This shrub captivates with its bicolor leaves. It will fit perfectly into the design of almost any garden, but so that the plant does not lose its unique color, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for planting and caring for variegated varnish.
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Variegated dogwood: choosing a place for landing
Dogwood is a rather unpretentious bush, but the place for planting it should be chosen based on the characteristics of the variety. For example, species of shrubs with brighter leaves will grow better on the sunny side of the garden, while being in the shade will completely change its color to a uniform green. However, the lack of bright light does not affect the growth and development of derain.
It is not recommended to plant a bush near other plants and, especially, trees. This is due to the high growth rate and sprawling branches.
The most suitable soil is one that will pass water well - sandy or sandy loam. It should be loose, airy and fertile, in such an environment, the dogwood will feel most comfortable.
Planting a plant
In order to plant a plant and at the same time not harm it, it is better to perform all manipulations in the spring. This season is distinguished by the fact that the soil is already quite warmed up, so this soil is very suitable. So, the bush will have several months to germinate, grow stronger and prepare for winter.
For planting, you should choose a young, healthy plant, with bright leaves without visible defects. Dogwood, which is no more than 3-4 years old, is most suitable.
When marshy soil is selected, the landing pit needs to be deepened a little more and the drainage laid.During planting, one can not do without organic fertilizer (humus, compost).
If the plant has dried up the root system, it is better to first put it in not very cold water for several hours. After all the manipulations, you can plant the dogwood on a selected area of the soil.
Adult doeren transplant
A transplant should be done only in extreme cases, as this is a severe stress for an adult shrub. That is why the choice of location for the first landing should be approached with all responsibility.
When not to do without a doeren transplant:
- finding the bush in the shade, the loss of a colorful pattern on the leaves (if this was not the original purpose);
- heavy clay soil;
- being close to other spreading plants or trees.
Unlike the first planting, transplanting an adult shrub is carried out in late autumn. At this moment, the dogwood leaves the leaves, so acclimatization in the new place will take place for him with the least stress. Early spring is also suitable, when the buds are not yet swollen.
It is necessary to dig up the plant carefully, being careful not to damage the roots, it should be transferred together with a land lump. The boundaries of the rhizome grow parallel to the crown. Transplanted dogwood is recommended to be carefully watered and fertilized. At first, you need to water the bush daily.
How to propagate variegated dogwood
Propagation of variegated doeren is carried out using seeds, either by layering, cuttings or by dividing the bush. The first method is the slowest, but quite effective, the remaining options are suitable for quickly obtaining a new bush.
Planting seeds is the most painstaking option for propagating this shrub. The gardener will be able to evaluate the result only after a few years, when the plant reaches its natural size. That is why this method does not suit most lovers of beautiful landscapes.
Basic principles:
- Seeds are recommended to be taken from an adult plant from 3 years.
- Landing is carried out in the winter, in the frozen soil.
- If a spring period is chosen for sowing, it is necessary to pre-harden the seeds at a temperature of no higher than 5 degrees for a couple of months.
- Seeds during planting need to be deepened into the ground a few centimeters.
This option of propagation of doeren is characterized by high percent germination of the plant, but is the most laborious.
Propagation by cuttings
Another way to get a beautiful garden design in a quick time is by propagating deeren by cuttings. This option helps to keep all the characteristics of the mother bush in the daughter.
How is it done:
In the spring, shrubbery is carried out, then it is necessary to select the shoots suitable for reproduction. They must be healthy, strong, have several large kidneys. Cuttings should be planted in containers with enriched soil, then placed in a greenhouse.
The shrub will take root all summer, during which time it must be fertilized and watered regularly. In early autumn, you can plant prepared seedlings in a selected place outdoors.
Bush division
The option in which reproduction is carried out by the method of dividing the bush is quite simple.
How to perform:
Mature variegated dogwood should be dug along with the root. Then the bush is divided into components, the root system is separated using a knife. After all the manipulations, the plant is planted back, daughter seedlings should be transplanted into pre-selected, prepared and fertilized depressions in the soil.
Propagation by layering
Due to the fact that the shrub has spreading foliage, such a method as propagation by layering is also suitable for it.
How is it done:
Held in the spring. To do this, bend the young branches to the ground, securing them with metal brackets. Sprouts should be sprinkled with soil, watered.Over the next year, the shoot will take root, and next spring it can be transplanted.
Care for variegated varnish
The beauty of the leaves, as well as the general appearance of this plant directly depends on regular care, which is based on two basic rules: periodic enrichment of the soil and timely pruning of the crown of the bush.
In general, variegated dogwood is quite unpretentious, tolerates heat or cold well. The main growth of buds and shoots occurs at an air temperature of 15 degrees, if it is lower, the shrub discards leaves, preparing for winter.
Watering and feeding
Young, recently transplanted doeren shoots should be watered mildly every day. Bushes that are older than 3 years old do not need daily watering, in the summer, the schedule fluctuates within 1-2 times a week.
If the soil around the shrub is moist, watering should be skipped during this period. One bucket of water is enough for an adult dogwood.
Shrubs are fed in spring and summer, using mineral (200 gr. Per bush) and organic (5 gr. Compost per plant) fertilizers.
Pruning is necessary to give a beautiful shape to the bush, as well as for the elementary care of it. Trimming is necessary twice during the summer period, during which wilted leaves and dry branches should be removed. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a pruner.
Using deeren, you can create a clear border in the form of a hedge or a beautiful single plant of a round shape. Pruning should be done carefully, taking care not to damage the leaves, which are the main advantage of the variegated shrub.
Preparing for wintering
Since the plant is quite unpretentious, it does not require special preparation for wintering. Young cuttings are recommended to be left in the greenhouse until spring in temporary soil, an adult plant does not need additional manipulations.
In autumn, watering and fertilizer should be reduced. Before winter, the bush will completely discard the foliage, which will help it survive the cold season.
Variegated dogwood is a very easy-care plant with its obvious beauty, which makes it a favorite among many gardeners. He is able to ennoble any garden, pleasing the eye with his two-tone crown for many years.