You can often hear from experienced dog breeders that the Elder Terrier is the “King of Terriers”. The article will examine in detail the characteristics of this breed, which will help to verify the reliability of such a judgment.
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Origin history
It is believed that the breed was formed in the XIX century, when the first standard was published in 1885. It happened in the valley of the river. Air, which played a key role in the appearance of the name "Elder Terrier." Vast moorlands and mountain valleys with dense forests stretch in this region — ideal hunting grounds, where high terriers were needed for corral of large game.
The tall terrier was not used as a hunting burrowing dog. His purpose, in addition to protecting the territory, was to persecute rats, which was often carried out in burrows. Initially, a ferret was launched there, which drove out a rodent rushing into the reservoir, where the dog overtook him. Such fun was especially popular in the valley of the river. Air. The work on the breeding of an even larger and more hardy terrier with a thick undercoat, which gave the dog the opportunity to work comfortably in the water, was started by Wilfred Holmes. Then the representatives of the breed were often called "coastal terriers." However, over time, the only name that has been used today is “Elder Terrier”.
Description and characteristics of the breed
The Elderterrier, or as it is often called, the Airedale, can be briefly characterized by five epithets: expressive, hardy, active, intelligent and independent. But this is not all the qualities that are inherent in this animal. The breed description provided in the breed standards is proof of this.
However, in Russia there are not so many breeding nurseries. Perhaps a faithful friend, an excellent watchman and hunter who is not afraid of the weather and is ready to accompany the owner everywhere, will have to go a long way, to overcome many kilometers.
Elderterrier has excellent security features. He has excellent hearing, so hearing the enemy still in the distance is not a problem for the dog. Moreover, he is not inclined to aggression and very rarely enters into direct confrontation with a person, trying to just scare the enemy so that the latter takes to flight.
Also, representatives of the breed have an innate instinct for the hunter. Pursuit of game is their favorite pastime. And supplying it from water for Airedale is not a difficulty.
Animals quickly find a common language with children. And you don’t have to worry that they will suffer from the careless actions of little pranksters, because they have an excellent reaction.
But the main feature of the breed remains a wire-like wool. The latter helps the pet protect the skin from scratches and other injuries even when working in a high, prickly shrub.
Life expectancy of an Elderterrier (airedale terrier)
Life expectancy largely depends on the conditions of the pet. On average, it is 10-13 years. But with proper care and feeding, when the body is provided with all the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as with monitoring the state of health, the canine herd can be extended.
Dog's purpose
As mentioned above, the initial use of individuals was reduced to the protection of housing with adjacent territories and bullying. Today, the dog Airedale is used not only as a watchman, but also as a hunter, capable of feeding game from the water. Often the owners give birth to representatives of the breed as inquisitive and moving companions that fill life with bright colors and positive emotions.
Breed standard and puppy selection
The breed representative must comply with the following standards:
- Skull - flat, elongated, slightly tapering to the line of the eyes.
- Nose - black lobe.
- Muzzle - no pronounced transition to the forehead.
- Jaws - deep, strong with a full set of teeth.
- Eyes - medium-sized, slightly convex, dark in color.
- The ears are medium in size, hanging on the cartilage.
- Build - strong, with a rather short straight back, as well as with a deep sternum.
- The limbs are powerful, well developed, while walking, they are directed strictly forward.
- Tail - set high, but should not curl to the back.
- Weight - 18-29 kg.
- Height (height at the withers) - 56-61 cm.
- Wool - wire-like, stiff, thick, should not be shaggy.
- Color - black-skinned with black or gray shabrak.
When buying a puppy, first of all, you need to pay attention to the following features:
- age indicator - it is believed that moving the puppy of the Elder Terrier can be done after he has completed one and a half months. But if the new owner wants to get a veterinary passport with marks on all vaccinations by age, it is better to postpone the purchase until the three-month "anniversary" of the pet;
- behavior - healthy babies are distinguished by activity, energy and curiosity, they must also have a strong nervous system, as evidenced by sociability and poise;
- appearance - if the coat has a healthy structure, there is no clouding in the eyes, the tummy is not swollen, then such a baby can be acquired.
Since the breed is quite rare in Russia, for the purchase of a future pet, you should go to a specialized nursery, where, among other things, the baby will be accompanied by metrics and other club documents. And most importantly, professional breeders will be able to provide qualified advice to an amateur dog breeder on the further maintenance and education of an airedale.
Maintenance, care and feeding
Erdel feels great both in a city apartment and in a private house. However, the animal requires a long exercise and constant training. Because in the absence of proper walks in the fresh air and physical exercise, the dog is likely to turn into an inventive destroyer of the home.
To make the pet comfortable in the apartment, he should allocate a nook where his individual blanket will be laid. The place is chosen far from drafts and heating appliances. Do not forget about toys that will brighten up the pet’s free time and preserve the interior of the home.
The most time-consuming is the care of wool. A representative of this breed should be trimmed twice a year, without which the dog will become shaggy, and over time tassels will appear. As well as important for young pets are tweaking the paws and determining the direction of the beard, mustache, carried out systematically. It is often not advisable to bathe the airedale, since the wool from frequent water procedures only suffers, acquiring an unnatural fragility for it.
In addition, the pet needs to cut its nails monthly with a special nail clipper. Although the breed is not susceptible to eye and ear diseases, regular inspection of the hearing and vision organs is still necessary. When a need arises, the corners of the eyes and auricles are treated with special tools that can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.
Airedale is a sturdy dog that has excellent digestion and rarely suffers from diseases associated with gastrointestinal dysfunction. However, when choosing dry food, preference should be given to the premium line for medium breeds. If the owner prefers to cook the pet on his own, then most of the menu should be meat products. But cereals and vegetables are also needed as a source of carbohydrates and vitamins.
Before buying a puppy from a breeder, you should find out what the baby was eating. Since it is not recommended to make a sharp transition to new food. New products are introduced gradually. Typically, the process takes a week.
On a note. The frequency of feeding the puppy is discussed with the breeder. But adult dogs are enough to feed twice a day.
Training and education of a hunting dog
Airedale, like other English breeds, are easily trained. They like to spend a lot of time on walks with the owner, during which close contact is established between them.
Elderterrier is a universal dog that can both hunt and guard, participate in various sports. It is important to devote time to education from the first days of the appearance of the animal in the house, since males of this breed are prone to vagrancy. Especially if a flowing bitch appears nearby. The baby must be disciplined from a very young age.
On a note. Due to the nature of the dog, it requires systematic physical activity. Therefore, if a person is not ready to provide the animal with such a thing, then it is not worthwhile to start an elder terrier.
Pros and cons of the breed
"Kings of Terriers", like other similar breeds, has its advantages and disadvantages, which sometimes depend on the preferences of the future owner. Indeed, if for active people mobility and energy is a plus, for passive people it is a big minus.
Among the indisputable advantages stand out:
- universality;
- lack of smell and pronounced molting period;
- good learning ability;
- bright and memorable appearance;
- cheerfulness.
Cons also available:
- independence;
- unsuitability for street maintenance;
- need for a long exercise;
- tendency to shoots.
Elderterrier is an excellent breed with a unique appearance. Such a dog will become a true friend. However, a four-legged friend will require mutual love and attention from his owner.