In the arsenal of pharmaceutical expectorants there are many drugs with dubious effectiveness and unproven safety. Therefore, some mothers try to protect their children from such drugs. They know that there are no less useful folk remedies for cough for children, which are able to quickly stop the symptoms of a cold without risk to health.
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Features of the treatment of cough with folk remedies in children
What is the danger of using pharmacy cough medicines? For the most part, doctors prescribe mucolytics to children - drugs that dilute sputum. But such treatment is absolutely not justified before the age of 3 years.
Young children have a characteristic structure of the bronchi. If sputum liquefies, it lowers more easily. Infection, instead of going outside, penetrates further into the lungs. And against the background of taking the wrong drugs, bronchitis and pneumonia occur.
Treatment of cough with folk remedies gives a milder effect. As a rule, all these methods not only help to fight the main infection, but also strengthen the immune system.
Dry cough: with an expectorant effect
A dry cough in a child indicates the onset of the disease. He just says that the infection has already entered the respiratory tract, but the reaction has not yet followed. In this case, everything possible must be done to help the mucous membranes to fully earn money, to transfer the cough to a productive one (with sputum discharge).
With stagnation of sputum, inhalation helps.Humid air with a medicinal component removes irritation from overdried mucous membranes, makes the ciliated epithelium work more fruitfully. Mucosal hairs with active movement drive the infection out. The transition from dry to wet cough indicates the beginning of recovery.
The treatment productivity is increased by:
- humid indoor air;
- the temperature in the room is not more than 20 ° C;
- plentiful drink.
Frequent use of a small amount of pure warm water or other drinks helps to moisturize the mucous membranes, thinning and sputum separation.
With sputum
If sputum is separated by coughing, then the mucous membranes are actively cleansed of the infection. A wet cough may persist after recovery for another 1-2 weeks.
When separating sputum, you must still follow the drinking regimen. Do not allow the mucous membranes to dry out, and the secretions stagnate in the lungs.
At the stage of treatment for wet cough, antibacterial agents, herbs and drugs are used that suppress the infection by their action.
The most effective folk remedies for quick action
Homeopathy for children
Homeopathy is very effective in treating colds. Its specificity is an individual approach. The doctor is studying the peculiarity of the child. Everything is taken into account: appetite, taste preferences, character traits, dependence of symptoms on time of day, etc.
Homeopathic remedies are not at all herbal remedies that are presented under this name in a pharmacy. They are selected purely individually. Among them, there are no universal remedies that help everyone with the same symptoms. Therefore, for the appointment of a specific drug, you need to contact a specialist homeopath.
Herbal decoctions and infusions
A very effective natural, safe for children cough remedy is sold in any pharmacy. "Breast collection number 4". This herbal composition is composed of the dry parts of chamomile, ledum, marigold, mint, violet and licorice roots.
The collection is packed in paper bags, convenient for brewing. The drink has a sweetish taste, which children usually like.
To brew a medicine, one package is lowered into a glass. Pour 100 ml of boiling water. Insist a quarter of an hour. The dosage is selected according to age.
Babies from 3 to 6 years old are given 1-2 tablespoons before meals 4 times a day. For children from 6 to 12 years old, 4 tablespoons are soldered with the same frequency. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. But, as a rule, relief comes much earlier.
Lime blossom broth - A delicious and healthy drink. It strengthens the immune system, relieves cough. For cooking, a handful of dried flowers and half a liter of water are taken. The mixture is infused in a water bath for 10 minutes.
After cooling, the drink must be filtered. Give the child a quarter or half a glass, depending on age. Up to 6 years, as a rule, a half dose is prescribed. Multiplicity of admission is 3 times a day. Linden blossom can be drunk regardless of the meal. The default duration of treatment is 2 weeks.
Infusion of violets obtained from a dried plant. A spoonful of powder is poured into 100 ml of boiling water. The tool is insisted for 15 minutes. Filter and give the children in a warm form for 1-2 tablespoons. Violet can be drunk anytime before and after meals. When coughing, it is taken three times a day for 2-3 weeks.
