Estradiol in men plays an important role in the body, despite the fact that it is a female hormone. The substance is produced by the adrenal glands and is present in a small amount in the body of the stronger sex. An increased or decreased amount of estradiol is a sign of malfunctioning of some organs.
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What is estradiol
Estradiol is a female sex hormone that is synthesized in the male body by the adrenal glands and testes. In women, this substance is responsible for the formation of the reproductive system, reproductive functions. It allows you to carry a child. In the male body, estradiol is responsible for balancing testosterone and maintaining balance in the reproductive system.
Significance for the male body
Despite the fact that estradiol is synthesized by the testes and adrenal cortex, a significant amount of it is formed by the conversion of testosterone. This process is called aromatization. If male sex hormones in the body of a strong half of humanity are converted to female, then this is normal.
Estradiol in men is responsible for the following processes:
- regulation of all organs, systems;
- normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
- blood coagulability;
- central nervous system regulation;
- tissue synthesis;
- metabolic processes;
- bone strength;
- deposition of calcium in bone tissue;
- exchange of oxygen in cells;
- a decrease in the likelihood of atherosclerotic plaque formation;
- lower cholesterol;
- sexual health;
- synthesis of ejaculate.
In addition, estradiol is responsible for stabilizing body weight, increasing muscle tissue, and emotional lability.Against the background of the imbalance, there is a feeling of well-being, unreasonable mood changes, constant fatigue, increased irritability, anxiety.
Note. In the body of men, estradiol and testosterone are constantly fighting among themselves. If female hormone rises, then the male level drops, and vice versa.
Despite the fact that estradiol belongs to the female sex hormones, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the male body. The substance is involved in the work of many organs, ensures the health of the male reproductive system. It is forbidden to suppress the synthesis of female hormone, it is important to balance.
How is hormone tested
Men are sent for an analysis that allows you to identify the amount of estradiol when it is detected:
- neoplasms in the testicles;
- inappropriate sperm quality;
- infertility
- decreased libido;
- adrenal hyperplasia;
- the predominance of female signs in the appearance of a man;
- liver disease;
- protracted puberty in adolescents.
To get the correct results of the analysis, you should refuse physical activity a day before the expected blood donation, do not visit the gym. No alcohol should be taken within 2 days. On the day of the test, do not smoke. The reliability of the result is influenced by nervous strain.
The effectiveness of the analysis is influenced by the use of the following drugs:
- hormones;
- antibiotics;
- diuretics.
Blood is taken strictly on an empty stomach. In this case, the last evening meal should be no later than 19 hours. Analysis should be submitted before 10 am. On the day of blood donation, you must refuse to take hormonal drugs. If a man is undergoing treatment associated with the daily intake of medications with hormones, then the tablet should be drunk after passing the test.
In addition to a blood test for estradiol, a test of the amount of testosterone and determining the ratio of these hormones may be required. Such an examination will help the doctor most accurately determine the state of the hormonal system of the male body.
On a note. Urinary tract infections can lead to increased levels of estradiol in the blood.
Age table: Estradiol norm in men
The norm of estradiol in men is determined in accordance with the age group. The optimal indicator for adults is 40/160 pmol / l. Numerous studies have shown that such results ensure the normal functioning of the male body.
In some laboratories, hormone levels are measured in PCG / ml. In this case, 11.8-41.3 pcg / ml will be considered indicators of the norm. Below is a table of normal indicators of estradiol in accordance with the age limit.
Man age | Pmol / l | PCG / ml |
Up to a year | Less than 86 | Up to 54 |
Up to 10 years | Less than 69 | Up to 20 |
Under 18 years old | Less than 182 | Up to 86 |
From 18 years old | 40 to 161 | 7.63 to 42.6 |
The doctor should deal with the decoding of the results, only he will correctly evaluate the norm indicators in a particular case.
Reasons for a decrease in hormone levels
A pathological condition is not only an increased content of estradiol in the blood, but also its decrease, which also has negative consequences for the body.
The most common causes of insufficient amounts of female hormone include the following conditions:
- inflammation affecting the male reproductive system;
- excessive physical activity;
- long and frequent smoking;
- refusal of animal food;
- endocrine pathologies;
- quick weight loss;
- long-term treatment with hormonal drugs, antibiotics.
And also, the amount of estradiol in the blood often decreases against the background of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis.
What does it mean if increased rates
The increased amount of estradiol in the male body is called hyperestrogenia. This condition can be caused by a physiological, pathological factor.The first case is an incorrectly organized strict diet, physical stress. Acute and chronic diseases belong to the pathological factor.
Hormone levels usually increase for the following reasons:
- impaired metabolism;
- obesity;
- adrenal hyperplasia;
- excessive alcohol addiction;
- drug use;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- endocrine diseases;
- diabetes;
- oncology in the reproductive system.
It sometimes happens that estradiol in men is elevated while taking medications that include plant-derived estrogens. This condition does not need correction, the situation will be resolved by itself after the end of the medication.
Read also:estrogens - female hormones
An increased amount of female hormone in men leads to the fact that the figure acquires effeminate features in the form of rounded outlines, swelling of the mammary glands, obesity, fat accumulation in the chest, abdomen, and hips.
How to normalize estradiol
To eliminate hormonal imbalance, usually only medical therapy is lacking. First of all, it is important to adjust the diet of men.
It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet spicy, smoked, fatty, pickled, fried. Any alcoholic beverages should be completely ruled out. Food should consist of seafood, fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry low-fat varieties. It is necessary to normalize physical activity, daily exercise is important.
As drug therapy prescribed antiestrogens, antioxidants. Hormone medications are often recommended. To eliminate intoxication, hepatoprotective, detoxification treatment is indicated. Anticancer drugs may be needed.
Estradiol in men has an effect on the functioning of the whole organism. Therefore, even a slight change in its quantity is an occasion for visiting a doctor.