cat cat who died
A cat from a dream is an ambiguous symbol. On the one hand, he may turn out to be a bad harbinger who promises a person a meeting with scammers, and on the other ...
Why do women dream worms? Dream interpretation worms
Unpleasant dreams with worms usually cause extremely negative emotions in sleeping people. Despite this, such dream plots cannot be called frankly bad omens. Understanding to ...
Why does a woman dream about prison? Dream Interpretation Prison
A prison is usually a symbol of incompleteness, excruciating silence or lack of internal freedom. In most cases, such dreams have negative meanings, but there are exceptions. TO...
What does a woman dream about a crocodile? Dream Interpretation Crocodile
In most dream books, it is noted that the exotic reptile symbolizes a cunning, insidious enemy. The plot will tell the sleeping woman how to find and neutralize him in time. What else is dreaming ...
Why do men dream in a dream? Dream Interpretation about menstruation
Monthly blood in a dream is often a reflection of the psychological state of a woman in reality. Often such stories are seen by future mothers. Understanding what monthly periods dream of, you have to ...
What is the dream of the baby? Dream interpretation baby
First of all, a newborn symbolizes a new life and the beginnings of a sleeping person in its various fields. Most often, the baby from sleep is a favorable harbinger, but more ...
What is the dream of the train for? Dream Interpretation Train
It can be difficult to correctly explain what a train is dreaming of. After all, such a plot is very ambiguous. It can promise a person a long trip or suggest that ...
What is the dream of a cemetery for a woman? Dream interpretation about the cemetery
Any episode with a cemetery seen in a dream scares a sleeping person and causes him a lot of unpleasant emotions. But this does not mean at all that it ...
What is the dream of fire for? Dream interpretation fire
Fire in a dream usually turns out to be a harbinger of cardinal changes in life or warns about the activation of enemies. In modern dream books you can find many interpretations of this ...
Why does a dead person dream of being alive? Dead man's dream book
If a friend appears in a dream alive, a relative or just an acquaintance who has long since wandered into another world, such a plot should be taken as an important clue ....
What do chicken eggs dream of? Dream interpretation about chicken eggs
Chicken eggs cooked in any way can appear in a person’s dreams if he goes to bed hungry. In this case, the dream does not require any special interpretation ....
Why do women dream of wolves? Dream interpretation about wolves
Very often, wolves under different circumstances appear precisely in women's dreams. They symbolize for the sleeping impending danger on her in real life. Below is more ...
Why do spiders dream? Dream interpretation spiders: large and small
Dreams with tarantulas cause fear even in those people who in reality do not suffer from arachnophobia. But creepy stories with furry insects do not always have ...
What is the funeral for? Dream Interpretation
When figuring out what the funeral is about, you need to consider all the details that you can remember in the morning. For example, even the weather during the requiem and the mood matter ...
What is snowing for? Dream interpretation a lot of snow, snowfall
Many commentators believe that snow is a symbol of renewal, because when it falls, it hides everything that was past. Therefore, in most cases, dreams with such a plot have a positive ...
I dreamed that I was pregnant - interpretation of the dream book
After such dreams, many women try to find the answer to the question on the web: “I dreamed that I was pregnant - what is the significance of such a plot”? AT...
What is the dream of war? Dream Interpretation military operations
Dreaming of military action is always unpleasant. Such a plot is associated with destruction, pain and grief. But figuring out what the war is about, will be able to find and ...
What is potato dreaming for? Dream interpretation potato, interpretation
Potato from a dream is a very ambiguous symbol, which can be difficult to interpret. It is advisable to try to recall all the details and circumstances of the plot immediately after waking up. The following are ...
Why does a white cat dream about a woman? Dream cat white cat
Representatives of the cat family of any color are usually the harbingers of trouble. But in some cases, they promise a sleeping person and pleasant changes. To correctly determine which ...
