Physalis, the beneficial properties of which are described in an article originally from Central and South America. He came to Russia simultaneously with tomatoes, but was not widely used. Recently, interest in this fruit has increased, in addition to excellent taste, it can bring a lot of health benefits.
Material Content:
Physalis - beneficial properties for the body
Physalis is a relative of the nightshade tomato. Often used for decorative purposes. There was an interesting custom in France, a woman, if she became pregnant, presented her man with a bouquet of physalis. There are two types of edible physalis. One is vegetable physalis or Peruvian gooseberry and strawberry physalis, which is more popular in Russia.
Physalis contains:
- A large amount of vitamin C, accelerating recovery from various infectious diseases.
- Nicotinic acid or vitamin PP, which regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood.
- B vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the central nervous system.
- A lot of potassium, a sodium antagonist that helps remove excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling and lowers blood pressure.
- Beta-carotene and lycopene, which prevents prostate cancer.
In addition, there are plant fibers in the fruits, they help to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body, improve intestinal motility.
What diseases does physalis help
Various wounds are treated with fresh plant juice, lotions and compresses are made.
Physalis has healing properties:
- diuretic;
- choleretic;
- painkillers;
- antiseptic.
Physalis is used for such diseases:
- pyelonephritis;
- Botkin's disease, cholecystitis;
- constipation in old age;
- rheumatism;
- skin inflammations;
- hypertension.
There are decorative varieties of physalis with beautiful orange lanterns. They can not be eaten because of the high content of toxic substances.
Traditional Medicine Prescription
In folk medicine, physalis berries are a valuable medicine. Of these, decoctions for drinking and ointments for external use are prepared.
To prepare a decoction, dry fruits (20 g) simmer for 10 minutes over low heat in half a liter of boiling water. Drink 50 ml up to five times a day, before meals. The decoction helps with kidney diseases, fever, rheumatism, is used as a painkiller.
With rheumatism, ointment can be made from physalis - to dry the fruits, burn, mix ash with vegetable oil, and smear diseased joints.
There is another way to prepare the ointment. For him, you need 1 tsp. fresh, chopped fruits of physalis and 2 tbsp. l olive oil. The components are mixed, insisted in a dark place for 20 days, then filtered and used to heal wounds, with inflammatory processes and joint pain.
How to eat physalis
The culture matures in mid-September. You can eat fresh or mixed with kefir, chopping the fruit with a blender. Physalis is added to the meat, as a seasoning. The fruits hidden in the case can be of very different colors - yellow, purple, orange.
Edible physalis can be preserved together with other fruits and vegetables, for example, with plums, cucumbers, tomatoes. Marmalade is made from it, candied fruit is dried, and delicious jam is cooked (from yellow and orange fruits).
Recipe for physalis for the winter (0.5 L can)
- bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
- black pepper peas - 3 pcs.;
- garlic - 1 tooth .;
- physalis - 300 g;
- water;
- salt - 15 g;
- sugar - 10 g.
- Put spices in the bottom of a clean one-liter jar.
- From above pour the washed fruits of physalis.
- Pour boiling water in a jar to the top.
- Pour boiling water from the jar with the fruits into the pan, add salt and sugar.
- When the marinade boils, pour the physalis again, and immediately roll up the jar.
- Turn over to cool.
Physalis can be added to salads, squeezed juice, used as a decoration, cook delicious vegetable caviar.
Physalis caviar
- onions - 300 g;
- carrots - 800 g;
- physalis - 1 kg;
- vegetable oil for frying;
- salt, sugar and spices - to taste.
- Rub carrots, cut physalis and onions.
- Fry vegetables in a pan in vegetable oil.
- Rub to a puree state by adding salt, spices and sugar.
Fresh vegetable physalis in a whole outer shell can be stored for about 2 months. Strawberry physalis contains more sugar, so it spoils faster, its shelf life in a cool, dark place is 2-3 weeks. Berries peeled from the outer shell should only be kept in the refrigerator.
The benefits of physalis for weight loss
Physalis will benefit those who want to lose extra pounds. It contains dietary fiber, which helps to establish intestinal motility.
The culture contains mineral elements, vitamins, volatile, organic acids and other healthy substances. Fruits help to remove excess fluid and toxins from the body, they are low-calorie (32 kcal per 100 g), and at the same time nutritious.
With premature aging of the body
Due to the high copper content, physalis helps maintain smoothness and velvety skin, improves its structure. Eating fruits stops the premature aging of tissues, removes excess pigmentation.
Phytoncides contained in physalis actively resist free radicals that destroy healthy body cells. Regular consumption of fruits serves as a good prevention of oncology and premature aging.
If you are allergic to tomatoes, physalis can also cause an allergic reaction when consumed.
There are other contraindications:
- you can not drink infusions of physalis for medicinal purposes without consulting a doctor for longer than 10 days;
- the use of fruits during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended;
- use physalis with caution in diseases of the thyroid gland, gastritis and gastric ulcer.
You need to be careful about the choice of physalis fruits, so as not to try decorative, inedible varieties for food.