Honeysuckle Blue spindle: variety description, pollinators, planting and care, reproduction

Honeysuckle "Blue Spindle" is one of the most popular varieties among our gardeners, suitable for cultivation even in harsh climates. Description of honeysuckle varieties "Blue spindle" Passed by ...

How ginger blooms at home and in the open ground, cultivation and care

Planting material for the cultivation of this tropical exotica does not need to be found in special stores, you can choose it in any supermarket or vegetable shop. But as...

Ramson: growing from seeds, planting at home and in the garden, especially propagation ...

Home-grown wild garlic from seeds or bulbs is a great way to get tasty and healthy greens. The plant is happy with the harvest annually. And the collection is carried out ...

Honeysuckle Cinderella: a description of the variety of edible honeysuckle, planting and care

Among edible varieties, Cinderella honeysuckle has been known since 1991, when it was recommended for cultivation in Eastern and Western Siberia, in the Urals. Received in 1974 ...

Honeysuckle Bluebird: variety description, pollinators, planting and care

Honeysuckle "Blue Bird" is very popular among Russian gardeners. It is notable for its unpretentiousness and good immunity. Description of honeysuckle varieties "Blue Bird" Compact bushes reach a height of almost ...

Morena honeysuckle: variety description, pollinators, planting and care

Due to its unpretentiousness, one of the most sought-after berry growers among gardeners of the country is the honeysuckle "Morena". Description of honeysuckle varieties "Morena" The beautiful name translated from Spanish means "brunette", ...

May flowers: a list with names and photos, description, planting and care

With the arrival of heat in May parks, squares, summer cottages, fields and forests, May flowers bloom. Amazes with the variety of shapes and colors of these very first ...

Juniper creeping: a description of the species, variety, planting and care, application in landscape design

Creeping juniper belongs to the vast Cypress family, which is already thousands of years old. Description of the type of shrub Junipers of creeping species are very reminiscent of fluffy carpets. These plants lend themselves perfectly to formative ...

Juniper Blue Chip: variety description, landscape design, planting and care, reproduction

One of the most popular ground cover plants used in landscape design is the Blue Chip Juniper. Its shaggy branches and decorative needles will not leave anyone indifferent. Description...

Honeysuckle pruning in autumn and spring: scheme, timing, how to prune and form a bush

Honeysuckle is an unpretentious plant, its berries are useful, so the bush can be found in almost every garden plot. But there is one caveat: culture is endowed with the ability to quickly ...

Honeysuckle: varieties for the middle zone of Russia and Siberia, description, care and reproduction

Honeysuckle is a delicious and incredibly healthy berry. The culture is not picky and is in great demand among gardeners of all countries. Currently...

Juniper Mint Julep: variety description, planting and care, landscape design ideas

Juniper Mint Julep is one of the most popular varieties in Russia and the countries of the former USSR. The shrub is medium-sized, it is actively used in design ...

Juniper Skyrocket: variety description, planting and care, landscape design ideas

Evergreen Juniper "Skyrocket" is very easy to care for. Even a novice will cope with its cultivation. Description of juniper variety “Skyrocket” Juniper Skyrocket features rapid growth. If you make a description of the variety, ...

Honeysuckle “Pride of Bakchar”: variety description, planting and care

The honeysuckle “Pride of Bakchar” was included in the state register of selection achievements in 2006. Since then, you can hear a lot of good reviews about its advantages from ...

How to propagate juniper: a quick and easy way and 3 more options for different ...

Juniper is an evergreen coniferous shrub. They are also called “heather” or “juniper”. They are also found in the form of cypress trees. If the gardener decided ...

Bakchar honeysuckle: description of edible varieties, planting and care

Edible Bakchar honeysuckle has many varieties of different maturity and can be grown even in regions with severe winters. Description of edible varieties of Bakchar honeysuckle One of the most...

Juniper Blue Alps Chinese: variety description, use in landscape design

In the modern world, Juniper Blue Alps is more and more common in urban environments and in adjoining areas. Thanks to its compact form, the bush becomes ...

Rhododendron Ledebour: species description, planting and care, reproduction, photo

Rhododendron Ledebur is one of the earliest flowering shrubs. Frost-resistant: withstands frosts down to -320С. The plant is named after the German botanist who served in Russia and took ...

When to dig and plant tulip bulbs in different regions, how to store planting material

Tulips - spring flowers. Many gardeners love them and plant them on their sites. But over time, the question arises when to dig out tulip bulbs and plant ...

Juniper "Andorra Compact" horizontal: variety description, planting and care, landscape design ideas

Juniper Andorra Compact is an evergreen shrub that will delight juicy needles even in the middle of winter. Description of juniper variety Andorra Compact If you make a brief description of the variety, then ...

Honeysuckle "Leningrad Giant": a description of the variety of shrubs, pollinators, planting and care

Almost every garden has honeysuckle. It is frost-resistant and in any summer - whether it is hot and arid or cold and rainy - the crop ...

Rhododendrons in the Urals: planting and care, shelter for the winter, varieties, cultivation

Today, the agricultural market presents a huge variety of ornamental shrubs that are widely used in landscape design. The rosewood is very popular for its beautiful flowering and ...

Honeysuckle Nymph: variety description, pollinators, planting and care, landscape design

Honeysuckle "Nymph" is today recognized as one of the best varieties. It is unpretentious and gives the berries excellent taste. Description of honeysuckle cultivar "Nymph" This honeysuckle was bred ...

Honeysuckle Kamchadalka: variety description, ripening period of berries, planting, growing and care

In 1984, breeders cultivated Kamchatka wild honeysuckle. As a result of the work, they received a new variety for growing in gardens - the Kamchadalka honeysuckle. She immediately became ...

