Why dream a thunderstorm with lightning - dream book: thunderstorm, rain, lightning, thunder in a dream

Are dreams a simple play of imagination, a warning about something, an omen from above? Man always seeks to unravel the vision. And in most cases, the interpretation comes true, that's why ...

How to stick a protective glass on a phone, smartphone or tablet correctly and evenly: step-by-step instructions

In order to protect your gadget from damage to the maximum, you need to know how to stick a protective glass. You can do it yourself, since there’s nothing complicated about it ...

Dream Interpretation: cherry - what is dreaming of

Cherry is a very appetizing, pleasant symbol from a dream. But the value in this case may be negative. They will help to correctly interpret dreams about cherries ...

What does the moon dream about: a dream book about the moon

Earth satellite has a huge impact on natural and spiritual processes. The appearance of the image of the moon in a dream is an extraordinary phenomenon in human life, because it ...

What a big dog dreams about - dream book: big dog

In general, a dreaming dog is a good sign. But under certain conditions, such an animal from sleep can be a negative harbinger for a man or woman ....

Why dream about having a baby - dream book: having a baby, giving birth in a dream

The birth of a baby - an event which await with joy and fear at the same time. There is much to learn, understand and feel for the first time. There are a large number of signs ...

American Hairless Terrier: breed description, care features, keeping, feeding and training

The cheerful breed American Hairless Terrier appeared in the USA. She is relatively young and is still in the process of becoming. A unique feature is the complete absence of wool. It...

What is the dream of the bridge - dream book: bridge

In popular dream books you will be able to find a lot of information on the topic of what the bridge dreams of. This is an ambiguous symbol. It can turn out to be both positive and negative. The interpretation of sleep ...

What carrots dream about: a dream book about carrots

It can be difficult to figure out what carrots are dreaming of. If a man or woman has such a dream, it is worth asking professional interpreters for help. For example, find ...

Dream Interpretation: feast - why dream

The dream of a rich and plentiful treat almost always precedes good changes in life. In the dream book, the feast is interpreted as a positive symbol. For the correct decryption of the night ...

Dream Interpretation: a golden ring - why dream

Even the most beautiful ring seen in a dream will not always mean something good. Consider the interpretation of dreams, in which the presence of a golden ring was clearly noted ...

Happy birthday, Julia! Beautiful and funny birthday greetings for Julia in ...

Birthday is a special holiday for every woman, regardless of name. Therefore, it is very important to approach the choice of solemn congratulations with all responsibility. AT...

Why dream a man who likes - a dream book: a man who likes

Since dreams are, first of all, a reflection of our secret experiences, many in their dreams attend their love interests. But it is far from always easy to answer ...

Congratulations on Olga's birthday: beautiful and funny, in poetry and prose

Today, picking up beautiful, interesting and bright congratulations on Olga’s birthday will not be difficult. To do this, you don’t even have to sit on your own for a long time ...

Happy Birthday, Ruslan! Funny and beautiful birthday greetings for Ruslan in ...

Pronouncing the banal phrase "Happy Birthday, Ruslan!", It is unlikely to surprise the birthday boy. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance and make an unforgettable impression. Ready to help in this ...

Why dream big red strawberries: a dream book about strawberries

A bright appetizing berry in real life is always associated with joy and pleasure. And here what big red strawberry dreams of, we will find out now. Interpretation ...

Why dream about a broom: a dream book about a broom

To understand why a broom is dreaming, you will need to remember your night vision in all the details and details. Of course, without special knowledge, doing it yourself is pretty ...

Greek nose in women and men: how it looks, the character of the owner of the Greek profile

The Greek nose has long been considered one of the classic signs of beauty. But not everyone knows how such a symbol of sophisticated attractiveness actually looks. Greek profile in ...

Why robbery dream - dream book: robbed in a dream

To understand what the robbery dreams of, you need to remember all the details of your dream. It is important to consider not only the nuances of what is happening, but also your own feelings. From this...

Dream Interpretation: polar bear - what is dreaming of

Sometimes there are dreams that warn of imminent important changes in life. If you had a polar bear, a dream book will help you find out the meaning of this dream. General interpretation in dream books Polar bear...

What does a tornado dream about: a dream book about a tornado, a tornado

A natural disaster in a dream can portend both trouble and happiness. Why dream a tornado should be solved based on the specifics of sleep. The main thing to know is ...

Spider mite on cucumbers: how to get rid of pests, signs of damage, means for processing plants

The spider mite that appeared on cucumbers leads to a decrease in crop yield, damage to its root system, shoots and foliage. The pest is characterized by resistance to chemicals. In the article ...

What does garlic dream about: a dream book about garlic

The unique healing properties of garlic have long been used in folk medicine and have even received confirmation of official science. Penetrated this amazing product into the realm ...

Dream Interpretation: a mirror - why dream

From ancient times, the mirror was considered a magical object, realizing the connection between this and the other world. Therefore, any dream interpretation mirror, in the first place, as a kind of omen of fate ....

What does a dead man dream about - a dream book: a dead man, a dead man, a dead man in a dream

It is believed that a person sometimes sees prophetic dreams that prepare him for any event in life. Therefore, if something inexplicable and frightening happens in a dream, it ...

