Four-legged pets are a joy for many of us. They will hug on a bad day, entertain with their amusing habits. That is why many people strive not only to demonstrate their love directly to pets, but also to tell the whole world about it.

The creators of the foreign company Cuddle Clones are well aware of this. The plush slippers they make are one hundred percent reminiscent of a client pet. It takes up to 8 weeks to make one pair of slippers.

“Me and my two clones. Now they live with me. "

“Are you out of your mind, miserable person?”

Small copies

"How could you, master ..."

"And how do we now coexist with them?"

Some customers of the company note that after the purchase of such slippers, their animals begin to show jealousy, perceiving home objects as rivals. Well, sneakers are so similar to real pets. And you will not prove to your four-legged friend that they are made in his image and likeness.

“Hope this is your last quirk, master?”

"That's what this two-legged did - we barely get along so well, and he got two more."

Slippers made in honor of two favorites

Exact hit in color

And how do you assess this idea - just a whim, or a fun tribute to your four-legged friend? Tell us in the comments.