Rhododendron "Nova Zembla" (Nova Zembla): variety description, winter hardiness, planting and care

Rhododendrons are considered the most beautiful ornamental shrubs. They surprise not only with their spectacular colors of various sizes and colors, but their leaves are very decorative ....

Honeysuckle "Yugana": description of the variety of shrubs, yield, planting, cultivation and care

Honeysuckle "Yugana" until recently was not of value to gardeners due to low taste. However, today this plant is cultivated and grown in various climatic conditions. Description...

Honeysuckle "Delight": a description of the variety of shrubs, pollinators, planting, growing and care

Honeysuckle "Delight" is a magnificent hybrid variety with fruits that taste like exotic fruits. Description of a variety of honeysuckle "Delight" "Delight" or Kamchatka honeysuckle is the pride of Siberian ...

Juniper Virginia: description of species, variety, planting and care, landscape design ideas

In Russia, Virginia juniper began to grow as a decorative culture about 200 years ago. During this time, many interesting varieties appeared that inherited the main thing ...

Juniper Blue Carpet: variety description, planting and care, reproduction

Juniper "Blue Carpet" is classified as scaly. This is a low shrub whose branches are located horizontally above the ground. Annual growth is about 25 cm in each direction. Description...

Juniper Blue Star scaly: variety description, planting and care, photos, landscape design ideas

The miniature juniper "Blue Star" will be a wonderful decoration for a small garden. It grows slowly and does not require frequent pruning; if desired, it can be grown in ...

Juniper "Old Gold" medium: variety description, planting and care, use in landscape design

Evergreen flora representatives are able to decorate garden and park areas year-round. And spring conifers also saturate the air with a strong aroma of resin. Having decided to plant such plants on ...

Honeysuckle: planting and care in the suburbs, a description of edible and decorative varieties

Landing and caring for honeysuckle in the Moscow Region will not require much effort, but will bring a lot of positive emotions. There are about 200 different species of this plant, there are ...

Rhododendron Katevbinsky: description of the species and varieties, planting and care, flowering periods, winter hardiness

Among our florists, Rhododendron Katevbinsky is known as the "Multi-flowered Azalea." The plant is distinguished by winter hardiness and a life span that can reach 100 years. Description of the species and varieties If compiled ...

Red peonies tree-like and grassy: varieties with photos and names

Since ancient times, delightful, striking in their beauty, red peonies have been known. They were cultivated in China more than 2 millennia ago and called the "divine flower." One...

Decorative honeysuckle: varieties with a photo and description, planting and care

Ornamental honeysuckle is a climbing or upright plant commonly used in garden plots to decorate vertical surfaces. Thanks to unpretentiousness in leaving, resistance to frosts ...

When to transplant peonies: terms and conditions of transplantation, grooming a bush in a new place

A feature of the garden handsome is the constancy of the place of growth, but situations arise when peonies need to be transplanted. The reasons for the inevitable transplant, rules and care for the bush - information, ...

Climbing honeysuckle: a description of the species, variety, planting and care

Each summer resident wants to decorate his garden in an interesting and unusual way. The best option for the decor is curly honeysuckle. The plant is rapidly developing and unpretentious in the care that ...

Hogweed Sosnowski: the history of the appearance in Russia, the fight against poisonous weed

In every country, except the Red Book with rare plants protected by the state, there is also a Black Book with invasive species that threaten biological diversity. Into her on ...

Rhododendron: planting and care in the Leningrad region, frost-resistant varieties, landscape design ideas

Previously, the cultivation of these plants in open ground was not available for the northern regions: even if the bush could be maintained in winter, then you could forget about flowering ....

Juniper "Prince of Wales" horizontal: variety description, planting and care, garden cultivation, reproduction

The genus of junipers is so diverse that from its representatives you can create whole compositions without resorting to other conifers. There are spherical, pyramidal and horizontal. To the last ...

Juniper Hibernika vulgaris: variety description, planting and care, use in landscape design

In the design of the landscape of the garden often use juniper "Hibernica" (hibernica), which is so unpretentious that even the most inexperienced gardener will cope with its cultivation. Description of common juniper variety ...

Juniper rocky: description of varieties, reproduction, planting and care, landscape design ideas

A special role is given to designers by juniper rocky in landscape design. Extraordinary decorativeness, endurance, variety of forms, incredible compatibility with other plants allow you to use it in various ...

Juniper coastal: a description of the species and varieties, planting and care

Juniper coastal looks very decorative, and with skillful use in landscape design can become the main decoration of the garden throughout the season. Description of varieties and species ...

Honeysuckle Amphora: description of the edible variety, planting and care

Honeysuckle "Amphora" is the northern berry, which was rarely grown 15 years ago on household plots. Today, this medicinal plant can often be found in ...

Juniper Meyeri scaly: variety description, planting and care, use in landscape design

Juniper Meyeri is one of the most popular evergreens in garden design. The shrub is distinguished by the original gray-blue needles. Description of flake juniper variety “Meyeri” Very often, Meyeri is called ...

Rhododendron daursky: description of the species, planting and care, reproduction

During flowering, Daurian rhododendron impresses with its splendor and elegance. Everyone who has ever seen this shrub in the wild, lights up with a desire to grow it ...

Leucanthemum vulgare: description of the species where it grows, growing, planting, and leaving

Leucanthemum vulgare is a very attractive plant. Not only with its beauty it attracts a person, but also with useful properties. Many people, seeing a flower, say that ...