Happy birthday to the son-in-law: in prose, poetry and in your own words, funny and beautiful

Mother-in-law and son-in-law are the invariable heroes of jokes and all kinds of jokes. There is a stereotypical opinion that a woman’s mother and her husband must be in difficult situations ...

Lavender: planting and care in the open ground, growing a bush in different regions of Russia

A flower of unearthly beauty, exuding an amazing aroma, is increasingly found in flowerbeds of the inhabitants of our country. However, the proper planting of lavender and care in the open ground with ...

Dream Interpretation: butterflies - why dream

Such insects from the order Lepidoptera in many cultures is considered a symbol of the soul. In various dream books, butterflies are often interpreted differently, but in general night vision with ...

How to propagate an orchid at home: propagation by cuttings, children, seeds, division

Orchid attracts many gardeners with the beauty of the petals and the duration of flowering. The fastest way to grow is propagation by shoots. Often, the first time beginner gardeners do not ...

Why dream about manure: a dream book about manure

A dunghill, even if it took place only in night dreams, is far from a gracious picture. Despite this, most popular commentators in ...

Dream Interpretation: kissing a man on the lips - what dreams

In a dream, a kiss can be sensual and exciting, but what is the meaning of this sign? Sometimes even a married lady happens to kiss a man in a dream ...

What does a boy who likes dream about: a dream book about a boy or a guy who likes

All the girls are interested in knowing what the boy who likes is dreaming of. In the dream books on this subject there is a lot of information, and all the best and most interesting ...

Dream Interpretation: pregnant girlfriend - what is dreaming of

According to dream books, a pregnant girlfriend visits us in a dream to warn of impending changes. Often these changes are positive. But for the interpretation to be like ...

Why do tears dream - a dream book: tears, crying, crying in a dream

In reality, tears indicate intense emotional excitement. Quite often, people cry in their dreams. Then the question arises - why do tears dream? How...

Dream Interpretation: a kiss on the lips - what dreams

Sometimes strange pictures in night dreams make us think about what is happening in real life. We find out what the dream book says about a kiss on the lips. In modern ...

Happy birthday pretty! Happy birthday greetings to a beautiful girl in poetry, in ...

To brightly and interestingly congratulate a beautiful girl, it will not be enough to tell her: "Happy birthday, beauty!" This is too banal option, which definitely will not be remembered for the birthday girl ....

What does a polar bear dream about: a dream book about a polar bear

In real life, a meeting with a bear of any color does not bode well. But what a polar bear is dreaming of, we will now analyze. The interpretation of sleep in ...

Poinsetia: home care, features of growing and propagating plants

Poinsetia, popularly known as euphorbia, is a luxurious flower that pleases its owners with bright bracts in the winter months. The flowers of this plant do not differ in special ...

What is the dream proposal to get married? Dream Interpretation: marriage proposal in a dream

Our world is amazingly arranged: the experiences that have been seen at night materialize in everyday life. They do not always come true in exactly the same way as they were presented in a dream ....

Stem-rose: growing from seeds, when to plant, care, description of varieties

At the sight of large, bright shades of flowers in the shape of a glass on a long straight stalk, experienced gardeners exclaim: “Mallows are blooming!” Landowners need to know how to get started ...

Zucchini: planting and care in the open ground, growing seedlings of zucchini from seeds

Among the vegetables on our tables, one of the most popular is zucchini. This garden crop is a source of many useful substances, while remaining a dietary product ....

Why dream a lot of fish: dream book about fish

Various dream books can tell about what many fish dream about. But in order to give a correct interpretation of night dreams, it is necessary to pay attention to all the nuances ...

Manna from heaven: the meaning of phraseology, the origin of the term

The expression "manna from heaven" is heard by many. Often people use it, without even thinking about where it came from and what it means. The origin and meaning of phraseology The most common ...

Dream Interpretation: giving birth to a boy - why dream

Having a baby in a dream almost always has a positive interpretation. If a son is born, then the dreamer will have to improve his financial situation. But there are other interpretations ...

Why dream about cutting hair: a dream book about hair, hair cutting

Hair has always been considered a source of energy and vitality, so the question of what dreams of trimming hair is very worrying. No need to be upset right away ...

Happy birthday greetings to a classmate: beautiful and funny, in prose, in my own words, in verse

Beautiful congratulations on your birthday are waiting for all people, without exception. It is pleasant to receive them from friends, and from relatives, and from colleagues, and ...

Why dream a bouquet of flowers: a dream book about a bouquet of flowers

If you are wondering why a bouquet of flowers is dreaming, then look at its appearance and situation. If you dreamed of beautiful living flowers, you should expect favorable changes ....

Dream Interpretation: gray hair - why dream

Silver threads on the head do not always indicate an approaching old age. Sometimes they are a hidden sign at the time of a dream. To figure out what secret is revealed in ...

Why dream hay: a dream book about hay

Most dream books indicate what the hay is dreaming of - for unforeseen happiness. But the interpretation may vary slightly or radically depending on the details ...

