Being a girl is wonderful. Although personal care requires attention, time and additional financial expenses, still nothing will please the girl more than new perfumes or lipsticks. But some small difficulties can drive us crazy in seconds. Although they should not be a reason for us to be upset at all! You can simply laugh at these troubles and forget about them.

Today we have compiled a collection of such small female “disasters” that every girl has probably encountered.

To paint lips is so romantic ... Especially if you drink coffee

When I went too far with concealer, and the complexion is different from the color of the neck

How many cosmetics for a thousand rubles you can buy according to guys and actually

“Lord, how do you know the shade of tonalki from this cookie?”

When you have thin hair ...

“They told me not in vain: you can’t cry after using a tan with a tanning effect!”

Guys are still wondering why girls are constantly late

A sign by which you can understand: it's time to update the manicure

Sometimes this is really the only way ...

When I forgot that I put on makeup

Catastrophe familiar to everyone

To walk, so to walk!

When did you just want the rubber bands to be in the access area

This happens at the most inopportune moment.

“I tried to make a bunch”

“Girls with thick hair will understand”

Want a cool selfie on a windy day? Never!

And they get lost anyway

Maa-scarlet "cant", which spoils the lives of girls

How much effort does it take to open nail polish

Have you had this kind of disaster? Tell us in the comments.