Interpretation of sleep in different dream books

Dream book about a skull - what portends such a dream

What is the dream of a human or animal skull? Read in the dream interpretation of this image and related events in a dream.
suicide dream interpretation

What suicide is about, what a nightmare warns about

What portends the dream of suicide, the interpretation of the plot in popular dream books, tips and advice to the dreamer.

To see a bear in a dream - why? Dream Interpretation: the meaning of sleep about a bear for a woman ...

Animals are human companions and frequent guests of night visions. If you have a clubfoot predator, you can expect both trouble and luck. What does it mean to see in ...

A bear in a dream - why dream: a dream book about a brown or white bear

A bear in a dream is a symbol of strength, rivalry, victory, success. The interpretation depends on the plot of the dream and the real circumstances in which the dreamer is at a given ...

Why dream leeches - dream book: leeches

People at all times treated leeches with caution, despite their health benefits. Therefore, it is not surprising that a dream with such "guests" is usually not ...

Breastfeeding a child in a dream - what is dreaming about: a dream book about breastfeeding a child ...

Had to breast-feed a baby in a dream? Dream Interpretations say that after such a vision in reality there will be some new business, the implementation of which will require a lot to be spent ...

Dream Interpretation: elephant, baby elephant - why dream

In many cultures, the elephant is revered as a symbol of wisdom, good memory and indestructible strength. And if this animal dreamed in a dream? Consider what value ascribes ...

What does a familiar guy dream about: a dream book about a familiar guy

A dream meeting with a person whom the sleeper knows quite well and meets with him often is just a reflection of reality. However, sometimes such a vision ...

Dream Interpretation: maniac - why dream

Seeing a maniac in the night dream, it’s scary to even go out into the street in the morning. But is such a dream related to reality, and is it really worth the fear ...

Why dream about a girl who likes: a dream book about a girl who likes

To dream of a beloved is a desire of every guy who is not sure of the reciprocity of his feelings. Is it worth paying attention to such a dream, and why ...

Dream Interpretation: washing dishes - what is dreaming of

To understand what it means, according to the dream book, to wash the dishes, you need to remember as many details as possible: the place of the procedure, the intensity of the pollution, the form, who participated in the process ...

Why dream big fish - dream book: big fish

It is believed that fish in a dream always promises pregnancy. But in reality, the interpretation of such a dream is quite extensive. From our article you will learn how to ...

Why do zombies dream - dream book: zombies, the living dead in a dream

Today on TV screens films with various monsters, monsters and zombies are increasingly shown. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people see such characters in ...

What does a dead mother dream about: a dream book about a mother

Those who loved the deceased mother are ready to give a lot to see their loved one again. But if this happens in night dreams, its significance is to what ...

What does food dream about: a dream book about food, food

In a dream, a wide variety of images may suddenly appear. They reflect not only the objective reality of the day, but also the subconscious reactions of man. Therefore, dreams turn out ...

What does the apartment dream about - dream book: apartment in a dream

Each dream is unique, comes unexpectedly and individually. A rare person will not be interested in the question: why is the apartment dreaming? And this is a very reasonable reaction to sleep. More often ...

Why dream of moving to another apartment - a dream book: moving, relocation ...

The change of housing in a dream logically encourages the thought of certain transformations in life. This is true, because moving to another house, apartment, city or ...

Dream Interpretation: the bus - what is dreaming of

Any vehicle seen in a dream reflects the surrounding reality. The definition of a bus in the dream book connects it with the dynamics of life and its individual aspects. Take this ...

What does a pike dream about: a dream book about a pike

A dreaming pike is a sign that is interpreted by various dream books as a warning. The accuracy of the explanation of the meaning is due to the details of the dream and its plot, which is important to pay attention to ....

What the airport dreams about: a dream book about the airport and airplanes

What awaits a person who sees in a dream a plane and an airport? This is not a very frequent dream, and therefore it can cause anxiety. What do the dream books say ...

What Dandruff Dreams For - Dream Interpretation: Dandruff

In real life, fungal diseases cause considerable discomfort. From them appears itching, burning, redness. But why dandruff? Our article will help to understand. Interpretation in ...

What does the dead grandfather dream about: a dream book about the late grandfather

A night vision of a deceased relative means that otherworldly forces give the sleeping man a certain signal. A wise old man comes to warn grandchildren about important events, to warn against ...

Dream Interpretation: to run away - why dream

One of the most common dream plots is fleeing from a certain danger or pursuer. The answer to the question of what it means to run away in a dream book ...

Dream Interpretation: car, car - why dream

Dreams involving vehicles cause both positive and negative emotions in people. Sleeping can drive in a chic sports car or fall into a terrible ...

Why dream of a falling plane - dream book: a falling plane

In a dream, an airplane personifies dreams, hopes and desires. Then what is the dream of a plane falling to the ground, into the abyss or burning? Does it mean...

Why dream of flying on an airplane: a dream book about flying on an airplane

In reality, any flight causes fear, slight horror or prolonged stress, depending on the endurance of the person and his ability to pull himself together. What...

