The hormonal background of a woman is unpredictable, so any stress, bad habits and even overweight can cause disturbances in the pituitary gland. As a rule, it is progesterone deficiency that is the main cause of the development of diseases of the reproductive system. Duphaston with a delay in menstruation eliminates hormonal imbalance, thereby restoring the normal functioning of the pelvic organs.

The composition of the hormonal drug

The main active substance is didrogesterone, the amount of which in one tablet is 10 mg. This component, created synthetically, is an analogue of the female hormone progesterone. The general condition of the whole woman’s body directly depends on the balance of the hormonal background. Lack of progesterone, in turn, provokes menstrual irregularities, which subsequently leads to serious complications, up to infertility.

The drug also contains auxiliary components, such as:

  • lactose monohydrate;
  • corn starch;
  • dye;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • hypromellose.

The tablets are presented in the form of small rounded capsules of a white shade with an engraved inscription "155".

In which cases a drug is prescribed

Often, the drug is prescribed by the attending physician in case of a long delay in menstruation.Previously, the patient is examined, prescribed the delivery of certain tests, on the basis of which a further treatment regimen is built.

Note! The lack of progesterone is only a consequence of the existing disorders in the body. The main causes of hormonal imbalance can be a variety of factors, ranging from malfunctioning of the pituitary gland and ending with infections of the genitourinary system.

There are frequent cases when even competent endocrinologists and gynecologists fail to establish the exact reason for the development of this pathology. The main indications for the appointment of Duphaston are:

  • irregular menstrual cycle or complete absence of menstruation, but not due to pregnancy;
  • severe pain and bleeding during menstruation;
  • the presence of obvious signs of PMS.

In addition, the tool is used to correct hormonal levels in the event of menopause. Thanks to the action of the drug, it is possible to reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms, such as hot flashes and chills, severe headaches, as well as sleep disturbances and irritability.

To understand the effect of the drug, it is necessary to consider in more detail the process of the onset of menstruation. Every month, an ovum is formed in the ovaries, which, in the event of successful ovulation, passes through the fallopian tubes into the uterus. In case of successful conception, further embryo formation takes place. If fertilization has not occurred and the test is negative, the egg dies and the cycle ends with menstruation.

During ovulation, the amount of female hormones of estrogens and progestogens increases, against the background of which there is a compaction of the endometrium in the uterus. With a lack of progesterone, ovulation may not occur at all. In this case, the structure of the endometrium is disturbed, disruptions in the menstrual cycle are observed, which leads to subsequent diseases of the pelvic organs. Synthetic dydrogesterone makes up for the lack of progestogen, promotes the correct formation and release of the egg, normalizes the structure of the endometrium.

Instructions for use Duphaston to normalize the cycle

In the package, in addition to tablets, you will find a leaflet in which the characteristics of the drug and the optimal dosages for various reproductive system disorders are noted. We will note the most common methods of taking:

  1. With a delay in menstruation. The dosage is 10-20 mg. Tablets are taken daily from 11 to 25 days of the cycle.
  2. If you can not get pregnant. The drug is prescribed by a doctor for up to six months. One tablet is taken from 14 to 24 days of the cycle.
  3. Constant failures in the cycle. Drink one tablet twice a day from 11 to 25 days.

Take Duphaston with a delay of menstruation is necessary only after a preliminary examination with the appropriate specialist. The optimal dosage of a medicinal substance is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of your body.

After how many days will menstruation go when taking the drug

If you follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist, the cycle normalizes a month after the start of the medication. The duration of menstruation is 3-5 days, while the pain is reduced, and the risk of bleeding is reduced.

Do not expect an instant appearance of spotting. It is possible to cause menstruation with Duphaston only 5-10 days after the start of the course of therapy. If the drug did not suit you or the doctor’s instructions were ignored, intermittent menstruation may occur when the discharge appears several times a month. In order to avoid complications, it is recommended to immediately seek the help of a gynecologist.

Drug interaction

It is noted that simultaneous use with hepatoprotectors or antibiotics reduces the effectiveness of the hormonal drug. It is also forbidden to take any alcoholic or low alcohol drinks during therapy.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose


A hormonal drug is contraindicated if:

  1. The patient has disorders of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Diagnosed with kidney and liver diseases.
  3. Found malignancy in the pelvic organs.
  4. Breast cancer detected.

Among the most common side effects are migraine attacks, dizziness and nausea. Since Dufaston contains a synthetic analogue of progesterone, various side effects associated with hormonal changes in the whole body are possible. There are frequent cases when, during admission, patients gained excess body weight or experienced constant mood swings. Less common are the appearance of acne or a decrease in libido.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the state of health of the entire female body depends on the balanced level of hormones. Do not self-medicate and try to induce menstruation in various ways. Trust an experienced specialist who, based on the tests received, will select you a competent treatment regimen.