The time when chemical plant protection products against diseases were used thoughtlessly, without regard to their harm to humans and the environment, is a thing of the past. An increasing number of farmers are inclined to use traditional or biological preparations. One such remedy is phytosporin. In order not to make mistakes, using it, you should study the instructions for the use of phytosporin well.
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Fitosporin: what diseases of plants are used for?
Fitosporin belongs to the class of microbiological preparations. It belongs to bacterial fungicides and biological pesticides. The main active ingredient is the bacterium bacillus subtilis, otherwise called hay bacillus. It is spore-forming, gram-positive and aerobic. The drug phytosporin contains the bacterium itself and its spores. The action of bacillus subtilis is associated with its ability to produce antibiotics and immune factors that dissolve the cell walls of pathogens and at the same time increase plant immunity.
The list of diseases in which the use of phytosporin is effective is quite impressive:
- black, root, penicillin rot;
- powdery mildew and peronosporosis;
- alternariosis;
- bacterial cancer and scab;
- Septoria;
- bacteriosis;
- monilial burn;
- brown rust
- cercosporosis;
- late blight;
- Fusarium
- tracheomycosis.
A drug based on hay bacillus can serve not only as a therapeutic, but also as a prophylactic for all of these diseases. Phytosporin is available in the form of a paste, powder or liquid. In each case, the consumption rate and the dilution method will be different.
Instructions for use
In order for the phytosporin treatments to be effective, you must strictly follow the instructions for its use.
It is used for many crops, consumption and breeding order depends on the stage of plant vegetation.
- Tubers and bulbs before planting are soaked in a solution of ½ liter of water and 10 g of powder.
- For presowing soaking seeds of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, it is enough to dilute 0.5 teaspoon of powder per 100 g of water. Keep the seeds in solution for about 2 hours.
- So that the root system of seedlings of cabbage and tomatoes after planting does not undergo rot, it is soaked for about 2 hours in a concentrated solution of 10 g of powder and 5 l of water.
- For further preventive spraying, a solution of 1.5 g of powder and 2 l of water is prepared. For diseased plants, the solution is concentrated, reducing the amount of water to 1 liter.
1 teaspoon contains 3.5 g of Fitosporin powder.
Phytosporin paste is more convenient to use, since it is bred once. You can use the diluted solution all season if you keep it in a dark, cool place, but not in the refrigerator. The paste is diluted in a ratio of 1: 2, i.e., 100 ml of water will be required per 100 g of the drug.
The working solution is prepared as follows.
- Seed treatment before sowing: 2 drops in half a glass of water. Exposure - 2 hours.
- Processing bulbs or tubers: 3 tbsp. spoons in a glass of water. Processed by spraying.
- Prevention and treatment: spray with a solution of 3 teaspoons in 10 liters of water. If necessary, water the plants with the same solution.
- Indoor flowers: 10 drops per liter for spraying and 15 drops for the same amount of water - for watering.
This is a ready-made concentrate that needs to be diluted with water. In a glass of water, just add 10 drops of the solution. It can be used for any plants.
Most of the produced forms of the drug are enriched with an elixir of gummy fertility. There are release forms intended for specific vegetables, they are additionally enriched with trace elements.
Fitosporin M Resuscitator
It can be called a medicine for plants, since it contains vitamins, antibiotics, enzymes. Thanks to this, it helps even with advanced forms of diseases.
With an average damage to plants, Fitosporin M Reanimator is bred in a ratio of 1:20. If the disease has gone far, the concentration of the drug is increased: 200 ml of water is added per 100 ml of the drug. Affected plants are treated every 2 days.
A hay stick can live in a wide range of temperatures, but sun rays are contraindicated.
You can not keep the finished working solution in the sun - beneficial bacteria will die.
How to treat phytosporin?
- Do not use metal dishes for breeding. Containers from under any chemicals are not suitable.
- Water must be clean. Do not use alkaline or chlorinated water. Its temperature should not be higher than 35 degrees and not lower than 20.
- Do not process plants in cold weather and in hot weather. In the cold, bacteria are not active, and in the heat they just might die.
- It is necessary to carry out processing in cloudy, but dry weather. If it immediately rains after it, it will have to be repeated, but not earlier than a week later. There should be no wind during processing.
- The working solution should stand for about 2 hours, so that the sleeping bacteria are activated.
- When spraying, do not forget to wet the entire leaf surface, often pathogens are on the inner surface of the leaf.
Greenhouse processing rates
Spores phytophthora and other harmful microorganisms can winter in the soil and on the surface of the greenhouse. To disinfect the soil and the greenhouse itself is treated with a solution of phytosporin. It is important to choose the right time for this procedure. In late autumn, the greenhouse is not treated with phytosporin - bacteria are inactive in cold weather, so there will be no benefit from it. Move this operation to spring.
The processing standards are as follows: 1 tbsp.a spoonful of liquid solution from the paste is diluted in 10 liters of water. This amount is enough to water 2 square meters of soil. The walls of the greenhouse and the polycarbonate coating are wiped with a solution of the same concentration.
Can plants be sprayed with phytosporin during fruit ripening?
This medication does not have a waiting period. Eating fruits, vegetables, berries is allowed already on the day of processing, it is enough to wash them thoroughly. Fitosporin is suitable for use at all stages of plant vegetation.
For which vegetable crops, plant berries is applied
In this regard, there are no restrictions on the use of phytosporin. It is suitable for all plants that are affected by the diseases listed at the beginning of the article. It is suitable for pets. For those plants that can not be sprayed - senpolia, streptocarpus and other crops with pubescent leaves, it is necessary to provide watering with a solution of phytosporin. A very good preparation for orchids. It is used at the first suspicion of root decay, which these plants are often susceptible to.
Preventive irrigation with a solution of plant phytosporin during growing seedlings will protect it from the disease with a black leg. Vegetables and fruits laid for storage can also be treated with a solution of this drug. They will not rot, and their shelf life will increase.
Toxicity and safety measures
The hazard class of Fitosporin for humans is 4. When it is used, sometimes there is a slight irritation of the mucous membranes. If you observe safety measures when processing plants, this will not happen.
Phytosporin does not have phytotoxicity, does not harm insects, except for bees. For them, its hazard class is 3. Do not process plants when they bloom if the hives with bees are closer than 4 km away.
When processing plants, you need to wear rubber gloves. At this time, you can not eat, drink, smoke. If the drug gets on the skin, it is washed off with water. If he accidentally gets on the mucous membranes or in the stomach, just drink a few glasses of water and cause vomiting. Activated carbon will not be superfluous.
Store phytosporin separately from food and medicine. Children and animals should not have access to it.
Phytosporin is not a magical cure for all plant diseases. But the systematic and following the instructions for the use of the drug for prevention and treatment gives very good results.