Dream Interpretation: monkey - what is dreaming of

The monkey is an infrequent guest in our nightly dreams.It will be all the more interesting to know what these visions mean and what they contain useful information. In every popular ...

What does the operation dream about: a dream book about a surgical operation

The dreamer, who in night dreams will bother to get on the operating table, will definitely experience fear. The sensations will be no less acute if the sleeping person, without a medical education, ...

Dream Interpretation: tornado - why dream

After an unpleasant dream, excitement does not let go for some more time. A tornado is not the calmest dream, because everyone wants to know what it can portend. Not...

What rice dreams about: a dream book about rice, rice groats

Rice is a tasty and healthy cereal that confidently holds the first place in popularity in our daily menu. They make a side dish of it, make porridge and cook ...

Why dream a positive pregnancy test: a dream book about a pregnancy test

For most women, pregnancy is a long-awaited event, which special tests help to identify. And what does a night story on this subject mean? Consider why ...

Dream Interpretation: catching fish with your hands - what is dreaming of

Fishing with your hands is not easy even during sleep. Pisces have always been identified with wisdom and foreshadowed conception or early birth. For the interpretation of sleep ...

What a whale dreams about - dream book: whale in a dream

To accurately determine what the whale dreams of, you need to rely on the nuances: color, size, behavior, actions. Vision predicts the future and helps the dreamer prepare. The main thing is right ...

Why dream that mom died? Dream Interpretation: Mom's Death

Many people wonder why they dream that mom died. Indeed, from such a vision he will throw anyone into a cold sweat. But it does not need to be perceived ...

If a person dreams from Saturday to Sunday: what does sleep mean, especially interpretation

Dreams on a specific day of the week carry specific information and act as a kind of vehicle that allows you to consider the future and make the right decision. We learn how to behave, ...

Why is the same person dreaming? Dream Interpretation: the same person in ...

When an unchanging character is constantly present in night dreams in a dream over a period of time, then this is far from a random occurrence. It is possible that this person in reality ...

What does a white dog dream about: a dream book about a white dog

The appearance of a dog in a dream, including white, is an interesting sign that can be interpreted quite ambiguously. Much depends on what details were ...

Dream interpretation: fried fish - what is dreaming of

Fried appetizing fish often appears in the dreams of those people who went to sleep with rumbling stomachs. Of course, in this case, the plot of night vision does not require ...

Dream Interpretation: a white dog - why dream

If a white dog appeared in the night dreams, dream books interpret this plot in different ways. Even one, the most insignificant detail can determine a lot. Therefore, dreams need to be spoken ...

Why do many cats dream: a dream book about cats

In real life, a cat is a charming animal, but its appearance in a dream usually warns of unpleasant events in the future. To understand why I’m dreaming ...

What do dirty dishes dream of: a dream book about dirty dishes

Not a meal can do without dishes. Naturally, in order not to spoil the appetite, everyone puts food on a clean plate. Meanwhile, the dirt in the kitchen ...

Dream Interpretation: hair loss - why dream

When hair falls out in a dream, the dream book explains this allegory as a warning of impending troubles, sorrows, and losses. From ancient times, thick, shiny hair testified to ...

Why dream a black snake - dream book: black snake

Often, trying to figure out what the black snake dreams of, dreamers immediately decide that this is a sign promising something bad. However, this is not always the case. Therefore, for ...

What does a closed coffin dream about - a dream book: a closed coffin in a dream

What is the dream of a closed coffin for? This question is of interest to anyone who has dreamed of such a dream.Christians are accustomed to mourn the dead man lying in the tomb, and to remember his name, ...

What is President Putin dreaming of? Dream Interpretation: Russian President in a dream

Quite a frequent occurrence when the country's president dreams of his citizens. Famous people, politicians, show business stars are always in sight. Therefore, the appearance in a dream of an image familiar from ...

Why dream of cutting hair: a dream book about cutting hair

Most crops attach great importance to hair. Many believe that they are able to maintain strength and health of a person, protect him from misfortunes. In view of this, some commentators ...

Dream Interpretation: walking barefoot - why dream

Many dreams are easy to interpret. When I happened to walk barefoot, dream books explain that scandals and disappointments await you in reality. For a more accurate interpretation of the dream you need to remember ...

What is the dream of dandruff on your head: a dream book about dandruff in your hair

To correctly interpret the dream, try to understand its symbolism. The most unpleasant stories in reality can portend insignificant events, but sometimes behind such unattractive ...

What a drunk husband dreams about: a dream book about a drunk husband

If a woman sees a drunken spouse in a dream, it causes her negative emotions. However, not everything is so sad. We find out why a drunken husband dreams ...

What is the dream of the father: a dream book about the father

Associations that come to mind at the word "dad" are able to open the door of mystery, which is what my father dreams of. For some, this person is a symbol of protection and ...