Garden Vacuum Cleaner: Blowers, Vacuum and Combination Leaf Cleaners

When cleaning a site from garbage or fallen leaves, a garden vacuum cleaner will be an excellent replacement for rakes, scoops and wheelbarrows. It is useful in any weather and may ...

Clematis Princess Diana: variety description, trim group, planting and care

Clematis "Princess Diana" bred in the UK in honor of one of the most famous representatives of the royal couple. The variety is characterized by late flowering and good immunity. And thanks to ...

Common privet: description of the type of shrubs, planting, growing and care

One of the most attractive deciduous shrubs for growing in your own garden or front garden is the common privet. They relate it to the Maslinov family, where more ...

Orlyak ordinary: description of the type of ferns, medicinal properties, use in cooking and in the economy

Many useful properties allow the use of bracken ordinary in folk medicine, it is popular in Asian countries, the Canaries and the islands of New Zealand. This perennial fern ...

White peonies: varieties with names, tree-like and grassy

Flowers have always been considered the best decoration of any site. Gardeners are looking for the most sophisticated specimens for their flower beds. White peonies - delicate, ...

Pink peonies: the best varieties with photos and names, care features

Each gardener tries to decorate his plot in a special way. Any flower is individual and unique, but it is pink peonies that add a touch of sophistication and sophistication. They are famous for not ...

Common wormwood (Chernobyl): planting and care, decorative varieties, the use of wormwood in the garden

Common wormwood is associated with a hot summer, a country outing and the air saturated with the aroma of herbs, which is dominated by an incomparable spicy smell of this ...

Pear “In memory of Yakovlev”: variety description, planting, cultivation and care, fruit ripening period

Once upon a time, a limited number of species of fruit plants grew in Russian gardens. But the science involved in breeding did not stand still. And soon at the I.V. Institute ...

Wood ash as a fertilizer: composition, how to use for top dressing

"Furnace gold" is called wood ash for its beneficial properties. After all, there are a lot of them. Properly using wood ash as a fertilizer, you can significantly increase the yield of vegetable, garden ...

Champion apple tree: variety description, planting, growing and care

Gardeners try to plant as many fruit trees as possible on their plot, and everyone has an apple tree. If there is no such plant yet, then you need ...

Tigridia: planting and care in the open ground, a description of the types and varieties

In July or August, you can see a bright flower called “tigrdia” on the flower beds. Those flower growers who are familiar with an exotic plant are happy to plant it ...

Datura ordinary: type description, planting and care, use, what is dangerous

If you strive to create an interesting floral arrangement on your personal plot, look not at the exotic, requiring troublesome, painstaking care, but at a simple weed –...

Grassy peony: the best varieties, planting and care

Among hundreds of diverse cultures, many gardeners choose peonies to decorate the site. Their amazing aroma and amazingly beautiful flowers conquer the heart of anyone who at least once ...

Siberian spawning: description of a rare type of flowers, planting and care on the site

Siberian spelling is a harbinger of spring, because its charming flowers are the first to open on the flowerbed. Hardly the spring thaws the soil and warms the sun, glades are covered with delicate buds. Description...

Bird cherry: description of the type of tree, planting, growing and care, useful properties

In the midst of a spring thaw in the bosom of awakening nature, trees of Bird Cherry are covered with a lush white outfit - as the people call the Bird cherry Ordinary. About Us...

Barberry ordinary: description of the species and varieties, planting and care, useful properties

Barberry ordinary - a plant whose name is familiar to many from childhood.But not all gardeners show interest in this culture, and in vain! Besides...

Mountain ash: description of the species and varieties, planting and care, application

Mountain ash ordinary - one of the invariable symbols of the Russian outback. This is a tree whose beauty and nobility are reflected in folk songs and lyric poems, in landscape ...

Peony Henry Bockstoce: variety description, planting and care

Peony “Henry Boxtos” is a hybrid terry variety that was bred by Canadian breeders. Description of the peony variety “Henry Boxtos” The presented species is distinguished by rather thick stems that do not ...

Common blueberries: description of the plant, cultivation and care

Common blueberries grow in the northern regions. In culture, this plant can also be grown if certain conditions are created for it. Botanical Description Blueberry (vaccinium uliginosum) is ...

Common Hornbeam: description of the type of trees where it grows, planting, growing and care

Among the large Birch family, trees from the Grab clan occupy a considerable place. Representatives of the species fill the deciduous forests of the temperate zone of different continents of the Northern Hemisphere. About 30...

Peony transplant: timing, division of the root, care for the bush in a new place

Gardeners know that in one place peony bushes can exist for up to 10 years. Peony transplantation may be required if you want to propagate a plant or ...

Peony yellow: description of species and varieties, planting and care in the open ground

In the collection of each grower, there must be a bright representative of decorative plants for the garden - a yellow peony. This magnificent plant will become the main decoration of the spring ...

Whitewashing of trees in spring: what is produced, the composition of the solution, the processing time

Whitewashing of trees in the spring has become a tradition. After subbotniks, the inhabitants of the houses take out buckets of lime and begin to process her trunks. In the publication we will talk about ...

Ash as a fertilizer: how to apply for feeding garden and indoor plants, useful properties

Ash has been used by gardeners since time immemorial. It makes wonderful baits for the development of cultural plantings, as well as a powerful tool to protect against pests. AT...

Raspberry ordinary: description, planting, cultivation, propagation and care

One of the most popular berry plants is especially appreciated for its pleasant refreshing taste, the healing effect of fruits. Raspberry ordinary does not require complex care, responds well to ...

