Phenazepam is an artificially created chemical compound with a psychotropic effect. One of the most powerful drugs in the benzodiazepine series. It controls the transmission of a nerve impulse, activates braking mediators. It is used to correct the condition of the patient with neurological and mental disorders.
Material Content:
- 1 Composition (active substance) and release form
- 2 Pharmacological properties and indications for use
- 3 Age restrictions on admission
- 4 Instructions for use Phenazepam
- 5 During pregnancy and lactation
- 6 Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms
- 7 Phenazepam Compatible with Alcohol
- 8 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 9 OTC Phenazepam Analogs
Composition (active substance) and release form
Through numerous chemical transformations from p-bromaniline, bromodihydrochloro-phenylbenzodiazepine (phenazepam) is obtained, which is the main active ingredient of the drug. It is a creamy white crystalline powder, practically insoluble in water and organic solvents.
For one tablet, 0.5, 1 or 2.5 mg of the psychotropic component. The remaining volume is occupied by milk sugar hydrate, potato starch and croscarmellose sodium, which, thanks to its high solubility, helps to absorb the main substance.
Tablets are stored in plastic jars or cell packages enclosed in a box of cardboard.
In addition to a gram of the basic substance, ampoules contain sodium hydroxide and pyrosulfite, a povidone polymer (low molecular weight), pure water and glycerol emulsifier, which maintains the homogeneity of the contents of the glass vial.
Ampoules are laid in polymer cells, packaged in paper packaging.
Pharmacological properties and indications for use
The drug enhances the ability of gamma-aminobutyric acid to inhibit the transmission of nerve impulses. Acid binds to receptors located at the junctions of neurons, interfering with signal perception. The substance reduces excitability in the subcortical structures of the hypothalamus and thalamus.
When slowing down the speed of transmission of impulses, emotional stress, a sense of fear and anxiety caused by neurotic disorders are suppressed. The relaxing effect of the drug is manifested in a decrease in irritability and excitement. However, the substance is not able to relieve the symptoms of mental disorders, such as delirium and hallucinations.
The hypnotic effect of the drug is provided by eliminating the emotional factors of disturbed sleep mechanisms.
The drug relaxes the muscles of the body and limbs. Its anticonvulsant effect is inhibition of the signal from the source of excitation to the peripheral nerve endings. However, suppressing the propagation of the pulse, it does not relieve stress from the center where the signal originated.
The medicine is well absorbed. It quickly enters the bloodstream. An hour later reaches the highest plasma concentrations. It is not removed from the body for a long time. Halves activity after six to eighteen hours.
It is neutralized by the liver, and excreted by the kidneys. The total length of stay of the compound in the body depends on the state of these two organs.
The medicine is prescribed for people suffering from psychopathic and neurasthenic disorders, accompanied by anxiety, excitement, panic and fear. The tool is used to treat sleep disorders, suppress seizures in epilepsy, muscle relaxation and prevent spontaneous twitching in autonomic disorders.
The drug is included as a sedative in the treatment of the effects of alcohol dependence.
Age restrictions on admission
Due to the high ability to affect the central nervous system, the drug was not tested in children and adolescents. To argue about the safety of its use in these categories of patients is not possible. Therefore, the instruction for use puts an age limit until adulthood.
Instructions for use Phenazepam
The digestion process does not affect the absorption of the drug, so the instruction manual does not contain recommendations regarding the time of administration. The dose size is assigned according to the aggregate assessment of all symptoms, their severity and severity.
Phenazepam tablets
The minimum amount of the drug (half a milligram once a day) is prescribed for the treatment of sleep disorders. The tablet is swallowed half an hour before going to bed.
With neurosis and psychopathy, accompanied by fear, anxiety and increased excitement, the patient needs to take from half to one milligram of the substance 2-3 times a day, maintaining this regimen for four days. In the future, the amount of the drug can be increased to six milligrams per day.
Epileptic seizures are relieved by a daily dosage of two to ten mg.
Symptoms of alcohol and drug addiction stop the daily dose of two to five mg.
The maximum daily amount of the drug in the treatment of all forms of diseases is ten milligrams. Average - from two to five. The dose is divided into two to three doses. During the day, it is distributed evenly, or a smaller amount is taken in the morning, and more in the evening.
Phenazepam Ampoules
The injection solution is injected into a vein with a dropper or muscle by a jet injection. One ampoule contains the average single dose.It can be either reduced or doubled. More than 10 mg of the drug cannot be administered per day.
Psychopathy and panic attacks are treated with 3-5 ampoules per day, divided into two or three doses.
To relieve seizures in epilepsy, the patient is administered a single half of the contents of the glass vial. With good tolerance, the dose is increased and repeated for several days in a row.
During withdrawal from alcohol withdrawal, addicted patients are prescribed high daily doses of 2.5 to 5 mg.
With muscle hypertonicity, half an ampoule is administered up to three times a day.
The tool is used to prepare the patient for surgery with the subsequent introduction of anesthesia. A patient is given a dropper with the contents of 3-4 ampoules, which is very slowly poured into the blood.
Special instructions for admission
A drug like narcotic drugs can trigger addiction. It can not be taken on a regular basis, and the course of treatment should be reduced to two weeks.
In some situations, prolonged therapy is allowed, but no more than two months. Cancellation should be carried out smoothly, gradually reducing the dose.
It was noted that patients who had not previously taken psychotropic drugs react more sharply to phenazepam treatment. Separate regimens are developed for them with a low initial dose and its gradual increase.
