During the period of bearing a child, a double load falls on the woman's body. This provokes problems with the work of internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract. The use of Duphalac during pregnancy helps to remove discomfort and normalize stool, which significantly improves the well-being of patients.
Material Content:
- 1 Can I take Duphalac in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters
- 2 Composition, active substance of the drug
- 3 In which cases a drug is prescribed
- 4 How long does the laxative act
- 5 Instructions for use at different stages of pregnancy
- 6 Drug interaction
- 7 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 8 Laxative analogues
Can I take Duphalac in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters
Take Dufalac during pregnancy is allowed at any time. This is a completely safe drug that does not harm either the expectant mother or the fetus. Packages with the product are presented in the antenatal departments for free access, so that women can calmly and effectively solve problems with their stools.
In the early stages of expectant mothers, bloating and flatulence are often worried. Constipation in the 1st trimester is rare. But when they occur, it is recommended to eliminate the ailment precisely by taking Dufalac. It is not absorbed into the bloodstream and acts only within the intestines, therefore it does not affect the fetus even in the absence of the placenta.
The middle term is considered the safest for treatment with any medication. During this period, the baby is actively growing, but still does not interfere with the work of the internal organs of the mother, in connection with which constipation is rare.
And in the 3rd trimester, problems with stools concern most women. Dufalac syrup helps to solve them.It is not only prescribed for home use, but also issued in hospitals, where pregnant women can stay before delivery. This indicates a high confidence of doctors in such a drug.
Composition, active substance of the drug
100 ml of the substance contains 66.7 g of lactulose. The remaining volume is purified water. The medicine is packaged in bottles of polyethylene in sizes of 1000, 500 and 200 ml, placed in a package of thin cardboard, along with a measured spoon and printed instructions for use. To make it convenient to take the drug with you, there is a form of 15 ml disposable sachets. The box contains 10 such doses that can be easily put in a purse in case of travel or a long trip.
Dufalac is classified as a laxative with a detoxifying effect. It starts the intestines, helping to empty it. The action is achieved by changing the osmolarity. As a result, the absorption of calcium and phosphorus is improved, which is especially important for a pregnant woman. And toxic ammonium ions are eliminated from the body, preventing their negative effect.
The medicine is a viscous liquid of a yellowish or light brown color. The substance not only establishes the elimination of feces, but also inhibits the development of salmonella in the body. As a result, the time for the release of bacteria into the environment is reduced, which helps prevent the spread of infection.
Attention! The drug is not absorbed into the blood.
The active substance enters the large intestine unchanged. Lactulose breaks down to metabolites when consumed up to 70 ml. When this dosage is exceeded, part of it leaves the body unchanged.
In which cases a drug is prescribed
Pregnant women are usually prescribed Duphalac for constipation. The substance helps to establish proper and regular bowel movements. This is especially important in the later stages and before childbirth, when its contents can squeeze the baby and cause mother discomfort.
With exacerbation of hemorrhoids, a medication is often used as a means of softening feces. For the same purposes, it is prescribed before surgical treatment of pathologies of the anal ring or colon. In the event of hepatic encephalopathy in a patient, the drug can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for precoma and coma against the background of a general condition.
Women carrying children often have dysbiosis of various organs. When a similar reaction occurs in the intestine, Dufalac is prescribed. It is also effective against Salmonella or Shigella associated enteritis.
How long does the laxative act
The time of onset of the expected result depends on the type of pathology and the degree of stool retention. The average improvement period is 2 days. If a positive therapeutic effect is not observed, the dosage is adjusted in the direction of increasing the dose.
Attention! When the functioning of the digestive tract is improved, the amount of funds taken decreases.
Instructions for use at different stages of pregnancy
The dosage of Dufalac during pregnancy does not differ from that in ordinary patients and depends on the purpose of application and the sensitivity of the body to the active substance. The medicine is taken on an empty stomach to enhance the effect. In the presence of constipation, it is prescribed 15 ml per day.
