Many of us have heard about drugs for weight loss, but few know what their effect is based on. Some even doubt that you can get any result. In fact, effective diet pills exist. But the whole problem is that none of the drugs presented is designed for independent action. Each remedy solves a very specific problem, while obesity has a whole range of reasons.
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Effective Diet Pills - A List Of Inexpensive Drugs
Excess weight is a systemic problem that needs to be addressed in general: to review the diet, increase physical activity, eradicate bad habits, work on eating behavior. Only part of the tasks can be transferred to tablets. But before you expect any result from them, you should figure out how it all works.
The largest group of drugs are biologically active additives (Dietary supplement). Their action is based on saturating the body with missing substances and accelerating metabolism. These products are prepared on the basis of useful natural ingredients: fruits, berries, herbs, algae, etc. A complex of synthetic vitamins and minerals is added to inexpensive preparations.
Supplements are designed to rock the metabolism. Accelerate the collapse of stockpiles. Put metabolism on the right track. These drugs do not give instant results, but they can, in general, have a positive effect on health.
To obtain a quick but insignificant (minus 1.5-2 kg) result, diuretics and laxatives, both plant and chemical origin. Pills help free the body from all that is superfluous: to cleanse of toxins and toxins, remove excess water, and get rid of edema.
However, as one might suppose, the effect will be short-lived. In the load, you can get dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, problems with the kidneys and intestines.
There is a group of chemicals based on the substance sibutramine, which acts on the part of the brain that is responsible for appetite. Medicines in this category belong to anarectics. As a result of taking such pills, the patient does not experience hunger for a long time and therefore consumes less food.
These drugs have a lot of side effects, since the substance cannot affect one segment of the brain, it also affects adjacent sections. Such drugs are used only as directed by a doctor. They are indicated for alimentary obesity, where the main cause of excess weight is irrepressible appetite.
In order to suppress feelings of hunger and, without having recommendations from a doctor, you can take safer drugs - fillers. They are made from methyl cellulose or another hygroscopic substance that is not absorbed in the intestine, but only absorbs a huge amount of moisture and swells.
The filler increases in volume to 350 ml. Fills a large part of the stomach. For a long time causes a feeling of satiety, which contributes to weight loss. However, with serious inflammatory bowel diseases, they can cause significant harm.
The so-called fat blockers based on orlistat. Orlistat is a synthetic substance that inactivates the gastrointestinal enzyme lipase. Due to its action, most of the fats that come with food cannot break down and digest in the digestive tract. It comes out unchanged, and a person with each serving of food gets fewer calories.
You should not abuse such drugs, since they also have side effects. The fact is that fats are emulsified in the stomach, finally broken down and absorbed in the small intestine, and are excreted through the colon in the form of calcium soaps. Their presence unchanged in the large intestine goes beyond physiology, therefore, it can cause all kinds of inflammations and disorders.
Perhaps the most dangerous are drugs belonging to the group fat burners. These include anabolics and steroids. Almost all of these drugs are either banned for sale or sold only on prescription.
Some of them are used by professional athletes for the so-called drying, burning fat and building muscle. Many of these drugs are recognized by the sports commissions as doping and are not allowed for use. Such substances can persist in the body for several months.
The action of the tablets is based on the stimulation of energy metabolism and the acceleration of cellular respiration. As a result of activation of the processes, the consumption of lipids increases, as a result, excess fat burns.
The danger of pills is that they make the body work for wear. Dramatically increase the load on the heart, blood vessels, liver, lungs. As a result of the use of such drugs, deaths have even been reported.
The instructions for any category of funds always indicate that they are only part of weight loss therapy, and therefore can not be regarded as the only and independent way to solve the problem. Pills should be combined with other anti-obesity methods. When choosing drugs, you need to pay attention not so much to their effectiveness as to safety.
Budget dietary supplements
Preparations of the Turboslim series include many plant components: extract of lemon, fennel, prickly pear flowers, garcinia, fucus, lemon balm, senna, artichoke, green tea, stigmas of corn, etc. Some of the extracts help reduce the absorption of carbohydrates, others combine lipid molecules, preventing their absorption, and the third have a laxative effect, freeing the body from ballast.
