For the treatment of infections of various etiologies, patients are often prescribed Ergoferon. This is a powerful tool that provides recovery in the shortest possible time without harming the body. Its admission is acceptable for both adult patients and children, it is only important to carefully read the instructions in order to check if there are any contraindications for treatment with this drug.
Material Content:
- 1 Release form, composition and packaging
- 2 Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- 3 In what cases is prescribed "Ergoferon"
- 4 Instructions for use for children and adults
- 5 During pregnancy and breastfeeding
- 6 Drug interaction
- 7 Ergoferon compatibility with alcohol
- 8 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 9 Analogs
- 10 Comparative characteristics with Kagocel and Anaferon
Release form, composition and packaging
The medication has only one dosage form, presented as lozenges. Each dragee is made in the form of a flat cylinder with a scored mark for convenient separation. White tablets, without a pronounced smell or taste, are packed in contour cells and placed in cardboard packs of different volumes (20, 40 and 100 pieces).
The drug has a special composition, which makes it effective in the fight against viruses and bacteria.
The basis of the drug is various antibodies:
- to CD4 - a special glycoprotein, which is a marker of T-helpers;
- to histamine - the compound responsible for the formation and course of allergic reactions;
- to gamma interferon - a substance involved in the functioning of the human immune system.
Each Ergoferon tablet also contains additional chemical compounds that act as binders. This is magnesium stearate, cellulose, lactose monohydrate.
Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Ergoferon can be safely called a complex-action drug. Its active substances enter the body and begin to work simultaneously in several directions.
- Antibiotic activity. It has been clinically proven that many bacteria are sensitive to the components of the tablets. Using a medication, you can eliminate a colony of pathogenic microbes and prevent the development of bacterial infections such as pneumonia, whooping cough, pseudotuberculosis.
- The destruction of viruses. Non-cellular organisms often penetrate into a weakened body, which leads to the development of characteristic symptoms - fever, fever, sore throat, cough. Ergoferon fights against pathogens of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, herpes of various forms, rotavirus and enterovirus infections.
- Blocking histamine receptors. Any disease of an infectious etiology is often accompanied by signs of an allergy. Ergoferon helps fight them by blocking the formation of histamine in basophils. In addition, due to the presence of antibodies to histamine, it becomes possible to alleviate the course of the disease. In particular, against the background of taking the medication, nasal congestion decreases, edema in the mucous pharynx is eliminated, and airway spasms cease.
- Activation of one's own immune defense. When treating with Ergoferon, antibodies to interferons enter inside, which further initiates the formation of their own structures responsible for an adequate immune response. This allows you to use the drug for the treatment of diseases, and for their prevention.
Resorption tablets are an unusual form for a drug, but it has its key advantage. The patient holds the dragee in the mouth until it dissolves, and, therefore, the active components begin to be absorbed directly from the oral cavity. The area of the mucous membrane under the tongue is penetrated by many tiny capillaries, through which antibodies enter the systemic circulation. The rest of the drug will be introduced into the channel in the standard way - through the walls of the stomach and villi of the small intestine.
It is not possible to analyze the concentration of antibodies received from outside, so there is no information on the pharmacokinetics.
In what cases is prescribed "Ergoferon"
The scope of the drug is wide.
It is recommended for bacterial and viral infections. It is only important to remember that in some cases the medication will be one of the elements of complex therapy.
The main indications for use include:
- herpes of various types;
- flu (virus A and B);
- intestinal infections;
- meningitis;
- hemorrhagic fever;
- tick-borne encephalitis;
- whooping cough;
- pneumonia;
- pseudotuberculosis;
- complications of any viral infections.
In addition, the instructions provide information that the drug can be taken with a prophylactic purpose to maintain immunity and prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body.
Instructions for use for children and adults
About how to take the medicine "Ergoferon", from which it is prescribed, what dosage to choose, is described in detail in the annotation. Similar recommendations will be voiced by the doctor prescribing the medication.
Take the drug inside. For babies, dragees are previously dissolved in water and given the resulting liquid from a spoon. Adults and older children should keep the product in their mouth until dissolved.
The treatment regimens for various infections of viral etiology are similar:
- the first day - only 8 tablets (5 tablets in 2 hours with an interval of 30 minutes, and then three more tablets with equal intervals);
- second and subsequent days - 1 tablet three times a day.
Treatment is continued until the symptoms disappear completely.
