According to experts, an extremely large number of people around the world suffer from sleep disorders and insomnia. One study on this topic showed that a third of Russia is having trouble sleeping. And this is very serious, since sleep is one of the most important factors affecting the overall level of health, cognitive activity, ambitiousness and attentiveness. Hence the conclusion that the better the dream, the higher the chances that you will live longer prosperous lives. Here are ways to help improve your sleep.
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Be more in the sun
One of the main factors that affect our circadian rhythm is this is the amount of vitamin D that is insanely important to our body. Although there is many productsthat contain vitamin D (like eggs and some fish, like sardines), the largest amount of vitamin D can be absorbed by our own cells, but this process only happens when we are in direct sunlight.
One of the problems with absorbing more sunlight is that some people can easily burn out. Another possible scenario is skin cancer risk (called melanoma), which can appear if a person spends a lot of time under the sun. For this reason you should always apply sunscreen, and try not to sunbathe between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Be sure to walk during the day do not sit at home. In addition, saturation of the body fresh air also helps you relax and fall asleep faster at night. Try to create new habits and you will definitely understand after a certain period of time, that your dream has become quality.
Take a nap if your body really wants it
Sleep is something that some people mistakenly consider a sign of laziness.Although, ideally, you should not sleep when you need to urgently do business, but sometimes the body simply refuses to function, which means you will have zero productivity.
Sometimes you may also get tired of daily activities, the amount of exercise, or lack of sleep. For each of these cases, it is quite acceptable to find at least 20-30 minutes to sleep, as this is the only way to improve your condition, cheer up and gain energy.
One recent study showed that even everything 18 minutes of sleep can lead to a dramatic improvement in reaction Airplane pilots - and this, as you know, is a very demanding profession that requires people to have energy and maximum concentration. This is just one of many proofs why you need to give yourself at least 15 minutes of sleep if you really want to. Believe me, it will become much easier for you.
Stop spending your evening on the phone
You must stop watching TV or sitting on your mobile phone just before bedtime. This adversely affects your sleep and its quality.
While electronics (for example, computers, televisions, tablets, smart watches and smartphones) significantly improve and make our lives easier, they definitely spoil our sleep, especially if we use them while lying in bed.
One of the drawbacks of gadgets and a TV is that that they can do huge damage to how your brain and body function during sleep. Sleep experts and consultants examining a person’s condition, advise people to stop using their devices a few hours before bedtime. Even one hour may be enough for many people to already feel a sharp improvement in sleep quality.
But what to do at this time if you cannot sit on the phone? For example, read a book. Reading is not only a pleasure, but also a source of spiritual enrichment. In addition, experts also report that books, newspapers and magazines have no effect on our sleep (unlike electronic gadgets).