Why do I dream of broken glass: a dream book about broken glass, shards

Many signs to people are found in dreams. Some, immediately after awakening, are erased from the subconscious, while others, on the contrary, do not give rest for a long time. In this article...

Dream Interpretation: a window - why dream

In a dream book, a window is usually a symbol of the connection of a person’s inner world with real life. Therefore, when you see such a plot, you should pay attention to all the nuances ...

11 ways to tie shoelaces on sneakers: patterns for 4, 5, and 6 holes

Original ways of tying shoelaces on sneakers is a hot topic for any fashion blog, because today sneakers are the most trendy shoes of today. Why limit yourself ...

American jeans for men and women: size chart, brands and brands

The first canvas pants for gold prospectors were sewn in the United States almost 150 years ago. Now they are worn by all, without exception, for them there is none ...

Congratulations on the 30th anniversary of the man: funny, in prose, in his own words, in verse

Birthday is an important holiday for every person, regardless of how the birthday person relates to this event. But the rounds are considered especially important ...

Why tsunami dream? Tsunami Dream Interpretation, natural disaster

Dreams in which natural disasters are present often cause fear and panic. To understand what the tsunami dream of, you need to remember the dream in detail and check ...

Dream Interpretation: ice cream - what is dreaming of

It is believed that seeing something cold in a dream is a great experience. Whether it concerns such a well-known treat as ice cream - the dream book will give an answer. Decryption ...

White clover creeping: how and when to plant, cultivar for lawn, benefits and harms for ...

Many are aware of the excellent properties of clover. This is a hearty feed for dairy cows, and decoration of lawns, and a natural medicine.One of the varieties of clover is ...

Carrots: planting and care in the open field - the choice of variety, sowing seeds, growing and ...

This garden culture has long occupied high positions in terms of consumption among Russians. Despite the difficulty of growing it, planting carrots and caring in the open ...

Dream Interpretation: declaration of love - what dreams

Judging by the interpretation of the modern dream book, a declaration of love promises betrayal and grief. True, this is not the only explanation for such a plot. To learn more about the upcoming ...

Dream Interpretation: the earth - why dream

In all dream books, the earth is regarded as one of the most important archetypes known to mankind. It is a source of food and wealth, but also a symbol of mortality ...

Tibetan terrier: description of the breed, care, maintenance and training of a decorative dog

This breed is for those people who value in dogs boundless devotion, courage, intellect and balanced temperament. The Tibetan Terrier in his homeland was considered a talisman ...

Happy birthday greetings to Tatyana: beautiful and funny greetings in poetry and prose

Choosing comic and touching birthday greetings for Tatyana, one must take into account not only the birthday of the birthday girl, but also her status, the presence of a sense of humor. Pick a good one ...

Happy birthday, Vera! Beautiful poems and congratulations in prose in your own words happy day ...

Congratulating Vera on her birthday, no matter how old she is, it is important not only to think over the idea of ​​a gift and how interesting it is to hand it in an original way, but ...

Happy Birthday, Eugene! Funny and beautiful birthday greetings for Eugene (Zhenya) ...

Personal birthday greetings are pleasant for everyone, especially if the name of the birthday is indicated in the wish. Personalized birthday greetings can have the most ...

Happy birthday to grandmother from granddaughter: touching and beautiful congratulations in prose, poetry ...

Grandmother…. From this word it blows warmth, love and affection. It is the grandmother, in addition to her parents, who witnesses children's experiences, blows on her broken knees and wipes the bitter ...

Happy birthday, goddaughter! Happy birthday to the goddaughter from the godparents in prose, ...

Godparents are very special people in the life of every person. And although they did not give life to their godson or godchild, it was they who answered ...

What is the dream of trash: a dream book about trash, trash

The interpretation of the dream in which you saw the garbage can become a completely different harbinger - from profit to death of a loved one. It all depends on the dreamer's actions, ...

Congratulations on Uncle's birthday: funny and beautiful congratulations in prose and poems from ...

A large, friendly family for many people is true happiness, a reliable rear and stronghold. In addition to the closest relatives, which are parents, most were lucky to be in ...

Dream Interpretation: a rooster - why dream

In the framework of this publication, we consider the significance of the cock in the dream book. The meanings are very different, so you need to remember the dream in detail to get a clearer picture of the prediction ....

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a dead fish: a dream book about dead fish

Dreams are a chance to access the secrets of our subconscious. Having deciphered the signs that the higher realms send us, each of us receives clear clues for ...

Dream Interpretation: a beard - why dream

People have attached great importance to the interpretation of dreams since the earliest times, considering dreams to be original signs of fate. This process has not lost its relevance to this day ...

What does the dead mother dream about: a dream book about the deceased mother

Any person who has died a loved one wants to see him even in a dream. But, no matter how we ask, the dead come to dreams only ...

Dream Interpretation: a car - why dream

In popular dream books, cars have diverse meanings. Sometimes they symbolize the current state of affairs of the sleeping person or, in general, the possibility of realizing what is planned for the future. But...

Congratulations on the birth of the granddaughter to grandmother: funny and touching congratulations in prose and poetry

The birth of a child is a very important and touching moment in the life of the family, and in this case all the congratulations go mostly to young parents. However, ...

