Ethinylestradiol (ethinylestradiol) is a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone estrogen. This tool is used as hormone replacement therapy with a lack of its own estrogen, and is also part of oral contraceptives for women.
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What is the effect of ethinyl estradiol?
The action of the drug based on ethinyl estradiol is aimed at regulating the menstrual cycle in women. The main function of the synthetic hormone is to support and normalize the work of the female reproductive system.
Other properties of ethinyl estradiol:
- weak anabolic effect;
- normalization of cholesterol;
- normalization of glucose uptake;
- bone strengthening
- water and sodium retention in the body.
In general, anabolic drugs increase appetite and promote muscle gain, which is why they are so popular among athletes. The hormone ethinyl estradiol is a steroid hormone, but its anabolic properties are poorly expressed. The hormone does not significantly affect weight gain, but it accelerates the process of cell renewal. As a result of taking this medication, endurance increases and the tolerance of physical activity increases.
A synthetic drug has a positive effect on lipid metabolism. This drug normalizes the level of "bad" cholesterol.
Reception of ethinyl estradiol increases the glucose tolerance of cells, contributing to its better absorption.Due to this property, taking the drug is able to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
After menopause, many women experience osteoporosis. This disease is manifested by a decrease in bone density and is associated with estradiol deficiency. In such cases, hormone replacement therapy is often prescribed with drugs based on ethinyl estradiol, since this synthetic hormone prevents the development of a dangerous disease, preventing the excretion of calcium from the body. In addition, this drug prevents the excretion of sodium from the body, normalizes the water-electrolyte balance.
When is synthetic hormone taken?
Estrogen hormone is used in the treatment of various diseases of the female reproductive system.
Indications for use:
- hormonal imbalance due to a decrease in ovarian function;
- violation of the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in adolescent girls;
- decreased ovarian functionality after 45 years;
- lack of own estrogen;
- menopause;
- breakthrough bleeding;
- dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea.
In addition to the above indications, there are a number of special cases in which synthetic hormone may be recommended. So, drugs based on ethinyl estradiol are used in dermatology for the treatment of severe acne. Large doses of this drug are used to prevent unwanted pregnancy (emergency contraception). In addition, there are many drugs based on this hormone intended for continuous contraception.
Synthetic hormone is used for various hormone-dependent diseases of the mammary gland, as well as for stopping lactation. The drug is prescribed after removal of the ovaries. Previously, the drug was used to treat uterine fibroids, but nowadays, doctors prefer other drugs.
Ethinyl estradiol is prescribed for men with hormone-dependent tumors of the prostate gland. In this case, the medicine is used as an antitumor hormone due to a decrease in the production of androgens, which leads to a decrease in the growth rate of malignant neoplasms.
The principle of action of drugs based on Ethinyl estradiol: genital and extragenital action
The drug has a complex effect on the body. Reception of synthetic hormone affects the work of the reproductive system, while the medicine affects the work of the liver and kidneys.
Therapy with ethinyl estradiol increases the load on the kidneys, the medicine causes a water retention in the tissues, which leads to edema.
Genital action
This substance has a genital and extragenital effect. Genital action is manifested by suppression of the ovaries. While taking the drug, estradiol is not produced in the body of a woman. Synthetic hormone is prescribed for violation of endometrial proliferation, which makes conception impossible. Ethinyl estradiol thickens the mucous membranes of the cervix and vagina.
Extragenital action
The extragenital effect of the drug is manifested by an effect on lipid metabolism and glucose uptake. Synthetic hormone increases the sensitivity of tissue receptors to glucose, while retaining calcium and sodium in the body. On the one hand, this prevents the development of osteoporosis, but at the same time leads to edema due to fluid retention in the tissues. The drug increases the concentration of alpha-lipoproteins in the blood, thereby normalizing the balance of "good" and "bad" cholesterol.
In addition, taking the drug has a contraceptive effect, so ethinyl estradiol is part of many oral contraceptives (birth control pills) for women.
What drugs contain estrogen hormone
Medicines with a synthetic hormone in the composition are Ethinyl estradiol and Esterlan tablets.These drugs are used to treat various disorders of ovarian function. Ethinyl estradiol is part of many products to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Oral contraceptives based on this substance:
- Logest;
- Femoden;
- Novinet;
- Mercilon;
- Lindinet;
In pharmacies, the intrauterine contraceptive Novaring and the transdermal system Evra, which contain ethinyl estradiol, are presented. Contraceptives in this form reduce the burden on the liver and kidneys, which significantly reduces the risk of developing serious side effects.
The listed preparations contain ethinyl estradiol in different doses and synthetic progesterone. To reduce the edema that occurs while taking ethinyl estradiol, drospirenone, a progesterone with a diuretic, is often added to birth control pills. Despite the large selection of drugs based on ethinyl estradiol, it is important to remember that only a doctor can choose a combined oral contraceptive. Such funds are unsafe, have a number of serious side effects, so they should be prescribed individually after a comprehensive examination.