The indicated preparations include:
- amino acid levocarnitine - prints energy depots and promotes accelerated lipid burning;
- chitosan - traps fat molecules in the intestine;
- organic chromium picolinate - prevents the decrease in blood glucose and provides a long feeling of satiety.
The price of drugs starts from 280 rubles. Tablets are taken in courses of 20 days. An allergic reaction can occur to the funds, so they are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the individual components.
Amino acid Carnitine Available in tablets as an independent drug. The price of the product ranges from 190-220 rubles. The instructions say that the substance has an effect only in combination with diet, power and cardio loads. During the treatment period, muscle pain and allergic reactions can occur.
As a harmless drug to suppress hunger, you can take MCC Ankir-B. These are tablets consisting of microcrystalline cellulose. They swell many times in the stomach, causing a feeling of fullness.
The initial function of the drug is to fill in fiber deficiency. But it is also possible to use it to reduce the amount of food consumed. Cellulose helps to establish digestion and cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. The price for packaging the product is within 100 rubles.
Fat burning pills
Most drugs in this category are banned from sale in the pharmacy due to their high risk. It is impossible to find out the real price of such medicines.
Pills Saltos They are used primarily for the treatment of bronchopulmonary pathologies, but due to the fact that they increase trophic tissue and have a lipolytic effect, some tend to acquire them to improve muscle relief and get rid of the fat layer.
"Stanozol" has a similar effect. Both drugs are classified as anabolic steroids. They inhibit the action of progesterone, retain phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen and calcium in the body. They stimulate the formation of ATP, due to which there is an intensive use of fat molecules.
Both drugs have a toxic effect on the liver. When used in the dosages necessary for weight loss, there is tachycardia, increased pressure, nervous disorders, hand tremors, bone pain, hair loss, rashes on the face, diarrhea, bleeding.
Both drugs are related to doping and are prohibited for use in professional sports.
Fat and carbohydrate blockers
Based on the active substance Orlistat, the following drugs are available:
- "Orsoten";
- Orlimax
- "Lista";
- "Xenical";
- Xenalten
- "Allie."
All of them are not cheap. Their price starts from 1000 rubles. The drugs are relatively safe, since the main substance does not penetrate into the bloodstream, works directly in the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted practically unchanged with waste food.
Due to the non-absorption of fats from food, energy depots are printed. Abdominal and visceral lipids begin to be consumed. Thus, it is possible to get rid of the layer on the stomach.However, long-term use of drugs can lead to an imbalance of nutrients and intestinal disorders.
Carbohydrate blockers include drugs based on Metformin hydrochloride:
- "Metoformin";
- Gliformin;
- Siofor;
- Glycomet;
- Vero-Metformin;
- "Formethine."
Their cost starts from 100 rubles. for packing. They act on a principle similar to fat blockers. Inactivate the enzyme responsible for the breakdown and assimilation of complex carbohydrates, as a result of which a person receives fewer calories. The initial purpose of these drugs is to reduce the effects of diabetes symptoms on the body.
Carbohydrate blockers are contraindicated in severe liver and kidney diseases. Against the background of such drug therapy, vitamin B12 deficiency may develop.
Pharmacy drugs for obesity
Pharmaceutical medicines include anorectics based on Sibutramine hydrochloride:
- Lindax
- Meridia
- Goldline
- Sibutrex
- "Reduced."
They are used by specialists as part of anti-obesity drug therapy. Drugs solve the problem by suppressing appetite. As side effects, muscle pain, hematopoiesis, constipation, and nervous disorders are observed.
These funds can not be assigned to yourself. They are sold by prescription only. The price for a minimum package varies from 700 to 1000 rubles.
The second category of pharmacy products includes fat and carbohydrate blockers, which we have already talked about.
Diet Pills
The fastest means are anabolics, but they are not recommended for use due to their high toxicity. They almost immediately force the body to use the accumulated reserves.
Blockers of fats and carbohydrates can be put in second place. They also contribute to the consumption of deposits, but in the case of their use to the depot, it comes only after the body begins to experience a lack of calories.
Anorectics and steroids
We considered anorectics earlier, therefore we will not dwell on them more. We will talk about steroids separately. These are the same drugs that are called fat burners. They are as dangerous as anabolics. Replace their own hormones, contribute to the intensive formation of protein molecules and inhibition of lipid synthesis.
