Today, due to frequent bowel diseases, the pharmaceutical market is replete with probiotics. Moreover, the problem with indigestion and other gastrointestinal dysfunctions is especially relevant for children, both small and older. To effectively eliminate diarrhea and its causes, it is worth resorting to the drug Enterol - instructions for use for children of this medication are discussed in detail in one of the sections of this article.
Material Content:
- 1 The composition of the drug
- 2 Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- 3 Why is Enterol prescribed for children
- 4 Instructions for use of the drug
- 5 Drug interaction
- 6 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 7 Analogues of the drug
- 8 What is better for a child, Enterol or Enterofuril
The composition of the drug
The medicine has several forms of release:
- Enterol powder 100 mg;
- Enterol capsules 250 mg;
- Enterol powder 250 mg.
If we talk about the composition of the capsules, each contains lyophilized saccharomycetes bulardi as an active substance in an amount of 250 g, as well as such auxiliary components as lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, gelatin, titanium dioxide.
1 sachet includes bacardi saccharomycetes (lyophilized cells) in the amount of 100 or 250 mg, depending on the form of release, as well as additional substances: lactose, fructose, silicon dioxin colloid, flavoring Tutti Frutti.
On a note. For the treatment of children, Enterol is mainly used, the sachets of which are filled with powder in a dosage of 100 or 250 mg.
Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The drug has a wide spectrum of action both on the gastrointestinal tract, and on the body as a whole.This is due to the content of yeast probiotics in the product, which are unable to break down under the influence of antibiotics. For this reason, Enterol is so popular in the treatment of dysbacteriosis, manifested against the background of the use of the latter.
Yeast has an inhibitory effect on the growth of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic intestinal microflora, subsequently reducing it by beneficial effect on the necessary set of microorganisms that begin to multiply actively. The digestion process is directly improved.
A list of the main mechanisms of action of the yeast:
- antimicrobial - possibly due to the ability of the active substance to “inhibit” the increase in the number of pathogenic microflora;
- antitoxic - the reasons lie in the development of proteases that break down the toxin;
- antisecretory - possibly due to a decrease in cAMP in enterocytes;
- enzymatic - due to the intensification of the dynamics of the development of disaccharidases;
- improved immune defense.
After starting the course of taking the drug, the maximum concentration in the large intestine is reached at a rapid pace and persists throughout the day. Penetration into the systemic circulation is not noted. The conclusion after completion of therapy occurs with feces. Duration can vary from 3 to 5 days.
Why is Enterol prescribed for children
If we talk about the younger age group, which includes both infants and schoolchildren, we can distinguish the following indications for the appointment:
- intestinal dysbiosis;
- acute diarrhea caused by the virus;
- chronic and acute diarrhea of a bacterial nature;
- diarrhea caused by prolonged enteral nutrition.
Due to the resistance of the active substance to antibiotics, Enterol is often prescribed as a prophylactic or therapeutic agent for diarrhea and colitis.
Instructions for use of the drug
The general scheme for taking the drug inside depends on the age group of the patient and is as follows:
- The daily norm of Enterol for children up to one year is ½ sachet or capsule twice or thrice a day (if the packages are used weighing 100 mg, then the contents of the whole are necessary).
- Dosage for patients from 1 year to 3 years includes a two-time intake of 1 capsule / sachet.
- Patients under 10 years of age are recommended to give medication three times in 2 capsules / sachets (daily rate).
The duration of the course should not go beyond the five-day period.
On a note. The time of use of the drug is 1 hour before a meal. For convenience, it is better to dilute the powder in a small amount of warm water.
Enterol with rotovirus
Regardless of the severity of the course of intestinal infection caused by ingestion of a rotovirus, it is possible to use the drug. During treatment, the yeast inhibits the pathogens of the infection, while secreting enzymes that eliminate the effects of toxins formed as a result of the virus.
