Sleep disorders, irritability, hyperactivity syndrome, developmental delay, neurosis are far from a complete list of disorders in the nervous system, in which doctors strongly recommend taking sedative and nootropic drugs. Often, parents are afraid to treat the child with these drugs because of the possible occurrence of side effects. However, there is a proven medicine with proven effectiveness. With dizziness and enuresis, in the period of adaptation to the team and preparation for surgical interventions, neurologists prescribe Phenibut to children.
Material Content:
Release form, composition and packaging
The drug is produced in tablet form. In one pack, depending on the form of release, contains from ten to fifty tablets. This is a medicine that can be bought at a pharmacy only by providing a prescription prescribed by a doctor.
The active substance of the drug is aminophenylbutyric acid. It is a phenyl formation of GABA, a inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system. It has a tranquilizing effect, and also excites proteins of the nervous tissue of the brain, increasing the transmission rate of impulses traveling along the axons.
The composition of the product also includes additional substances.
- Lactose monohydrate is a carbohydrate used in the manufacture of drugs as a sweetener and filler.Medicines containing it are contraindicated for people with lactase deficiency, that is, incapable of digesting milk sugar.
- Starch - a substance of organic origin, potato flour, is used for fastening medicinal substances in a tablet. It is considered a safe component.
- Plasdon K-25 is an insoluble substance introduced into the composition of drugs with the goal of detoxification and increase the strength of the drug. Is safe.
- Salt of calcium and stearic acid - an emulsifier, helps to mix the components of medicines. It is a relatively safe substance, but when used with certain drugs and alcohol, it becomes poisonous.
“Phenibut” is rapidly absorbed in the body, enters all organs and tissues. A pronounced effect appears within an hour after taking the drug.
What is Phenibut prescribed
The drug has a pronounced anti-anxiety, sedative and nootropic effect.
In the process of application, the work of the nervous system and the brain improves due to a noticeable activation of blood circulation, as a result of such unpleasant symptoms as:
- sleep disorders
- migraine;
- increased anxiety;
- stuttering;
- psychogenic urinary incontinence;
- involuntary muscle twitching, or nervous tic;
- muscle spasms;
- decreased attention span;
- memory disorders.
There are various indications for the use of Phenibut 250 mg.
Among them - a large number of functional disorders that have become the consequences of psychological trauma:
- hysterical and paranoid psychopathy;
- obsessive-compulsive disorder;
- cerebrovascular accident;
- asthenic syndrome;
- Dizziness
- cervical osteochondrosis;
- seasickness;
- withdrawal syndrome;
- mental and metabolic-endocrine disorders with menopause;
- cephalgia;
- NDC;
- children's hyperactivity;
- delayed speech development;
- disruptions in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus;
- Parkinson's disease.
In each case, the optimal dosage is selected by a neurologist familiar with the characteristics of the disease. Self-medication can harm.
Dosages, rules and duration of use
A number of experts argue that it is impossible to treat newborns and infants using the Phenibut and other similar drugs in the therapeutic regimen. However, according to studies, sometimes without this medicine can not cope with the disease.
The approximate dosage of “Phenibut” for children is as follows:
- up to two years - a single dose not exceeding 20 mg, calculated by the doctor;
- from two to four years - the dosage is determined by a neurologist, it should not exceed 50 mg;
- from four to six years - no more than 100 mg;
- from six to eight years - up to 150 mg;
- from fourteen years and older - no more than 250 mg.
The optimal number of doses of the drug during the day is two times. Treatment is started by administering a small dose, observing the condition, after two to three days increase it gradually to the level recommended by the doctor. The duration of the course of therapy is determined by a specialist. Refuse the medication will also have to gradually, in order to avoid deterioration.
Drug interaction
If doctors prescribe Phenibut for children along with other sedatives and sedatives, parents do not need to panic. This is a widely used treatment regimen that does not harm.
Phenibut improves the absorption of tranquilizers, anticonvulsants and sleeping pills, while its effectiveness also increases. Therefore, when taking these medications together, the dosage is usually adjusted downward.
Taking the drug can not be combined with the use of drinks and medicines containing alcohol.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The instructions for use of Phenibut indicate that the main contraindication to its use is the presence of an individual intolerance reaction of the active substance or related components.
You can also not use this medication in the following cases:
- gastric ulcer;
- impaired liver function;
- first trimester of pregnancy;
- early childhood.
It should be noted that in the second and third trimesters of gestation, medication can only be prescribed by a doctor if the expected therapeutic effect exceeds the possible risks.
Phenibut is generally well tolerated if drunk in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician without exceeding the dosage and without increasing the duration of the course.
However, side effects may occur, including:
- dizziness;
- drowsiness;
- sharp fluctuations in blood pressure;
- increased irritability;
- dermatoses and urticaria.
If during the application the indicated undesirable actions made themselves felt, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this and raise the issue of replacing the medication.
OTC analogues of a nootropic drug
There are analogues of a nootropic drug according to the active substance and the mechanism of work, however, they, like Phenibut itself, are dispensed from pharmacies strictly according to a doctor’s prescription.
Substitutes containing aminophenylbutyric acid:
- Anvifen
- Noofen
- "Noobut";
- "Beefrain."
Among the analogues of “Phenibut” are called sedatives and sedatives, which are also able to relieve stress, reduce the intensity of experiences, improve sleep. However, these funds will not affect the cerebral circulation, can not cope with migraines and serious diseases of the central nervous system.
So, with depression, apathy, insomnia, stress, as an alternative to "Phenibut" can be:
- Persen
- Valerian extract tablets;
- motherwort in different dosage forms;
- Novo-Passit;
- Afobazol;
- "Adaptol";
- Tenoten
- "Sedanol";
- peony tincture.
In some cases, the course of taking a drug from this series can improve health, relieve irritability and apathy.
What is better Phenibut or Tenoten
Often in the treatment regimen, these drugs are prescribed together, but this does not mean that they are similar in terms of how they affect the body. "Tenoten" acts gently, helping to cope with stress, helping to increase mood and improve memory. Having studied the reviews of those who have been treated with this tool, we can conclude that it acts extremely delicately and is ineffective in severe neuropsychiatric disorders.
Neurologists prescribe a potent Phenibut for children with serious diseases, and if you use it in treating a child according to indications without exceeding the dosage, it is quite possible to achieve impressive results - to cope with the delay in speech, neuropsychic development in a baby, the consequences of birth injuries, psychogenic enuresis, tremor of the newborn. Therefore, you should not independently replace the drug prescribed by your doctor with over-the-counter analogues, for fear of side effects. Any change in the therapeutic regimen must be coordinated with a neurologist.
- Nikita