Dream Interpretation: eating fish - what is dreaming of

A dream where the dreamer had a chance to eat fish is interpreted as a good omen by dream books. The interpretation is related to the variety, method of preparation and the eater. Big fish promises in the future ...

What salted fish dream of: a dream book about salted fish

In the popular dream books you can find information about what salted fish dream of. The interpretation of vision largely depends on the feelings experienced and the plot details ....

Dream Interpretation: father, dad - why dream

Coming in a dream of a loved one most often gives a hint for further actions in real life or warns of future changes. According to the modern dream book, ...

Dream Interpretation: seeds - why dream

Even convinced skeptics cannot deny that dreams do come true. For example, ordinary sunflower seeds are often interpreted differently, calling them a symbol of life-changing events. It is necessary ...

What are the boots for?

Along with specific people and other significant characters, the human brain is able to reproduce inanimate objects in a dream. In addition to catchy images and dialogues, attention can ...

What is the dream of the stairs - dream book: stairs, steps in a dream

Understanding why the stairs are dreaming is not so simple. In all cultures, it symbolizes movement. But not ordinary, but associated with important changes in ...

Dream Interpretation: glasses - why dream

This accessory has always been considered a symbol of wisdom and insight. A person in a night story can try on, buy, find or lose optics. And if in a similar scenario ...

Dream Interpretation: a suitcase - why dream

Dreams carry secret knowledge, having solved them, we can not only look into the future, but also correct our fate, understand the purpose and meaning ...

Why brush your teeth in a dream

The same objects seen in a dream can be interpreted ambiguously. Even a simple hygiene procedure carried out in a dream world has several meanings. To understand ...

Dream Interpretation: lightning - why dream

Lightning is an amazing natural phenomenon, it captivates the eye and at the same time scares. And if this event was a dream in night dreams, then it immediately creeps in ...

Dream Interpretation: long hair on his head - what are dreams about

The dream book with long hair on its head has many interpretations depending on the condition of the hair, the behavior and goals of the dreamer, the actions carried out with the hair ...

What is the dream of a person who likes - a dream book: a person who likes

A kiss with a desired man can be a harbinger of deception. On the contrary, the scandal with the dream girl promises the dreamer a beautiful and vivid romance. Nuances in the analysis of dreams ...

What does a moose dream about - a dream book: a moose in a dream

Moose is very graceful, but at the same time dangerous creatures. What is elk dreaming of? Expect good or bad? In such cases, the dream book will help to interpret ...

What does a broken mirror dream of - a dream book: a broken mirror, shards in a dream

It is very useful to remember night visions, since the experiences that we experience in a dream often materialize in real life. The main thing is to deal with symbols that ...

Dream Interpretation: a squirrel - why dream

Squirrel is a restless and fussy animal. She moves very quickly and is always full of worries, but she is never discouraged. As the dream book says, a squirrel ...

Why do nits dream - dream book: nits, lice in a dream

Undoubtedly, when nits or lice dream, it is difficult to call such a dream pleasant. However, one should not assume that such dreams necessarily foreshadow only troubles. Remembering ...

Why dream of a husband’s betrayal in a dream - dream book: husband’s betrayal

Treason is an event more than unpleasant. Feeling a betrayal of a loved one in a dream, experiencing resentment and bitterness is not one of the best feelings. It’s right ...

Dream Interpretation: breastfeeding - what is dreaming of

In almost any dream book, breastfeeding is an action symbolizing the archetype of the mother. In such a dream, the true female nature is revealed: protection, raising offspring and connection with ...

Why dream of a stranger’s funeral - dream book: stranger’s funeral

Contrary to fears, a funeral procession in a dream does not promise waking death. The night plot cannot be prophetic in any way, but this does not mean that all interpretations ...

What sugar is for: a dream book about sugar, granulated sugar in a dream

Understanding what sugar is dreaming of, one has to deal with several interpretations of such subjects. But more often than not, such a dream turns out to be a “shifter” - it does not promise a person ...

Dreamed of a late grandmother - why: a dream book about a dead grandmother

If a person dreamed of a deceased grandmother, but the dream was blurry and poorly remembered, then you should not take him into account and try to somehow ...

Why dream of a plane crash - dream book: plane crash, plane crash in a dream

Air crashes do not dream every day, this event leaves a strong emotional mark. Therefore, an important message from your own subconscious mind will not go unnoticed. Therefore, it must be ...

Dream Interpretation: bath, sauna - what is dreaming of

In various dream books, the bathhouse that appeared in a dream may have different meanings for the sleeper: under some conditions it is positive, under others it is negative. Because when ...

Dream Interpretation: a dog bites his hand - what is dreaming of

Seeing a beast attack in a dream is always taken as an alarming warning. According to the interpretation of the dream book, the dog bites his hand in sign of the upcoming difficulties with business, workers ...

What does sausage dream about: a dream book about sausage

Most often, dreams reflect the real feelings of a sleeping person. Explaining what sausage is used for, many dream books prophesy love, prosperity, independence, as well as problems, financial losses, ...

