Intestinal problems cause a lot of trouble not only for babies, but also for their parents. One of the common problems is intestinal colic, which causes pain to the baby, depriving him of appetite, sleep and rest. Espumisan-Baby will save the baby from these troubles, and he will grow up healthy and cheerful.
Material Content:
Description of dosage forms and composition of the drug
The drug "Espumisan-Baby" is a carminative, which is sold in any pharmacy. There is only one single form of drug release - in the form of drops.
- The drug has a pleasant smell of banana, which kids like.
- Pack it in small bubbles made of dark glass (this is a necessary storage condition).
- Each vial has a pipette dispenser. This device allows you to easily drop the right amount of medicine into the baby’s mouth, without spilling a drop.
- The medicine comes with a small measuring cup that can be used for older children.
- The standard capacity of one vial is 30 ml of the drug.
The composition of the drug is quite simple. The main component, which, in fact, has an effect on the intestines is simethicone.
Also in drops are such additional substances:
- purified water;
- sorbitol in liquid form;
- aromatic additives (banana);
- E-200 preservative;
- sodium chloride, citrate and hydroxide;
Espumisan-Baby does not contain sugar for newborns, so it can be given to children who are prone to diabetes without fear of consequences.
Why is Espumisan Baby prescribed?
The drug is intended to eliminate intestinal colic in a newborn baby. This is a temporary phenomenon associated with imperfections in the infant's digestive apparatus, which lasts up to six months or less.
Doctors call the following causes of colic in infancy:
- The digestive system is not fully developed, and there is also an insufficient amount of enzymes.
- From the fact that the baby is constantly in a lying position, the tone of the intestinal muscles decreases, which makes it difficult to empty.
In addition to these two physiological reasons, there are subjective factors, such as:
- mother consuming prohibited foods during lactation;
- too plentiful or frequent feeding of the child;
- reaction to artificial feeding or complementary foods.
Excess gases are collected in the intestines, which makes the stomach ache and burst in the child. He cries, is naughty, loses his appetite and sleep, and is gaining weight poorly. During crying, the child swallows an additional portion of air, which increases bloating. The drug prevents the formation of gas bubbles, facilitating the general condition of the baby.
The preparation “Espumisan Baby” ensures the adaptation of the intestine to feeding conditions and improves peristalsis. Therefore, it is prescribed during the transition to artificial nutrition and with the introduction of complementary foods.
There are other, more serious situations in which you need to take the drug.
- Preparing a child for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases.
- Preparation for operations and recovery period after them.
- Vomiting, constipation, or upset bowels.
- Poisoning.
The medicine relieves pain in the first 10 minutes after consumption.
At what age can a child be given
The children's body is much more tender and vulnerable than the adult. Therefore, pharmacists have developed medicines specifically designed for babies, including Espumisan-Baby. The drug can be given to children from the first weeks of life, as it is absolutely safe for the body.
The main advantage of the drug is that it has a therapeutic effect directly on the intestines, without being absorbed into the bloodstream. And convenient bottles with a dispenser help to drop the right amount directly into the mouth of a baby who does not know how to drink from a spoon.
Instructions for use and dosage
Since the drug in question is prescribed for the youngest children, the instructions should be followed very accurately and do not give the baby more than the specified dose.
Attention! Before giving the child medicine, you need to shake the bottle several times to evenly stir the contents.
You can measure the right amount in a glass or immediately drop it into the baby’s mouth.
The amount of medication and frequency of administration depends on several factors:
- the age of the child;
- purpose of application (treatment of poisoning, fight against flatulence or preparation for an examination of the abdominal cavity);
- the severity of the problem.
The approximate dosage of the drug for bloating, flatulence and pain is as follows.
- Babies who have not reached the age of one are prescribed five to ten drops of the medicine at a time. The number of receptions can reach five times. But if the medicine is given for the first time, it is better to drop a couple of drops in your mouth and look at the reaction of the body. In the absence of side effects, the dose can be increased.
- Starting with the age of one year and up to six years, a single amount of the drug is increased to ten drops. You can give medicine up to five times a day.
- From the age of six, you can give 10 to 20 drops 3 to 5 times a day.
It is best to give medicine before breastfeeding or add to the mixture with artificial feeding. A few drops of Espumisan-Baby at night will provide the baby with a sound and healthy sleep.
In the case when the drug is used to prepare for the examination, before or after surgery, the recommended doses are somewhat different.
- If gastroscopy is planned, then the child is given 3 - 5 ml of the medicine directly in the doctor's office and immediately begin the examination. This is done in order to better see the picture of what is happening.
- In case of poisoning with chemicals for cleaning, washing, washing dishes, the victim should be given drink up to 4 ml of the medicine. The amount depends on the degree of manifestation of the symptoms of poisoning.
Drug interaction
The drug goes well with any medicine, without causing any unwanted effects. The only thing is that you do not need to give activated charcoal and other drugs with a similar effect immediately after Espumisan-Baby. Otherwise, sorbents simply remove the drug from the body, preventing it from having a positive effect on the digestive tract.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Espumisan-Baby is suitable for almost everyone and rarely causes side effects. However, this drug is contraindicated in people who have intestinal obstruction and intolerance to the body of any elements of the composition.
The properties of the drug make it safe to use for the treatment of newborns, women who have a baby in the womb, and mothers who breastfeed the baby.
Side effects from taking the medicine arise as a reaction of the body to the substances contained in its composition. Usually they appear as rashes on the skin or (and) itching. In severe cases, there is a swelling of the throat, fever, cough and runny nose. It becomes difficult for the child to breathe, he wheezes and suffocates.
If you notice suspicious symptoms after taking Espumisan-Baby, stop giving it to your child immediately and consult a doctor.
An overdose of the drug is excluded if the parents give it to the child strictly according to the instructions. There is no need to act on the principle: the more, the better, since too large doses cause the opposite effect. If after all this has happened, you do not need to try to cure the child yourself. The best solution in this situation is to go to the nearest clinic or call a doctor at home.
Similar in composition
Despite the fact that Espumisan-Baby is sold in all pharmacies without a prescription, a situation may arise when at the right time it will not be at hand. In this case, you can use analogues, that is, drugs with a similar composition and principle of action.
The most common are:
- "Bobotik." A drug based on the same substance as Espumisan-Baby. Nevertheless, it can be started to be given no earlier than two months after birth.
- French medicine "Sub Simplex". It is a complete analogue of Espumisan-Baby. It is also given to newborn babies and women during pregnancy.
- Children older than two weeks may be given Plantex.
Espumisan-Baby is a healthy tummy from the first days of life.