The price of tablets starts from 800 rubles.
Below is a list:
- Turinabol;
- Dianabol
- "Methandienone."
Steroids are toxic to the liver. Promote the growth of cancer cells. Among doctors there are many opponents of these drugs.
Diet Pills from India
Himalaya Ayurslim costs about 550 rubles. for 60 capsules. Tablets are taken in courses for 4 months. This is a completely natural remedy, consisting of extracts of senna, commissiforum, garcinia, hymnma, hebula terminalia.
The Indian remedy has a laxative effect, to some extent affects the metabolism. The result from the use is weak. Without the addition of physical activity and a change in nutrition for a month, it is possible to lose no more than 1 kg, which lies within the error.
The drug belongs to the category of dietary supplements and is not a medicine. It does not so much reduce weight as it promotes the redistribution of lipids in the body. With its help, it is possible to reduce the volume of the waist and hips, without losing weight.
American drugs
Almost all American drugs sold by us are banned for sale in the USA. The exception is the drug "Belvik".
It includes Lorcaserin, for a long time suppressing the feeling of hunger. Thus, Belvik can be attributed to the group of anorectics.
The controversial drug is not registered in Russia. In the country where it is released, it is sold exclusively by prescription. Used to treat obesity caused by overeating. During therapy, you should be wary of depression and cardiovascular problems.
Chinese and Thai diet pills
At one time, Chinese diet pills and products purportedly made in Thailand were actively marketed. However, the true origin, as well as the composition of these drugs, was not disclosed.
There were even several accidents after using such obscure means. The distribution of such drugs is currently being prosecuted.
Evaluation of the effect of diet pills: how many kilograms can you lose?
After analyzing numerous reviews, we can conclude that with the help of dietary supplements alone, people manage to lose no more than 5 kg per month (in most cases 2-3 kg). From the use of steroids, anabolics, anorectics and fat blockers, the result can be expressed more strongly - 12-16 kg. However, such weight loss is associated with numerous risks.
Effective and inexpensive diet pills: ranking
Nutritionists consider physiological weight loss at a rate of 0.5 kg per week. With such weight loss, the body experiences the least stress. Organs and tissues do not suffer from a sharp change in metabolism.
Smooth weight loss allows you to keep the result for a long time. The more natural weight loss is, the more likely it is to never return to its previous forms.
Making a rating, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the potential danger of drugs and, only then, consider what results can be achieved when using them.
1st place - dietary supplements (Turboslim, MCC Ankir-B). The drugs became prize winners due to their low potential danger and good efficiency (up to 5 kg per month), which meets the recommendations of nutritionists.
2nd place - fat blockers (“Orsoten”, “Xenalten”, “Xenical”). The cheapest analogues based on orlistat. Noteworthy due to their high efficiency (10-12 kg per month) and relative safety: they do not enter the bloodstream, do not affect the nervous system and hormonal levels.
3rd place - anaretics (Sibutramin, Goldline, Meridia), from which you can expect a good result (12 kg per month), but also big problems with the nervous system and heart.
4th place - steroids ("Turinabol", "Methandienone"). The most expensive and most dangerous of all evaluated drugs. They can give results up to 16 kg per month. However, as a result, hormonal imbalance, increased pressure, problems with the liver, hematopoiesis, psychoemotional state, respiration and reproduction function can be expected.
As practice shows, the most effective does not mean the best.
What is the danger of diet pills?
Exceptionally natural preparations in the worst case will cause digestive upsets. With their use, there may also be no result. Unlike synthetic weight loss products, they cannot cause significant harm.
The remaining tablets have a significant effect on metabolism. They either deprive the body of some of the nutrients it needs or inhibit the activity of their own hormones and turn processes in a different direction. The presence of these drugs is unnatural for the body, they are decomposed by the liver as toxic substances.
Synthetic diet pills load the hematopoiesis system, wear out the heart, and tire the central nervous system. Any serious medications should be taken only under medical supervision.
In pursuit of ideal weight, you need to remember that not a single pill can solve all the problems. When evaluating medications, think primarily about health. Proper nutrition and physical activity, often without the use of auxiliary means, can give the best results.