What does a bicycle dream about - dream book: bicycle

Everyone who attaches great importance to dreams should find out what the bike is about. The plot associated with this vehicle warns a person about the danger. However, the interpretation ...

Why dream of digging potatoes - dream book: digging potatoes

When a person plants potatoes in freshly excavated soil, he lays the foundation for his future happiness and success. And why dream of digging potatoes? Often such dreams ...

What does a witch dream about: a dream book about a witch, a witch in a dream

No matter how skepticism people may have about dreams, it should still be recognized that they often contain important information. In most cases, dreams reflect ...

The ex-husband is a dream book: what the ex-husband dreams of

Ex-spouse does not always cause a woman positive emotions, even if he comes only in a dream. In the morning, the dreamer clutches at the dream book - the ex-husband seems ...

Dream Interpretation: Explosion - What is Dreaming of

Seeing an explosion in a dream, a person begins to worry about what awaits him in the future. Explosion is interpreted unambiguously in the dream book - troubles and illnesses are ...

What does a boar dream about: a dream book about a boar

Little is known about how much useful information an ordinary dream contains. He can warn of upcoming threats or, conversely, talk about the imminent success. To understand what ...

What is the dream of the white rat - dream book: white rat

Night dreams are often a harbinger of future changes, pleasant or distressing news, minor or major disappointments. Interpret the dream will help animals or other symbols that appeared ...

Dreamed a pregnant girl - why: dream book about a pregnant girl

Often we do not understand the meanings of night visions. So, it is difficult to predict future events if a pregnant girl dreamed. However, such a plot has many interpretations, ...

Dream Interpretation: earrings, earrings - why dream

Earrings seen in a dream are associated with any information heard (news, secrets, gossip). To explain the meaning of such dreams, details and details are important. Want to find out what ...

Dream Interpretation: to ride in a train - what is dreaming of

A train trip, dreamed of in a dream, always portends any changes in life. Most often, such a dream is a good sign. In any dream book, ride a train ...

Why dream of buying a car - dream book: buy a car, car in a dream

Dreams are compared to a time machine, which allows you to look into the future. It remains for us to correctly interpret and use in our real life the signs that have been dreamed of in a dream ....

Dream Interpretation: sweets - why dream

Any decent interpreter of night dreams will help to comprehend the "sweet" dreams, connect them with real events, life circumstances and understand what lies ahead. Sweets that deliver ...

Dream Interpretation: a fur coat - why dream

Any fur product seen in a dream promises success. But in order to better understand the details, you need to remember the details. The most common definition of dream coats in a dream ...

Dream Interpretation: butterfly - what is dreaming of

Dreams, if taken seriously, can tell us the events of the near and far future. On the one hand, they are light and elusive, like fluttering ...

Why dream of going on a bus - dream book: a trip on a bus

I can’t explain it myself, why do I dream of going on a bus? Then you need to seek help from professionals. You can use the advice of an experienced interpreter or just ...

What is the goose dreaming about: a goose dream book

The dream about such a poultry is usually alarming. After all, being kind, but very insidious creatures, these animals cause subconscious fear from childhood. For what...

What does red caviar dream about: a dream book about caviar

Dreams resemble the past, warn, predict the future of man. A correct understanding of night scenes sometimes saves from trouble, helps to establish a life, to avoid difficulties. To understand why ...

What does a dead dog dream about: a dream book about a dead, dead dog

As a rule, our dreams always carry a certain meaning, whether it is negative or positive. Sometimes dreams help with the solution of any life problems or symbolize about ...

What does a familiar man dream about: a dream book about a familiar man

To understand what a familiar man dreams about, you need to carefully analyze the dream, take into account its emotional coloring, the nature of the interaction with the person and all the small details. Traditionally ...

Why dream of car theft - dream book: car theft, car in a dream

The life of any modern person is somehow connected with cars, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that this symbol sometimes appears to us in dreams ....

Dreamed of a funeral - why: a dream book about a funeral

If you had a funeral, many people think that this story will be repeated in real life, and worry about themselves and loved ones. In fact, such a dream is ...

Dream Interpretation: stole a car - why dream

A car, as a means of transportation, helps a person. In today's world, it is difficult to imagine life without a car. In the same aspect, the car is seen in a dream. Dream,...

Why do you dream of coins - dream book: coins, trifle, small money in a dream

It can be difficult to figure out what the coins are about. The thing is that such a night vision plot has several meanings at once. Interpret any of ...

Why dream of dismissal from work - dream book: dismissal from work

The profession determines the position in society. Her absence excites a person. Experiences associated with changes in professional activity can overtake a person not only in reality, but also ...

Dream Interpretation: a dog has bitten - why dream

Dream Interpretations attribute a dreaming dog to positive symbols, equating it to a very close friend. But the exact interpretation of the dream depends on the circumstances of its plot ....

What is the dream of a dead man in a coffin - a dream book: a dead man, a dead man in a coffin

You can find out what the dead man dreams of in the coffin in dream books. Such a vision, of course, cannot be called pleasant, but it does not always have a negative meaning. The interpretation of dreams ...

