Epilepsy is a serious illness associated with impaired functioning of brain cells. It is expressed by repeated seizures, which are the result of irritation of brain neurons. Isolated cases of an epileptic seizure are not a disease, but you should think about visiting a doctor when there are two or more in a short period. The causes of epilepsy deserve close attention. What is worth knowing in order to protect yourself from the consequences, not to launch a terrible ailment?
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The mechanism of development of epilepsy
Excessive irritation of nerve endings, accumulated by impulses, can cause the first attacks of epilepsy at the age of 5 years. Children may experience infrequent, mild seizures (convulsions) under the age of 1 year. If the disease takes root and develops together with the child, then fatigue becomes a diagnosis, acquires the features of a chronic pathology. Such a development of events gives rise to immediately consult a doctor. Sometimes epileptic convulsions occur not because of the development of epilepsy, but as a somatic manifestation of another disease. Adults are also prone to this neurological disease. The appearance of pathology in the elderly is affected by age-related changes.
It was previously believed that the accumulated electrical activity in the neurons of the brain, its excited convulsive state affect the manifestation of a sudden epileptic seizure.However, modern medicine has found that the same thing happens between seizures in the head with the cells.
It is impossible to know the approximate time of a possible attack to prevent it. A person does not feel any deterioration at all, can laugh, have a conversation, when he suddenly falls in front of his interlocutor with epileptic seizures. The disease that developed in childhood affects the health of the child, children are prone to mental retardation. Along with the malfunctioning of neurons, additional pathologies such as autism, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) may join due to epilepsy.
Seizure classification
The root causes of epileptic seizures are diverse and are divided into the following categories:
- hereditary acquisition - if the parents are epileptic, then their children are most likely to have epilepsy;
- a consequence of a variety of injuries - for example, a head injury or damage to the spine with pinched nerve endings will be accompanied by attacks;
- against the background of deep emotional stress, overwork, lack of sleep - epileptic seizures of a short, single nature may be noted.
Based on all factors, taking into account the maturity level of the patient’s nervous system, the main classification of seizures was identified.
Primarily generalized (without focal manifestation), are divided:
- tonic-clonic - the duration of convulsions 10-20 sec., then twitching of the whole body for about 1 min .;
- absences - seizures with loss of consciousness.
Partial, divided into:
- simple - fainting with prolonged convulsions is not observed;
- complex - a temporary disorder of consciousness immediately after an attack;
- secondary generalized - prolonged seizure, with fainting and convulsive muscle contraction.
Causes in children and adults
The disease ranks first on the planet among neurological ailments. Consider the causes of epilepsy in adults.
It is difficult to answer the question of why epileptic activity occurs in the brain. Until now, modern medicine cannot give the correct answer and find out all the factors that influence its appearance.
The main causes of epilepsy in adults:
- the formation of tumors, seals, cysts is accompanied by the manifestation of convulsive attacks;
- injuries to the head, spine;
- alcoholic epilepsy;
- aneurysm - protrusion of an artery;
- stroke;
- brain abscess
- infectious diseases, for example, meningitis;
- an overdose of psychotropic drugs in the neurological treatment of VVD.
Causes of epilepsy in children under 1 year of age:
- an increase in body temperature causes a convulsive muscle contraction, epilepsy attacks;
- changes in the brain occur due to a hereditary predisposition;
- head injury;
- infectious brain damage.
Note. If the child does not tolerate increased body temperature, responds with convulsions, it is necessary to bring it down with antipyretics, without waiting for febrile condition. If this fails, urgently need to call the ambulance!
Epilepsy in adolescents (if the attacks are short-term, single) is possible in such cases:
- against the background of emotional overexcitation;
- due to traumatic brain injury;
- with hormonal imbalance.
Symptoms of Epilepsy
It is impossible to predict or calculate an epileptic seizure. This is the danger of this disease, because with the onset of seizures, a person falls, and therefore can receive significant injuries.
But still, some precursors of the seizure exist, although they can be noticed only with careful monitoring of the patient:
- mood changes, irritability, or depression;
- hallucinations, delusional state;
- auditory, gustatory and olfactory disorders;
- headache;
- spontaneous muscle contractions, in particular, of the face and limbs;
- a feeling of numbness and tingling, "goosebumps", as if electric impulses run through the body.
Immediately before the attack, there is a tendency for a person to repeat the same words or gestures. This happens by itself.
Harbingers of a seizure are not always manifested, much depends on the form of the disease. What happens to a person during an attack?
