Nootropic drug improves blood supply to the nervous tissue, positively affects memory and attention. Phenotropil analogues differ in composition, but are prescribed for the same indications. The need to replace the medicine arises for various reasons, including due to its absence in pharmacies.
Material Content:
Composition, active substance of the drug
Tablets contain 50 or 100 mg of fonthuracetam. The active ingredient has a nootropic effect. The tool increases the resistance of nerve cells to oxygen starvation, toxins.
The active substance of Phenotropil accelerates the transmission of nerve signals, normalizes the alternation of excitation and inhibition - the main processes in the central nervous system (CNS). The drug also has anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), anticonvulsant effect.
Russian analogues of the drug
There are no other domestic and foreign drugs with the same active substance. The Russian company has stopped producing drugs. The reason was a disagreement with its developers. The fact that the medication is discontinued does not mean its oblivion. Perhaps, after all the controversial issues have been agreed, the production of the popular product will resume. Pharmacies are now selling previously purchased medicine at inflated prices.
You can pick up Phenotropil analogues in action.
In Russia and abroad, preparations are produced containing active substances from the group of nootropics. Such analogues are considered group. It is necessary to pay attention to the indications and contraindications. If the active substances are different, then in the instructions for the use of drugs from one pharmacological group there are significant differences.
Piracetam is a popular domestic phenotropil substitute. And it is also a synthetic nootropic agent. Widely used to treat central nervous system diseases in neurology and psychiatry.
This tool has an effect similar to the effect of Phenotropil: improves blood circulation, stimulates metabolic processes, protects against hypoxia. It is produced in the form of capsules containing 200 or 400 mg of the active substance. In Russia, a solution for injection of Piracetam with a dosage of 200 mg / ml is produced.
Cortexin is another group analog of Phenotropil. The drug contains the active substance cortexin and the amino acid glycine, is introduced in oil. The effect of the application has much in common with Phenotropil. These medicines are in the same price category - over 1000 rubles. for packing.
Picamilon - tablets and solution for injection. Nootropic agent improves cerebral circulation, has an antioxidant, calming, anti-migraine effect. Affordable medicine. The cost of packaging (10 ampoules) is 115 rubles.
Vinpocetine is an active substance in the group of nootropic drugs. In Russia, tablets with the same name (OBL, Acre, Akos), Telektol are produced. These are affordable drugs (70–120 rubles), often prescribed to patients by neurologists.
Phenibut is a nootropic drug of Russian manufacturers. It is prescribed for anxiety, insomnia, dizziness, Meniere's disease, alcohol withdrawal.
Foreign Phenotropil substitutes
Cavinton is an original Hungarian-made drug with the active ingredient vinpocetine. The medicine is prescribed for cerebrovascular insufficiency, cerebral arteriosclerosis (GM), dementia, dizziness, tinnitus, Meniere's disease.
Cerebrolysin is a nootropic and psychostimulant. The German drug is available as an injection. The medication is prescribed for traumatic brain injuries, acute stroke, depression, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, mental retardation in children.
Ceraxon is an agent with the active substance citicoline. Method of release: solutions for oral administration, in / m and / in injection. It is prescribed for GM hypoxia, it is used for various disorders of nervous activity.
Pharmacological tablets
NooKam and Combitropil are combined drugs of domestic production. They contain two active ingredients: piracetam and cinnarizine. Assigned mainly to improve cerebral circulation. As part of the drug, it has a vasodilating effect, which extends mainly to the vessels of GM. And also this component exhibits a moderate antihistamine effect, reduces the excitability of the structures of the vestibular apparatus.
Brief instructions for use
Phenotropil's peculiarity is a combination of many effects: anxiolytic, psychostimulating, adaptogenic, immunostimulating and weak analgesic. Nootropic drug increases human resistance to various stressful situations, allows you to quickly deal with fatigue.
When prescribing a medication, it is also taken into account that Phenotropil tablets help improve memory, increase concentration, and assimilate material in the learning process. Thanks to treatment, mental and physical performance improves, mood improves.
Phenotropil is indicated for diseases of the central nervous system of various etiologies, neurosis and neurosis-like conditions. The drug is prescribed for a decrease in learning ability, depression. The tool is also used for sleep disorders, obesity, chronic alcoholism.
The list of contraindications is short and includes only individual intolerance.
Tablets should be drunk immediately after eating. The average single dose varies from 100 to 250 mg, daily - from 200 to 300 mg. When the doctor prescribes 100 mg per day, then take the entire daily dose of the medicine in the morning. If more than 100 mg / day, then divided into 2 doses.
The duration of therapy varies from 2 weeks to 3 months. Patients are advised to take a nootropic agent on average 30 days, healthy people to improve performance - 2 weeks, athletes to increase stamina - 3 days. Phenotropil should be drunk up to 15 hours and no later than to reduce the risk of insomnia.