Common Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata): plant description, planting and care

Common Hawthorn is a medicinal plant. But trees and shrubs are often grown as ornamental. Botanical Description Hawthorn is a deciduous shrub or tree. Counts kind ...

Gerbera garden: planting and care in the open ground, photo

Large brightly colored flowers of the plant are used for cutting, look great on flower beds. Planting and caring for a garden gerbera are activities that require certain skills. Experienced gardeners ...

Grapes Talisman: variety description, planting, pollination, pruning and care

Talisman - item that brings luck. The authors have not in vain named this variety. Even an inexperienced winegrower, a correctly planted bush will give an excellent harvest of delicious large ...

Siberian cedar pine (Siberian cedar): description, planting and care

Siberian pine or cedar pine is the queen among similar taiga representatives. In fairy tales, this mighty tree is represented in the image of a wise old man. Siberian cedar reaches ...

Peony Bartzella: variety description, planting and care

A valuable gift for lovers of luxurious flowers is Bartzell's peony, combining a royal look, sophistication of color and high winter hardiness. This is the oldest variety tested by time ...

Milky-flowered peony: description of varieties, growing from seeds, planting and care in the open ground

Spreading milky-flowered peony with a hat of flowers will decorate any garden. Peonies have been grown in culture for many centuries, and today many varieties of this beautiful have been bred ...

Herbicides from weeds for gardening and lawn: how and when to process, types of preparations

Currently, widespread use of herbicides from weeds. They are widely used by both homeowners and owners of large agricultural land. Exist...

Siberian larch (Larix sibirica): description, distribution, planting and care

Among the coniferous trees that inhabit the forest zones of Russia, there is an amazing plant - larch, which has the healing properties of bark, resin and needles and the special strength of wood ....

Green soap from pests: instructions for use, composition

Green soap is a natural product with a disinfecting effect, which is successfully used by gardeners and gardeners for the prevention and treatment of plant diseases, pest control. Means...

Peony care in the spring: feeding after winter, planting and transplanting flowers

Care for peonies in the spring should be more thorough than throughout the rest of the season, since the flowering of the plant depends on this. All about caring for ...

Alyssum Snow carpet: seed cultivation, planting and care, photo

It seems like someone in the garden has spread a white lace coverlet, fragrant with a honey aroma. So blooms alissum "Snow carpet". This plant is easy to care for, but requires ...

Alyssum Skalny: description of varieties, growing from seeds, planting and care in the open ground

In spring, alissum rocky blooms, forming an openwork carpet of bright yellow fragrant flowers. Growing it is an easy way to fill the large empty space of a spring flower bed ...

Siberian cedar (Siberian cedar pine): species description, planting, cultivation and care

For those gardeners who dream of harvesting from trees, almost not caring for them, Siberian cedar would be an ideal option. This plant does not only bear fruit ...

Alyssum flowers: description of varieties, growing from seeds, planting and care in the open ground

Alyssum is a beautifully flowering groundcover. These are alissum flowers that gardeners use to frame flower beds, paths, alpine slides. Numerous inflorescences create a white or pink cloud ...

Peony flowers: description of varieties, planting and care, compatibility with other flowers

Peonies can be found in almost every garden. They are loved for their luxurious range of shades from snow-white to burgundy, for beautiful bouquets of them. Peony flowers ...

Rose floribunda: what is it, the best varieties, care and cultivation

A neat garden with lush flowering bushes always looks beautiful. To a flower bed for a long time pleased with bright colors, plant floribunda roses on it. How to care for ...

Lavender: planting and care in the open ground, growing a bush in different regions of Russia

A flower of unearthly beauty, exuding an amazing aroma, is increasingly found in flowerbeds of the inhabitants of our country. However, the proper planting of lavender and care in the open ground with ...

Stem-rose: growing from seeds, when to plant, care, description of varieties

At the sight of large, bright shades of flowers in the shape of a glass on a long straight stalk, experienced gardeners exclaim: “Mallows are blooming!” Landowners need to know how to get started ...

White clover creeping: how and when to plant, cultivar for lawn, benefits and harms for ...

Many are aware of the excellent properties of clover. This is a hearty feed for dairy cows, and decoration of lawns, and a natural medicine. One of the varieties of clover is ...

Tar birch: application in the garden and garden from pests, properties, methods of use

Tar is obtained from birch wood tar. It has a wide range of applications - veterinary medicine, cosmetics, traditional medicine and gardening. In this article, you will learn about ...

When tulips bloom: flowering period in the open field, early and late varieties

In the spring, when tulips bloom, the gardens acquire a unique charm. Modern terry varieties are more like peonies, stand for a long time in a cut. Ordinary goblet flowers delight with variety ...

Glass currant on a currant: how to get rid of pests, signs of damage, means for processing bushes

If a glass-case on a currant is wound up in the garden, it will not be easy to get rid of it - this insect can destroy all hopes for a good crop and destroy ...

Strawberry Eliane: variety description, planting, care

Strawberry "Eliane" won the hearts of our gardeners with excellent taste and a classic, regular form of berries. Characteristics and description of the variety "Eliana" If you make a brief description of the variety, then it is large-fruited, ...

Growing strawberries in the open ground: planting, care, features and secrets

Growing strawberries in open ground requires the implementation of certain agricultural practices. Only surrounding the berry with care and attention can you get a rich harvest. The most productive strawberry varieties Varieties of garden ...

Geicher: planting and care in the open ground, popular varieties, ideas for landscape design

Geichera, planting and care in the open ground for which is very simple, a popular plant, often used by landscape designers to design personal plots. Popular Geicher varieties Many varieties ...

