“Phenotropil” is an active medication from the class of stimulators of metabolic and energy processes in brain neurons, designed to correct higher brain functions, improve memory and learning abilities, and treat neurological disorders, including epilepsy. The effect of the medication appears after a single dose, which is of particular importance in acute conditions.
Material Content:
Composition, active substance Phenotropil
The medication is available in the form of flat round creamy white, white or yellowish tablets, packaged in blisters for 10 units and in packs of 10 and 30 units.
The therapeutic basis of the drug is phonthuracetam (a chemical compound N-carbamoyl-methyl-4-phenyl-2-pyrrolidone). The international name of the active component is phenyloxopyrrolidinylacetamide. Each tablet contains 100 mg of phenylpiracetam.
The volume of auxiliary components in the pharmaceutical product is minimal. These are form-forming and preserving substances - starch, calcium stearate, lactose.
Due to its medicinal properties, the drug:
- improves thinking activity, stimulates learning and memory;
- increases the resistance of nerve cells to damage and oxygen deficiency in conditions of psychophysical overstrain, serious illnesses;
- normalizes metabolic processes in the nervous tissue during anoxia, ischemia, acute poisoning, trauma;
- activates blood circulation in brain tissue, prevents the formation of blood clots;
- stimulates mental functions with lethargy, reduces the manifestations of mental and physical asthenia;
- normalizes the “balance” between activation and inhibition in the nervous system, improves mood, has an antidepressant effect, and reduces irritability;
- corrects disorders in parkinsonism and epilepsy;
- improves blood supply to ischemic foci of the brain;
- improves blood flow in the lower extremities;
- It has anorexigenic effect (suppresses appetite);
- contributes to increased performance during extreme physical, emotional and intellectual stress;
- exhibits a painkiller property, increasing the threshold of pain sensitivity;
- stimulates the immune system without causing allergic reactions.
“Phenotropil” is non-toxic, it is perfectly combined with medicines of other pharmacological groups, has a small list of contraindications, adverse reactions. Does not show the effects of addiction, dependence and withdrawal after discontinuation of treatment.
"Phenotropil" shows a positive result with monotherapy or as part of the complex treatment of the following diseases:
- neuroses of various origins, especially those associated with vascular damage or metabolic disorders in the brain tissue;
- decreased intellectual functions, memory, motor activity due to cerebrovascular insufficiency;
- trauma, intoxication in post-traumatic conditions, neuroinfection;
- neurogenic apathy, lethargy, nervous exhaustion, vegetovascular dystonia;
- ischemia (cerebrovascular disorder), cerebrovascular syndromes;
- dementia of various origins;
- impaired attention, learning disabilities;
- moderate depression, inadequate anxiety, fears;
- convulsive effects, epilepsy, parkinsonism;
- oxygen starvation of brain tissue;
- low resistance to stress and physical stress, overwork;
- alcohol dependence (in order to prevent withdrawal symptoms, alleviate manifestations of aggression, depression, intellectual disorders);
- mental disorders in case of damage to brain tissue during a serious illness;
- Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis;
- glaucoma, retinal vascular disease, diabetic retinopathy.
The therapeutic effect develops rapidly in acute conditions and stabilizes after several weeks of administration.
Instructions for use
The neurologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist sets the dose and duration of the therapy with fonthuracetam depending on the patient’s condition.
Tablets are taken immediately after a meal. In order not to cause sleep disturbances due to the likely stimulation of nervous activity, it is recommended to drink the medication for up to 15 hours.
The average single dose varies between 100 - 250 mg, the average dose per day usually does not exceed 200 - 300 mg. The highest amount of phenylpiracetam per day is limited to 750 mg.
The standard frequency of administration is up to 2 times a day.
If less than 100 mg is prescribed per day, then the dose is taken once in the morning after breakfast. At a higher daily dose, it is divided into 2 times.
On average, treatment lasts from 3 to 4 weeks to 3 to 4 months. If the doctor considers it necessary, after 4 weeks the patient can begin a second course of therapy.
- To increase mental and physical endurance, take 1-2 tablets in the morning for 14 days.
- In primary obesity associated with metabolic disorders or abnormal development of adipose tissue (alimentary-constitutional form), it takes 1 - 2 months to take 100 - 200 mg of phoneturatsetam in the morning.
Application Features:
- “Fenotropil” is not prescribed for lactating women and patients awaiting delivery due to the lack of information about the safety of the medicine for this category of patients. Although it has been established that fonturatsetam does not cause mutations, congenital malformations and intoxication in the fetus.
- “Fenotropil” is used with caution in pediatrics, since full studies have not been conducted.