Why dream of dead relatives alive: a dream book about dead relatives

Sometimes dead relatives or just acquaintances come to us in dreams. You can often hear among people that such dreams come true to change the weather. But...

Why dream about a feast - dream book: feast

To the question of why the feast is dreaming, different dream books answer in their own way, but in most cases this is a good sign. Especially if there is a lot of food on the table, and ...

What does a dead child dream about - a dream book: dead children in a dream

Unfortunately, only good dreams do not always come in night dreams. It happens that you wake up from fear all sweating, trembling and with a rapid heartbeat. That ...

What the late father dreams about: a dream book about a dead father

When loved ones die, it is very difficult to come to terms with this. They continue to remain in our memories and often appear in night dreams. The value of ...

What a beard dreams about: a dream book about a beard

Why a beard dreams - dream books give different interpretations, sometimes even very funny. To accurately decipher the plot, you need to parse it in detail. Interpretation in popular dream books Everyone...

Dream Interpretation: ticks - why dream

You can see the meaning of sleep, in which ticks appeared, in popular dream books. Usually this insect is a signal that the dreamer should pay attention to ...

What is a fur coat dreaming about: a dream book about a fur coat

To understand what a fur coat is dreaming of, a guide to night dreams will help - a dream book. Dreams cannot be considered in isolation from current events in the dreamer's life. Only...

What does a naked woman dream about: a dream book about a naked woman

This is an ambiguous dream. It has a dual interpretation: it symbolizes the purity of thoughts and depravity, from which it is almost impossible to get rid of a person. Why dream a naked woman, you can ...

What does blood dream for, menstruation - a dream book: blood, menstruation, menstruation in a dream

When we see blood in a dream, we instinctively get scared and expect trouble. But why dream of monthly blood? Learn about this from our article. Interpretation...

Why mosquitoes dream - dream book: mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are not too pleasant dream guests. Therefore, it may seem that they portend the sleeping man to exclusively negative. In fact, this is not always the case ....

Why dream about an ax: dream book about an ax

Stitching and cutting objects in real life cause fear and fear, which is entirely justified.But what if a similar tool of labor had a dream? ...

What a cat and kittens dream of - a dream book: a cat with kittens in a dream

Dreaming animals are often a symbol of future events or personify some people surrounded by a dreamer. Whether such a dream is favorable or not, largely depends on ...

What a helicopter dreams about: a dream book about a helicopter

What a helicopter is dreaming of will help a dream book be sorted out. This is a contradictory symbol, the meaning of which is determined by the details of sleep - well-being, situation, transport model and its serviceability. Probably,...

What is the dream of preparing for the wedding: a dream book about the wedding

The wedding celebration excites not only the newlyweds themselves, but also their relatives, friends and relatives. Why dream of preparing for the wedding, give interpretation of dream books. We learn that ...

Why dream to extinguish a fire - dream book: extinguishing fire, fire, flame in a dream

Our daytime experiences often find a continuation in a dream, and vice versa - what we experience in dreams can become a sign of the coming awake. And therefore ...

What does a naked man dream about - a dream book: a naked man in a dream

Nudity as such is interpreted differently in various dream books. She reports on the vulnerability of the sleeping person in real life, and on sexual problems, etc.

Why dream a thunderstorm - dream book: thunderstorm, lightning, peals of thunder in a dream

Why is there a thunderstorm? Popular dream books will help to compare real life events with natural phenomena seen in a dream. The raging elements warn of possible radical changes ...

What does the icon dream about: a dream book about an icon

Dreams about icons can be dreamed not only of a believer, but also very far from spirituality and church affairs. What does the icon dream of, depending ...

What does green grass dream about: a dream book about grass

What is green grass dreaming about? The answer to this question can be found in the dream book, which will fully reveal all the secrets of night dreams. Mostly ...

Dream Interpretation: lice in my head - why dream

Dreaming lice on their heads is considered by many to be a bad omen. In fact, a dream where a person sees lice is rather auspicious. However...

What a goat dreams about: a dream book about a goat

The interpretation of dreams is a very interesting and detailed matter. Indeed, in the process of interpretation, all the features of sleep should be taken into account, from actors to the environment ....

What does the black crow dream about - dream book: black crow, bird in a dream

The symbol of the black bird in a dream is interpreted as fortitude, justice, instructions on the path of life, a message from the future, the connection of the world of the living and the dead. It all depends ...

Why dream a tornado or tornado? Dream Interpretation: tornado, tornado, hurricane, natural disaster in a dream

Natural disasters scare people not only in reality, but also in nightmares. In fact, you need to gratefully accept such prompts from our subconscious mind to ...

What a friend dreams about: a dream book about a friend

Warmth, pleasant memories, vivid feelings, support and care - this is what kind of association the word “friend” evokes. In a dream, these basic sensations and emotions ...

