The use of hormone therapy during pregnancy is sometimes a necessity. Therefore, when prescribing a medicine for a woman, a logical question arises: "Dufaston" or "Utrozhestan" - which is better? We will try to answer honestly and impartially.
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Comparative characteristics of Duphaston and Utrozhestan
Both drugs are hormonal drugs whose action is aimed at delivering progesterone to the body. However, each of them has features that distinguish it from a competitor.
- "Utrozhestan" is a unique tool in which progesterone is synthesized from the leaves of tropical plants. A distinctive feature is the form of release - it is possible to choose between tablets or suppositories. The latter reduce the load on the liver, since the intravaginal (deep into the vagina) route of administration allows local effects. Also a positive feature is the ability to reduce the level of estrogens and androgens, which can cause complications during pregnancy. The drug is used in preparation for IVF, as well as therapy for ovarian dysfunction.
- Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of the hormone produced by the female body. An undoubted advantage is the possibility of taking the drug without side effects in the form of nausea, drowsiness, weakness and weight fluctuations. The course "Duphaston" is prescribed to stop and prevent uterine bleeding.
What drug is better during pregnancy: Duphaston or Utrozhestan? Only the attending physician can help in choosing based on the analysis of a woman. It is forbidden to change the medicine on your own, and changing the regimen is possible only according to individual indications and under the strict supervision of a gynecologist.
Instructions for use and dosage
For a clear comparison of the two drugs, pay attention to the table below. The difference in dosage regimens and doses will become apparent.
Diagnosis | Dufaston | "Utrozhestan" |
Endometriosis | 10 mg twice daily from day 5 of the cycle - 20 days | 100 mg / day from day 17 of the cycle - 10 days |
Luteal deficiency infertility | 10 mg / day from day 14 of the cycle - 10 days | 200 - 300 mg / day from day 17 of the cycle - 10 days |
Risk of miscarriage | 10 mg twice daily until the 20th week of pregnancy | 200 - 600 mg / day until the second trimester of pregnancy |
Threatening abortion | 40 mg at a time, then 10 mg every 8 hours until the threat disappears | As a threatened miscarriage |
Premenstrual syndrome | 10 mg twice a day from day 11 of the cycle - 14 days | 200 - 400 mg / day from day 17 of the cycle - 10 days |
Irregular menstruation | As with premenstrual syndrome | As with endometriosis |
Amenorrhea | As with premenstrual syndrome | As with endometriosis |
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding: Stop / Prevention | 10 mg twice a day: 5-7 days from the 11th day of the cycle for 14 days | Not applicable |
Hormone replacement therapy | 10 mg / day for 14 days | 100 mg / day from day 15 of the cycle - 10 days |
Dysmenorrhea | 10 mg twice daily from day 5 of a cycle of 20 days | As with premenstrual syndrome |
Despite the rather detailed instructions for use, it is prohibited to start using the drug without a doctor’s prescription. To avoid negative consequences for the health of the mother and the fetus, it is also important to strictly observe the prescribed dosage.
The intake of tablets is prescribed for the morning and evening hours, while it is better to observe a constant regimen. Suppositories are also used at certain times daily in the dosage indicated by the doctor.
Which drug is more effective
Any hormonal drug is prescribed to improve and improve the body. The choice between Dufaston and Utrozhestan is made by the doctor. The patient may affect the decision of the gynecologist. The reasons may be different: intolerance to one of the drugs, side effects or some kind of personal belief in this matter. The specialist may compromise or insist on a voiced treatment option. In any case, most gynecologists agree that there is no fundamental difference between Duphaston and Utrozhestan during admission.
During pregnancy
During the period of bearing a child, the female body undergoes hormonal changes, because of this the woman becomes more nervous and sensitive. "Utrozhestan" due to its natural composition and the ability to influence the level of estrogen can reduce anxiety and aggression. Sedation allows you to normalize sleep and improve the general condition of the body. And the ability to reduce the burden on the kidneys by taking vaginal suppositories makes Utrozhestan an indispensable drug during pregnancy.
When planning a pregnancy
Both drugs underwent numerous clinical studies that confirmed the reliability and absence of negative effects on the baby’s DNA when planning pregnancy. However, Duphaston has existed on the pharmaceutical market a little longer, as a result of this experiments and observations are more. In addition, to achieve the same concentration of progesterone, a larger amount of Utrozhestan is required.
Another advantage is the ability to treat uterine bleeding with Dufaston. Therefore, gynecologists tend to prescribe it in preparation for pregnancy.
Can medicines be used simultaneously
The simultaneous administration of two hormonal drugs is possible, since their action is reduced to solving the same problem - normalizing progesterone levels.
Gynecologists most often use the positive differences of each of them to preserve pregnancy or treat gynecological diseases. That is, Duphaston is prescribed in the morning to eliminate side effects during the day, and Utrozhestan suppositories are prescribed in the evening as a natural sedative and to reduce the effect of therapy on the liver.
How to replace Dufaston with Utrozhestan
The transition from one hormonal drug to another is possible when the patient has identified individual intolerance to a particular drug. Going from Dufaston to Utrozhestan is possible quite quickly. It is most effective to do this during the day. The evening reception of "Duphaston" is replaced by the identical dosage of "Utrozhestan" in the form of a candle, and in the morning of the next day the previous drug is completely replaced with a new one. It is only important to correctly calculate the individual dose with the doctor to maintain progesterone at the required level.