In the world there are many amazing things, looking at which, one wonders: are my eyes deceiving me? In the following photos you can see such images. Despite all its surrealism, they are completely real.
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Mysterious clouds
Let's start with lenticular clouds. They arise on several layers of air at the same time. Extremely rare natural phenomenon. Their characteristic feature is that they never move - even if a very strong wind blows.
Another unusual natural phenomenon in the sky - clouds called Undulatus Asperatus. They are intimidating and at the same time attractive for contemplation.
One of the varieties of such clouds is puffy clouds (Mammatus). They got this name for their shape: the clouds really resemble an udder. Mammothus clouds look no less intimidating than Asperatus.
Another unusual kind of cloud - rolled.
Danxia Geopark
Danxia Geopark is located in the southeastern part of China. Hills of colored sandstone create a natural work of art. The geopark was included in the UNESCO list.
Waitomo Caves in New Zealand
The luminous Waitomo Cave is another of the unusual places on the planet where surreal photos are taken. Dozens of tourists come here every day to see the "starry sky" above their heads in this cave. Scientists explain: the cave glows due to the presence of larvae of a special breed of fireflies in it. They begin to emit a glow due to hunger. Moreover, the more hungry creatures, the stronger they shine.
Lawn-Illusory Globe
The composition is located near the City Hall of Paris. 90 gardeners worked on the creation of the lawn, and its area is about 1500 square meters. km
Alien landscapes in Namibia
The terrain in Namibia, almost devoid of life, is striking in its landscapes.
By the way, the inhabitants of the northern part of Namibia are no less unusual. Among them, the ideal of beauty is reddish skin. To create this effect, a mixture based on ocher is made. Himba women also make special hairstyles for which they are used. tails of antelopes. Representatives of this tribe are similar to real aliens.
Prehistoric Salt Flats Uyuni
It is located in Bolivia, in the southern part of the Altiplano Plain. Its area is 10 588 square meters. km The depth of salt deposits is from 2 to 8 m. When the rainy season begins in Bolivia, the solonchak turns into the largest mirror in the world, since its surface is covered with a thin layer of water.
Other surreal photos
Consider a few more photos. As for the next shot, not everyone will understand at a glance what is happening on it. A log warehouse is reflected in a puddle, creating the illusion of a mirage on asphalt.
The column dried out a little, and a picture was obtained worthy of Salvador Dali.
Photos from Schönbrunn Park (Vienna) also look unusual. This botanical garden was built in 1753.
Ponds in Sweden with the onset of winter, they sometimes take on a surreal look.
The boat seems to soar above the water surface.
Dress with an element of black creates the illusion of interruption of space.
Book sculpture waterfallcreated by a Spanish designer Alicia Martin.
Glowing phytoplankton living offshore Maldivescreates an incredible seascape.
Blue Pond in Japan (Hokkaido Island) located near Mount Tokachi. Scientists believe that a pond gets its hue by mixing water from hot springs and river, which has a high content of aluminum hydroxide.
The maned pigeon has an unusual color of feathers. Ornithologists believe that due to hunting for a pigeon, a bird may soon be listed in the Red Book.
Pink of Retba Lake in Senegal. Researchers believe that the pond received its color due to the cyanobacteria living in it.Retba is also famous for its high salt content in water.
Black hole in Guatemala. It was formed in 2010 after a heavy rainfall. It was a completely unforeseen incident. The resulting hole swallowed the garment factory.
Scientists believe that the reason for the appearance of a giant funnel was the accumulation of rainwater in local limestone soils. The then downpour served as a catalytic factor.
Room half painted in bright graffiti in one of the french hotels.
Museum floorcreated by a Brazilian artist named Regina Silveira.
Museum floor illusion
Red plants on the shore of a Chinese beach (Located in Panjin, Liaolin County).
Fisherman in a boat on a lake that is filled with algae. In 2009, the Chinese government had to spend about 51 billion dollars to clear large 8 rivers and lakes (including the Yellow River) from parasitic algae. This money was spent on the creation of 2712 water purification projects. Be that as it may, the picture was unusual.
Multi-colored corn.
American installation "Hole in the house."
Here are such unusual surreal photos collected from different parts of the world. Looking at them, one can only be surprised at the diversity and beauty of our world.