Neurological problems, mental disorders - one of the most common pathologies. Phenibut tablets belong to those drugs that are prescribed in such cases. As indicated by the instructions for use, the tool relates to nootropics and anxiolytics.

Release forms and composition

Manufacturers in the former USSR produce Phenibut only in tablet form. The composition includes one main ingredient and several auxiliary components. The active compound of the drug is aminophenylbutyric acid. It is this substance that possesses those properties that are appreciated in neurological disorders.

The content of the active ingredient in one Phenibut tablet from different manufacturers is the same - 250 mg.

An auxiliary role is played by milk sugar, starch and gelatin. Knowledge of the composition of non-essential substances is necessary, as they can cause an allergic reaction.

Aminophenylbutyric acid, according to drug manufacturers, penetrates the brain tissue. The tool improves blood circulation and metabolism, which leads to an improvement in the bioenergetic state of GM as a whole.

After absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, aminophenylbutyric acid penetrates the tissues, overcomes the blood-brain barrier.It is thanks to the second feature that a substance is able to affect brain functions. However, only 0.1% of the total weight of the drug taken enters the GM. This is one of the reasons why critics of nootropic drugs are skeptical about its use.

What is Phenibut prescribed

Phenibut's nootropic effect is the positive effect of the drug on the higher functions of GM. According to the description, aminophenylbutyric acid stimulates cognitive abilities, improves memory, and facilitates learning.

Phenibut tablets can be prescribed in the following situations:

  • Decrease in intellectual activity of GM.
  • Problems with storing information, impaired memory.
  • Nightmares, decreased quality of sleep.
  • Increased anxiety, anxiety.
  • Hyperactivity syndrome.
  • Alcohol withdrawal.
  • Decreased concentration.
  • Asthenic syndrome.
  • Motion sickness.
  • Stuttering.
  • Enuresis.
  • Tiki.

The drug has an anxiolytic effect - it reduces or suppresses feelings of anxiety, fear, and reduces emotional stress. Anxiolytics are also called tranquilizers. Phenibut acts milder compared to benzodiazepines. Prescribe a remedy for anxiety-neurotic and obsessive states, problems with falling asleep, motion sickness in transport, stuttering and enuresis in children.

Phenibut is used as part of the complex therapy of labyrinthitis, Meniere's disease, with various vestibular disorders. One of the main symptoms of these pathologies is dizziness. Also, the drug is prescribed as an element of the complex treatment of withdrawal symptoms.

The tool is used not only for neurotic disorders. Often a person is overcome by industrial and domestic problems, stresses. There is a malaise, fatigue increases. These situations are also indications for taking Phenibut. The drug "for mood" improves well-being, increases interest in the work performed.

Instructions for use of tablets for children and adults

In order to safely and effectively use the drug, you should carefully read the rules of administration and other characteristics in the instructions. Phenibut is best drunk immediately after main meals, 3 times a day. It is recommended to swallow the tablets whole, do not break. The optimal duration of one course of treatment for uncomplicated diseases is 2-3 weeks.

Dosages, rules and duration of use

At one time, Phenibut adults are prescribed 1 or 2 tablets, which corresponds to 250 or 500 mg of the active ingredient. If necessary, the dose is increased. The maximum possible daily dosage is 9 tablets (3 tablets each in the morning, afternoon and evening). Phenibut is given to children, starting from 8 years old, 1 tablet three times a day (no more).

Elderly people should not drink more than 2 tablets at a time. It is recommended that older people with insomnia limit themselves to taking ½ tablet two or three times a day for 6 or more weeks. If dizziness occurs, then you should drink 1 tablet three times a day. The course of treatment is up to two weeks.

Relief of withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism is carried out according to a special scheme. During the first days of therapy, the doctor prescribes 1-2 tablets three times a day and 3 tablets simultaneously at night to the victim. The daily dose is gradually reduced to 6, then to 3 tablets.

Prevention of motion sickness consists of taking 1-2 tablets about one hour before a trip or other activity that provokes an unusual reaction of the vestibular apparatus. To prevent and stop a migraine attack, it is enough to take 1 tablet per day.

Improvement and restoration of mental activity is achieved in small doses of Phenibut. Take 1 tablet per day for 6 weeks. The same dosages are observed with high mental stress: during exams, reports, etc.

Impact on the ability to control mechanisms

Treatment with the drug involves a temporary refusal to drive vehicles (for the duration of the course of therapy). It is also recommended to refrain from other activities requiring a quick reaction, high concentration from the patient.

During pregnancy and lactation

The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding are contraindications to the use of Phenibut. There are not enough clinical observations proving the safety of the medicine for the fetus and for the infant.

There are experimental results on the mutagenicity, teratogenicity, and embryotoxicity of the drug in laboratory animals. None of these effects were confirmed.

Drug interaction

Phenibut enhances the action of other drugs, also related to tranquilizers (anxiolytics). The interaction occurs with the simultaneous administration of antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, opiates or sleeping pills. The effect is mutually reinforced. If the doctor prescribes any combination of the listed drugs, then he reduces the dosage of each drug.

Caution is required when combining Phenibut with drugs that contain components toxic to the liver. Combinations with other drugs are harmless.

Can I drink alcohol while taking Phenibut

Alcohol is a tranquilizer in its properties. Phenibut should not be taken with alcoholic beverages. The reason is the rapid development of severe intoxication, although such an effect does not necessarily develop. The drug helps some people not to get drunk, the next morning eliminates a hangover. In each individual case, it is impossible to reliably determine what the result of the interaction will be.

The combination of Phenibut with alcohol leads to the development of drug dependence.

The tool has been successfully used as part of the complex treatment of alcohol withdrawal. Aminophenylbutyric acid relieves the symptoms that most often appear in this condition, including anxiety, anxiety.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

The ban on the use of Phenibut is valid if the patient has certain diseases and conditions. First of all, this is an increased individual sensitivity to the ingredients in the composition. Contraindications are the period of expectation of the child, lactation. You can not use Phenibut for those who have impaired liver function (failure is diagnosed).

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated. However, there is evidence that Phenibut may cause side effects.

The most common side effects:

  • increased anxiety, irritability, aggression;
  • urticaria and other allergic reactions;
  • weakness, fatigue, drowsiness;
  • pain and heaviness in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

An overdose can occur if there is a violation of the medication regimen. Blood pressure decreases, drowsiness develops, vomiting begins. A prolonged overdose is accompanied by impaired renal function, fatty degeneration of the liver, and an increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood.

Phenibut OTC

Synonyms of the drug contain the same active ingredient. In these cases, it is appropriate to talk about complete analogues. For Phenibut, those are Anvifen and Noofen. The advantage of the first is the availability of dosage forms with various dosages. Manufacturers produce capsules containing aminophenylbutyric acid from 25 to 250 mg. Due to this, the drug is more widely used in pediatrics. Anvifen is prescribed to children from 3 years.

Noofen capsules contain 250 mg of the active ingredient. The drug can be taken by patients older than 8 years (like Phenibut). The therapeutic effect and the regimen are the same.

Popular OTC analogues of Phenibut (for effects on the body):

  • Afobazole;
  • Mebicar;
  • Tenothen;
  • Adaptol.

Anxiolytics and nootropics are very diverse in composition, form of release and cost.They may contain completely different active components, but are used in similar cases. Followers of evidence-based medicine do not find some of these drugs effective, compared with placebo. The fact is that manufacturers have not completed the necessary studies. For this reason, such drugs are not known in the West, they are used mainly by the population of the former USSR.