A sense of humor in men is always attractive to the fair sex. But he has to face not only at the stage of dating. In long-term relationships and marriage, women also often encounter the “ingenuity” of their lovers. Your attention - a few photos, once again proving: you can only envy male wit!

“When I was going to a tennis lesson, my husband behind me replaced the racket with a frying pan. Nice hint, dear! But I certainly won’t trade the sport of cooking dinner. ”


"My lover specifically sticks the roller as high as possible to piss me off."


“My wife left me to sit with her little daughter. After several calls, in the first half hour I had to use photoshop and send it to her. As a result, she learned a lesson, and stopped ringing every second. "

“When my contractions started, my husband and mother-in-law wanted to take a family photo. That's what happened ... "

"I asked my husband to do the design of the toilet room."


“My girlfriend took part in a running competition. I decided to make some collages using her photo. ”


“I asked my husband to take part in a photo session during pregnancy ...”


“My girlfriend was a little shocked when on a walk during our first trip to France, I suddenly knelt. She didn’t think that I I just want to tie my shoelaces. ”


“My wife is on a business trip. Day 14 ".



“I hope my beloved turns into a beautiful butterfly in the end.”


“I bought a miniature violin. I’ll play it when my wife starts complaining about life or sawing. ”


"The husband made a Christmas present: a blanket with photo printing of his own face."


“I bought my girlfriend a helmet for a motorcycle with a balaclava. With such a print, she looks like a character from computer games. "


“From the toilet I heard a startled scream, and then a scream -“ I hate you! ”


“I went on a business trip for several days.To prove to my wife that I could not enjoy life without her here, I had to click a few photos. ”



“My wife said that this fork is for crab. What did she mean? ”


“I work as a private doctor. Visiting one of the patients, I saw this at her place. The girl said that her husband was always a joker. "


“I almost didn’t have a heart attack when my husband wrote that Barsika had moved a car. Then my missus sent me this photo. ”


“My wife asked me to put all the toilet paper I bought into the basket.”


“I asked my husband for a dog for the New Year. Meet baby Dina. ”
