Children are more susceptible to infectious diseases than adults. And it is far from always possible to cope with the disease by folk methods with the help of heavy drinking, consuming decoctions of herbs, and using mustard plasters. Bacterial infections can often only be treated with antibiotics. Experienced parents know that with sore throats, sinusitis and bronchitis, it is better to start giving Flemoxin Solutab in time for children than by launching a disease and turning to heavy drug artillery.
Material Content:
The composition (active substance) of the antibiotic
The active ingredient of the drug is the penicillin antibiotic - amoxicillin trihydrate. It inhibits the growth and development of a large number of diverse microorganisms. Often medications, which include this substance, doctors prescribe for the treatment of children. Amoxicillin is rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract, is acid resistant.
Dispersible tablets "Flemoxin Solutab" also contain auxiliary components, among which:
- fiber - an environmentally friendly safe substance, is a dietary fiber in the form of a light powder, in the composition of medicines contributes to greater bioavailability;
- “vanillin” flavoring - a component having a crystalline form, used to give a specific smell, can cause allergies;
- “lemon” and “mandarin” flavors - substances that are part of medicines for children, some doctors consider such additives with the taste and smell of citrus to be dangerous;
- crospovidone - a polymer that is used as a disintegrant in tablet formulations, does not cause side effects, is considered safe;
- magnesium stearate - a powdery substance, stabilizer, recognized as safe, but may have a laxative effect;
- Saccharin is a sugar substitute, a component necessary to give the medicine a sweet taste. There is debate about the safety of this sweetener.
The presence of additional substances in dosage forms for children is justified in some cases. A child may not always drink a bitter tablet or capsule with an unpleasant odor. However, one must take into account the risk of allergies to one of the components, complementing the treatment with antihistamines.
Pharmacological properties and indications for use
The antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab works in the body against many types of bacteria.
The drug can be taken both with food, and separately from it. It is absorbed in a short time, starting work, on average, half an hour after administration. Penetrates into all organs and tissues. It is excreted by the liver and kidneys.
The antibiotic is used both in the form of monotherapy, and as part of the complex treatment of diseases of an infectious nature:
- tonsillitis, tonsillitis;
- pneumonia
- bronchitis;
- inflammation of the meninges;
- infection of the skin;
- bacterial infections affecting the digestive tract;
- pyelitis, pyelonephritis;
- glomerulonephritis;
- osteomyelitis;
- acute poisoning.
Before using the drug in this or that case, you must first visit a doctor who will determine the nature and nature of the disease and select the appropriate dosage of the drug.
Instructions for taking Flemoxin Solutab tablets for children
"Flemoxin Solutab" is produced only in tablet form, in volumes of 125, 250, 500 and 1000 mg. The dose of the drug is calculated by the pediatrician, based on the characteristics of the course of the disease, age and weight of the child. The tablets are chewed, swallowed, or a suspension is prepared from them.
If the infection is mild or moderate, prescribe:
- for small patients from one year to three years, Flemoxin Solutab 250 mg tablets should be taken twice a day;
- for children aged three to ten years, take tablets in the same dosage three times a day;
- adults and children over ten years of age are shown a different dosage of the drug - Flemoxin Solutab 500 mg taken twice a day.
If the doctor determines that the bacterial infection is acute, he prescribes the use of the drug in high doses, which must be divided into three doses during the day. The dosage for the child in this case is calculated taking into account its weight - one kilogram accounts for 60 mg of the drug.
The course of treatment of diseases occurring in mild and moderate forms is from five to seven days. With a complicated course of diseases, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.
Drug interaction
Instructions for use of the antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab contains data regarding the simultaneous administration of the drug with other drugs.
- NSAIDs, Aspirin, Phenylbutazone, Febuxostat interfere with the absorption of amoxicillin in the body and its excretion.
- Flemoxin Solutab reduces the effectiveness of COCs.
- If an antibiotic is used while taking Heparin, Fragmin, and other blood-thinning agents, intestinal microflora may be affected.
- Reduce antibiotic absorption of antacids and laxatives.
- You can not take the drug simultaneously with medicines that also contain penicillins.
Self-medication, simultaneous uncontrolled intake of various drugs threaten complications and the occurrence of adverse reactions, so before starting therapy with an antibiotic, you need to visit a specialist who treats chronic pathologies.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
When taking the drug, unwanted side effects may occur.
These include:
- pain in the abdomen, nausea, heartburn;
- diarrhea associated with a change in the microbial composition of the intestinal microflora;
- involuntary muscle contractions;
- weakness, dizziness;
- inflammation of the bladder;
- decrease in hemoglobin level;
- rashes and hyperemia of the skin;
- itchy dermatoses;
- angioedema.
It is forbidden to take the drug in the following cases:
- individual hypersensitivity reaction to the components, especially if an allergy to penicillin-type antibiotics was previously observed;
- the period of gestation and breastfeeding;
- chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
- lymphocytic leukemia;
- renal failure.
When used in therapy at the recommended dosage of Flemoxin Solutab for children, it is impossible to exceed the permissible concentration.
However, if the drug is used uncontrollably, the following symptoms may appear:
- general weakness and malaise;
- nausea, vomiting;
- movement coordination disorder;
- rhythmic muscle contractions.
If these signs of an overdose occur, it is necessary to use enterosorbents to normalize the state, as well as to introduce electrolyte solutions intravenously.
Analogs of Flemoxin Solutab
There are a large number of analogues of this antibiotic that are used to treat children. Often their price is lower than that of the original drug, and release forms are also suitable for small patients.
- Amosin is called the budget substitute for Flemoxin Solutab. Available in capsules, tablets and powder for suspension. Children under five years of age can only be given in the form of a syrup.
- Ospamox has the same release form as it is produced in Austria. When preparing a suspension of the powder, a substance is obtained of a sweet-bitter taste, which is difficult for the baby to drink. It is noted that the drug is easier to tolerate than the domestic counterpart.
- "Amoksikar" is produced in Palestine, at a cost included in the average price range. For children from birth, it is made in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension. The medicine has a sweet taste, has an orange flavor.
- Grunamox is an antibiotic produced in Germany. It has the same active substance - amoxicillin. Available in the form of tablets and powder for dilution.
- Amoxicillin is a Russian-made drug that has a low cost. However, experts note that “Flemoxin Solutab” is safer, with its use, side effects are less likely.
If there is a need to replace the drug recommended by the doctor with its analogue, you must re-consult with your doctor to exclude the wrong dosage calculation or possible adverse reactions.