Each person, waking up in the morning, has a certain amount of energy in himself, which is aimed at interacting with everything that surrounds us. Throughout the day, life force is wasted and renewed. This article will tell you about what human energy is, what it is spent on and how you can restore it.
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Human energy sources
Thanks to this invisible life force - energy, the human body exists as a whole system. It develops, moves, overcomes obstacles, changes, and at the same time it is part of the universe.
Like any power, energy tends to run out.
We want to draw your attention to 4 well-known sources of vital energy for humans:
- Breath. It gives the body strength at the level of physiology. It’s not a secret for anyone that it is important to breathe correctly - observe the cyclical nature of inspirations and exhalations, regularly do breathing exercises. All this not only increases lung capacity, but also prolongs youth. By the way, the more oxygen enters the body, the more energy comes. If possible, it is best to do exercises in the fresh air (nature, a park with an abundance of trees, highlands).
- Optimistic mood. With the help of good and positive thoughts, a person nourishes himself with a lot of strength. Bright and harmless thoughts are the main sources of vital energy. Remember your inner state when you are in high spirits. You feel happy, inspired and ready for great deeds.This is a powerful flow of energy that penetrates you along with an optimistic mood. In fact, positive thinking is characteristic of man from the moment he is born. To make sure of this, remember the children who often laugh, have a sincere smile and a genuine interest in everything that happens.
- Sleep. Sleep is a source of melatonin (a hormone of youth). With its lack, various violations of the physical and emotional health of a person occur, hence frequent diseases and little strength. A good full sleep is able to nourish a person with energy, the reserve of which is enough for the whole day. It is worth mentioning the importance of observing the natural biorhythm, in particular, about early awakening and early falling asleep. You probably know that broken condition after a late rise. The unpleasant consequences of such a regime are not limited to lethargy and bad mood, here you can add more apathy, irritability and loss of appetite.
- Proper nutrition. Additional energy can be obtained from consumed food. Ideally, it should be plant-based and have a rich vitamin and mineral composition. There is a version that meat, fish and poultry (in other words, “dead food”) make a person aggressive and irritable, fear and anxiety appear in him. It is important that the person involved in the preparation was at that moment positively inclined and in a good mood. This can easily be explained by the fact that food is able to absorb the surrounding emotions. Therefore, food prepared with love will be tastier and healthier.
What affects the amount of energy
Since energy is a kind of supporting force, it is quite logical that it will affect human life.
So here is what it affects:
- The work of protective mechanisms depends on the amount of energy in the body (how successfully the body overcomes difficulties, and how quickly it recovers later).
- Sufficient energy affects the quick and accurate fulfillment of desires.
- The presence of free energy resources makes the body more trained, increases concentration and attention. Some serious disciplines require large amounts of energy, so people with little energy potential are simply unable to absorb many things.
- Lack of energy leads to a breakdown and unwillingness to do something. A pessimistic mood appears, bad thoughts and emotions, the world seems hopeless. A person kills time in front of a TV or a long daytime sleep. He is not interested in previous hobbies, he is depressed and dissatisfied with everything around him.
- With a lack of energy, a person loses confidence in himself, seems unattractive to other people. He becomes non-social and tries to leave crowded places faster.
The excess energy potential of a person makes him capable of influencing the world around him and people.
What takes vitality
We have already said that life energy, like any other, can end. Now let's take a closer look at what takes this power away. In general terms, these are negative manifestations of life situations.
Firstly, we are talking about any incompleteness. These may be promises that you once made, but did not keep, or long-overdue deeds. In addition, this includes pessimism, lack of activity and mobility. A monotonous life, indifference to what is happening, loss of lively interest and lack of vivid emotions badly affect the energy level. As an example, one can also cite forced walking to an unloved job. But since not everyone has the opportunity to quit it, it is worthwhile to find some advantages in this activity. And while these advantages will outweigh the negative, you will already find yourself a more pleasant job.
Secondly, this occupation is not their business. Ideally, there should be order and stability in any area of life.However, it is important to clarify those areas that directly concern you. There is no point wasting your energy on thinking and talking about the improper arrangement of a country or hometown (as an example). It is necessary to clearly prioritize, be aware of the boundaries of your responsibility and direct attention there. Otherwise, your energy resources will go aimlessly.
Recovery of energy potential
We want to share with you the simplest and most popular way to restore human energy. The essence is simple - you need to visualize a bright luminous ball that will bring negative energy out of the chakras.
This technique can be done in 5 steps:
- Let the fantasy form a solar disk in your head. Imagine its rotation counterclockwise. So there is a powerful conclusion of the negative.
- Change the rotation of the disk to the opposite. Imagine how a large golden ray saturates your energy envelope with energy.
- Now a solar sphere is created, inside of which there is a mirror surface. The sphere should be located behind you. Imagine how it is saturated with pure energy. Now let this sphere come in contact with your energy field.
- Imagine a sun disk spinning clockwise. Direct his energy towards yourself, while taking the negative away from yourself.
- Dip this sphere deep into the earth so that it produces positive energy there.
After completing these steps, you can feel the restoration of strength, the vitality of the body and the freshness of thoughts.
Ways to protect against energy vampires
Surely, everyone had to come into contact with a person, after which some painful feeling of emptiness remained inside. People who feed (sometimes even unconsciously) on the energy of others are called "energy vampires." There are situations when it is impossible to avoid meetings with such unpleasant persons. In this case, it is important to know how to protect yourself from energy losses. Here several effective ways to protect against energy vampirism.
"Closed man." If you suddenly notice that you involuntarily cross your arms or legs in the presence of a person, then this is a direct signal from your subconscious - there is an energy vampire nearby. Such a protective mechanism often works unconsciously in order to protect its owner from discomfort. A pose with crossed limbs is not always appropriate, so you can just cross your fingers. So you too can protect yourself from the negative energy of people.
"The pillar of water." When communicating with a vampire, visualize a powerful water wall that will shield you from it. This technique should be used in case of sudden breakdowns or deterioration of well-being.
"Under the waterfall." Such a technique can be applied not only after contact with an energy vampire, but also at the end of a difficult day when emotional exhaustion is observed. Imagine a mountain waterfall that you are standing under. Water washes you from head to toe. Together with jets of water, negativity, fatigue and negative energy go away. For best performance, it is recommended to imagine all this while standing under the shower in the bathroom.
"In the cocoon." This method is ideal before meeting with an unpleasant person. All you need is to imagine that you are in a dense cocoon of golden threads. In this protective "house" you are calm and comfortable, no negative emotions can get you.
Each of the above methods cannot be done without the slightest concentration. If you can’t concentrate, then try the simplest method. Mentally draw a circle around you and believe that nothing bad can penetrate beyond it.
Effective ways to increase energy
There are many different and effective ways to increase human energy. They are so simple that you with pleasure will want to try their result on yourself.
It is very important to create comfortable conditions and a pleasant atmosphere. Listen to cheerful and cheerful music, do what you love, find a new hobby or have a pet, surround yourself with optimistic and energetic people.
No wonder there is a saying - "in a healthy body - a healthy mind." Pay enough attention to your health and keep your body in good shape. Take a bath or a contrast shower, exercise, often walk in the fresh air, give up addictions and do breathing exercises.
Love your body. Do not forget about a good sleep and good rest. Pamper yourself with a massage, tasty healthy food, praise yourself even for minor things, sincerely smile, love and dream.
The key role is played by the internal "purification" of a person. Get rid of negative emotions, let go of old grievances, often thank people and generally say nice words. Learn to think positively and visualize the good.