Why dream a trifle, coins: dream book about small money trifle, coins

In a dream, we can dream of everything that we do not even think about in reality, for example, old money of beautiful coinage. Today we’ll figure out how to ...

What is a girlfriend dreaming about: a dream book about a girlfriend

The interpretation of the signs of fate that a person receives during sleep has long interested people. Already in the XVII century the first works appeared with opinions on this issue ....

Why dream of a divorce with her husband: a dream book about a divorce

Divorce is a very unpleasant process in real time, and if this happens in a dream, such a plot is a warning about problems in the family. Worth ...

Congratulations to the girl on her 30th birthday are cool and beautiful, in prose, in my own words, in verse

There are many ways to beautifully and brightly wish a fair sex happy birthday to her. Each guest can decide for himself which option is best for him ...

Dreamed of blood - why? Dream interpretation: blood

It is unlikely that anyone will like a dream in which blood has been dreamed. But this sinister at first glance symbol can have a positive meaning. This article will help ...

What the dragon dreams about: dream book about the dragon

Since time immemorial, legends of dragons have been circulating. They attributed power, gold, all the countless treasures of the world. This winged serpent terrified people, but ...

Happy birthday greetings to dad from daughter: touching and funny, in verse and in ...

"Parent - home began to begin." Who did not hear these simple and at the same time sentimental lines? And indeed, the place where our parents are waiting for us ...

I dreamed about the church - why? Dream interpretation: church, temple in a dream

The dream is unusual, ambiguous, its interpretation is complicated. Therefore, to understand what the church dreamed about is not so easy. In one case, this is a hint from above that ...

Border Terrier: breed description, character, care, maintenance, feeding and upbringing

The Border Terrier is an amazing and rare dog. This is one of the oldest breeds, which has survived to our days unchanged. She has many virtues that ...

Wolf spider photo and description, poisonous or not, where it lives

The wolf spider is known for not weaving a web to lure prey to itself, but choosing the tactics of tracking and attacking the victim (it also hunts in ...

How to wash sneakers in a washing machine: methods and rules for washing shoes

Sneakers, especially if they are white, are very difficult to keep in their original form. Washing them is not an easy task. But knowing how to wash sneakers in ...

Where does the cougar live - on what continents, in which countries: area and lifestyle ...

In America, where the cougar lives, this beast has no equal in agility and speed. He often attacks alligators and prey that exceeds him ...

Why do gold jewelry dream: a dream book about gold jewelry, gold, jewelry

Symbols that come to us in a dream warn of future joys and troubles. They help predict events and choose the right line of behavior. To figure out why ...

The hybrid of a wolf and a dog (wolfhounds): what are the breeds, description, character, content and upbringing

The breed is currently not officially recognized by dog ​​handlers. The wolf and dog hybrid is a hardy and intelligent animal, suitable for security and military service ....

Why lilac dreams - dream book: lilac

The lilac seen in a dream is most often a favorable or neutral sign. Such dreams usually do not carry a negative connotation. To understand why lilacs dream ...

White Spitz: how to care for hair, especially feeding and keeping

Like a weightless cloud, a white Spitz swims across the gray city sidewalks and green lawns.The children are escorting him with admiring glances, passers-by look around to once again see ...

Tick ​​mite spray for dogs: the best veterinary tick and flea veterinary drugs for dogs

Ticks can lead to the death of a beloved pet, so it is better to treat the animal from these insects. Experts offer a wide range of tools, but a tick spray for ...

Dream Interpretation: stairs, steps - why dream

The dream book on the stairs will help to interpret the meaning of events seen in night visions and compare them with actual reality. Dreams in which there are stairs or steps ...

What does a married woman dream about a snake - a dream book: a snake

You can learn about why a snake dreams of a married or single woman from dream books. But it is worth remembering that in a dream, as in life, ...

Why lice dream in my head - dream book: lice

What lice dream about in the head, anyone wants to know who has ever had a chance to see such a night vision at least once. In the dream books there is no consensus on this ...

Congratulations on the anniversary of a man of 60 years: with humor, original and beautiful, in verse, ...

Congratulations on the anniversary to a loved one need to be made very beautiful, sincere, interesting. A representative of the stronger sex will certainly expect increased attention from everyone ...

How to get a tick from a cat: 2 correct ways to remove a tick, what to do next

Ixodid ticks are dangerous not only for people, but also for pets. Cat bites are less common than dogs, but the consequences are also ...

Dream Interpretation: a book - why dream

Dreams is a bridge between the physical and metaphysical worlds, which serves to develop our intuition, the talent for foresight. If you observed any literature in a dream ...

Beaver Yorkshire Terrier: breed description, character, care and maintenance of a small dog

The breed of Beaver Yorkshire Terrier is relatively young, but has already won fans around the world. When you look at the dog's face, it seems that she is smiling, but magnificent ...

Wire-haired Fox Terrier: description of the breed, grooming, keeping and raising a hunting dog

The wire-haired fox-terrier is a compact, bold and energetic animal belonging to the hunting breeds. He has a lively and active temperament, requiring a lot of attention from the owner. It...