If no improvement is noted after 2 days of therapy, the dosage is doubled. The maximum amount of the drug per day is 45 ml. After achieving a positive effect from treatment, continue to take from 10 to 25 ml of the drug. This scheme is also suitable for softening the stool with hemorrhoids.
If a woman has intestinal dysbiosis, she is prescribed 10 ml of the substance per day. In the absence of improvements, the drug is replaced with a more effective analogue. It is not worth it to choose a new remedy on your own, since not all of them are safe and allowed during pregnancy.
Drug interaction
The active substance of Dufalac lowers the pH inside the large intestine, therefore, the simultaneous administration of drugs that are activated in this section can reduce their effectiveness. These medicines include aminosalicylic acids. With other means, lactulose does not interact, since it is not absorbed into the blood.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The medicine presented is sparing, and therefore does not have a large number of contraindications. It is not prescribed if you are allergic to lactulose, galactose, fructose or lactose, as well as for intestinal obstruction and galactosemia. If the patient has diabetes, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
Side effects from Dufalac are associated with the action of its active substance. In the first 2 days of therapy, the occurrence of flatulence is sometimes observed as an adaptation to lactulose. The patient may be disturbed by bouts of nausea and vomiting.
With an overdose of the drug, diarrhea and pain in the abdomen appear. If you exceed the recommended amount for a long time, combining this condition with hepatic encephalopathy, an imbalance of electrolytes and water may appear. The reason for this is considered abundant watery stools.
Laxative analogues
Dufalac has a large number of analogues. The most similar composition has Lactusan. This is a Russian drug, produced in the form of syrups of 300 and 100 g, and also in the form of tablets of 60 pieces per pack. It contains 45% lactose and 10% fructose with glucose, which ensures its laxative effect. Sugars contribute to the development of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the intestine, establishing its work and ensuring normal microflora.
Lactusan can not only be used for constipation and dysbiosis, but also used after antibiotic therapy to restore normal bowel function. It is prescribed for problems with the liver and kidneys to accelerate the excretion of ammonium salts. It also helps to cope with toxicosis in pregnant women in the early stages and with manifestations of food allergic reactions.
Normase syrup, made in Italy, contains the same amount of active substance in 100 ml as Dufalac - 66.7 mg. Total 200 ml in the package. As additional ingredients, it includes not only water, but also citric acid with a creamy flavor. This significantly increases the risk of developing an allergic reaction to the drug.
The effect of taking Normase appears after 24–48 hours. Among the reasons for the appointment there is chronic constipation, and bleeding in the digestive tract, as well as ileo- and colostomy, and possible inflammation of the appendix are added to contraindications. Unlike Dufalac, the medicine is taken after meals, although their dosages are similar. The drug is able to interact with antacids and antibiotics, because of which its effectiveness decreases. Therefore, they should avoid complex treatment.
Portalac is also considered an analogue and is available in the form of syrup. The medicine is made in Croatia, but its composition is completely identical to Dufalac. The medicine is poured into bottles of 250 and 500 ml. It does not affect the central nervous system, therefore, it has no restrictions on driving.
A cheap analogue of Russian-made Dufalac is Poslabin Lactulose. Available in the form of tablets or syrup. The concentration of lactulose in it reaches 50%. In one package is 250 ml of medicine or 30 tablets. The dosage corresponds to that of the original product.
If a positive therapeutic effect is not observed after 2 days of treatment, you can transfer the patient to neomycin. If there is no reaction to the medicine, they are combined and given at the same time. The product does not lose its characteristic properties when diluted with water or juice. If the taste of the syrup is unpleasant, it is consumed with another liquid.
The medication is considered a safe and effective remedy for stool correction in pregnant women. It helps to cope with the stool delay and soften it in the presence of hemorrhoids. This condition is visited by most patients who have children in the last stages, as the child becomes large and can inhibit bowel movement.
Duphalac analogues have a similar composition and effect on the body. But due to additional components, they can provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, you need to be careful when replacing one product with another. It is better to consult a doctor about the advisability of switching to another medication.