There are many habits that will help you improve your health and become even more beautiful. If you want to look even younger or if you just care about your body, then these tips are for you! Following them, you will notice tremendous changes for the better.

Stop counting calories

Many studies by scientists prove that people who count calories ultimately consume more of them. It's best to switch to intuitive nutrition. - eat when you feel hungry, and listen to your body, stopping to consume food at the time of satiety. Believe me, hundreds of thousands of experiments show that people who switch to intuitive eating eat less.

If you really want to reduce consumption for a long time calories, stop counting them and start consuming healthy foods in reasonable amounts.

Eat more vegetables

Vegetables are an excellent source of fiber. Therefore, scientists believe that people who eat vegetables regularly reduce the risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and also improve the digestive tract. This phenomenon has been proven, and it is truly true.

Do not force yourself to do anything through force

Do you need to adhere to the training plan of your personal trainer and appear in the gym at least 4 times a week? But if you came home and realized that you do not want to go anywhere, what should you do? Is it really better to run along a path with a bad mood? Training will be completely ineffective, which will not improve your results. Go to the gym, start a diet, go shopping, visit friends and visit theaters only when you really want it. You can not ignore your desires. Be a friend to your body and body. They will definitely thank you for that.

Do something only when you want it. This is the key to a good life. The more often you follow this rule, the happier you will be. Follow this rule and you will enjoy every moment of your life.

Follow the two-bite rule

If you really want to trick your brain so that you get full faster, then start following the two-bite rule. Start your breakfast, dinner or lunch with one piece of food. Then drink a sip of water, wait a few seconds and take a piece of food again. So you eat up much faster (with less food).

Eat more protein foods.

Protein-rich foods are perfect for a good start to the day. These foods can help you tune in to a successful day by reducing stress and anxiety. Products such as meat, egg, milk, quinoa, buckwheat, wild rice, soybeans, tofu, mushrooms, seafood can help you overcome the morning “broken” condition.

Two minute walk

It is recommended to walk at least 2 minutes per hour. The more you walk, the better your body will look. Review your activity and start moving at least 2 minutes every hour. This will help keep the body in good shape and be much more cheerful.

Forget about chips and crackers.

The most unhealthy food that you can eat during the day (and in general in life) is food that comes in packaged packages (crackers, crackers and chips). These foods cannot be trusted, and you will ultimately destroy harmony in your body. The best way to help your body is to avoid snacks.

Ten minutes rule

The 10 minutes rule is very useful in life (especially for productivity). No matter what you plan, if you devote at least ten minutes a day to this business, in the end you will still advance. Want to learn German? Write a thesis? Understand programming? Take 10 minutes a day for each lesson, and at some point you will succeed.

Eat more!

You probably were surprised right now, because everyone was constantly telling you that it was necessary to reduce portions. But actually it’s not the quantity, but the quality of the food. If you eat a large bowl of vegetable salad, you will be well fed and you will not want to have a bite between meals.

A plate of salad is always preferable to a handful of nuts.

Reduce sugar intake

You are unlikely to be able to achieve the necessary physical data without reducing sugar intake. The key to this is to realize that you have a sea of ​​alternativesstarting with fruits (for example, sugar is often replaced when baking cheesecakes with banana) and ending with honey and various syrups (Agave, Jerusalem artichoke).

Where to begin? To get started reduce the dose, namely the number of spoons that you add to tea or coffee. At a certain point in time you will get used to the natural taste of the drinkand you don’t need sugar anymore.

Be a little selfish

As an egoist, you place your needs above the needs of someone else. Try to be selfish in some ways. This will help you realize exactly what you expect from life. Fulfilling other people's requests and doing everything to please someone, you forget about your own desires. Build your life first. And do not be shy that you are self-centered.

Your desktop should be closer to the window

There are at least two reasons why everyone needs to right now rearrange their desktop closer to the window. Firstly, you get the right amount of sunlight, which positively affects your mood and productivity, and secondly, When working in good light, you’ll be less likely to lose focus.

Consume warm and hot drinks

Scientists have found that cold drinks have no practical benefit. Only by consuming warm and hot drinks You can appreciate their true taste. Moreover, it is hot tea has a large amount of antioxidantswhich strengthen bones, support the immune system and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Do not forget to brush your teeth. But don't do it often

Brushing your teeth every time after eating is not a healthy practice. Such activity is not recommended by many doctors. It is believed that you will begin to suffer from acidity in the oral cavity if you start brushing your teeth more than twice a day. Morning and evening is the best option for oral hygiene.

Take a shower regularly

It is necessary to take a shower at least 2 times a day: morning and evening. In hot seasons, you can do this as needed. Everyone perceives the heat in different ways; someone may also have profuse sweating. Such people need to take a shower as often as possible and stock up on good deodorant.

Do not forget to take a shower as soon as you wake up and before you are planning to go to bed.