Often we underestimate the beauty and diversity of the world. Living in a familiar culture, it is not easy to appreciate the traditions of distant tribes and ethnic groups. Across the globe, there are many unusual communities that we may not have heard of in our lives.
English photojournalist Jimmy Nelson shares his unusual photos, which captures representatives of exotic nationalities for us. To create his photos, Jimmy travels to the most remote corners of the globe. And also the journalist helps fund charitable projects aimed at supporting and preserving rare cultures around the world.

Customs of the Papuan Huli

According to tradition, widows should be clothed in a ghost image.

Such a reincarnation is required so that the spirit of the deceased husband does not find a woman and does not drag her into the afterlife
Festive color of the representative of the Huli tribe
Sing Sing - Hooley Boys Initiation Ritual

Chad is a country of bright colors and unusual beauty. Vodaabe tribe

Vodaabe Teenage Girl
The traditional face painting of the Vodaabe representative needed for rituals

Such clothes are worn by men of the Vodaabe tribe at the Gerevol festival. Representatives of this tribe - both men and women - are allowed to have several marriage partners. During the Gerevol festival, guys flirt and dance with the girls.

Treason is not condemned by representatives of the Vodaabe tribe. But recently, due to the tense political situation in neighboring countries, Gerevol is infrequently held.
Vodaabe - a tribe that believes in the spirits of nature that live everywhere

Nepalese clothing traditions were formed under the influence of neighboring regions - India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka

Woman in traditional attire

Even the children of distant African tribes look unusual

Young representatives of the Kaluli tribe living at the foot of Mount Bosavi
Dear representatives of the Kalali tribe wear cockatoo feathers, which their ancestors still hunted.

Residents of Papua New Guinea are famous for their hunters and warriors

Feather Headpiece - Part of the Papua New Guinean Tribal Ritual Robes

A resident of a village located near the town of Goroka

Representatives of the Maori tribe in New Zealand proudly wear tattoos on their faces.

Each of the details of a tattoo in Maori is endowed with its own meaning.
The hats worn by Maori men are also worthy of attention.

Yali Boy in New Guinea

Yali are considered one of the most numerous ethnic groups in New Guinea. The number of representatives of the tribe is about 30 thousand people

It is believed that the culture of representatives of the Indian tribe of Landakh is similar to the Tibetan

Representative of a nomadic Indian tribe

Bonus: if you were interested in what Nelson himself looks like - here is his photo