Why do worms dream? Dream interpretation worms are white, rain
Worms are one of the most unpleasant sleep guests. Especially if they find themselves on the body or in the food of a sleeping person. Each of these stories has ...
Why is the child dreaming? Dream Interpretation small child
Parents often have their children dream without any subtext. Simply, in this way, their daily experiences for their heirs are expressed. But children can appear in very ...
Why are bedbugs dreaming in an apartment? Dream Interpretation Bedbugs
Dreams in which bugs appear are hardly pleasant. But there are also positive interpretations of such subjects. To understand why bedbugs dream, modern dream books will help.
Dream interpretation: bugs ...
Smoking in a dream - why dream? Dream interpretation of smoking a cigarette or pipe
Had to smoke in a dream? So, in reality, a man or woman should prepare to receive new information. For a more accurate interpretation, you will need to remember as much as possible ...
Why is the guy dreaming? Dream Interpreter Ex-boyfriend who likes a stranger guy
It is not easy to figure out what the guy is dreaming of. In interpreting such a dream, so many details will be important. For example, the mood of the dreamer, the one by whom she was the hero ...
What are your teeth for? Dream Interpretation Teeth Loss
A bad sign is the appearance in a dream of rotten, crumbling, or diseased teeth. In this case, they can even be harbingers of dangerous ailments. And also to ...
Why does a woman dream about a cat? Dream cat
Representatives of the cat family have always been considered magical animals. Therefore, if they appeared in dreams (especially female ones), this indicated that the intuition of the sleeping ...
Why do gypsies dream of a woman? Dream Interpretation Gypsies
Many people are afraid of dreams, the guests of which are gypsies. It is believed that such characters are harbingers of deception and disappointment. But this is not entirely true, because ...
What is the dream of a small child? Dream Interpretation small child
Most often, newborn babies appear in dreams as harbingers of change. In ancient times, such a plot of a dream was considered a blessing from above. And why is a little dream ...
What is the dream of a baby boy? Dream interpretation baby boy
Dreams with a beautiful healthy baby usually turn out to be a favorable harbinger. They promise a man or a woman to find the meaning of life or promise serious career advancement ....
What is the dream of having a baby? Dream Interpretation Birth of a Baby Girl or Boy
Understanding what the birth of a child is dreaming of, one can come across numerous interpretations of such a plot that are radically different from each other. Each dream interpretation interprets it differently ....
Why does a woman dream of a horse? Dream interpretation horse white or black
Horses are symbols of freedom and rebellion. If they appear in a dream of a man or a representative of the fair sex, it means that additional opportunities will open before a person or he ...
Why do you have fallen teeth? Dream interpretation dropped out a tooth without blood and pain
When figuring out what the fallen teeth are dreaming about, you first need to remember your emotions in this process, as well as some other details of sleep. For example, experienced ...
What is the dream of water for? Dream interpretation water
Dreams with water should always be interpreted especially carefully. After all, this symbol often turns out to be an important warning for a person who is able to protect him from various problems ...
What is the dead man dreaming of alive? Dead man's dream book
It is believed that the appearance of a dead person in a dream alive is a warning about the danger to the sleeper. But each dream interpretation interprets such a story in its own way ....
Why is the sea dreaming? Dream interpretation swim in the sea
Seeing the sea in a dream is most often pleasant. It is especially joyful to observe such a plot for those who have not been on vacation for a long time. But it is very ambiguous ...
Why is gold dreaming? Dream interpretation gold
Such a precious metal in most dreams has a positive meaning. For example, for lonely people, he can portend a change in marital status, and already happy in marriage ...
Why does a woman dream about a dog? Dream interpretation dog is big, bites!
A dog from sleep is a very controversial symbol. It can portend to a person both favorable changes and the activation of enemies. Find more accurate clues, why ...
Kissing in a dream with a man on the lips with his tongue: a dream book, why?
If a sleeping woman had to kiss her lips in a dream with a man, then this is an unpleasant and alarming sign for her. Therefore, it is so important as accurately as possible ...
