Fermathron is recognized as one of the most effective drugs for treating various joint problems. This medicine is produced in the UK and is presented as an injection liquid that needs to be injected into the synovial space. Despite the effectiveness indicator, the medication has a number of contraindications, and before proceeding with the treatment of a particular disease, it is worth reading the instructions for use.
Material Content:
The composition of the drug
The medicine Fermatron is a transparent viscous liquid, the basis of which is the sodium hyaluronate compound. In 2 ml of the solution, the volume of this substance is 0.03 g. The drug is packaged in syringes with thread. Each closes with a sterile rubber cap.
Depending on the type of drug, their volume, as well as the content of the dominant substance, is different:
- Fermatron - 2 ml syringes with 0.02 r sodium hyaluronate;
- Fermatron-Plus - 2 ml capacity with 0.03 g of the active compound;
- Fermatron C - 3 ml packaging with 2.3% solution.
Many people have a question, what is better - Fermatron or Fermatron-Plus, Fermatron C? These drugs are equally effective because the dominant substance in them is the same. The difference is only in the dosage that the orthopedist should determine.
The drug Fermatron remains effective for 2 years after the date of production. It must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. When the packaging is damaged, the medicine must be disposed of.
Attention! It is forbidden to refrigerate or freeze the solution, as this adversely affects its therapeutic effect.
Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The medicinal composition is symptomatic, it is used to improve the quality of life of patients who have problems in the joints and cartilage.
Among the positive effects resulting from the use of the medication are the following:
- tissue inflammation is stopped;
- pain is completely reduced or eliminated;
- normal body production of hyaluronic acid is restored;
- increases the functionality and activity of joints and cartilage;
- metabolic processes in problem areas are normalized;
- defenses and local immunity are activated.
From the use of Fermatron, the general condition of the patient improves markedly, and the effect is noticeable after the third use of the drug.
Since the medical staff contains a dominant element, which is a natural substance not alien to the human body, rejection does not occur. Sodium hyaluronate is similar in composition to the synovial substance present in human cells, which provides such a high biocompatibility. Molecules of the compounds quickly integrate into cartilage cells, are distributed in smaller amounts to nearby tissues, and have a pronounced therapeutic effect.
For the most part, the drug is metabolized in the joints, to a lesser extent it is produced by the liver. Decay products are excreted through the urinary system.
Why is Fermatron prescribed?
Fermatron injections are indicated for diseases characterized by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the structure of bone and muscle tissues.
According to the annotation to the medication, it is indicated in the following conditions:
- arthrosis of various forms;
- osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis;
- cartilage dystrophy;
- with changes resulting from mechanical injuries.
And also the drug can be prescribed as part of complex therapy, when it is required to achieve the following results:
- restore elasticity and other characteristics of joint fluids;
- relieve inflammation and pain;
- normalize metabolism in articular cells and increase the activity of these zones;
- stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid;
- eliminate the negative consequences of surgical operations related to orthopedic problems.
In other words, Fermatron is effective in treating conditions in which a disease process in one way or another affects the cartilage and joints. However, only a doctor can prescribe this medication; self-medication threatens with serious complications.
Instructions for use and dosage
The drug solution is administered topically to the articular region. The scheme of its use and the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually for each case. An abstract to the medication contains only general recommendations for its use.
It is recommended to inject once a week. For a single injection, 2 ml of solution is used, which corresponds to one syringe. But in especially severe cases, when the doctor sees the need for this, the dosage can be increased to 6 ml, which equals three syringes.
On average, the course of therapy is 21-28 days. During this time, from 3 to 12 syringes are administered to the patient, depending on the dosage chosen. In some cases, the duration of treatment may be longer.
Attention! Intra-articular injections may be performed only by a specialist in a hospital setting. Compliance with the rules of aseptic and antiseptic is mandatory to prevent infection.
During pregnancy and lactation
Studies of the degree of effect of the active components of Fermatron on the body of a pregnant woman and the embryo have not been conducted, so it is not known for certain how dangerous this drug is in such cases. And also doctors do not have information about whether he is able to excrete with breast milk.
Given this, a medication can be prescribed to women awaiting the appearance of a baby or breastfeeding, only in connection with an urgent need. The schedule and duration of treatment is planned by the doctor, and therapy is under strict medical supervision.
Tip. In order to avoid negative consequences, women during lactation, forced to be treated with a Fermatron, should temporarily stop feeding, and transfer the baby to artificial mixtures.
Drug interaction
There is no information on the interaction of the dominant Fermatron substance with other compounds, since no studies have been conducted in this area. For this reason, the question of whether this remedy can be combined with other medicines remains open. The advisability of combination therapy in situations where the patient is forced to drink other medications for one reason or another is determined by the doctor.
But we can say with confidence that it is not necessary to combine Fermatron with sorbents. The latter are not combined with any drugs, since they remove them from the body faster than they have time to assimilate.
As for the compounds on a natural basis, such as herbal preparations, homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements, they are quite compatible with this medication. There are no food restrictions either, the only exceptions are products for which the patient is allergic.
Attention! It is perfectly established that Fermatron cannot be combined with alcoholic beverages. Perhaps, nothing terrible will happen from a small dose of alcohol, but if you abuse the antiperspirant during therapy, intoxication may develop.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The main contraindications to the use of a medical composition are situations where an infection or skin problems are detected in the area of administration. And also you can not use Fermatron if lymphostasis develops near the affected tissues or there is a venous disturbance.
Other prohibitions include the following conditions:
- the period of gestation;
- children and adolescents under 18 years of age;
- severe allergic reactions to the dominant component of the drug.
Undesirable symptoms from the use of the drug are quite rare and occur immediately after administration of the solution in the vicinity of the puncture site.
These include:
- burning discomfort;
- pain manifestations;
- swelling and swelling.
Attention! Quite often, side effects occur as a result of using a fake drug. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is worth asking how to distinguish the original from the counterfeit.
There is no official data on a drug overdose. Perhaps, if the recommended volume of the drug is exceeded during the single administration, the side effects will be especially pronounced.
Analogs of Fermatron
Despite the high effectiveness and relative safety of the drug, its active component can cause allergic reactions. In this case, you can not use the drug. And the question of replacing Fermatron with analogues arises because of its high cost. Not every patient can pay for packaging more than 4,000 rubles.
In such situations, you can replace the British composition with one of these medicines:
- Rusvikom. This is a Russian-made medicine, which is much cheaper than a British medicine, but you can rarely find it in pharmacies.
- Ostenilom. This is a Swiss drug, the effectiveness of which is not less than that of Fermatron. But just as in the previous case, problems arise with its acquisition in Russia.
- Sinokromom.The medicine is produced in Austria and is a complete analogue of all types of Fermatron.
- Sinviskom. This product is available in the United States and is based on hyaluronic acid. The price is slightly different from Fermatron.
- Hyalubrix. Hyaluron solution, available in syringes. The list of appointments and prohibitions is similar to Fermatron.
Despite the presence of analogues, doctors often recommend Fermatron. This is due to the fact that the absolute effectiveness of a medical device is a proven fact. Other drugs cannot "boast" the same properties.