The drug Duspatalin today is becoming increasingly popular. But buying it is not so simple for certain reasons. However, on the shelves of pharmacies you can easily find Duspatalin analogues presented by different manufacturers.
Material Content:
Composition, active substance Duspatalin
This medication is an antispasmodic and belongs to the group of myotropic drugs.
The active substance is mebeverin, whose action is aimed at eliminating cramping pain and relieving inflammation in the intestinal region.
It is prescribed for severe gastrointestinal pain. It is widely used for chronic pancreatitis.
The product is available in capsules, coated with a white shell. Capsules Duspatalin 200 mg Prolong have a long-lasting effect. In one package are from 10 to 15 pieces, attached instructions.
Also, the medication is made in tablet form. The amount of active substance in one tablet of Duspatalin is 135 mg.
Cheap Russian analogues in tablets and capsules
Russian counterparts Duspatalin are low-cost drugs that have a strong effect.
The main drugs of this type produced in Russia include:
- Trimedat. The active substance is trimebutin. It gently acts on intestinal motility, reducing cramping. Assign for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and with high sensitivity to the components.
- Aprofen. It is considered a good analogue of Duspatalin. The main substance in the composition of aprofen quickly relieves pain.Expands blood vessels and helps relieve spasms. Do not use for people with glaucoma, digestive tract problems and inflammation of the bladder (cystitis).
- Spasmol. The cheapest substitute for Duspatalin. Drotaverin, which is part of it, acts on pain points, drowning out irritants. The remedy has several contraindications: cardiovascular failure, high blood pressure, pregnancy and an allergic predisposition.
- Papaverine. An effective budget drug of domestic production with identical components. Eliminates cramping in the abdomen, relieves headache, migraine. Assign with bronchospasm. The plus is that it can be used by children from a year of life. Drowsiness and apathy may appear.
In addition to analogues, there are incomplete substitutes that have an effect similar to the original.
Incomplete structural drug substitutes
You can find analogues cheaper than Duspatalin, but there are other drugs based on its action.
For example:
- Niaspam. The active substance is mebeverin. Indication for use - pathology of the large intestine. Relieves spasmolytic sensation. Do not use in children under 14 years of age. The main structural analogue of Duspatalin.
- Mebeverin. Its components are completely similar to the original, has a prolonged property. Fights symptoms of heartburn and nausea. Prevents gag reflex. Instructions for use are similar to Duspatalin in all respects.
- Sparex. The active element is similar to the original. It does not affect the muscles of the digestive tract, gently relieving pain. Contraindicated under the age of 12 years and with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
- Meverin. Another Duspatalin analogue in structural properties. Acts as an anesthetic, without contraindications. The exception is only children under 18 years of age.
- Renalgan. It is a strong analgesic with an analgesic result. It is forbidden during pregnancy and lactation. There is another category of Duspatalin substitutes.
Medicines similar in pharmacological properties
In addition to medicines that are identical in terms of the main components, there are drugs that are similar in pharmacological property.
Such as:
- Odeston. The main element is gimekromon. The tool relieves spasms and has a choleretic effect. It has a broader spectrum of action. There may be side effects in the form of headaches and allergic reactions.
- Buscopan. Belongs to the group of cholinomimetics. Used for pain of the gallbladder, digestive tract and intestines. It is based on butyl bromide. Contraindications are minor, complications rarely appear in the form of drowsiness and tachycardia.
- No-Shpa. A good and inexpensive analogue of Duspatalin. This is a myotropic drug that has a strong effect and effectively eliminates pain. The main element is drotaverine. It is widely used in gynecological diseases. Contraindicated in children under 7 years of age. It has no side effects of a pronounced nature.
- Dicetel. Based on a substance - bromide hydrochloride. Intended for relief of pain and colic. An allergic reaction or an upset stool can sometimes occur. It is usually prescribed before the endoscopy procedure.
To choose a quality analogue of Duspatalin, you need to study each drug in detail and choose the most suitable remedy for yourself. The attending physician will help you figure this out.