Why dream a snake to a woman and a man, a dream book of a snake
Snakes from sleep are a multi-valued symbol. On the one hand, they are associated in our heads with wisdom and rich life experience, and on the other ...
Why is a black dog dreaming? Dream interpretation big black dog
Many commentators point out that a black dog from sleep is an unfavorable harbinger. But in order to understand the most accurate meaning of the plot seen, you need to take into account various ...
What is bread for? Dream book about bread
The bread that appeared in a dream is a very ambiguous symbol. For example, a white loaf may be a harbinger of wealth, and a slice of black pastry - troubles in different life ...
Dream Interpretation to fish, why dream of fishing a woman with a fishing rod or with her hands
Interpretations of various dream plots can be easily found in modern dream books. It is representatives of the fair sex who most often have to catch fish in night dreams. For...
Why is snowing in summer? Dream interpretation: snow in the summer
Snow, which appeared in a dream in the summer, usually turns out to be a negative harbinger. This phenomenon symbolizes problems and obstacles in various areas of life. For example, in business ...
Why is the ex-girlfriend dreaming? Dream Interpretation Ex-girlfriend
In order to correctly deal with such a plot, you first need to remember what feelings the dream left after itself.Warmth and calm inside suggest that the relationship ...
Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming? Dream Interpretation Ex-Boyfriend
Usually, a beloved from the past appears in the night dreams of a woman if she wants to return relations with him. In this case, no special ...
Why dream little kittens to a woman? Dream interpretation kittens
It's always nice to see a dream with adorable fluffy babies. But at the same time, they do not always turn out to be favorable forerunners. The information in this article will help ...
Why dream about your own wedding? Dream interpretation wedding
If a woman or a man is actively preparing for the marriage, it is not surprising that thoughts about the upcoming event will visit them even in dreams. In this case...
Why is a woman dreaming of a cow? Dream interpretation cow
Most often, this animal symbolizes satiety and well-being, therefore, we can consider it a positive sign from sleep. But sometimes even such a good-natured image can become ...
What is the dream of the guy you like? Dream interpretation guy
If you need to determine what the guy who likes is dreaming about, then first of all you should pay attention to the mood of the main guest of the dream. His positive ...
Why does a woman dream of a bear? Dream Interpretation Bear
In most dream books, a bear is called a symbol of contradiction, treachery, anger, desire for leadership. If a person sees such an animal in his dream, he is probably ready to go ...
Why dream a wedding dress? Dream interpretation wedding dress
Often discussed outfit appears in the plot of sleep on the eve of important life changes. Maybe he portends a sleeping and cheerful meeting. Other options for what a wedding ...
What is the dream of the bat? Dream Interpretation Bat
Bats in many cultures symbolize intuition. If a man saw such a beast in his dream, perhaps he should carefully listen to his own inner voice ....
Why is the big spider dreaming? Dream Interpretation Big Spider
A dream, the main character of which becomes a frightening insect, is often perceived as a nightmare. In fact, such a plot may turn out to be a positive harbinger for a sleeping person ....
Why do you dream of blood from the nose or menstruation? Dream interpretation blood
To see blood in a dream is the need to resolve issues related to relatives. Under certain conditions, such a plot suggests that there are some health problems ...
What is your dream about? Dream interpretation own wedding
Wedding celebration is seen not only in young dreamy young ladies. Such a plot can become a frequent nightly guest, even for a man. The easiest way to figure out ...
Why dream of a house fire? Dream interpretation fire
It is not easy to understand why there is a fire in a dream. Such a plot has various meanings in dream books. It all depends on the details and details of the vision.
Dream Interpretation: ...
What is the dream of someone else's wedding? Dream interpretation another's wedding
Trying to determine what someone else's wedding is dreaming of, you need to remember not only as much of the plot details as possible, but also the emotions that he himself experienced in a dream ...
