Flemoxin Solutab - a drug that has an antibacterial effect. The drug is used to combat various diseases, refers to penicillins. It has a small number of contraindications, due to which it is often used in pediatrics.
Material Content:
- 1 Description of the dosage form, the composition of the antibiotic
- 2 Therapeutic effects, pharmacokinetics
- 3 Indications for use of tablets
- 4 Instructions for use and dosage for children and adults
- 5 During pregnancy and breastfeeding
- 6 Compatibility with other drugs
- 7 Flemoxin Solutab and alcohol
- 8 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 9 Analogs and Comparison
Description of the dosage form, the composition of the antibiotic
Flemoxin Solutab is a product of a Japanese pharmaceutical organization. It is published in tablet form. The active ingredient is amoxicillin trihydrate, of which one Flemoxin tablet contains 125, 250, 500, 1000 mg. In addition, they consist of the following components that do not have a therapeutic effect on the body, but allow better absorption of amoxicillin trihydrate:
- cellulose;
- lemon flavor and flavor enhancer;
- saccharin;
- magnesium.
The tablets on top are coated with a special shell that protects the active component from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid and helps it reach the small intestine unchanged.
Therapeutic effects, pharmacokinetics
The active substance of Flemoxin Solutab is characterized by accelerated absorption, increased resistance to acids. As a result, the therapeutic effect is quickly achieved with various infectious diseases that cause pathogens sensitive to the penicillin group.Amoxicillin trihydrate has been shown to be effective against the following types of pathogens:
- staphylococci;
- streptococcus;
- meningococcus
- salmonella;
- gonococci;
- E. coli.
Note. Flemoxin Solutab is not effective against Staphylococcus aureus producing penicillinase.
After penetration into the body, the drug destroys the protein of the bacterium, blocking its reproduction and causing death. The active substance of the drug does not allow the development of pathogenic bacteria, does not allow them to penetrate the depth of the skin.
Amoxicillin trihydrate after penetration into the body quickly enters the circulatory system, internal organs. Maximum effectiveness is achieved after a couple of hours after taking the medication. Flemoxin has a high degree of purification. Due to this, the possibility of the formation of undesirable reactions on the part of the body is minimized. Therefore, tablets are also used to treat the children's population.
Indications for use of tablets
This medication is used to fight an infection that is sensitive to penicillins. Typically, tablets are prescribed for the diagnosis of the following conditions:
- diseases of the respiratory system of an inflammatory, infectious type, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis;
- infectious lesions of compounds, bone tissue;
- disorders of the female reproductive system, cervicitis, endometritis, salpingitis, adnexitis;
- disorders of the skin system, furunculosis, streptoderma, erysipelas, pyoderma;
- diseases of the urinary system, pyelonephritis, cystitis.
In addition to the above pathologies, Flemoxin Solutab is used to eliminate other inflammatory, infectious diseases of the internal organs. Indications for use of this antibacterial agent are determined by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
Instructions for use and dosage for children and adults
Instructions for use states that Flemoxin Solutab is used regardless of food. Tablets are allowed to swallow whole, chew, dissolve in water. The dosage of the drug is selected by a specialist, based on the age of the patient, his weight, type of pathology, severity of the condition. Typically, dispersible tablets are prescribed to drink as follows:
- Flemoxin Solutab for children under the age of three is prescribed 3 times a day for 125 mg. Lighter conditions are treated by taking 250 mg of the drug twice;
- Until the age of six, it is indicated to drink 3 times a day, 250 mg or 2 times a day, 375 mg;
- up to 12 years, the daily dosage is 1000 mg, it is divided into 2 doses;
- Flemoxin is recommended for adults to drink 500 mg three times a day or 750 mg twice a day.
Treatment of complex conditions, therapy of a hard-to-reach infectious focus require three times the use of Flemoxin Solutab. In patients with a history of renal failure, the recommended dosage is reduced by half. Therapy lasts another two days after the symptoms disappear completely.