The opinion that the patient is convulsing on the floor, and foam is running from his mouth, is a little embellished. This only happens in severe forms of epilepsy. Symptoms are much easier.
The attack itself lasts only a few seconds, sometimes minutes. In the process of it, a person can remain conscious or lose it.
With a mild course, the heartbeat becomes more frequent, a headache, dizziness appears, involuntary muscle contractions are felt, consciousness is clouded, hallucinations occur.
Note. There is a non-convulsive form when the patient simply loses consciousness and falls to the floor.
Complex seizures are accompanied by the following symptoms:
- cramps
- loss of consciousness;
- lack of control over your body, which is why involuntary urination or defecation is likely;
- as a result of convulsive activity, an epileptic can bite or “swallow” the tongue.
After the attack, the person does not remember what happened to him. Such symptoms appear - body temperature rises (up to 38 ° C), headache, lethargy, depression of the state. If the epileptic did not receive physical injuries during a seizure, then it can be called "happy" or "successful."
With a mild course of epilepsy, seizures are of the same type, they arise not so often. In severe cases, the patient undergoes swelling from 4 times a day or more. The number of such drops can reach up to 10 per day.
First aid
Once next to a sick person, do not panic. You need to understand that there is no one to help you.
The algorithm for first aid to the victim with this neurological disease:
- When a person falls and convulses, stands with lightning speed, as far as possible, to remove all nearby sharp and solid objects to the side.
- Supporting the head, try to lay the epileptic on the back. Note. If a person has started vomiting or foam has gone out of his mouth, laying on his back is strictly prohibited in order to avoid getting vomit in the airways. It is worth trying to seat the epileptic, turn his head to the side.
- During an attack, a person may suffocate from asphyxiation due to the retraction of the tongue. It is very important not to let your teeth close. If the seizure happens in the house, you need to spoon the tongue to the lower jaw.
- After the attack, call an ambulance, lay the patient, drink warm water.
- If a person managed to get injuries and cuts, treat them with antiseptic agents.
Diagnosis of a neurological disease
Diseases of neurological etiology may be accompanied by tenacity. However, convulsive convulsions directly indicate an epileptic seizure. Diagnosis begins with a doctor interviewing witnesses of a seizure.
In addition, after examining the patient, an additional examination may be prescribed:
- magnetic resonance imaging of the brain - eliminates other causes of seizures;
- electroencephalography - the epileptic activity of neurons in the head is measured.
Treatment of ailment
Treatment consists in the possibility of eliminating the onset of epileptic seizures in the future. In addition to MRI and ECG, with a detailed examination of the patient, the neurologist can prescribe additional blood tests, check the functioning of other organs and systems of the body.
The disease is treated according to the principle of monotherapy - simultaneous administration of two antiepileptic drugs identical in principle to action is not allowed.The medicine is selected individually depending on the nature of the course of the attacks, which excludes the possibility of replacing the medication prescribed by the doctor with a similar one.
The treatment of epilepsy begins with the use of minimal doses of the drug, after which the amount gradually increases. From the middle of the course, the drug is on the decline, and at the end it is completely reduced to nothing.
Note. An uncontrolled increase or a sharp decrease in the dose of the prescribed drug can worsen the patient's condition.
Diet is an integral part of treatment. It is forbidden to take alcohol, drinks containing coffee, drink strong tea, eat spicy dishes. Rest occupies a central place in the life of an epileptic.
What medications are prescribed for epilepsy:
- anticonvulsants - prevent a fully or partially epileptic seizure;
- neurotropic drugs - help to correctly transmit nerve impulses of the central nervous system;
- psychotropic - change the state of the nervous system, eliminate excitability.
Prognosis and life with epilepsy
You can live with epilepsy. Attacks, of course, limit the patient to a full life, but following certain rules increases the ability of an epileptic to live with dignity. Relatives play an important role. Their care allows you to believe in yourself. Disability with epilepsy is not received by all, but only by patients with a severe manifestation of the disease. The constant intake of drugs prescribed by an epileptologist is the only drawback in this situation. Without them, an epileptic will not be able to participate in society.
The patient is not forbidden to make flights, play sports, work at the computer, but still there are a number of actions that should be limited for the purpose of self-preservation:
- driving vehicles;
- solo swimming;
- work with CNC mechanisms.
Remission with an effective approach to treatment is observed in 70% of patients, seizures appear rarely, for example, every 5-7 years. Only 20-30% of patients suffering from severe manifestations of epilepsy experience seizures daily.