Blackberry has not only a bright taste, but also a lot of useful properties. Not everyone can be treated with this berry; it has a number of contraindications. But in their absence, regular intake of drugs from this plant will help get rid of many diseases and improve well-being.
Material Content:
- 1 Blackberry: chemical composition and calorie content
- 2 Useful properties of forest, garden blackberries
- 3 The benefits of blackberry berries, leaves, root
- 4 What are the benefits of fresh, frozen, boiled berries?
- 5 The healing properties of blackberries for women, men and children
- 6 Can I use berries during pregnancy and lactation?
- 7 Blackberry Health Recipe
- 8 Daily intake of berries
- 9 Contraindications and possible harm
Blackberry: chemical composition and calorie content
100 g of blackberries contain 34 kilocalories, which is why it can be attributed to dietary products. But in terms of composition, most of the nutrients are carbohydrates (4.4 g), less proteins (1.5 g), and almost no fat (0.5 g). This suggests that the berry should be considered as a healthy dessert, but not as the main food.
The presence in the blackberry of vitamins and minerals:
- Vitamin C - helps strengthen immunity and improve well-being;
- Vitamin E - is responsible for the condition of the skin and aging processes;
- vitamin PP (niacin) - helps maintain neuropsychic balance;
- Vitamin A - maintains the state of the visual analyzer;
- Vitamin B - maintains the integrity of the skin;
- Vitamin B1 - helps to tolerate stressful situations;
- potassium - is responsible for the proper functioning of the heart;
- phosphorus - maintains the state of the skeletal system of the body;
- calcium - participates in the work of muscles, is responsible for bone strength;
- magnesium - helps relieve stress, strengthens the nervous system;
- sodium - participates in metabolic processes, maintains the body in balance;
- iron - is responsible for the amount of hemoglobin and oxygen delivery to all organs and tissues.
The composition of blackberries includes not only vitamins and minerals, but also other active substances. These include:
- Sahara;
- water;
- fiber (dietary fiber);
- organic acids (nicotinic, malic, citric);
- ash;
- flavonoids;
- tannins.
The rich composition allows the berry to be considered a phytotherapy, which can be used both for treatment and for prevention.
Useful properties of forest, garden blackberries
Forest and garden blackberries differ in the shape of the berries and the place of growth. Cultural species are grown by people in their own areas, where they are regularly fertilized and watered. But because of the difference in soil, the forest blackberry still carries a larger amount of active substances. This species is especially rich in minerals, which it takes from forest soil.
But both varieties of berries are distinguished by a large number of positive effects:
- the infusion has an antipyretic effect;
- there is an anti-inflammatory result;
- metabolism accelerates;
- the functioning of the digestive tract improves;
- toxic substances are removed;
- the amount of dangerous cholesterol is reduced;
- carbohydrate metabolism is being established.
The presence of a large number of useful properties allows the use of blackberries as a natural medicine for various diseases.
The benefits of blackberry berries, leaves, root
In each part of this plant contains active substances that can be used for various pathologies. Knowing where their highest concentration is, you can most effectively apply blackberries for treatment.
In berries, there is a high content of vitamin B1, which helps to stabilize the nervous system. Patients noted an improvement in sleep, a decrease in reaction to stress, loss of depressive thoughts and moods.
The leaves of the plant are picked green and dried for the winter. They can be brewed in tea and cook decoctions. They help get rid of fever, as well as relieve symptoms of peptic ulcer. When infusion is applied to the surface of the skin, a wound healing effect is observed. The treatment with this remedy for eczema or lichen is also effective.
When brewing blackberry roots secrete special substances that enhance the excretion of urine. This helps in the presence of inflammation in the urinary system. A concentrated decoction of the roots is able to stop bleeding due to the large number of substances that stimulate the restoration of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels and skin.
Blackberry bush is a pantry of vitamins. You can use any part of the plant for treatment, depending on the problem.
What are the benefits of fresh, frozen, boiled berries?
The processing of blackberries affects its final properties. In fresh berries there is a large amount of fiber, which helps to organize the work of the digestive tract. It helps get rid of constipation. Unripe berries act in the opposite way: they prevent the delay of feces and remove it from the body. These properties must be considered.
When frozen in the berries, the cell wall is destroyed, so this blackberry contains a small amount of dietary fiber. But it retains all the vitamins, which is very important in the winter. Compotes are made from frozen berries and infusions for colds are made.
Boiled berries give their substances to the water on which they were prepared. This allows you to use the liquid as a medicine. This method of preparing berries for people with skin diseases is especially relevant. Rubbing the affected area with a decoction reduces itching, relieves inflammation and removes redness.
The choice of cooking berries should be chosen based on your needs and problems. But the maximum amount of active substances is always found in fresh blackberries.
The healing properties of blackberries for women, men and children
Features of life and work make a difference in the problems of women, men and children.The beneficial properties of blackberries are suitable for all population groups, but they act in different ways.
For men, it is more important to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. This is provided by pectins in blackberries. It is especially useful to use the berry for liver diseases. Due to the high workload, men often experience sleep problems. Blackberry infusion in the evening will provide a good rest and charge with vivacity in the morning.
For women, berries have a calming effect. Due to stress, they quickly lose their beauty and youth. A decoction of blackberry allows you to be less nervous, and external use of the product helps the skin look rested and does not lose elasticity for a long time.
Due to the nature of coordination and active life, children often get abrasions and other injuries. Blackberry infusion will accelerate the healing of minor damage, and crushed leaves will relieve inflammation and reduce soreness.
This plant is universal for people of any age and gender. Due to the large number of active substances, it will suit various requests related to the activity and lifestyle of a person.
Can I use berries during pregnancy and lactation?
The substances in the blackberry are not able to harm the fetus during gestation or in the baby during breastfeeding. This berry is preferably used by pregnant women as an antipyretic instead of raspberries. It is safer and does not cause uterine contractions.
If a woman has problems with bowel movements (constipation) while bearing a child, she should not eat blackberries. They contain tannins, which can worsen the condition. But decoctions from the leaves of the plant do not have such an effect. But they help preserve the woman’s nervous system during the period of adaptation to the new state.
Blackberry Health Recipe
Blackberry tea is well-suited for better health. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of dried leaves and add 1 tbsp. l berries. Pour them with 500 ml of boiling water and simmer for about 5 minutes. Then you need to let it brew for about half an hour. The resulting solution can be drunk instead of tea.
If you need to use the product for external use, the concentration of plant materials is increased by 5 times. But such a decoction is not recommended inside. It can provoke undesirable effects (disruption of the digestive tract, drowsiness).
Daily intake of berries
The most useful is fresh blackberry. About 200-300 grams can be eaten per day. This will help you to feel cheerful, sleep soundly and be less likely to get sick. If it is impossible to find a fresh berry, a frozen one will do. From it you can make compotes, fruit drinks.
Because of the large amount of sugar, jam and jams are best not to eat more often 1-2 times a week.
Contraindications and possible harm
Blackberries are not recommended for people with low acidity of the stomach. The substances contained in the berry can trigger gastritis. Also, blackberry treatment is not suitable for patients with hypotension. Infusions and decoctions are able to lower blood pressure, which will lead to a deterioration in condition.
Blackberry is a very useful product, but use it with caution. Treatment with herbal extracts should always be combined with medications. And you need to start taking infusions and decoctions of blackberries after consulting a specialist. This will relieve possible complications and help to conduct a full treatment.