Since Enterol with rotovirus in children can improve the rate of release of immunoglobulin, which, in turn, protects the walls of the digestive organ, the drug is recommended for viral infections. In this case, a sick child under 3 years of age is given 1 capsule twice a day for a five-day period. After overcoming the ten-year age threshold, the dosage changes - 2 capsules twice a day.
Diarrhea Powder
Enterol with diarrhea is indispensable. It reduces fluid loss in the baby’s body. Indeed, a decrease in water level during diarrhea can cause serious complications and an acute course of ailments that develop against this background.
If a powdered mass is used in sachets containing 250 mg, then the dosage is similar to that described above.
If sachets weighing 100 mg are used, then it is prescribed:
- children from 1 year to 10 years - 2 sachets twice a day;
- patients older than 10 years - 3-4 sachets twice a day.
The duration of the course of treatment, as a rule, depends on the disappearance of manifestations of diarrhea, but should not exceed 5 days.
Drug interaction
Since the active substance of a medication is a yeast fungus, the drug does not need to be drunk in conjunction with antifungal medications. Often in the treatment of severe intestinal infections, auxiliary drugs are used.
Attention! In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to consult the attending pediatrician for advice, who will clarify the initial diagnosis and, if necessary, supplement the treatment regimen with the missing medicines.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Enterol can not be used in such conditions:
- hypersensitivity to one of the compounds of the drug;
- the presence of a central venous catheter (since there are cases of fungemia in patients).
As a side effect, only one is indicated in the official insert - there is a likelihood of a purely individual susceptibility to the components of the drug.
Due to the fact that Enterol has a local effect and its absorption into the circulatory system does not occur even with significant excesses of therapeutic dosages, the development of side symptoms is not observed.
Analogues of the drug
Normagut is a structural analogue of Enterol, the active substance of which is yeast fungi saccharomycetes boulardi.
And also in pharmacies there is a wide selection of probiotics with similar indications:
- Bifidumbacterin is a popular drug that is widely used in the fight against pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria that provoke infections and inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis and other long-term intestinal dysfunctions.
- Hilak Forte - a medicine designed to fight against violations of the microflora, which are caused by prolonged use of antibiotics or surgical intervention in the digestive tract.
- Lactovit Forte is an effective tool that, thanks to its lactobacilli and vitamins, quickly improves the state of microflora after antimicrobial therapy.
- Acipol is a broad-spectrum medication that is prescribed not only to improve the state of the aggregate of microorganisms inhabiting the digestive organs, but also to treat serious infections and related dysfunctions. It shows an excellent result in eliminating stool disorders and increasing the productivity of the digestive system.
- Biosporin is a drug containing live microorganisms intended for the treatment of intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis, manifested during antibiotic therapy.
- Bifiform - indications for taking the medication are dysbiosis, therapy and prevention of intestinal diseases, including diarrhea.
- Linex - most often prescribed as a means of exerting an antidiarrheal effect and restoring normal microflora.
- Eterofuril is a medication used to eliminate viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Acidolac - the drug has a beneficial effect on the microflora after the use of antibiotics, which were caused by intestinal dysbiosis and diarrhea.
- Bifikol - a medicine that is a microbial mass of bifidobacteria, shows a good result in the treatment of dysbiosis and infectious diarrhea.
When choosing a medicine for a child, parents should not forget that his health is in their hands and do not self-medicate.
What is better for a child, Enterol or Enterofuril
One of the main concerns of loving parents is to maintain the health of the baby, which means quick, effective and safe treatment. No matter how hard the mothers try, young children often suffer from diarrhea, which can be caused not only by infections. In such cases, when asked whether Enterol or Enterofuril is better, doctors answer: with non-infectious diarrhea, preference should be given to the former.While the latter is used in the treatment of more serious problems or in those situations when Enterol was powerless.
Bowel problems in children is a common phenomenon that a specialist will help to cope with, choosing the right treatment regimen for certain drugs.