For the treatment of flu and colds in the midst of an epidemic, as well as to reduce the likelihood of infection in contact with patients, not only the originals of the presented medicine are used, but also Ergoferon analogues. The drug itself has several actions: it fights the virus, reduces fever, has an antihistamine effect.
Material Content:
Composition (active substance) of Ergoferon
The medication is produced by the Russian company in lozenges, used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in case of influenza, viral diseases, and bacterial infections.
Based on the following antibodies:
- to gamma interferon;
- to histamine;
- to CD4.
Thanks to the composition, the tablets increase the immune status, fight against viral and bacterial infections, relieve pain and inflammation in acute respiratory viral infections, and have anti-allergic effects. They reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, runny nose, sneezing, itching and coughing, and reduce the severity of allergic reactions in colds.
The medicine is safe: there are no restrictions on the use, except for individual intolerance to 3 antibodies and additional substances. After resorption over dosage, a mild laxative effect is possible. Subject to the instructions, there are no adverse symptoms, in rare cases - signs of individual sensitivity.
Cheap Russian analogues
A course for children is enough 1 package. Ergoferon for adults with complex infections is used for a long time, the course accounts for 2 or more packages.
If for some reason the drug does not suit you, you can choose cheaper analogues: Arbidol, Anaferon, Rimantadin, Orvirem, Viferon, Cycloferon.
For children
The antiviral agent Arbidol for children is available in tablets and syrup, for older people (from 6 years old) it is more convenient to use capsules if the child can swallow them. Field of use - influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, as part of the complex therapy of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract (pneumonia, bronchitis), herpes. Dosage and duration of administration are individual. It is advisable to start treatment with a medication in the early days of the onset of symptoms. Arbidol is well tolerated, allergic reactions are possible.
Anaferon is a drug based on antibodies to interferon. It is made by the Russian pharmaceutical company. According to the instructions for use, the tablets must be dissolved until completely dissolved. For small children, dilute in a spoonful of boiled water. Effective for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, bacterial and viral infections, as part of the complex treatment of diseases with reduced immunity. The dosage regimen coincides with the drug Ergoferon. In pediatric practice, Anaferon can be used from a month old.
Children's syrup Orvirem is based on the active ingredient - rimantadine, it has been used since 7 years. It fights against influenza viruses, colds, is prescribed for tick-borne encephalitis. It is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. The most active and effective in the case of the disease caused by the influenza A virus. Unwanted reactions from the stomach (pain, vomiting, nausea, dry mouth), nervous system (headaches, drowsiness, impaired attention and dizziness) are possible.
The medicine Viferon for influenza and the common cold of a baby is used in the form of suppositories from the neonatal period. The composition includes human interferon. The course of treatment is 5 days for a candle 2 times a day. Undesirable reactions rarely occur in the form of skin itching, rash. During the epidemic, you can use another form of bulging agent - gel. It is applied to the nasal mucosa, as a result, the drug protects against viruses, prevents them from entering the body. This group of medicines requires a special mode of storage in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees.
Cycloferon tablets are used from 4 years old with influenza, acute respiratory infections and herpetic infections for therapeutic and preventive purposes. The disadvantages of the drug are the number of tablets drunk at a time: from 4 to 6 years - 1 pc., From 7 to 11 years - 2-3 pcs., Older than 12 - 4 tablets. This amount of medication is taken once a day according to the scheme: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 days.
From 3 years old, the drug Kagocel is prescribed according to the scheme. It is often undesirable to prescribe to boys because of a possible negative effect on the genitourinary system.
Ingavirin is the same in cost with Ergoferon for children from 7 years of age. It is taken once a day. Effective against most viruses. The first use is advisable in the midst of symptoms. Well tolerated.
For adults
For the treatment of viruses and the prevention of complications, adults can use Cycloferon according to the scheme, Arbidol in capsules, Anaferon, Ingavirin.
In case of influenza A virus, the cheap drug Rimantadine (Remantadine) is rarely prescribed due to insufficient effectiveness and a narrow spectrum of action. The spelling of the name depends on the manufacturer of the drug. It is taken according to a scheme that is excellent at various stages of the disease, as well as depending on the age of the patient.
A popular antiviral agent is Kagocel, approved from 3 years. It is used to reduce symptoms and combat viruses SARS, influenza, herpes. The main rule when using the drug is that treatment should be started no later than 4 days of illness for greater effectiveness and quick recovery. The medicine is taken according to the scheme, depending on the indications: prevention or treatment, age, pathogen.
Trekrezan is a unique medication with antiviral effect.It additionally increases immunity, endurance during physical exertion and mental work, enhances the resistance of the human body to various factors - oxygen starvation, adverse weather conditions, high and low temperatures. Taking the medicine allows the body to fight the causative agents of viral and infectious diseases, reduces the time of general malaise, and accelerates recovery. It is applied on a tablet twice a day from one to two weeks. Restriction on use - age up to 12 years, lactation and pregnancy.
Foreign substitutes for antiviral agents
Imported substitutes - Oscillococcinum, Tsitovir-3 (joint production of Russia – Finland).
Oscillococcinum is the only drug that can be used for HB and pregnant women (except for Interferon and Viferon). It is produced in granules soluble in the oral cavity, refers to homeopathy. Scope - moderate and mild influenza, acute respiratory infections. The frequency of use for therapeutic purposes - after 6 hours, for preventive purposes - once a week. It can be prescribed to small children, drinking from a bottle or spoon, after dissolving the product in a small amount of water.
Tsitovir-3 is available in the form of syrup for children and capsules from 6 years. It is a complex remedy, including vitamin C, bendazole and alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan. It has an immunomodulating, antiviral effect, reduces inflammation, and increases the body's immunity to infectious processes. Only 4 days apply.
Ukrainian generics of the drug
Amizon is a substitute for Ergoferon, manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Farmak. It includes enisamia iodide, which has a pronounced antiviral, immunostimulating effect. The substance destroys the cells of infectious agents, reduces the manifestations of the common cold, intoxication, the duration of the disease and promotes a speedy recovery. The medicine is used from the age of 18 on a tablet three times a day from 5 to 7 days. After administration, swelling of the oral mucosa, bitterness in the mouth, burning sensation and heartburn are possible.
Brief instructions for use
The drug is resorbed, if inconvenience or inability to swallow is dissolved in a spoon of boiled water. The course depends on the stage of the disease, the severity of symptoms and lasts until complete recovery.
Adults and children take the medicine according to the scheme: on the day of the start of use, they take 1 tablet every half hour (5 tablets) in the first 2 hours, continue to dissolve another 3 times, dissolve 1 pc. From the second day of therapy and until recovery, the medicine is taken three times a day.
Ergoferon for children is prescribed from 6 months of age.
For the prevention of morbidity in the midst of an epidemic, as well as in contact with patients, a different scheme works: 1-2 tablets per day. The course is determined individually and ranges from a month to six months.
The drug is combined with medications used to stop symptoms (painkillers, antipyretic, antibacterial, antihistamines, etc.), with antiviral drugs.
Ergoferon and its analogues are effective medicines for malaise, flu and colds. The main thing is to drink the first pill or capsule at the first symptoms.