Berries, fruits and vegetables as a means of fighting colds
In the treatment of cough, I help well compresses with garlic. A whole head, or 6-7 cloves, is ground into gruel. Mix with an equal amount of melted fat. The mixture is rubbed on the feet. Feet are wrapped in something warm. Leave a compress overnight.
This tool can only be used in the absence of high temperature. Repeat for several days in a row until significant relief.
Ground figs with cocoa powder and melted lard gives a good expectorant effect. The components are mixed in equal proportions.A thick remedy is obtained from them, which is given to the child in a tablespoon 4 times a day. Food can be taken before and after ingestion. Gruel is not treated for long, only for 5 days.
Dog-rose fruit - salvation for colds. They will get rid of the infection as soon as possible. A handful of berries should be properly chopped, or crushed. Pour the resulting slurry with boiling water at the rate of a tablespoon in a glass. Children are given 50-100 ml of warm remedy before breakfast for lunch and dinner. The treatment is not long - 3-4 days.
Medicines with honey
With excruciating coughing fits, to relieve sore throat and improve sputum separation, a child can be invited to drink a glass of ginger and honey based medicine. Fresh root is cut into thin rings. 2-3 things are put in a glass and filled with hot, freshly boiled water. In a slightly cooled drink add a tablespoon of honey. The drug is better to drink long before bedtime. Desires for a cough can interfere with night rest.
Night cabbage compress with honey It has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect. It can be set in the absence of high temperature. The sheet is kneaded with hands and rubbed with honey. The compress is tied to the chest. Cover with insulating material. Leave until morning. Folk remedy is used for several nights in a row.
An effective medicine for colds and coughs is prepared from a glass of honey and the same amount of chopped walnuts, juice of two lemons and 50 g of aloe extract. The mixture is kneaded and stored in the refrigerator. Give the child a teaspoon three times a day before meals. Noticeable relief occurs on day 4-5.
Rinse Recipes
Coughing is often accompanied by sore throat. To alleviate this symptom, you can use infusion of chamomile. Brew two sachets of dry vegetable powder in a glass of boiling water. Squeeze them after 20 minutes. Infusion gargle 3 times a day.
Eucalyptus Leaf Oil Extract It relieves sore throat and helps to clear the throat. The solution can be bought at the pharmacy. They treat inflamed tonsils. Rinse with the procedure for those children who themselves still can not handle the throat. It is enough to moisten the tonsils soaked with cotton turunda three times a day. Treatment is indicated for 10 days.
By inhalation
Herbal and natural products are not suitable for refueling medical devices - nebulizers. Only pharmacy drugs are used in this technique. Therefore, inhalation of alternative medicines can be carried out only by traditional methods.
Peeled potatoes gives off heat for a long time. From it leaves moist and healing air. You need to bend over a hot pan and inhale the vapors alternately, then with your nose or mouth. A ten-minute procedure before bedtime for 5 days to accelerate recovery.
You can prepare inhalation in another way. Pour a tablespoon into a liter of water pine buds. Cook the mixture on fire for 15 minutes. As it cools slightly, bend over the pan and cover your head with a blanket. Breathe 10 minutes before bedtime. Inhalations should be repeated for 4 consecutive days.
Coughing does not go away - medicine for children
A cold cough passes quickly, but residual effects can be felt within two weeks. If the symptoms do not disappear for a long time, this may indicate an allergic nature of the cough.
If the temperature also lasts more than 5 days, then it is necessary to undergo an examination. In this case, self-medication is contraindicated. When a bacterial infection is attached, antibiotics are prescribed. They are selected individually, taking into account the age and nature of the disease.
An ordinary cold is easily defeated by simple folk remedies. Children are sensitive, and special methods must be chosen for them. It is unlikely that the baby wants to eat bitter onions or garlic. There are many delicious, natural remedies that every mom knows about.