Ranetki apples: variety description, planting, care for small-fruited apple

Ranetki apples are a type of variety that unites small-fruited species, bred due to the crossing of Siberian berry and saphenous apple trees. Despite the small size of the fruit, the tree has ...

Strawberry Victoria: variety description, useful properties, planting and care

Strawberry Victoria was bred in Holland, from where Peter the Great brought it to our country. Description of the strawberry variety Victoria In fact, this strawberry is strawberry. Gives ...

Rose "Aspirin" ("Aspirin Rose"): description of the variety, planting, growing and care

There are plenty of faithful admirers of the rose Aspirin. Undemanding beauty, delighting all summer until late autumn with delicate white flowers of its owners, is admirable. Description of the Aspirin rose variety Difficult ...

Strawberry Marmalade: variety description, planting, care

Garden strawberries leave no one indifferent. One of the promising new varieties is Strawberry "Marmalade", the cultivation and care of which is not so difficult. Description...

Strawberry Lord: variety description, planting scheme, care, reproduction

Strawberry "Lord" is one of the most beloved varieties among our gardeners. The berry gives a consistently high yield and is not too picky in care. Description and description ...

How to grow strawberries from seeds at home

Not all gardeners know how to grow strawberries from seeds at home and get varietal seedlings for the garden or for the windowsill. Some varieties of garden strawberries bear fruit ...

Strawberry Disease: description with photos, processing methods

Only healthy plants produce large and tasty fruits. Strawberry Disease May Deprive Sweet or Family Farmers The culture "attracted" many insects and ticks, ...

Strawberry Malvina: variety description, planting scheme, care, reproduction

Strawberry "Malvina" refers to late-ripening varieties, and gardeners' reviews about it are always only the most enthusiastic. Characterization and description of the variety From a brief description of the variety it follows that this ...

Strawberry Chamora Turusi: description of a variety of Japanese large-fruited strawberries, cultivation and care

Large-fruited varieties have always attracted and attract gardeners. Among the results of breeding work with giant berries stands strawberry "Chamorora Turusi". About her and will be discussed in ...

Rosa Benjamin Britten (Benjamin Britten): a description of the variety, planting and care

Rose "Benjamin Britten" will certainly become the queen of the infield, and even beginner gardeners will cope with its cultivation, so she is unpretentious. Description and features of the variety English roses inherited ...

Strawberry frigo: what kind of seedlings, how to plant and care

Frigo strawberries are called the modern method of growing berries. This method consists in placing the berry in the refrigerator compartment and planting it in a greenhouse or open ground ...

Curly strawberries: description of varieties, planting and care, cultivation features

Curly strawberries can be either a fruit plant on a personal plot or decorative. This fragrant berry requires a certain care, in response to which it pleases ...

Strawberry Vima Rina: variety description, planting, care and reproduction

Until recently, strawberries were considered summer crops. However, after the removal of the repairing varieties, it was possible to feast on juicy, sweet berries until the colds. Strawberry "Vima Rina" ...

Hybrid daylily: description of varieties, planting and care

Hybrid daylily or hemerocallis stands out among the huge number of ornamental plants for the infield, the brightness of colors and the splendor of flowering. This flower is quite unpretentious, and ...

Strawberry Darselect: variety description, yield, planting and care

If a gardener is looking for strawberries of medium early ripening, zoned for cultivation in agroclimatic conditions of the middle strip, then it is worth paying attention to the fruit of the works of French breeders ....

Plot treatment from ticks: acaricidal preparations for self-treatment of a garden plot

Among this group of arthropods there are dangerous plant pests, carriers of pathogens of animal and human diseases. The treatment of the site from ticks is carried out independently or with the help of professionals ....

Pelargonium tulip: description of the species, variety names, reproduction and care

Geranium is known to many gardeners who are fond of growing indoor plants. But for flowers in pots, this is an erroneous name, since a species like Geranium is usually cultivated ...

Growing strawberries in a greenhouse: agricultural machinery for growing strawberries year-round, equipping a greenhouse, suitable varieties

To obtain a sweet aromatic dessert from fresh berries, strawberries are grown in a greenhouse at any time of the year. This process requires compliance with certain conditions, physical ...

Rosa Falstaff: English rose variety description, care and cultivation

Rosa Falstaff is a magnificent plant with a luxurious purple color of inflorescences. This variety is considered one of the most popular, because it combines amazing beauty and ...

Strawberry dressing in spring: how to fertilize strawberries before and during flowering for a good harvest

A very important stage of cultivation, which cannot be ignored in any way, is feeding strawberries in the spring. Properly fertilizing the berry, you can get a generous harvest and a lot of planting material. Than...

Hybrid tea rose: description of varieties, planting and care

Hybrid tea rose obtained by crossing tea and remontant roses. From the first, it inherited a long, plentiful and aromatic flowering, from the second - resistance to adverse factors ...

Spring Strawberry Care: Tips & Tricks

Care for strawberries in the spring should be especially thorough, because the productivity of the berry directly depends on this. Read the rules for growing bushes with fragrant berries in detail ...

Groundcover roses: varieties, planting, growing and care

Ground cover roses got such an interesting name because their bushes grow much more in width than in height. They seem to cover the soil ...

Climbing rose: description, planting and care, varieties, DIY rose support

The supports, twined with roses from top to bottom and strewn with flowers, are a wonderful decoration of the garden. They can be placed near a bench in the garden, on a flower bed or along garden ...

Strawberry mulching: what is it, mulch materials and styling methods

It is unlikely that there will be a gardener who at least has not heard from the edge of his ear about the benefits of mulching strawberries. And these rumors are not exaggerated, because the shelter of the superficial ...