What does a maniac dream about: a dream book about a maniac

Dreams in which it was possible to see a maniac or become his victim cause fear and horror. Usually, such nightly scenes symbolize inner experiences. You need to remember how ...

What does the former mother-in-law dream about: a dream book about the former mother-in-law

It happens that loving spouses cool each other and diverge. At the same time, the husband’s mom can become both an enemy and an ally. Dreams with ...

Dream Interpretation: a man - why dream

The dream book confirms: a man is a symbol of logic, reason, rationality, success achieved by perseverance and resourcefulness. But despite the obvious positive meaning of sleep, there are significant deviations in ...

Why dream dirty water - dream book: dirty, muddy water

Dirt, turbidity, a crap pond is not a pleasant sight in real life. In a dream, such a plot looks even more painful, because to the disgusting picture ...

Earth - a dream book: what is the earth dreaming of

The dream interpretation can be interpreted in different ways about what the earth is dreaming of. Most often, such a nightly story is favorable, although there are exceptions. For the exact ...

Dream Interpretation: being late for a train - what is dreaming of

The train is considered as a transitional stage in the fate of the sleeper. A person can see different circumstances in a dream: he gets on the carriage and makes his journey either ...

Dream Interpretation: a hamster - why dream

Many had hamsters in their childhood as pets. With age, interest in them faded and now this rodent can dream in a dream ....

Dream Interpretation: plane crash - why dream

The plane crash itself is an unpleasant sight. A person can see her in a dream. The experiences associated with the direct or indirect participation of the sleeping person in air tragedy are unpleasant ...

Why dream of digging potatoes in a dream: a dream book about digging up potatoes and potatoes

Dreams about working in the field are extremely rare for urban people. However, if you saw something like this, you should know that this is a completely unique symbol. For what...

Dream Interpretation: Mom died - what is dreaming of

Death in nightly dreams is a stunning and unpleasant phenomenon. To understand all the secrets of the notification received from above will help dream books. If a person dreams of the death of his mother, then ...

Dream Interpretation: strong wind - why dream

The strong wind in the dream books has different interpretations. Bit by bit the details and draw conclusions about the meaning of your sleep. Interpretation in dream books Sigmund Freud claims that a dream, ...

What does a frozen fish dream about - a dream book: to see frozen fish in a dream

It is not uncommon to dream where fish is present. She is alive or not. What does a frozen fish dream of, will help to find out a dream book. Interpretation in dream books Miller interestingly interprets ...

What does an empty coffin dream about: a dream book about an empty coffin, open or closed

It is always scary to dream about deadly paraphernalia. You can learn from what dream of an empty coffin from many dream books, each of which ...

What does strawberry dream of: a dream book about strawberries

Sometimes in night dreams we see not only people we know, but also various objects and even products. Find out what strawberries dream of, and ...

Why dream of washing in the bath: a dream book about the bath

During wakefulness, we often have guesses, doubts, suspicions and other thoughts that are reflected in night dreams. Appearing in separate images, they ...

What does the black raven dream about: a dream book about the black raven

The world of dreams is capable of telling a lot of things to man. A variety of symbols are messages from our subconscious that need to be decrypted. For example, to find out why ...

Dream Interpretation: president - what is dreaming of

In several dream books, the president, who appeared in a dream, has a different meaning for a person. Sometimes in the books of interpreters it is radically different. Therefore, it is worth being guided by the work of ...

Dream Interpretation: an earthquake - why dream

Dreams, in which some kind of natural disaster appears, usually greatly worry the sleeping person. After such a dream it can be difficult to recover. However, they are far from always ...

What does a scorpion dream about - dream book: scorpion

Scorpions are able to kill a person with their bite, since they are considered one of the most poisonous animals. But when such an arthropod appears in a nightly plot, find out ...

Dream Interpretation: the dough - why dream

Researchers have been studying the nature of night dreams for more than one century. The most reliable explanation for such visions remains the message of the universe, thus giving a hint to the sleeping man about changes in reality ....

I dreamed that my husband died - what is it for? Dream Interpretation about the death of her husband

The dream in which the husband had died seems like an unpleasant nightmare. Considering the interpretation of this vision, it is worth considering: is a person alive who dreams dead; by whom...

What does a white kitten dream about: a dream book about a white kitten

Why is a white kitten dreaming? It would seem that no negative associations arise with an innocent and harmless animal. Lovely creature causes only peace and tranquility ....

What does the mother-in-law dream about: a dream book about the mother-in-law

To reliably figure out what the mother-in-law is dreaming of, it is worth asking for help from popular proven dream books. Without the help of experienced interpreters, doing it yourself can be difficult ....

Dream Interpretation: the grave - why dream

A person who sees the grave in a dream is definitely scared in earnest. Such visions are perceived more acutely, for the sleeper is in an unconscious state, feeling unprotected ....

Dream Interpretation: socks - why dream

According to the interpretation of the dream book, socks dream of a trip or road. However, the color and appearance of the fabric, as well as the gender of the person who saw the dream, play a large role. We find out ...

