Food poisoning, intoxications of various nature, skin diseases, allergic reactions - these problems can be solved by taking the enterosgel intestinal adsorbent. It absorbs harmful substances, preventing them from entering the bloodstream, and removes it from the body unchanged. In order to cope with toxicosis, you can take "Enterosgel" during pregnancy.
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Can I take Enterosgel during pregnancy?
Often, women carrying a child in early pregnancy are concerned about such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, weakness, and a change in the taste perception of the usual food. Experts name many reasons that can provoke toxicosis - a condition in which the body of the expectant mother suffers due to a failure in metabolic processes and problems with the elimination of toxins. However, dealing with it can be difficult - many drugs are prohibited for use during pregnancy.
The use of sorbents helps to alleviate the condition. But not all drugs of this class can be taken while carrying a child. Means with an aggressive composition lead to impaired absorption of vitamins and calcium, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus and the condition of the mother.
Enterosgel acts mildly, so it can be used as directed by a doctor for long courses, including in pregnant women.
The composition (active substance) of the drug
Enterosgel is called an innovative drug whose action is aimed at the selective elimination of harmful substances from the body - toxins, allergens, pathogens. This was made possible thanks to the many years of work of Russian and Ukrainian scientists who developed a unique composition of enterosorbent. Its active substance is methylsilicic acid in the form of a hydrogel, or polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, which works on the principle of a sponge. It absorbs compounds of incomplete metabolic processes, and then removes them from the body. In a similar way, the substance acts on microbes.
Additional elements of the composition:
- water;
- sweetener sodium cyclamate, synthetic compound, sugary sweet colorless powder;
- sweetener sodium salt of saccharin, an artificial sugar substitute in the form of a white powder.
The substances introduced into the composition of the product for giving a sweet taste are used only in the production of Enterosgel sweet pasta. Since specialists constantly argue about the safety of these components, it is contraindicated in pregnancy to use the medication in this form.
In which cases a drug is prescribed
The instructions for use of this universal drug indicate that it must be used for detoxification in the following cases:
- food poisoning, accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting;
- kidney disease
- hepatitis in various forms;
- intoxication with heavy metals, poisons;
- drug, alcohol poisoning;
- burn intoxication;
- violation of the normal intestinal microflora;
- endogenous toxicosis of pregnant women;
- diseases of a viral nature, infections that secrete toxins;
- dermatological diseases, both of an autoimmune nature and of an allergic and toxic-allergic nature;
- irritable bowel syndrome;
- acne and other purulent inflammations;
- allergic rhinoconjunctivitis;
- surgical interventions on the abdominal organs and gastrointestinal tract.
The drug must be taken at the first sign of the disease, so its effectiveness increases significantly.
The drug has no taste and odor, so it can be used even in the treatment of children under three years old, previously diluted with water.
Instructions for use at an early and late date
For the treatment of women carrying a child, doctors usually choose drugs with proven safety, that work gently, do not have teratogenic effects on the fetus. Obstetrician-gynecologists advise taking Enterosgel for toxicosis, as this dangerous condition cannot be tolerated, especially if it occurs in moderate or severe forms.
Enterosorbent does not wash out beneficial substances - vitamins and minerals - from the body due to the special molecular formula that works selectively. For this reason, it can be taken at different times of gestation.
- In the first and second trimesters, it helps to cope with allergic rhinitis of pregnant women, poisoning, skin reactions, weakens the manifestations of endogenous toxicosis.
- At later dates, the drug is used for preeclampsia, intestinal dysbiosis, and renal failure.
It should be remembered that it is better for a pregnant woman to use classic paste in therapy, which contains no sweeteners.
Enterosorbent has the following reception features:
- the paste is diluted in water or washed down with 100 ml of pure water;
- the drug is used separately from meals - one hour before a meal or an hour after it;
- the dosage of the drug is selected individually, on average, for an adult, one and a half tablespoons of gel is enough for one dose;
- the course of therapy is calculated by the doctor in each case, however, it should not exceed three weeks of continuous intake of the sorbent.
In the later stages of gestation, constipation may appear due to the growing uterus, the action of hormones and the use of Enterosgel.In this case, sensitive laxatives based on lactulose (Dufalac, Normase) should be connected to treatment.
Drug interaction
When prescribing "Enterosgel" to pregnant women as part of complex therapy, doctors usually note that the drug should not be taken simultaneously with other drugs. Sorbent will disrupt their absorption in the digestive tract. For this reason, Enterosgel is taken one hour before or one hour after using the rest of the drugs.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Since the drug is not toxic, it is easily tolerated.
However, in the case of chronic diseases, side effects from the use of the sorbent may occur:
- the appearance of problems with bowel movements;
- decreased appetite;
- flatulence and the accompanying soreness.
It is possible to get rid of these unpleasant sensations by adjusting the drinking and food regimes, as well as increasing motor activity.
If the recommended doses are exceeded, the drug does not affect the body in a negative way. However, constipation may occur, which can be easily managed by taking a mild laxative.
The medicine is prescribed for pregnant and lactating, as well as children from birth.
However, it cannot be used in the following cases:
- intestinal obstruction;
- anal bleeding;
- atony of the intestinal wall, which occurs in pregnant women;
- individual hypersensitivity reaction to the components of the drug.
If we are talking about Enterosgel sweet pasta, it has a large list of contraindications, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under one year old and hypersensitivity reaction to sulfonamides.
Enterosorbent analogues
Enterosgel has no exact analogs either in the active substance or in the way it works in the body. Intestinal adsorbents prescribed instead of this drug are often less effective, while depriving the body of some of the necessary vitamins and minerals, even with short-term use.
However, in some cases, instead of Enterosgel, you can use:
- "Polyphepan";
- Polysorb;
- “Filtrum-sti”;
- "White coal";
- “Smectu”;
- Enterodez.
If there is a need to replace "Enterosgel" with another drug, you must consult a doctor to calculate the dosage and determine the duration of the therapeutic course. Self-medication is unacceptable during pregnancy.