It is no secret that pharmacy drugs do not combine well with alcohol. Some of them are completely prohibited to take together. We will find out whether it is possible to drink Phenibut and alcohol at the same time, and how this can affect the state of human health.
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Phenibut and Alcohol Compatibility
Phenibut is a nootropic drug that improves brain activity. It has a number of important characteristics:
- supports high performance;
- strengthens memory;
- helps to concentrate;
- improves mood.
The drug is often prescribed for depression, alcoholism, vascular pathologies in the brain, memory impairment. The therapeutic course is aimed at reducing craving for alcohol, restoring brain functions after prolonged intake of alcohol, and eliminating depression as a result of binge.
The active substance of the drug is aminophenylbutyric acid. It reduces the effect of ethanol on the brain, blocking the state of intoxication. Based on these properties, it can be understood that the compatibility of Phenibut and alcohol is not the best. However, the instruction does not prohibit the use of alcohol.
The consequences of taking a nootropic drug with alcohol
If you take a pill before the feast, the person will remain sober throughout the evening. And in the morning he will not be tormented by a hangover. Perhaps a single dose of a small amount of alcohol after Phenibut will not affect the body. However, systematic binges during course therapy can lead to serious consequences.
During the interaction of alcohol and Phenibut, the following reactions occur:
- metabolic processes in the brain are activated due to pills;
- after drinking, ethanol breaks down;
- stimulated cells actively absorb toxic substances of alcohol;
- their mass death begins.
In addition, aminophenylbutyric acid can inhibit the central nervous system. It is alcohol that provokes a similar state, suppressing the main part of the nervous system.
Symptoms of overdose and poisoning
The effects of a combination of alcohol and Phenibut may be the most unpredictable. This is not surprising, because during the simultaneous administration there is a massive death of neurons - apoptosis. A person can lose memory, while his visual and auditory systems cease to function normally.
With a single drink of alcohol during the course of therapy, the following symptoms appear:
- lethargy;
- drowsiness;
- bad mood.
There is a risk of increased side effects of Phenibut. Sometimes a person has nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, irritability. In medical practice, there have been cases of a sharp decrease in blood pressure, changes in consciousness. During an overdose of Phenibut and alcohol, convulsive seizures that resembled epilepsy were observed. During such attacks, a person involuntarily urinated for himself.
If after drinking the patient became ill, the following measures should be taken:
- Do not drink alcohol anymore.
- The next 3-4 hours, drink more fluids.
- Seek medical attention if the condition does not improve.
- Further assistance is provided in the hospital.
In some cases, poor health is caused by an overdose of the drug. Its features include:
- tachycardia;
- vomiting
- headache;
- bad sleep;
- apathetic state;
- desire to constantly sleep;
- anxiety.
First aid includes immediate drug withdrawal, gastric lavage, taking a laxative and enterosorbent.
How much can I drink alcoholic beverages
Typically, the course of treatment with Phenibut is from 1 to 3 months. Doctors do not recommend abusing alcohol immediately after treatment. If the patient still decided to drink alcohol while taking the tablets, it is better to distinguish between these substances. So, you can take the medicine in the morning, and sip the drink after 12 hours. After this, you need to take a break and start taking the pills in 2-3 days.
It is better to drink a glass of wine or champagne. You should not drink a lot of strong drinks - vodka, cognac. If you overdo it with alcohol, this will lead to serious poisoning, sleep disturbance. A person will get a nervous breakdown and reduce the effectiveness of the nootropic.
Use for a hangover syndrome
To normalize the condition in the hangover period, Phenibut tablets are drunk after consulting a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly choose the dosage based on the overall clinical picture. Usually the course for alcohol withdrawal syndrome is 2 weeks. With a severe hangover, they drink 2-3 tablets three times a day.
After taking the nootropic, the emotional state of a person stabilizes, sleep improves. The drug will help only if the patient refuses further use of alcohol-containing drinks at least temporarily.
Possibility of death
There are more serious complications in which the patient experiences a sharp decrease or increase in blood pressure, and a heartbeat becomes more frequent. The simultaneous combination with alcohol also affects the functioning of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract. If a person has problems with the heart and blood vessels, acute diseases of internal organs, he can fall into a coma and even die.
In addition, against the backdrop of confused consciousness, the patient is able to choke on vomit. Therefore, the combination of ethanol and nootropics poses a threat to human life.
In order not to cause possible consequences, experts recommend:
- follow the instructions for the drug;
- refuse strong drinks during the course;
- Do not drink immediately after the end of therapy so that the body recovers.
With obvious health problems, it is better to refrain from alcohol. Moreover, not everyone can afford expensive wine, and low-quality alcohol in itself poisons the body.
If the doctor prescribed a course of Phenibut, do not combine any alcoholic beverages with it, otherwise you will not have to wait for successful therapy. If you can’t refuse alcohol on your own, the best solution is the help of a narcologist.