What does a broken tooth dream about: a dream book about a broken tooth

Many people thought about what a broken tooth was dreaming of. It is believed that such a vision can not bode well. In reality, you should look at the nuances ...

Why dream of swimming in the pool: dream book about the pool

The pool symbolizes a certain stage of life in the life of a sleeping person. It is worth remembering clearly all the details of a dream, and then you can begin to interpret it. It is necessary to pay attention ...

What a fortuneteller dreams of: a dream book about a fortuneteller

Fortune-tellers are asked when they want to open the veil of the future, understand the current situation or clarify the secrets of the past. A similar image, dreaming in ...

Dream Interpretation: keys - why dream

If you look at any well-known dream book, the keys seen in night dreams, in most cases, is interpreted as a favorable sign. It is important to remember the related details, then ...

What is the dream of work: a dream book about work, service

All people have seen a dream in a job. Night scenes of this kind can be interpreted in different ways, which not only depends on the situation that a person experienced in ...

Why dream of the death of the father: a dream book about the death of the pope

If a person who has fallen asleep has a dream in which he will watch the death of his father, then such a nightmare will certainly be remembered for a long period. Feel,...

Why dream of the death of a child: a dream book about the death of a child

A dream in which parents can see the death of their own child will be scary and stunning for dreamers. There is nothing worse than seeing a child die. But...

The guy dreams from Monday to Tuesday - why: interpretation of the dream books

The night between the first and second days of the week runs under the auspices of Mars. Most often, these dreams are magical in nature and often come true after a week ....

Dream Interpretation: shoes - why dream

In popular dream books, shoes appearing in a dream of a man or woman can have completely different meanings. It all depends on the details and details. For example, from color ...

What does a mole dream about: a dream book about a mole

Winged insects in dreams are usually considered a rather favorable symbol, but there are exceptions to this rule. For example, to see in a dream harmful and not ...

Why sweet cherry: a dream book about cherries, berries

Numerous dream books interpret the dream of cherries as a sign symbolizing the beginning of changes at work and in personal life. For the correct interpretation of sleep, you need to remember the details ....

Dream Interpretation: winter - why dream

It is pleasant, wrapped in a warm blanket, to plunge into a long-awaited dream ... But suddenly a winter cold, frost and cold break into the dream. In the morning, first of all, I want to see ...

Why dream a snake bite in your hand: a dream book about a snake bite

The hand is a symbol that is interpreted as the business sphere of a person or his immediate environment - close people, relatives, friends. Therefore, why bite ...

Dream Interpretation: pancakes - why dream

A traditional Russian dish is a dream to joy. Tasty warm sun symbol portends wealth, prosperity, prosperity. This is how pancakes are interpreted in the dream book.But they do not always symbolize ...

What corn is dreaming about - a dream book: to see corn in a dream

You can figure out why corn is dreaming by looking into the dream book. But there are so many of them, and each has its own explanation ... A certain image will consist of many meanings, ...

Dream Interpretation: a pregnant girl - why dream

As the Modern Dream Book interprets, a pregnant girl always dreams not by chance. In order to correctly decipher such a dream, you need to pay attention to all its details. Depending on ...

Why dream of lightning - dream book: lightning, thunderstorm in a dream

Dreams can be treated differently - not to take them seriously, forgetting the plot of the dream immediately after waking up, or to devote time to searching for interpretations of what you see ....

What is the dream of the old house: a dream book about the old house

What is the dream of the old house - you can solve this vision with the help of dream books. But the interpreters advise to pay attention to all the nuances of the night story ...

Dream Interpretation: a haircut, cutting hair in a dream - why dream

They say that through sleep, the subconscious communicates with us. Often these are signs and answers to those questions that really worry, or become a reaction to situations, ...

What is a pregnancy test for? Dream Interpretation: a positive and negative pregnancy test in ...

A pregnancy test is a modern way of determining a possible conception. The dream associated with it is no less exciting than the process itself in real life. It’s worth sorting out ...

Dream Interpretation: chest - what is dreaming of

The chest that appeared in a dream in different forms is a multi-valued symbol. Depending on the other plot details, he can both portend a person serious changes, so ...

Dream Interpretation: baby boy - what is dreaming of

Often women see children in a dream. Sometimes the sex of the child cannot be found out, but if you saw the baby boy, the dream book will help to decipher the meaning of such a dream. Interpretation ...

What a black kitten dreams about: a dream book about a black kitten

Why is a black kitten dreaming? Dream Interpretations interpret such a vision as a negative sign. He portends a solid negative in the future: machinations of ill-wishers, betrayal of loved ones and treachery ...

What a lizard dreams about: a dream book about lizards

The lizard in the dream is an ambiguous acting character. What the lizard dreams of, dream books will tell. Interpretation in popular dream books According to Miller, after a dream in which this reptile was present, ...

Why dream of the wind: dream book about the wind

Did you feel strong gusts of wind in a dream? Use the dream book to interpret it. Receiving news is the most common meaning of what the wind is dreaming of. Depending on ...