Strawberries San Andreas: a description of the variety of strawberry, care and propagation

Strawberries “Sand Andreas” is a rather unpretentious remontant variety that constantly forms new fruits. Description and characterization of the San Andreas strawberry variety Buttock bred in California in ...

Daylily (Hemerocallis): varieties, planting and care in the open ground

Daylilies (hemerocallis) belong to those plants on the plot that you can forget about immediately after planting. But in order to get colorful and ...

When to transplant strawberries in spring: the best time to transplant a plant to another place

A high-yielding berry crop needs a transplant annually or once every 2-3 years. Knowing when to transplant strawberries in spring or autumn, you can choose the best time ...

Rosa Abraham Darby: Description of a variety of park English roses, planting and care

Rose "Abraham Derby" perfectly decorates any garden, will become the main design accent in it. Although this queen of flowers is somewhat capricious, still with ...

Strawberries in PVC pipes: planting and care, growing horizontally and vertically

Strawberry in the pipes - it sounds strange, but growing berries in this way is a very convenient way to get a high harvest and please yourself with goodies, especially if ...

Rosa Cordana: how to care after purchase, cultivation in the open field and at home

Rosa Cordana refers to miniature flowers, reminiscent of a spectacular bouquet with medium-sized buds rather than an independent plant. Unlike their tall relatives, they don’t ...

Beds for strawberries: how to make vertical, in the form of a pyramid, hanging and tiered

To increase strawberry productivity, people have come up with a lot of ways to grow it. Using only skillful hands and improvised materials, you can get not only a big crop, but ...

Strawberry Albion: description of the variety of strawberry, planting, cultivation and care

Strawberry "Albion" - a repairing variety of American origin. It grows well and bears fruit in various regions of Russia. In the northern regions, to obtain a high yield, it is supposed to ...

Strawberry Clery: variety description, cultivation and care, yield from the bush

When choosing strawberries from a wide range of new promising or proven for years varieties, one should take into account both the characteristics of the latter and the agro-climatic conditions of the cultivation region. AT...

Tuberous begonia: planting, care and reproduction in the garden and at home

Tuberous begonia is a beautifully and abundantly flowering plant of artificial origin. Numerous varieties of this flower are famous for a pleasant combination of several qualities: high decorativeness, ease of cultivation and ...

Strawberry processing in spring: remedies for diseases and pests, spring top dressing of strawberries

It is difficult to find a summer resident who would not grow these popularly beloved berries on his plot. The key to a future crop is proper strawberry processing in the spring. On this...

Roses-scrubs: what is it, description, planting and care

Garden roses have always been sissy, requiring special care and attention. In order to facilitate the work of flower growers, unpretentious varieties have been bred, grouped in the “roses-shrubs” group. What is this? ...

Tulip tree: description, planting and care

Gardeners are indestructible for exotic novelties appearing on the plant market with enviable constancy. Tulip tree - from this category. His name alone draws ...

Polyanthus rosea: what is it, varieties, care and cultivation at home

Many amateur gardeners do not dare to plant the “Queen of Flowers”, motivating this with the fact that roses are rather capricious plants.Caring for them will require a lot of effort and time ...

Growing strawberries: in open ground and in a greenhouse, on a balcony, in PVC pipes in home ...

Every year, summer residents eagerly await the strawberry harvest. But the time for picking berries is very short, and the result is not always satisfactory. Sometimes I will enjoy plenty ...

Strawberry Honey (Honeoy): variety description, cultivation and care

Strawberries are good not only fresh. A jar of fragrant strawberry jam or jam will be completely out of place on a tea table in the fall or bad weather ...

When to plant strawberries in spring: what month, the rules of planting

Strawberries - a popular berry culture, which is necessarily present in every garden. However, in order for the plantings to be healthy and annually please with high yields, you should find out ...

Peonies: planting and care in the open ground - the most detailed information

Large bright flowers are the best decoration of a garden, a personal plot. So that peonies bloom for a long time and magnificent, planting and care in the open field for these plants ...

Planting strawberries in spring in open ground: scheme and timing of spring planting

In specialized stores today a large assortment of various strawberry varieties is presented. Some are more, while others are less demanding on agricultural cultivation, but it is literate planting of strawberries ...

Rosa Kerio: description of the variety, what a flower looks like

Hybrid tea roses are widely spread for a reason: they are characterized by long flowering, high quality inflorescences and varied colors. One of the representatives of the group is the rose "Kerio", among ...

When to plant tulips - in the fall or in the spring? Tips and tricks, when and how to ...

The effective flowering of tulips is determined not only by competent care of the plants, but also by the timing of planting. Therefore, the question of when to plant tulips is one of ...

Canna: planting and care in the open ground, especially growing flowers in the garden

A plant, the cultivation of which seems an impossible task with just one look at it. Powerful bushes with large dense leaves, crowned with unusual inflorescences resembling either ...

Blue rose - is there a description of the variety, how to grow a climbing rose

A great way to impress and delight a loved one is to give him an unusual flower. For example, a blue rose. An outlandish plant grown by yourself will tell the recipient much more ...

Abracadabra rose: variety description, planting and flower care

Among the plants that adorn our flower gardens, the Abracadabra rose deserves special attention. The motley flower is so unusual that it seems to be made of multi-colored glass. This hybrid is bred ...

Stock-Rose: planting and care, growing from seeds, how is it different from Mallow

The stock is rose, mallow, pink marshmallow, mallow ... As soon as this flower is not called. But still, these plants differ from each other. A stock rose, popular until mid ...