Happy birthday, Veronica! Beautiful and funny birthday greetings for Veronica

Sincere and original congratulations always cause reciprocal gratitude. Therefore, do not limit yourself to the banal phrase "Happy Birthday, Veronica!" It is better to use the services that offer ready-made ...

Happy birthday greetings to the teacher from parents and students: in prose, poetry and your ...

For many children, the beloved teacher becomes the second parent. This is a person from whom students take an example, whom they respect, listen. Like everyone, the teachers ...

What does a fresh fish dream about - a dream book: to see fresh fish in a dream

A dream book explaining what fresh fish is dreaming of will become a guide and a guide in the labyrinths of night dreams and bring to the true meaning of sleep in relation to the life situation ....

Congratulations on communication day and radio May 7: how to congratulate colleagues on a professional holiday

On May 7, Radio Day is celebrated throughout the country. It is important to prepare in advance for a significant date and compose congratulations on communication day for your colleagues. Will help ...

Why dream of a thunderstorm and lightning: a dream book about a thunderstorm and lightning

The storm is a vivid natural phenomenon, and its appearance in a dream should not be neglected. It’s useful to know why there is a thunderstorm and lightning, from the interpretation immediately ...

Happy birthday to the goddaughter from the godmother and godmother: in prose, beautiful, in my own words

No matter how old the goddaughter is, you can be sure that she is definitely waiting for congratulations on her birthday. To really please and ...

Finnish Spitz (Karelian-Finnish Laika): breed description, character, care, maintenance and upbringing

Among the many varieties of hunting dogs, a bright and beautiful Finnish Spitz stands out. In addition to a noticeable appearance, he is distinguished by a livable character and unwavering loyalty to the owner. What follows ...

Happy Birthday to mother-in-law: congratulations from the daughter-in-law in prose and poetry, touching and ...

The mother-in-law for many girls becomes the second mother or just a very close and beloved person. Of course, wishes for the holiday should be special for her ....

Red deer (real deer): description of the species and subspecies, habitat, lifestyle

A bright and majestic resident of the forest, the red deer has been familiar to people since ancient times. This magnificent animal invariably impresses with its article and beauty. Where does this live ...

Dream Interpretation: to run - why dream

In night dreams I had a chance to escape - dream books interpret this in different ways. Running is a good sign that indicates a large amount of dreamer's energy. But you need ...

30 rare animals of the planet that look very unusual

Representatives of the flora and fauna of the earth are so diverse and beautiful that they can be admired for hours. Some of them, unfortunately, are on the verge of extinction. Here ...

Black Labrador (Labrador Retriever): the nature of the dog, especially the care, maintenance, feeding and education

For those who want to become the owner of a large dog, a black labrador will be a good choice, according to experienced dog handlers. This breed is smart and friendly, loves children ...

What does your blood dream about: a dream book about blood, bleeding, wounds

Even those who do not believe in dreams are shocked by night visions. Injuries, bleeding, injury - this is what can unsettle anyone. Better not ...

American curl (american curl): description of the breed of cats, varieties, feeding, care and maintenance

One of the most amazing cat breeds is rightfully recognized as an American curl. The unusual appearance of these tailed creatures attracts the continued interest of potential owners. AT...

Mini-Doberman - Miniature Pinscher: breed description, care, maintenance and training

Tall, graceful and lean Dobermans are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. But not everyone knows about the existence of a "younger brother" of these animals - a mini-Doberman. What is so special ...

35 thoughts on the relevance of Harry Potter books

Harry Potter is a modern phenomenon. One of the most popular books and beautiful stories in the world. Despite the fact that books and films are already themselves ...

Ear tick in cats: symptoms and treatment of otodectosis

Throughout the life of pets, their owners often encounter numerous diseases of pets. One of the most common and dangerous diseases is an ear tick ...

How the chameleon changes color and why, interesting facts about the reptile

Wildlife lovers will surely not be able to indifferently walk past a completely charming lizard - a chameleon. These amazing creatures amaze with their amazing ability to mimic. Like a chameleon ...

Why dream of a burning house: a dream book about a burning house, a fire

Sometimes dreams are just games of our subconscious, however, nightmares about a fire in a house never come just like that. In esoteric night dreams, in ...

What does a public toilet dream about: a dream book about a public toilet, toilet

The dream in which the person saw the toilet should be remembered in detail if possible. After all, the interpretation of what a public toilet dreams of depends a lot on ...

Dream Interpretation: tears - why dream

Crying in reality shows the emotional excitement of a person. Often people cry in their sleep. The dream interpretation is interpreted by tears as a harbinger of joy, meaning that something good will happen in reality ....

What does a naked man dream about: a dream book about naked people in a dream

What a naked man dreams of can be learned from various dream books. Typically, such a vision can talk about the openness of the soul, state of health and psychological balance ....

New Year's cats and winter cats - a photo for a smile and mood!

New Year is a holiday not only for adults and children. These are special days for cats: the whole house is decorated with rain, the lights of a garland constantly ...

What the door is dreaming about: a dream book about the door

Many dream books can tell about what the door is dreaming of. The main thing is to remember all the details and nuances regarding the dream. The exact interpretation depends on them ...