Important! Mild pathologies are usually treated for up to a week. Therapy for more severe conditions lasts up to 2 weeks.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding
At the initial stage of bearing a child, Flemoxin is contraindicated. Since the active substance of this medication can cause malfunctions in the development of the fetal organs. In the 2nd, 3rd trimester, the use of this antibacterial agent is allowed for acute indications under the strict supervision of a doctor.
Treatment with Flemoxin Solutab in women who are breastfeeding is not contraindicated. But, the active components enter the baby’s body with breast milk. If the child has undesirable reactions from the body, then it is necessary to stop breastfeeding, and during the treatment of the mother to feed the baby with the milk mixture.
Compatibility with other drugs
Flemoxin Solutab due to increased cleaning is well tolerated in tandem with many drugs. But, these tablets with the listed medicines should be used with extreme caution:
- with anticoagulants there is a risk of developing internal bleeding;
- with acetylsalicylic acid, an increase in the content of the antibiotic in the circulatory system is possible;
- with cephalosporins, the therapeutic effect of the penicillin antibiotic increases.
With the parallel use of Flemoskin with oral contraceptives, the effectiveness of hormones decreases. To prevent pregnancy, doctors recommend using barrier methods of contraception along with oral contraceptives.
Flemoxin Solutab and alcohol
Flemoxin Solutab and alcohol are not compatible. Since as a result of this interaction, the load on the body increases, and side effects may develop in the form of nausea, vomiting. In addition, liver cells suffer from this, in which the breakdown of the drug and alcohol occurs. Against this background, cirrhosis of the liver may form.
The diuretic effect resulting from the intake of alcohol leads to the early removal of the active ingredient. Thus, an inferior therapeutic effect occurs, causing various complications.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Like all medications, Flemoxin Solutab has contraindications for use. This list includes the following conditions:
- 1 trimester of pregnancy;
- lactation period;
- penicillin intolerance;
- oncology of lymph nodes;
- serious renal pathology;
- lymphatic system infections.
This medication should be used carefully for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of Flemoxin Solutab usually gives a minimal number of side effects. However, the instructions describe the possibility of developing the following adverse reactions from the body:
- abdominal pain;
- nausea
- burning in the peritoneum;
- vomiting
- diarrhea;
- dysbiosis;
- convulsive syndrome;
- Dizziness
- insomnia
- psychological overexcitation;
- cystitis;
- burning during urination;
- anemia
- dermatitis;
- leukopenia;
- bleeding disorders;
- skin rash;
- urticaria;
- Quincke's edema;
- anaphylactic shock.
If the above symptoms occur, then it is necessary to stop the use of Flemoxin Solutab, get a doctor's advice on replacing the drug.
An overdose of this antibiotic can cause a more pronounced manifestation of side effects. Especially often, patients suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, nausea. This can cause dehydration. With this development of events, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, take sorbents.
Analogs and Comparison
Flemoxin Solutab belongs to the middle price category. In this connection, the question often arises of the selection of analogues. Usually, the following medicines are replaced:
- Augmentin, which consists of amoxicillin, clavulanic acid. This tool is preferable to Flemoxin Solutab with its wider spectrum of action. The second active substance does not allow bacteria to develop resistance and enhances the antibacterial effect;
- Amoxiclav, which also consists of clavulanic acid, which makes the antibiotic stronger. This tool has a long list of indications. It is often used for cholecystitis, cholangitis;
- Sumamed related to macrolides. This product is more toxic than the original. But it is more often used for serious pathologies;
- Amoxicillin, which is an absolute analogue of the original drug. But Flemoxin Solutab is characterized by rapid absorption into the bloodstream. Due to which it is considered more effective.
Replacement of analogues should be done by a doctor. Only he will correctly assess the situation and make the most appropriate decision, which will not allow serious complications.
Flemoxin Solutab is a modern drug with a minimal number of side effects.