- “Phenotropil” rarely causes an overdose, the lethal dose is determined by the patient’s body weight and is 700 - 800 mg per 1 kilogram of body weight.
- The main contraindication is intolerance to any component of the medication.
- The main adverse reaction in the case of the use of phenylpiracetam later than 3 pm is insomnia. In some patients, during the first 24 to 72 hours of treatment, overexcitation, redness of the skin, and a feeling of heat can be observed.
- The drug does not cause malignant transformations in the cells, does not affect the work of the heart.
- “Phenotropil” enhances the effect of other nootropics, stimulants of the nervous system, antidepressants.
Use with caution in patients suffering from:
- severe organic renal-hepatic pathologies;
severe atherosclerosis and hypertension; - panic attacks, psychoses, agitation;
- drug allergy.
Medicines similar in pharmacological properties
Several groups of nootropic drugs with a different medical basis have been developed that affect brain activity, speech, memory, thinking, improve motor abilities, stimulate the psyche and have a sedative effect. The pharmacodynamic abilities inherent in all nootropics have been established, but there are also individual therapeutic properties that are characteristic of a particular drug and are necessary for this particular patient. For example, one of the important features of Phenotropil is its active use in neurology and psychiatry, due to its pronounced anorexigenic and anticonvulsant properties.
Among the drugs that are close in pharmacological properties to "Phenotropil", we can distinguish:
- "Piracetam" and "Nootropil";
- Cerebrolysin, Cortexin, Cerebramin, Pantogam;
- “Aminalon”, “Picamilon”, “Neurobutal”, “Phenibut”;
- Gliatilin, Biotridin, Ginkgo Biloba, Glycine.
But only a competent doctor knows how to replace "Phenotropil". After all, each nootropic medication is different from another, has certain advantages for a particular patient or, conversely, contraindications.
A neurologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist will select a neurostimulating medicine that is as close as possible to Phenotropil in terms of its therapeutic effect, indicate which drug is more affordable, and whether it is possible to replace it with domestic or foreign pharmaceutical products.
Foreign Phenotropil generics
Among foreign generics or synonyms of “Phenotropil” (that is, copies of the original medication with a similar active pharmacological substance), there is only one medicine - “Slim Storey Prof.” (Israel).
Russian full analogues of the drug
Complete domestic analogues of Phenotropil, matching the ATX code, the composition of which contains an identical chemical drug structure and therapeutic substance:
- "Phenylpiracetam";
- "Phenylpiracetam" (Russia).
Why did this drug disappear in pharmacies? The domestic company Valenta Pharm, which has been manufacturing Fenotropil for many years, has completed the production of this nootropic due to the termination of its patent and trademark licenses.
Incomplete structural substitutes for domestic production
Incomplete structural analogues of Phenotropil are used to treat similar diseases, but they have different active substances, different therapeutic effects, indications and contraindications. In addition, not all the therapeutic properties of “Phenotropil” that are necessary for the patient may be inherent in these drugs. Therefore, only a specialist can choose the medication nootropic, which is necessary for the treatment of a particular pathology.
Among the main substitutes for Russian production:
- Piracetam (or the Belgian generic Nootropil) accelerates metabolic processes in brain neurons, activates cerebral blood flow, restores memory, learning ability, protects cells from damage during injuries, poisoning, oxygen deficiency.Using a strong detoxification effect, it is effectively used in narcology. A special advantage is the ability to use it in the treatment of children.
- "Picamilon" (nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid). It shows high efficiency in the treatment of asthenia, cerebrovascular insufficiency, depression, mental instability, brain disorders caused by alcohol, urination disorders. Improves the tolerance of intellectual and physical stress. Stabilizes visual function in glaucoma.
- “Phenibut” (aminophenylbutyric acid). Reduces excitement, fears, anxiety, convulsive manifestations. Relieves asthenia-induced headache, insomnia, emotional instability, improves memory, attention, and intellectual performance. It treats enuresis, tick, stuttering. Prevents psychopathy in alcohol addiction.
- "Noben" (Idebenon). It improves coronary circulation, activates metabolic cellular processes and the elimination of toxins, and has a psychostimulating effect.
- NooCam. Combined nootropic with piracetam and cinnarizine with a pronounced vasodilating effect. Assign in pediatrics for developmental retardation, and for adults with depression and coma, psychogenic asthenia, Meniere's syndrome, cerebral blood flow disorder.
- Noopept. It stabilizes mental processes, relieves fears, anxiety, increases attention, learning ability, resistance of the brain to damaging effects, reduces the volume of the ischemic focus in stroke.
- "Glycine". Homeopathic effective medication that successfully helps with neurological disorders, increased irritability, organic lesions of the nervous system.