Dream Interpretation: wind - why dream

Seeing a wind in a dream, resisting its strength or moving in a direction is always a warning sign that you should pay attention to. According to ...

Dream Interpretation - What are Eggs Dreaming for: Dream Interpretation about Eggs

Sleep is a hidden, secret code with which people are given the opportunity to communicate with their subconscious. The main thing is to correctly understand the vision and apply these ...

Why dream of a train ride - a dream book: a train, a railroad, a trip, a trip to ...

You can find out what a train ride is about from dream books. Many visionaries are convinced that this vehicle is a symbol of change. That ...

Happy Birthday, Nastenka! Beautiful and funny birthday greetings for Anastasia

Do not get along with the banal phrase "Happy Birthday, Nastya!", If we are talking about the birthday of a loved one. It is important to prepare beautiful words that will make you smile ...

Dream Interpretation: fly in a dream, flight - what is a dream

Rumor has it that flying a child’s dream means that the baby is growing. But such stories are not uncommon for adults. To understand what it means ...

Dream interpretation: horses, horses - why dream

The details of the dream and the particulars of the dream interpretation of horses once dreamed describe in different ways. An accurate and detailed interpretation of the plots in which this ambiguous symbol is present is presented in ...

Cuckoo bird migratory or not? Brief description of bird species, cuckoo lifestyle, interesting facts

It is hard to imagine a warm season without melodic crowing. In childhood, many considered the number of these sounds, receiving predictions. But rarely did anyone manage to see what it looked like ...

35 things that men love most in women

The psychology of men is quite complex (like the psychology of women), and guys also have a number of (sometimes bizarre) desires and fetishes that you should be aware of. Maybe,...

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary 1 year: funny and beautiful, in prose, poetry and your ...

It is the first anniversaries of the couple who usually celebrate especially brightly, noisily, cheerfully. This also applies to the chintz holiday. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary (1 year) for them ...

Why dream about washing your hair: a dream book about washing your hair

A dream in which a person washes his head or hair does not bode well. This is a rather pleasant procedure and in reality it gives hope for a favorable life ...

Nile crocodile - the largest in Africa: weight, size, habitat, interesting facts

The terrible and terrible Nile crocodile is the hero of numerous frightening tales of cannibal reptiles. This calls from them to guard the disobedient children of Korney Chukovsky in his poem ...

How to make a lizuna from water: a slime at home

Today, you can see this multi-colored hand chewing gum in almost all children. They play with the slime and thus develop fine motor skills, calm the nerves (like ...

Grandmother's birthday present: the best ideas for original and simple gifts from grandchildren

For many, a grandmother is the closest and closest person on earth, you become especially aware of this when you grow up. She is always ready to help with advice, she is trying ...

English Toy Terrier: breed description, care, feeding and raising a small dog

Among the miniature breeds of dogs stands a charming English toy terrier. This doggie compensates for its small size with courage and selfless devotion to the owner. What else do you need to know about ...

Maned wolf (chrysocyon brachyurus): description of the species, habitat and interesting facts about the animal

A bright representative of rare and unusual creatures of nature is the maned wolf (the alternative name is aguarachay, guara). An unusual withers distinguishes him from his relatives of the canine family ...

Dream Interpretation: an apartment - why dream

A home in real life is where we feel protected. Here you can relax, rest, remain yourself. Another thing is when the living space ...

Arctic wolf: habitat and interesting facts about the animal

The polar wolf is a subspecies of the wolf that lives in areas of the harsh North. These are the most hardy and smart animals. They adapted for a long time to live without the sun ...

Bedlington terrier: description of the breed, possible problems, care, maintenance and feeding

Varieties of modern dog breeds are literally striking in their diversity. Even the most demanding person can find a pet according to their taste, character and wallet. The title of one ...

American bandog: breed description, keeping and raising a fighting dog

The closest relative of the formidable pit bulls and massive mastiffs is the American bandog. What makes this dog different from other breeds? Description and characteristics of the breed Translated from English ...

Why is the window dreaming: a dream book about a window

Before you try to interpret a dream, you need to remember all its details. Since it’s right to understand what the window is for, one can only rely on seemingly insignificant ...

Why dream of a well: a dream book about a well

There are many options for what the well is dreaming of. The interpretation of vision depends entirely on the many nuances present in the night story. Interpretation in popular dream books The well of many ...

Dream Interpretation: to go on a bus - what is a dream

The dream interpretation is interpreted as a reflection of a person’s personal life. What can portend such a dream, in many respects depends on ...

Happy birthday to your wife: beautiful and touching congratulations from your husband

When the couple is already about two weeks old before the holiday, it's time to start actively preparing for it. Of course, it’s worth starting with a text congratulation on the day ...

Why dream about your own pregnancy: a dream book about your pregnancy

There are a lot of opinions about what a pregnancy is dreaming of. Someone considers this a bad sign, someone - a positive one. In fact, you need to pay attention ...

Happy birthday, Nina! Beautiful and funny birthday greetings for Nina in ...

The name Nina has a very magnificent beautiful meaning - “queen”. It is not surprising that such girls love everything unusual, bright, expensive. So you need to do and congratulations on ...

