With neurological problems, mental disorders, Phenibut is often prescribed. This is a nootropic medication that is recommended for children and adults with an asthenic state against a background of nervous, mental stress. In Phenibut, side effects are not as pronounced as in other drugs of this group, which is associated with low toxicity of the drug.
Material Content:
Release form, composition and packaging
Phenibut is produced by the Latvian pharmaceutical company only in tablet form. The drug is based on one active substance, aminophenylbutyric acid.
In addition, the medicine consists of the following components that do not have a therapeutic effect:
- starch;
- gelatin;
- milk sugar.
Phenibut tablets 250 mg are cylindrical, painted white. 10 pieces are packaged in cell packages, and those, in turn, are laid out in cardboard boxes.
Pharmacological properties and indications for use
Phenibut improves the metabolism of brain cells. This medication belongs to nootropics. Its action is aimed at improving memory, increasing the efficiency of mental labor. In addition, the tablets belong to the group of tranquilizers, which allows you to relieve increased anxiety, eliminate fear and anxiety.The drug contributes to the normalization of sleep, ensuring efficiency during the day.
Based on these characteristics, the drug belongs to the group of nootropics with the mechanism of action of tranquilizers. Moreover, the last properties of the tablets are poorly expressed. This allows you to use Phenibut in a neurosis-like state, accompanied by mood changes, tearfulness, active emotionality.
The unique properties of the drug help the patient get rid of increased anxiety, but with full preservation of intelligence and performance.
Instructions for use describe the following therapeutic effects of Phenibut:
- elimination of anxiety and fear;
- normalization of sleep;
- improved blood supply to the brain;
- reduction of speech disorders;
- elimination of apathy;
- increased interest in various fields of activity;
- a decrease in the severity of symptoms of VVD in the form of dizziness, irritability, difficulty falling asleep, headache;
- reducing the negative impact on the central nervous system of alcoholic beverages;
- treatment of convulsive syndrome;
- stimulation of thinking, memory, attention;
- increased action of sleeping pills.
While taking Phenibut, there is an improvement in brain activity. Thanks to which the patient quickly and easily copes with life situations, finds all kinds of ways to solve problems.
Important! While taking the drug, you should refuse to drive a car, perform activities that are dangerous to life and health. Since inhibition of the psychomotor reaction is possible, impaired attention.
Due to the wide pharmacological spectrum, Phenibut is prescribed for the diagnosis of the following phenomena:
- lowering intellectual abilities;
- decrease in emotionality;
- memory impairment;
- asthenia;
- fears;
- anxiety
- nightmares;
- decreased attention;
- alcohol addiction;
- anxiety
- Dizziness
- osteochondrosis;
- kinetosis;
- insomnia
- menopause;
- stuttering;
- hyperactivity;
- nervous tics.
Tablets as part of complex therapy are used to eliminate hallucinations, temporary and spatial disorientation. Their use for the prevention of stress in particularly sensitive patients is known before surgery.
Instructions for use Phenibut tablets
Dosages and duration of treatment with Phenibut depend on the type of disease and the age of the patient.
For adults
The duration of treatment with the drug is from 4 to 6 weeks. The maximum single dose for people under 60 years of age is 0.75 g. For older people, the volume of admission should not exceed 0.5 g.
In other cases, the following schemes are recommended:
- for the treatment of dizziness on the background of ear pathologies in the first days, 0.75 g is prescribed to take 3 times a day for 5 days. After the onset of relief, the dosage is reduced to 0.5 g 3 for three times. After relieving symptoms within a week, it is recommended to drink 0.25 g once;
- with dizziness against a background of vascular diseases, injuries, a daily dosage of 0.75 g is prescribed, which is divided into 3 doses. The therapeutic course is 2 weeks;
- with menopause, osteochondrosis in the first 2 weeks they drink 1 tab. 3 times a day. Then 2 weeks - 1 table. 2 times a day;
- with headaches on the background of vertebral syndrome, they drink 1 table for a month. twice a day.