Rosa Pierre de Ronsard: description of the climbing rose variety, recommendations for care and reproduction

Rose "Pierre de Ronsard" belongs to the climbing, and its magnificent flowers will certainly become the main decoration of the garden. Characterization and description of the variety This climbing rose is a remodel, and ...

Shrub roses: varieties, features, planting, care and growing

Bush roses are represented by a large number of varieties and species. The group includes plants that are united by a certain form of structure, namely, a bush. However, they may differ ...

Rose Black Baccarat: Description of the Hybrid Tea Rose, Growing and Care

2004 was a landmark year in the field of rose breeding. At this time, the first black tea-hybrid rose “Black Baccarat” was launched. But despite the uniqueness of the flower, ...

Strawberry Tradeswoman: variety description, planting, propagation and care

Strawberries - a natural sweet treat, loved not only fresh, but also as jams, preserves.To date, many varieties have been bred that have proven ...

Stone rose: planting and care, flower propagation

The name “stone rose” hides a beautiful succulent, which combines many species. It has several other names, the “main” and official among which is “echeveria”. In the people ...

Curly roses: description, varieties and types, planting and care

Long, graceful shoots with bright flowers are an excellent material for vertical gardening of the facade, terrace, arbor and fence. In the south, curly roses do not need ...

Elsant strawberries: variety description, care and cultivation

Strawberries are a favorite berry of children and adults. Many are looking forward to the summer to enjoy its taste again. Among the many cultivated varieties, Elsanta strawberry wins ...

Rosa Emperatrice Farah: variety description, planting and care

The rose "Empress Farah" got its name for a reason. This beautiful flower was named by the Frenchman Henri Delbar in honor of the only crowned Empress of Iran, who, despite ...

Strawberry Elizabeth: variety description, planting and care, plant nutrition

Strawberry "Elizabeth", aka "Queen Elizabeth", got its name by chance. The variety was bred on the shores of foggy Albion more than two decades ago. AND...

Strawberry Elsanta - variety description, care and cultivation

Choosing a good strawberry for their site, gardeners prefer high-yielding varieties with large berries, tasty and aromatic. Elsant strawberries with proper care will justify the most ...

Tulips: planting, growing and caring in the open field

It is impossible to imagine a spring plot without tulips. These magnificent flowers from the Liliaceae family decorate the front gardens of private estates, flower beds in parks and grown in industrial ...

Rosa Cordana Mix - how to care after shopping at home, in the garden

Small sized rose bushes grow not only in flowerbeds and borders. They feel great in a room on the windowsills, and therefore florists like it. Desired ...

Tea rose: what it is, a description of the varieties, planting, growing and care

Thanks to the continuous, painstaking work of breeders today, turning a garden plot into a fabulous garden surrounded by flowers and greenery has become a possible and uncomplicated task. Deal with ...

Rosa "Westerland" (Westerland): variety description, planting and care

It is difficult to describe the charm of roses in a few words, but the gardeners and gardeners succeeded: they called the plant "the queen of the garden." Rosa Westerland is one of many ...

Rosa Red Intuition: description, care and features of the variety

This amazing flower deserves a detailed description and requires careful care. Rosa Red Intuition conquers the heart with her hard work. It blooms continuously in the heat and heat, ...

Strawberry Queen: variety description, planting, growing and care

Growing strawberries is an interesting and thankful thing if you plant a good berry. The Tsaritsa variety, bred by Russian breeders, is a strawberry with excellent taste and large ...

Tulip Shrenka: description of the species, why it is listed in the Red Book

A beautiful wild plant in spring blooms endless steppes and dull semi-deserts with bright strokes, mostly red and yellow. The modern Schrenk tulip is not introduced into the culture, ...

Strawberry Gigantella: description, care and cultivation, how many years bear fruit

The miracle of modern selection of strawberries Gigantella deserves special attention. Amazingly large and tasty berries, good productivity and resistance to diseases, long fruiting period - these ...

Planting dahlias with tubers in spring: preparation, germination, planting

There are more than 15 thousand varieties of dahlias. Among them there are plants with huge flowers over 30 cm in diameter and miniature - up to 10 cm ....

Polyanthus rose what is this flower, varieties, care and cultivation

A beautiful stranger called polyanthus rose has advantages that modern varieties can envy. It is more modest in size and color of flowers, but it can grow very well ...

Park rose - what is it? Variety descriptions, planting, care and cultivation

From May to mid-July, the park rose is one of the main decorations of the garden. How such flowers were bred, which varieties are the most popular, ...

Rosa Chippendale - history, description and characteristics of the variety

Chippendale is a rose from a group of scrubs. The variety is wonderful - plentifully blooming, with beautiful double flowers. Thanks to a pleasant and strong aroma, they resemble old varieties, but ...

English rose - description of varieties, care and cultivation

Having embodied all the best from old and modern varieties, the English rose won the well-deserved sympathies of gardeners. Large flowers with a pleasant aroma, disease resistance, ...

Peony tulips: descriptions of varieties, features of care and growing

Among the many varieties of tulips, terry varieties look particularly impressive, differing in dense and lush buds, like peonies. This similarity was the reason for the origin ...

Family onions - planting, growing and care, plant diseases

Family onions are a type of onion, but they are distinguished by a more saturated taste. This onion is multigloss, and the most popular variety is shallot. Culture Description Culture ...

Jericho rose: care and cultivation at home

Jericho rose is an original plant with a unique ability to “resurrect”, barely touching moisture. An amazing sight unfolds before the eyes: a compressed lump spreads shoots in a matter of minutes. What...