Why do lice dream? Dream interpretation of lice
Lice are one of the most unpleasant sleep guests. Especially if in the story they painfully bite a sleeping person. Why lice dream, various will help to figure out ...
What does a man dream about fish? Dream interpretation fish
As you know, for the fair sex, underwater scaly inmates most often become harbingers of pregnancy. But to figure out what a man dreams about is a little more difficult ....
Why is the church dreaming? Dream interpretation church see in a dream
Having seen the church in his dream, first of all, such a symbol should be associated with spiritual life. Perhaps the person felt the need to fill in the gaps in it. Others ...
Why dream of crying in a dream? Dream interpretation cry
Sobs in a dream often promise a person of any gender joy and relief. They suggest that the sleeping person needs to free himself from the accumulated emotional ballast and then it ...
Why dream of a flood and flood? Dream interpretation flood
When figuring out what the flood is dreaming about, do not immediately panic and assume the onset of troubles and misfortunes in your own life after the story you've seen. Under some conditions ...
Why is there a golden ring on my finger? Dream interpretation ring
The precious ring in dreams is a symbol of the continuity of events and infinity. This information must be taken into account, trying to correctly determine what the golden ring is dreaming of. Also on ...
What do mice dream of in large numbers? Mouse dream interpretation
Small rodents on dream books are considered to be symbols of small troubles and troubles. They will not cause the sleeper serious trouble, but they will make them spend a lot of time and effort ...
Why do fleas dream? Dream interpretation of a flea - interpretation
Such small biting parasites are unpleasant to see even in dreams. And more often than not, they turn out to be negative precursors. For example, they warn the sleeping man about the envy of those around him ...
Why do women dream apples? Dream interpretation red, green apples
When figuring out what apples are dreaming of, you need to remember that most often they turn out to be positive forerunners. More precisely to interpret the meaning of the dream to all comers will help its details ....
What does a woman dream about fish? Dream interpretation about fish
It has long been believed that for girls, fish is the only symbol - an early pregnancy. In fact, the meaning of the dream in question may be different. Sort out,...
What does a woman dream about mushrooms in a dream? Dream book about mushrooms
It can be difficult to figure out why mushrooms dream of women. This may be a consequence of the recent “silent hunt”, or an important warning of the sleeping ...
What does a black cat dream about, a dream cat black cat
A meeting with a black cat is a bad sign, both in a dream and in reality. It can symbolize the emergence of a new enemy or the beginning of a problem period in ...
Why do women and men dream of cockroaches, a cockroach dream book
Most people are disgusted with cockroaches, and even seeing them in a dream, for a long time can not get rid of feelings of disgust and anxious thoughts. But the likes ...
Why do I have nosebleeds? Dream Interpretation Nasal Blood
It is difficult to say unequivocally why the nose bleeds, if you do not take into account the various plot details in the process of interpretation. The values of sleep can dramatically change from ...
Why dream paper money? Dream interpretation money
It can be quite difficult to correctly interpret what money is dreaming of from paper. After all, this symbol has different meanings, depending on the details of the dream. Therefore it is necessary ...
Why do rats dream about a woman? Rat Dream Book
Large rodents from night dreams are a symbol of betrayal, betrayal or lies. This information will help to more accurately determine what rats dream about in a woman’s dream ....
What does a married woman dream of or not? Dream interpretation watermelon
When figuring out what a watermelon is dreaming about, you need to consider the sleeping person of which gender saw it. If the fetus in question appeared in the night dreams of the fair sex, then, more likely ...
Why is a kitten dreaming? Dream interpretation kittens
It can be difficult to unequivocally explain what a kitten is dreaming of. Dreams with tiny feline representatives have very different meanings. It will be necessary to consider not only the general ...
What is the dream of cheating on her husband? Dream Interpretation betrayal of a loved one
In order to correctly explain what the husband is betraying, you must try to remember as many details and details of the dream as possible. Each insignificant at first glance ...