As a rule, addiction is formed when therapy is continued for more than eight weeks with a daily dose of at least 4 mg. With a sharp cessation of treatment, the patient feels all signs of withdrawal: depressive mood, suicidal tendencies, sudden arousal, fear, sweating, insomnia.
It is important to observe how the patient behaves during treatment, especially if this is his first course of tranquilizers. If an unexplained fear, aggression, panic states, hallucinations, sleep disturbances appear, treatment should be stopped.
During pregnancy and lactation
Pregnant women should not take phenazepam. This drug has a toxic effect. It can lead to malformations in the unborn child.
In the first trimester, the substance has a greater effect on the formation of organs and tissues of the fetus. At later dates, it more strongly inhibits the functions of an already formed organism.
In a baby whose mother systematically took phenazepam, the sucking reflex is weakened. Mental abnormalities may occur. The child becomes dependent on the drug, in response to which he develops withdrawal symptoms shortly after birth.
Taking the medicine before childbirth can result in a weakening of all vital functions for the baby: breathing, movement, maintaining a normal body temperature.
The drug is contraindicated in case of natural feeding. Penetrating into milk, it enters the body of the child, accumulates in its tissues. It is very slowly excreted due to the immaturity of the kidneys and liver of the baby. Such a negative contributes to the weakening of reactions and weight loss in the newborn.
Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms
The instruction does not directly prohibit patients undergoing treatment from driving, or working with machinery. However, it contains an indication that the medicine dulls the reaction and reduces concentration, therefore, such activity can lead to dangerous consequences.
Phenazepam Compatible with Alcohol
Phenazepam and alcohol are categorically incompatible products, as indicated directly by the instructions. Even small doses can lead to respiratory depression, consciousness, delirium and the so-called “drunken sleep”, during which the patient does not control his body and it is difficult for him to wake up. This condition may be accompanied by spontaneous urination, bowel movements and suffocation.
Combined use enhances the toxicity of both components. The patient has symptoms of overdose.He begins to experience dizziness and nausea, which can provoke vomiting. Being in an unconscious state, the patient runs the risk of choking on vomit.
Joint use provokes an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestinal tract, nervous system and respiratory system. Violations may be irreversible. In case of poisoning, even with the condition of timely emergency care, the patient is not always able to save.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
A tranquilizer is able to provoke severe allergic reactions in patients with hypersensitivity to drugs of the benzodiazepine group. The drug is contraindicated in people particularly susceptible to any ingredient in the drug.
Such treatment is dangerous for patients suffering from respiratory failure, severe renal and hepatic diseases, inadequate or unconscious conditions. Tranquilizer-based therapy should not be prescribed to patients suffering from depression, as it can worsen their well-being and provoke the appearance of suicidal tendencies.
It is not advisable to give access to psychotropic drugs to people who are prone to abuse such drugs, with a tendency to self-destruction, as well as undergoing the consequences of an overdose of alcohol or drugs.
The instruction prohibits the use of the medicine to people suffering from all kinds of forms of increased intraocular pressure.
Not all patients tolerate such therapy well. Some develop lethargy, lethargy, insomnia, dizziness, impaired coordination, muscle weakness, headache, spontaneous muscle twitches, obsessive fears, sudden emotional stress, feelings of aggression and anxiety, less often - epileptic seizures.
In some patients, quantitative blood counts change in the direction of overestimation or decrease. With pathology, the patient experiences lethargy, chills, and rapid fatigue. He may have a sore throat and a fever.
Often, treatment is accompanied by digestive disorders: dry mouth or vice versa, increased salivation, burning, and discomfort in the stomach. In response to the intake, diarrhea opens, appetite changes, liver function is disrupted, which can lead to jaundice.
Side effects spread to the genitourinary sphere. The patient feels incontinence or urinary retention, weakening of sexual desire, women experience malfunctions in the menstrual cycle.
Overdosing is dangerous by the weakening of all vital functions. Against the background of respiratory depression, muscle dystonia, palpitations, disorientation, shortness of breath, falling blood pressure and loss of consciousness, the patient may fall into a coma. He needs immediate gastric lavage, taking large doses of sorbents, blood purification, as well as further treatment for symptoms.
In a hospital, a specific antidote is used - a solution of flumazenil.
OTC Phenazepam Analogs
Among the most common and affordable consumer analogs, there are such tools as:
- Afobazole, tablets;
- Novo-Passit, tablets and oral solution;
- Tenoten tablets.
When you leave the funds in the pharmacy do not require a prescription form. These medications are relatively safe for self-treatment of insomnia, the effects of stress and nervousness. Among them, there are even children's forms (Tenoten children).
The composition and purpose of the drugs are different. Tenoten acts on the basis of antibodies to a specific protein of the brain. This medicine is used as a nootropic. It strengthens the nervous system and connections between neurons, thereby contributing to the normalization of brain function. As a result, irritability disappears and health improves.
Novo-Passit is mainly a herbal medicine.It includes a complex of seven herbs and a synthetic substance, guaifenesin, which is primarily used as an antitussive. Hypnotic effect is a side effect of the compound.
Afobazol is a fully synthetic agent, which is referred not to tranquilizers, but to anxiolytics. It has an anti-anxiety property, but unlike a similar group of drugs, it does not give muscle relaxation and does not reduce concentration, but rather stimulates normal brain activity.
When deciding on therapy, it must be understood that not a single over-the-counter drug will produce such a strong effect as a tranquilizer. Herbal remedies will not be able to relieve manifestations of seizures, neurosis, psychopathy, or withdrawal symptoms. It is necessary to search for an acceptable regimen together with your doctor.