Rose Floribunda - what is it? Varieties, care and cultivation

A relatively new group of varieties of "Queen of the Garden" successfully combines the beauty of tea-hybrid and Pernetian roses with polyanthine stamina. The most noticeable distinguishing feature of Floribunda rose is its multiflowering ...

How to prune roses in spring: tips and tricks for pruning roses properly after winter

Under the rays of the spring sun, all life begins to awaken after a winter sleep. All processes are very quickly activated, so gardeners begin to prepare for gardening events immediately ...

Strawberry varieties: description, features and taste of each variety

Strawberries are a favorite berry. The appearance of her first berries in the garden is always looking forward to. If there is strawberry on the table, then summer has come. However, to ...

Removable strawberries: the best varieties, cultivation and care

If you want the whole summer season to have a berry crop, then a strawberry remover is the best choice. Such varieties yield several times, but more ...

Rosa Rosarium Yutersen - variety description, planting and care, cultivation

Cultivate wild species of roses began a very long time ago. Already in the V century. BC. the gardens were decorated with several dozen varietal beauties. Since the 18th century, breeding work ...

Rosa "Santana": description, care and features of the variety

Rose is the queen of flowers. And the wicker shape, similar to liana, is the real empress. Just such a title deserves the rose "Santana", able to decorate with its splendor ...

Strawberry Alba: variety description, planting, propagation and care

Strawberry Alba, the fruit of the work of Italian breeders, was bred only 10 years ago. But in a short period of its existence, an early ripe and elite variety managed ...

Spray rose - what is it? Popular varieties, planting and flower care

Roses have been cultivated for many centuries, during which breeding work did not stop. The result was the emergence of many very spectacular varieties. Currently latest classified ...

Rosa Double Delight: description and characteristics of the variety, cultivation and care

Among the lushly blooming and vibrant colors, the Double Delight rose has long taken one of the leading positions.Florists prefer the variety for a variety of colors that change ...

How to fertilize strawberries in the spring - top dressing with urea, yeast, ash

The question of how to fertilize strawberries in the spring is very important, because the yield depends on the application of the necessary fertilizing at the beginning of the season. How to fertilize strawberries immediately after winter At once...

Tuberose: description, planting and care, what a flower smells like

The queen of aroma, or tuberose, will certainly become the main decoration of the garden. This flower is not as finicky as it might seem at first glance. History of flower selection On an industrial scale ...

Stamp rose: planting, growing and care

The main decoration of any homestead will be a standard rose, which even a beginner grower can cope with growing it. Although the plant is a little picky, following the basic rules of care ...

Caring for roses in the fall, preparing for winter: dressing, pruning, shelter

Caring for roses in the fall, preparing for winter and proper pruning are important stages in the development of plants. If you do not carry out all these activities in the fall, then ...

Covering material for strawberries: types, advantages, planting and mulching of strawberries with the help of covering material

If you use covering material for strawberries, you can get a good harvest with the least effort and without the use of harmful "chemistry". Coming to the garden center you need ...

How to prune roses in spring: tips and tricks for pruning roses properly after winter

In early spring, when flowerbeds are still not full of bright colors, it is necessary to take care of the beauty and health of future flowers, pruning roses after ...

Canna flower: growing in the garden, planting and care at home

Canna Flower is an exotic herb from the tropical climate of Asia and South America. In Europe, a decorative culture with large foliage of various colors and scarlet ...

Caring for roses in spring: tips on how to care for roses in the garden after planting and ...

Roses in the garden are always there and remain the main decoration. How to take care of the queen of the garden, so that she bloom magnificently all season? When to take cover The first...

Rosa Aqua: description of the hybrid tea rose variety, planting and care

The Queen of Flowers does not lose her leading position in the world of floriculture and floristry, bewitching with natural beauty and aroma. Today there are many different types and varieties of such ...

How to plant roses in open ground, when is it best to plant

Creating a beautiful, fragrant garden of your dreams is not difficult, knowing how to plant roses. These flowers live for about 20 years, but with the right place to plant and ...

Damask rose (Rosa damascena): description, varieties, planting and care

Damascus rose belongs to the group of old roses and stands out among its relatives by long branching shoots, which are strewn with flowering double buds of bright light ...

Rose rugosa (Rosa rugosa, wrinkled rose): varieties, planting, growing and care

Rosa Rugosa does not require painstaking care, and colorful flowering has made her one of the most popular ornamental plants for a personal plot. Description of varieties and nuances of growing Rosa ...

Strawberry care during flowering, fruiting and after harvest: tips and tricks

To collect a generous harvest of berries, it is necessary to organize competent care for strawberries during flowering and fruiting, as well as after its collection. Gardeners often ...

How to process strawberries in spring? Pest and disease treatment, fertilizers for a good crop

Experienced gardeners know how to process strawberries in the spring in order to later harvest a good berry crop. Plants need protection from diseases and pests, proper nutrition ....

Potato Bellarosa: characteristics, description of the variety, planting and care

Potato is one of the most common and popular vegetable crops, which is cultivated both in small summer cottages and on an industrial scale in the fields ....

Border roses: planting, growing and care

The rose, captivating with its sophistication and grace, is rightfully considered the queen of flowers. It is impossible to convey in words the fragrance that exude border roses, and those emotions that ...

Zenga Zengana Strawberry: variety description, planting, cultivation and care

The climate of central Russia is not easy and creates obstacles for growing berries and vegetables. This is especially true for such a sensitive crop as strawberries. But today...

Wrinkled rose (Rosa rugosa): variety description, planting and care

A wrinkled rose is an extremely unpretentious, abundantly flowering bush. This type of roses is referred to as dogrose, and even the most inexperienced gardener will cope with their cultivation. Description...