Dream Interpretation: the road - why dream

The image of an ordinary road can conceal all kinds of symbols and signs. First of all, you need to remember all the details of a dream. In a general sense, according to the dream book, the road is ...

What does a dead mother dream about - a dream book: a deceased mother in a dream

Night dreams give us a hint and warn about future events. Through parallel reality, one can understand whether a person is doing the right thing. Find out why the dead woman dreams ...

Dream Interpretation: What does a woman dream of fried fish

Researchers of dreams agree that, guessing what they saw, a person can not only look into his future, but also use this knowledge to analyze his ...

Why the devil is dreaming: a dream book about devils

Ancestors who noticed various signs of fate in dreams created signs based on their observations. Superstitions have survived to this day. In addition, over the past 3 centuries ...

Dream Interpretation: ginger kitten - what is dreaming of

Red fluffy kittens always attract attention. They are distinguished not only by their bright color, but also by their intelligence, resourcefulness, mobility, energetic and sometimes belligerent character. Vision in ...

Why dream of rain: dream book about rain, rain

In dream books, dreams associated with natural phenomena are rarely analyzed.The exception is some manifestations of the elements - for example, rain or rain, which people have long associated with ...

What does the priest dream about: a dream book about the priest, father

Dreams in which people are representatives of the clergy carry important information and serve as a warning about global changes for better or worse. Moreover ...

Happy birthday, Lyuda! Beautiful and funny birthday greetings for Lyudmila (Lyuda)

Lyudmila - unpredictable girls. It is difficult to imagine how they will respond to certain wishes prepared for their holiday. But in any case, you need to try ...

Why dream a man shave in his sleep - dream book: shave, shave in a dream

You can find out about what a man dreams about shaving in a dream from various dream books. It is important to consider all the nuances of vision, since it depends on them ...

Dream Interpretation: betrayal, the husband is cheating - why dream

Dreams should never be taken literally as a direct prediction. Therefore, even if you read in a hundred different dream books about the betrayal of your husband, none of ...

30 things you can’t say to your boyfriend

The relationship between a man and a woman is a complex thing. You must be able to make concessions, say the right things and keep silent on time. At the same time, girls sometimes forget ...

Why dream golden rings - dream book: golden ring

The dreaming golden ring, as in reality, means a marriage proposal, an expression of feelings and affection. In some cases, this may symbolize promises or ...

Dream Interpretation: a new apartment - why dream

Dreams occupy an important place in human life and often suggest what to expect in the future. So, in the dream book a new apartment is described as an omen of change, ...

Dream interpretation: what the lake dreams about: dream interpretation about the lake

Powerful information about our psychological state, physical health, relationships with others is embedded in dreams. The signs that come to us in a dream warn of the coming ...

Dream Interpretation: flying on an airplane - what is dreaming of

Dreams are intended to provide clarification of events taking place in real life. The clues that come in dreams in the form of symbols help decipher the interpreters of dreams. Read the article ...

What does the cross dream of: a dream book about the cross, the crucifix

You can find out what the cross is dreaming of in many dream books. The main thing is to remember the features of vision, paying attention even to the slightest nuances. Interpretation in the dream books Dream Interpretation ...

What does a crocodile breathe: respiratory organs, can a crocodile breathe underwater

A crocodile is one of the most dangerous predators on Earth, so earlier its research was a difficult task. But nowadays, scientists can already detail ...

25 rules to flirt, which you should immediately forget

There is a whole list of rules and principles that people follow, starting and maintaining a romantic relationship with someone. Most of them are just stupid ideas imposed by society, ...

Dream Interpretation: the bridge - why dream

The bridge is one of the oldest archetypes of mankind. In the culture of various countries, such structures play the role of mystical, fateful, and sometimes dangerous places: enough ...

English Staffordshire Bull Terrier: breed description, pros and cons, content, care and upbringing

Clever eyes and a muzzle with a wide smile - this English Staffordshire bull terrier captivates at a glance. Despite his small stature, the dog is very strong and ...

Female energy: what is it, how to learn to make up for it

Female energy is an elusive substance that attracts men uncontrollably. The ability of a woman to maintain her energy and cleverly use it is the key to success in life ...

Tar birch: application in the garden and garden from pests, properties, methods of use

Tar is obtained from birch wood tar. It has a wide range of applications - veterinary medicine, cosmetics, traditional medicine and gardening. In this article, you will learn about ...

Why lice dream in hair: a dream book about lice in hair

This is a very unpleasant dream - nasty insects are wound in the hair. Lice in many cause disgust, and therefore the dream associated with them, I want to quickly forget ....

What does the bus dream about: a dream book about the bus

The appearance of a banal image of a bus in a dream is understandable. Every day we come across this type of transport. Only in a dream can he mean not so ...

Why does the bed dream - dream book: bed, bed in a dream

We spend a third of our lives in bed, where we not only relax, but also receive messages from the Universe in the form of signs and warnings. Read more about ...

What does an angry dog ​​dream about: a dream book about an angry dog

Understanding why an angry dog ​​is dreaming is easy enough. This image causes negative emotions in the dreamer, he feels danger and tension. This condition does not occur ...

