Children are more susceptible to respiratory infections than adults. To alleviate the condition, lower body temperature and accelerate recovery, the child needs to be given a good remedy against viruses. It is such a medicine that Ergoferon is considered. Our article provides instructions on the use of Ergoferon for children and a list of its effective substitutes.

Release form, composition and packaging

Ergoferon is a homeopathic medicine that has immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. Under its influence, immunity increases, so a person is less susceptible to acute respiratory infections and other infectious diseases.

The pharmaceutical product is made in the form of tablets for oral administration and solution. There is no special child form of Ergoferon yet.

The solution and tablets include the same active ingredients - antibodies to:

  • human gamma interferon;
  • histamine;
  • CD4.

With strict adherence to the instructions, you can get a quick and good therapeutic effect. Analyzing the reviews of parents, it can be argued that the drug is good for the treatment of both one-year-old babies and school children.

In what cases is Ergoferon prescribed to children

The drug is specifically prescribed for children against:

  • flu
  • ARVI;
  • herpes
  • intestinal infections;
  • meningitis;
  • febrile seizures;
  • tick-borne encephalitis.

Also, pediatricians are advised to use Ergoferon against such bacterial diseases:

  • pneumonia, even atypical;
  • whooping cough;
  • pseudotuberculosis;
  • yersiniosis.

Doctors often prescribe Ergoferon for prophylaxis:

  • complications of SARS with a bacterial infection or in the acute epidemic period;
  • OKI in the summer or while staying on the coast.

Also, the drug increases the effectiveness of vaccinations.

The undeniable advantage of Ergoferon is the suppression of new viral strains.

The drug is not addictive. It improves the condition even with chickenpox. Ergoferon can be used in complex therapy for the treatment of poisoning in young children. At this age, intestinal diseases quickly cause dehydration, so babies need emergency help.

  • Ergoferon tablets can be given to infants from six months of age.
  • For newborn crumbs, a tablet is diluted in water.
  • Older children can dissolve the pill.
  • Oral solution can be given to children over 3 years of age. There is no need to breed medicine.

Instructions for use of the drug

Ergoferon can be used to treat babies who have reached the age of six months. Up to three years, small patients are given the drug exclusively in tablet form. The tablet should be crushed with a spoon and diluted in a glass of water. If the child is able to dissolve the pill, it is not necessary to grind it.

The solution can be given to patients who have already reached the age of three. It is best to take the medicine half an hour before / after a meal.

The tablet must be kept under the tongue until it is completely dissolved. The solution or diluted pill also needs to be held in the oral cavity for half a minute and only then swallowed.

How to take Ergoferon for children:

  • a pill or 5 ml of the solution every half hour for 2 hours in a row;
  • on this very day, drink another three times a tablet or 5 ml of medicine at the same time interval;
  • starting from day 2, take a tablet or a spoonful of solution three times a day, continue until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

As a result, for the first day for a child, the maximum dosage is 8 pills, or 8 tsp. syrup.

For prevention, Ergoferon should be given to a child, guided by the following principles:

  • 1 to 2 pills every day;
  • the duration of prevention is selected individually, but varies from one month to six months;
  • for prevention, in addition to Ergoferon, the baby can be given other suitable medicines.

The solution of the drug needs to be held a little in the oral cavity, since in case of rapid swallowing its therapeutic effect will significantly decrease.

Tablets should be taken immediately after the onset of symptoms of the disease: this will help to destroy bacteria faster and reduce the treatment course.

Drug interaction

Ergoferon works well with other pharmaceuticals. It is actively used as part of the comprehensive treatment of various infections. The drug is combined with antibiotics. To get rid of intestinal infection, it can be taken in parallel with a sorbent, probiotic and antidiarrheal medicine.

Ergoferon does not affect concentration and does not have a sedative effect.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

The drug has a minimal list of contraindications. The manual only says that Ergoferon with rotovirus or any other disease can harm children suffering from:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • lactose deficiency or improper glucose uptake.

An overdose of Ergoferon is an extremely rare phenomenon and can occur only if the prescribed treatment regimen is ignored.

If you give a child a large dose of the drug, he may experience:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting
  • upset stool;
  • stomach ache;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating.

The elimination of overdose symptoms involves the use of activated charcoal and plenty of drinking.

Ergoferon rarely causes side effects in a small patient. Most often, the use of the drug may be accompanied by a rash, redness and swelling. With the development of such phenomena, treatment with Ergoferon urgently needs to be stopped. Removal of the manifested reactions suggests symptomatic therapy.

Analogues of the drug

The average price of the tabletted Ergoferon is 360 rubles. The composition of this medication is unique, but if the baby cannot be treated with this drug, the doctor should prescribe an analogue for it.

Cheap substitutes for Ergoferon are:

  • Kagocel. Can be given to children from the age of six. There are no immunoglobulins in the preparation. The average price is 280 rubles.
  • Arbidol. Based on umifenovir. Effectively eliminates influenza, acute respiratory infections, bronchial and pulmonary inflammation. Suitable for children from three years. The price for packaging is 300 rubles.
  • Anaferon. This analogue of “Ergoferon” is more similar to the “original” more than others. The medicine can be given to infants older than 1 month. The cost of the drug is 22 rubles.
  • Viferon. Based on interferon, treats viral infections, hepatitis, herpes and infections of the genitourinary system. Suppositories of the drug can be placed in newborns. The price of packaging is 265 rubles.

More expensive substitutes for Ergoferon are Ingavirin and Amiksin. The first substitute has a similar effect, is available in capsules. Amiksin is prohibited for the treatment of children under seven years of age. The cost of the first - 500 rubles., The second - 760 rubles.

Ergoferon is one of the best remedies for treating diseases of a viral and bacterial nature. It positively affects immunity and prevents the reproduction of harmful microorganisms. Despite its many advantages, Ergoferon can be used only by medical prescription. Otherwise, waiting for a therapeutic effect is useless.