If the drug is taken for the purpose of prevention, then they are guided by a different dosing principle. Adults drink 1 to 2 tablets per day. By analogy, the children's Ergoferon is also accepted.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding
There is no strict ban on the use of the drug during gestation and lactation, but the effect of the active component of the drug on the developing fetus has not been studied, therefore, it is unacceptable to use the medication without consulting a doctor. A similar situation occurs with breastfeeding. If treatment is necessary, the baby is temporarily transferred to the mixture.
Drug interaction
The drug does not combine well with other drugs of a similar mechanism of action, but, as a rule, there is no need to take them. Other cases of interaction of active components are not registered.
Ergoferon compatibility with alcohol
Various external factors can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug. One of them is drinking. Alcohol weakens the body, the immune system "loosens" and ceases to resist pathogenic viruses. Therapy is ineffective.
In addition, it is important to remember that the drug is excreted through the liver tissue. It is this gland that neutralizes the decay products of ethyl alcohol. The organ wears out, its cells die, large necrotic areas form, which in the future may threaten hepatitis or even cirrhosis.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The drug is prescribed quite often, since it has practically no contraindications. The only limitation is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The second contraindication is early age.
Tablets can be used after 6 months in dissolved form and after 4 to 5 years in its original form.
Side effects are extremely rare, which indicates excellent tolerability of the drug by different groups of patients. However, allergic reactions may occur, especially in people with hypersensitivity to the medication.
In this case, symptoms such as develop:
- redness of the skin;
- itching
- edema;
- the appearance of a rash.
Signs of an allergy disappear on their own after discontinuation of the drug. If this does not happen, the doctor will prescribe an antihistamine medication.
An overdose of the drug is a rare occurrence, but still patients should be prepared for it. Usually, with a significant increase in the recommended amount of the drug, digestive disorders develop. It can be only nausea and vomiting, or the same symptoms, but supplemented by abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea. Moreover, most often this is a reaction to auxiliary components of the composition, and not to the main substance.
Analogues of Ergoferon can be found in any pharmacy chains. Their cost may coincide with the price of the tablets under discussion or may differ from it. It is difficult to purchase a product with a completely identical composition, so they usually look for tablets or other forms of release that help strengthen immunity and destroy viruses.
Among the most famous analogues include:
- "Antigrippin";
- Viferon;
- "Genferon";
- "Kagocel";
- Anaferon;
- Aflubin
- "Arbidol";
- Amizon
- Alpizarin;
- "Remantadine."
Choosing the right drug on your own is difficult, since their mechanisms of action may differ from each other. For example, Viferon is designed to strengthen immunity due to the influx of interferons from the outside, and Kagocel stimulates the formation of its own interferons inside the body.
If in doubt about the correct choice of medication, it is better to visit a therapist.
Comparative characteristics with Kagocel and Anaferon
Sometimes doctors prescribe alternative medications to patients, so the question arises, which is better, "Kagocel" or "Ergoferon." Experts do not give a definite answer, but it will be easier to make a choice if you study the properties of the proposed analogue.
"Kagocel" is a tool that effectively fights viruses due to the presence of the same substance in the composition. This compound enters the body and initiates the synthesis of interferons necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system.
The medicine is in the form of tablets. Take it according to the following scheme: 2 tablets three times a day on the first and second day of the disease, and then - 1 tablet with the same interval.
"Kagocel" is allowed to be used to prevent infections.
The list of contraindications included:
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- lactose intolerance;
- age less than 3 years;
- hypersensitivity.
"Kagocel" is an effective pill that strengthens the immune system, but they do not have an antihistamine effect, so if you need to block the histamine receptors, you will have to drink "Ergoferon", or supplement the "Kagocel" with other medicines.
Therapists often offer Anaferon to patients. This medication is a complex of antibodies to human interferon. Against the background of therapy with this medicine, the natural immune defense strengthens and the body becomes less susceptible to attacks of pathogenic viruses.
It is difficult to unambiguously determine which is better, Anaferon or Ergoferon. Both drugs affect the body carefully and practically do not cause side effects. "Anaferon" in the children's format is allowed for children from one month old, therefore it is often used in pediatric practice.
Ergoferon, like any of its analogues, helps to accelerate the healing process or even prevent infection, therefore, when weakening the immune system, you can use such drugs as a prophylaxis, having previously agreed upon the schedule of admission with your doctor.