Why a cat and kittens dream about a woman: a dream book about a cat and kittens

Why a cat and kittens dream about a woman - the exact interpretation of such a vision can be found only by comparing a number of related factors. After all, a definite answer to ...

When tulips bloom: flowering period in the open field, early and late varieties

In the spring, when tulips bloom, the gardens acquire a unique charm. Modern terry varieties are more like peonies, stand for a long time in a cut. Ordinary goblet flowers delight with variety ...

Dream Interpretation: a ship - why dream

For centuries, humanity has been trying to understand the signals of the universe sent to people during sleep. The dream book about the ship will help interpret night visions in which there is floating ...

Dimensional grid of children's shoes along the insole length and age in the tables

Prices for baby shoes have always been high, so many mothers put their little ones on the Internet. To choose the right model, you need to be based on dimensional ...

What you must learn from a man before starting to build a relationship with him

When you start meeting a new person, you should definitely clarify many things for yourself, so that later many unpleasant surprises do not come to light. Before you topics ...

The art of sleep: seals that fall asleep in the most unexpected poses and places

If you have ever had a cat, you probably know that they spend most of their time sleeping. And the most amazing thing is that ...

Do you find cats boring? These photos will prove you the opposite.

Cats are animals that you can’t get bored with. After all, they are always mobile and active. They often get into awkward situations, not knowing how ...

To give birth to a baby is a dream book: why dream about having a baby, childbirth

The appearance of children in dreams usually promises new projects at work and promotion. To give birth to a child, according to the dream book, can be a vision both positive and ...

Eucharis: home care, growing problems, reasons for the lack of flowering

Seeing a plant with snow-white inflorescences and succulent greens, many "catch the fire" with the idea to decorate their home with it. However, before acquiring a representative of the Amaryllis family, growing ...

16 evidence that animals also favor vitamin nutrition

Not all owners know the truth about their pets. in particular, eating habits can sometimes surprise. Moreover, if some cat people and ...

What a camel dreams about: a dream book about a camel

A camel is an animal that is not so often found in European latitudes, so you should take a closer look at such nightly subjects. The answer to the question ...

The horse dreamed - why: a dream book about a horse, a horse

If a horse dreamed, then this is a very good sign. There are many versions of the decoding of sleep; you should always carefully consider some of the nuances of such visions. Interpretation in dream books AT...

What does the ship dream about: a dream book about a ship

What is the dream of the ship, how to correctly explain and understand the signs sent from above? The dream book about the ship will help you learn the secrets of night dreams. Beautiful caravels on ...

German Reed Terrier (German Hunting Terrier): description of the breed, variety, content, feeding and training

This breed has gained great popularity in the CIS countries as a multi-talented, able to work on hunting for many types of game. The German Reindeer Terrier is a versatile ranger ...

Creative sandwich ideas: food as art

Sometimes you really want to cook something bright, original, but at the same time simple. Sandwiches and sandwiches come to our aid, which can be arranged in such a way that ...

Why dream about height - dream book: height

Soaring above the ground and suddenly falling down with a stone? Sensations from such a dream are not the best, but they do portend something. Find out about ...

Why dream about eating fish - a dream book: fish, eating fish in a dream

Perhaps you rarely meet a person who says that he never saw dreams. Most people dream. Sometimes they are so vivid and memorable that there is a huge ...

Dreamed ex-husband - why: dream book about ex-husband, man

Wrong to brush off dreams, they carry important information. It is worth looking into trusted sources to find out what the ex-husband dreamed about. Psychology has this ...

For animal lovers: 23 reasons to get a cat in the apartment

Seals are the cutest creatures in the world. They blow warmth and comfort. Who are you missing in your empty and cold apartment ...

37 reasons why a woman is better than a man

Men from Mars, girls from Venus. This endless confrontation will never end, because everyone has their own advantages. Women have a lot. It’s easier for them to catch ...

Beautiful wishes good night beloved man: in verse and in your own words

Messages in verses and prose for the holidays and significant dates are ubiquitous. But beautiful wishes for going to bed can be heard infrequently. To ...

Why dream about kissing a man: a dream book about kisses

About what dreams of kissing with a man, you can learn from numerous dream books. It is important to pay attention to all the nuances of the plot in order to give the correct interpretation ...

Dream Interpretation: to see yourself naked or naked in a dream - what is it

The dream in which a person sees himself naked is rather ambiguous in interpretation. In many ways, his explanation depends on the dreamer's personal relationship to nudity. Dream interpretation to see ...

20 things that only men can afford

Men until a certain point were unconditionally considered a privileged part of the world's population, despite the dawn of feminism and activists advocating for equality. Nevertheless, there are a number of things ...

Dream Interpretation: deceased grandmother - why dream

Ancestors are considered a spiritual bond, a thread that connects us to the race. Therefore, they periodically appear in dreams to convey important information. Read the article on ...

Glass currant on a currant: how to get rid of pests, signs of damage, means for processing bushes

If a glass-case on a currant is wound up in the garden, it will not be easy to get rid of it - this insect can destroy all hopes for a good crop and destroy ...