Dream Interpretation: ice - why dream

Frozen water can be dreamed of in any form - cubes, ice on the river, a hill and so on. In this article, we will consider the most accurate dreams about ...

Dream interpretation: sand - what is dreaming of

In dream books, sand has various interpretations. We must not forget that this is an ancient symbol, which means fragility. The interpretation of such a vision is possible taking into account all the details that accompanied ...

Why dream about abortion - a dream book: abortion, abortion

It is known that the expulsion of the fetus is interpreted in a dream as a disturbance of calm, the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances that prevented the achievement of a certain goal. What an abortion is about, it will be interesting to know ...

What does the unfamiliar guy dream about - dream book: unfamiliar guy, stranger

When a person sleeps, his body rests, and the brain continues to work. At this time we see dreams. Sometimes they are scary, sometimes not. Understand,...

Why dream of pregnancy and childbirth: a dream book about pregnancy and childbirth

The bearing of a child and delivery can be dreamed of by any person, not only a woman, but also a man. It would seem strange to hear such a statement, but the stronger sex is not ...

Dream Interpretation: mom - what is dreaming of

Dreams contain hidden secret knowledge that can help in real life overcome difficulties, succeed in any activity, find happiness, love.The main thing -...

What does green onion dream about: a dream book about green onions

Different dream books explain why a green onion is dreaming, exactly the opposite. In some, such a dream bodes happiness and good fortune, in others it warns of impending problems. Interpretation...

What does a lynx dream about: a dream book about a lynx

Most people are sure that dreams allow you to look into the future and open the veil of secrecy of the unknown. It is for this reason, when they awaken, they try to remember all the smallest ...

Why dream about an explosion: dream book about an explosion

An explosion in a dream is an ominous symbol that can seriously alarm the dreamer. As a rule, he does not portend joyful events and positive changes in ...

Why smoke: a dream book about smoke

Smoke is one of the most difficult to interpret symbols from sleep. It has many diverse meanings. It’s right to figure out what the smoke is for, everyone who wants it ...

Why dream pregnancy? Dream Interpretation: Pregnancy

The subconscious mind sometimes presents us with completely unexpected dreams. But when we see them, we begin to think about what significance night events can have in relation to real life ....

Dream Interpretation: tulips - why dream

The tulip in dreams is an unusual and special sign. In different dream books, tulips are interpreted differently, but for the most part, such a dream does not carry ...

What is the key to dream about: a dream book about keys

The key unlocks not only doors and locks, but also secrets, ciphers and hearts, they also lock knowledge, emotions, secrets ... The dream in which this appeared ...

What does the boss dream about - dream book: boss, leader

Whether we realize it or not, dreams every time bring us important information so that we can use it in everyday life. Accumulated by generations ...

Why dream of finding money? Dream Interpretation: find money, banknotes, coins in a dream

A person daily in one way or another comes into contact with the financial sphere. He very often thinks about his income and expenses during the day, touches coins ...

Dream Interpretation: a thunderstorm - why dream

It happens that dreams are filled with such strength and power of the events taking place in them that a person who sees a similar picture continues to experience strong emotions even after awakening ....

Dream interpretation: a swamp - what is dreaming of

The swamp rarely causes us positive emotions - it is usually associated with danger, darkness and anxiety, therefore it is difficult to call it a calm place. In popular ...

Why does the father dream: a dream book about the father, the priest

The image of the priest, seen in a dream, is symbolic and carries a message that must be solved and used correctly. There is no universal interpretation instruction because ...

Dream Interpretation: a shark - what is dreaming of

The most mysterious and amazing part of our life is night dreams. According to the individual characters that appeared in a dream, you can add a picture of future events. In this article...

Dream interpretation fat - what is dreaming of

In our night dreams, quite ordinary things or varied foods often appear. But such visions with a detailed and competent analysis acquire special significance for ...

What is smoked fish dreaming about: a dream book about smoked fish

Dreams are different. Sometimes at night it’s a dream that you’ll never meet in life. They happen interesting, bright and unforgettable, sometimes scary. BUT...

Dream Interpretation: fishing, fishing - what dreams

Fish in their natural habitat and fishing are dreams that carry a deep message to a sleeping person. If you correctly unravel the meaning of sleep and delve into the details, ...

Why dream a kiss on the lips - dream book: kiss, kiss on the lips in a dream

There is a certain pattern in the decoding of dreams: if you dream of something pleasant that brings joy, some dirty trick is sure to happen in reality. The same principle is preserved in decoding ...

What a baby stroller dreams of - a dream book: a baby stroller

When I had a chance to see a stroller in a dream, this could mean the continuation of daytime impressions - maybe there was a conversation about buying baby supplies, pregnancy and ...

What is the dream of a plane crash: a dream book about a plane crash, a plane crash

Night visions about disasters make us nervous, spoil our mood and leave unpleasant impressions. However, such a plot does not always portend bad events. Find out why ...


