Homeopathic remedy “Euphorbium Compositum” is used in the treatment of various ENT diseases. The drug gives good results even during pregnancy. Before use, it is worthwhile to study the instructions in detail.

The composition of the drug

The composition of the drug contains 8 active substances. All components are only natural, from the group of homeopathy.

Using the drug relieves the symptoms of the common cold and helps to quickly get rid of respiratory infections.

List of main ingredients and their action:

  • Lumbago meadow. Kills pathogens, has a disinfecting property.
  • Tarry Euphorbia. Acts as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Laxative Luffa. It enriches the mucosa with fiber and vitamins, contains a large amount of folic acid, and is effective in bacterial therapy of the respiratory system.
  • Mercury. The composition contains the minimum amount of compound, several ions of the initial transformation, which are not absorbed into the blood
  • Silver nitrate. It cleans and neutralizes well.
  • An extract from the mucous membrane of a pig. Relieves chronic sinusitis and rhinitis.
  • Iodine. Effectively complements the action of all ingredients. Heals wounds and eliminates burning sensation in the nose.

The combination of these components gives an overall positive result. Each of the above ingredients has a specific unique effect that helps in eliminating the common cold in children and adults. Conducting a full course makes it possible to get rid of all the symptoms of a cold.The risk of chronic forms is significantly reduced.

What is the Euphorbium Compositum for?

This drug is prescribed to patients with diagnoses of rhinitis, sinusitis sinusitis and otitis media.

The use of Euphorbium Compositum is justified in the treatment of the following diseases and conditions:

  • adenoids;
  • hay fever;
  • flu, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • inflammation inside the auricles and throat;
  • diseases of the bronchi and lungs;
  • all types of runny nose;
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx in adults and children.

The medicine has the following advantages:

  • does not dry the mucous layer and does not irritate the sinuses;
  • It has a powerful bactericidal and antiviral effect;
  • does not cause allergic symptoms;
  • boosts immunity locally.

The spray activates all biological processes of the body, thereby helping to transfer dryness and burning sensation on the nasal mucosa easier.

As a result of therapy with the agent under discussion, the frontal tension of the mucosa decreases, making it easier to feel. General condition is improving. Edema passes after a few days, the texture of the skin is restored. Inflammation is significantly reduced, it becomes easier to breathe, and an accelerated metabolism in the nasal cavity begins.

Instructions for use for adults and children

The product is easy to use thanks to a convenient dispenser, with the help of which the sprayed agent gets into the deepest areas of the sinuses.

  • Adults are recommended to inject the drug twice a day for 5 days.
  • In severe cases of the disease, it is worth increasing the dose, bringing it up to 6 times a day.
  • In the same way, it should be done with chronic forms of pathologies.
  • The initial stage of rhinitis can be cured quickly if you use the drug 15 times a day for a couple of days.
  • The drug is also administered intramuscularly. The instructions for use say that 2.2 ml is more than enough to treat acute infectious diseases.

The medicine is not narcotic, so addiction to it does not develop. Pediatricians calmly prescribe a drug for children from a year. The medication has the most effective effect in the fight against adenoids and allergens in the nasal cavity in small patients. Apply it 3 times daily for three days. The most accurate dosage should be determined by a pediatrician.

Pregnancy Spray

During pregnancy, the immune system weakens significantly in women, and there is a risk of getting a cold or "giving out" an allergic reaction. Spray "Euphorbium Compositum" during pregnancy is allowed for use, but only after consulting a doctor. It acts gently, facilitates breathing, eliminates possible complications.

Drug interaction

Accurate scientific data on the issue of interaction with other medicines has not yet been obtained.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

The Euphorbium Composite includes an auxiliary ingredient of benzalkonium chloride. Some people may experience its individual intolerance.

Children under one year should be treated with extreme caution.

For diseases of the thyroid gland, you need to get a preliminary consultation with a doctor, since iodine compounds are present in the drug.

The remedy also has some adverse reactions:

  • salivation becomes more abundant;
  • there is a burning sensation, itching and swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • bronchospasm is possible if the patient is diagnosed with asthma.

If the above side symptoms have been noticed, you should immediately stop using the drug.

The spray is used only in local therapy, being safe with prolonged treatment. An overdose of the drug in medical practice has not been recorded even once.


There is no complete analogue of the discussed tool for component composition.In relation to the action, the analogues of Euphorbium Compositum are almost all known vasoconstrictor agents that help in breathing relief, but are not intended for long-term therapy.

The following drugs are known in this category:

  • "Delufen" Austrian production from the brand "Bittner". It is a homeopathic medicine that includes 5 main components. It is approved for use by patients only after 2 years of life. Gives results in the treatment of rhinitis of various forms.
  • "Pinosol." It is available in different forms, which helps to choose the most convenient way individually for each patient. The composition contains only natural plant compounds. The active substances are essential oils. It acts bactericidal, eliminating nasal congestion.
  • "Hevert Sinusitis." Homeopathic medicine with 11 active ingredients. It has a complex effect in the treatment of the nose, ears and throat. Available in tablet form, allowed for children after 3 years. The effect comes quickly, literally after a couple of days, but the remedy, unlike the one discussed, is expensive
  • Sinuforte. The active substance is cyclamen extract. An extract from this herb has worked well in the fight against ENT diseases. It is used only in local therapy for purulent processes and inflammation on the mucous membranes.

Euphorbium Composite is an effective drug that copes with all the symptoms of a cold. It is recommended to store the drug in a dark place in a well-closed bottle. Before use, you need to get a detailed consultation with your doctor.