To improve well-being during motion sickness on the background of the flight, it is prescribed to drink 1 tablet. 60 minutes before the intended trip. If symptoms have already manifested, then you should drink 2 tablets. But Phenibutu cannot cope with the pronounced symptoms of motion sickness in the form of vomiting.
For children
Phenibut is prescribed to children from 2 years. The daily dosage from 8 years of age is 0.75 g, the volume is divided into 3 doses. At a younger age, 50 to 100 mg three times is prescribed. The attending physician should determine the duration of the course of treatment and the exact dose for pediatric patients.
Children under 2 years of age are not recommended to give the drug. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to imagine how it will affect the child. In the presence of hyperactivity, nervousness, tearfulness, increased mobility, psychiatrists recommend other drugs that are most predictable in terms of reactions of the child's body.
During pregnancy and lactation
It is not recommended to take Phenibut in the initial stage of bearing a child, which is associated with the laying of organs in the fetus. Any effect of medications can adversely affect this process.
In the 2nd, 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the drug is prescribed if there are serious indications. In this case, treatment should be carried out under the close supervision of a physician. If there is a need to take pills during breastfeeding, it is better to transfer the baby to artificial feeding.
Alcohol compatibility
Phenibut received widespread use in narcology to stabilize the condition of alcohol-dependent people. But this does not mean that the medicine can be used simultaneously with alcohol. The drug gives a positive result if a person is treated in a hospital and is constantly monitored by medical staff.
The simultaneous use of alcohol with Phenibut depressing effect on the nervous system, has a pronounced sedative effect. In humans, intoxication occurs faster than usual, and in a more pronounced form. Perhaps the development of symptoms of intoxication, as well as addiction to tablets, which can complicate their withdrawal.
Important! The combination of any alcoholic drinks and Phenibut can have very serious consequences.
Drug interaction
Phenibut is prescribed with caution in combination with the following medicines:
- it is possible to increase the effectiveness of both groups when taken concurrently with sleeping pills, tranquilizers, anticonvulsants;
- when combined with ethyl-based drugs, addiction to Phenibut is likely;
- in tandem with medications that have a toxic effect on liver cells, serious organ damage is possible.
Phenibut has good compatibility with medicines and can be used simultaneously with other groups of medicines, but only with the permission of a doctor.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
An absolute contraindication to treatment with Phenibut is hypersensitivity to active and auxiliary substances.
In addition, the drug is used with caution in the following cases:
- during pregnancy;
- during lactation;
- in early childhood;
- with renal failure;
- with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines.
Side effects of Phenibut in adults are no different, they are the same as in children.
An unwanted reaction from the body manifests itself:
- headache;
- irregular blood pressure;
- nausea
- apathy;
- decreased performance;
- increased irritability;
- the appearance of anxiety;
- overexcitation;
- dizziness
- itching
- skin rash.
In case of side effects, treatment with Phenibut should not be continued. It is necessary to stop taking the pills and consult a doctor.
An overdose of Phenibut is manifested by the following types of symptoms:
- renal failure;
- vomiting
- lowering blood pressure;
- drowsiness
- nausea
In case of an overdose, you should rinse the stomach, take activated charcoal and medicines that alleviate the symptoms.
Phenibut analogs
Phenibut analogs should be selected by the attending physician in order to achieve the necessary result and prevent negative effects on the body.
Most often, the following drugs are recommended:
- Selanka, it is presented in the form of drops, has an anti-anxiety effect;
- Tranquesipam with sleeping pills, anticonvulsants, sedatives. Available in tablet, injectable form;
- Elzepam, relieving irritability, tension, insomnia. Available in tablets;
- Afobazole, which is prescribed to eliminate mental disorders. It is made in tablets;
- Anvifen, known as a nootropic and antioxidant, relieves increased anxiety, cramps;
- Tenoten, a homeopathic antidepressant that relieves anxiety, improves cognitive function, strengthens the central nervous system.
Not all analogues can have the desired effect, some of them have many side effects, are worse tolerated by patients, not shown for children.
Phenibut is a modern tool that is used to relieve anxiety and mental tension. It will bring relief only if you take the drug in accordance with the recommendations of a doctor.